Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 9 - The reborn gangster?

Illusions can have a huge effect on the human senses, but in fact nothing happens.

Other people around also saw this incredible scene, filled with doubts.

At this moment, the giant praying mantis jumped forward again, swung with countless horrifying double sickles.

The man’s eyes closed tightly in fear, his whole body trembling violently.


Under the watch of many people, no one thought that the horrible sickle fell with a terrifying power and passed through.

The imaginary cruel blood did not appear. Although the man’s painful red eyes roared and rolled across the ground, but there was no tear on his arm.

“Okay, your hands are fine.” Some people couldn’t bear to look directly.

“What’s okay! It hurts me! Soul!”

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh … !!!”

This person began to roll around, and the people around him found that it was really okay, and they came around curiously.


Suddenly, a sharp piercing meow sounded.

The giant praying mantis found that he could not kill human beings, and immediately turned his target, and waved a double sickle toward the elves.

The pink kitten in the hands of a little girl was swept by a sickle, and the beautiful and silky fluff was cut immediately, and the bright red blood spattered out.

The girl hugged the cat, curled up into a ball, and fell to the ground, her mouth also screamed harshly.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!”


“Hurry! Everyone leave the playground! These monsters can’t walk out of the playground!” Someone in the crowd roared again.

Everyone woke up in an instant, crowded out of the playground.

After knowing that these monsters will not cause death, although the pain is a bit painful, it will not affect the retreat of the crowd.

More obsessed boys gave way to the girls they admired were very gentlemen.

When everyone walked out of the playground, the teacher didn’t have time to close the door, and the students surrounded the playground curiously.

This is like seeing a chimpanzee at the zoo for the first time.

Human instinctive curiosity drives them not to take a step.

And the giant mantis is also quite cooperative, just like the wild monsters in the game, wandering aimlessly on the playground.

Or licking the blade, or combing the wing, or jumping into the air, falling in a large circle in the air.

“Made, my cost of living fell!” A boy gritted his teeth and stared at a red banknote on the playground.

One hundred RMB!

The boy hesitated for a second, then turned and rushed in.

Will not die again! Will not die, what is there to fear!

“Wang Shen! You are dead!?!”

Qian Kun watched his friend suddenly rush into the playground like crazy, and yelled out in a hurry.

“I won’t die again! I’m going to get my money back! You don’t care about me!” Wang Shen replied without looking back.

“Money?” Qian Kun suddenly saw a sudden bright red on the playground and muttered: “For a hundred dollars … Don’t you even want to die? …”

Or, what did Wang Shen find? Qian Kun couldn’t help thinking.


On the other side, after Wang Shen rushed in, he collided with the giant mantis that was blocking the door.

“Mom, you can’t kill me, but I don’t have the cost of living, and I don’t eat, drink, or go online. How can I live a week?”

Wang Shen further strengthened his determination and ran quickly to the side of the giant mantis.

The giant praying mantis is a little faster than ordinary people, but Wang Shen found that when this monster leaps and attacks, it will use its wings to stir in the air to maintain balance.

This may be an inadvertent movement, but this giant mantis did jump to Wang Shen, the blade raised high, and in the air, gently stirred the wings.

Wang Shen rolled his head forward sharply, and his feet fell to the ground. Before the dizziness in his brain disappeared, he immediately rushed out like an arrow.

“The old man is really witty! Hahaha … !!! Shit puts you!”


Outside the enclosure wall of the playground, countless faces stunned.

After Wang Shen rushed into the playground, everyone put his eyes on him.

Almost everyone thought he would be cut in the next second, and then fell to the ground in pain.

For this reason, several school physical education teachers began to move outside the playground.

Is ready to rush in and rescue him!

who knows…

This product is not sold according to the routine!

Say good pain is not about to live? !

Is there any such operation?

“This product is probably a reborn gangster! A set of positions, if I read correctly, this is absolutely impossible without decades of hard work!”

“Big brother! Do you accept the younger brother? I will warm the bed ~!”

“Who is this? That class? What is the name? Who can tell me that the old lady is going to come to the house to raise relatives!”

“… You guys are crazy? … He is purely a dog jumping over the wall, okay! Let me come and I will do too!”


No matter what the outsiders are saying, Wang Shen can’t hear it. At this moment, in his eyes, he only has his own one hundred RMB.

Grandpa Mao is more cute than anything!

“Huh ~”

Suddenly, his body stopped, his eyes were red, bloodshot eyes appeared, and there was a silky drop at the corner of his eyes.

“Ah ah ah ah ah…!!!”

“Vile … sneak attack !!!”

“It hurts … !!!”

“It hurts me … !!!”


A cat-sized white lamb fell on the grass, half of his cheek was cut with a sharp blade, his eyeball burst, and blood was flowing.

“Fuck! How come you little thing has come, are you not afraid of death ?! Pain ah ah !!! My eyes !!!” Wang Shen patted the ground with pain.

“Huh ~?” With one eye left, the little lamb looked at Wang Shen with cuteness, doubt and pain.

The pet is the same as the owner, one is injured, the other feels the same.

Wang Shen seemed to know the little lamb’s doubts and became even more angry.

“Who told you to follow me to death ?! These monsters can’t kill me, but they can kill you! Oh my god! Wouldn’t you look at the form ?! You are giving away the head!”

The giant praying mantis jumped up again, fanning its wings and holding its blade high.

Wang Shen was shocked

“Are you still here?”

Too late to think, he threw himself out, exhausted all his energy and struggling.

“Huh ~?”

The lamb crooked his head stained with red blood, and looked at the master who pounced on himself suspiciously.

With his simple head, he couldn’t understand it at all, and Wang Shen was already anxious.

Don’t die! Don’t die!

It is already this level of painlessness when the eyes are cut …

If the pet dies …

Will I die here too?

Such pain, I dare not imagine it!

Wang Shen didn’t know how painful it was, and didn’t want to know.

He hugged the dazed lamb tightly.

At the same time, the blade of the giant mantis also fell, as if a flash of silver flashed.

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