Super Fantasy Big Bang

Chapter 23 - Testosterone fortification

Watched the police car to take the two of them away. Meng Ke had a headache and chatted with Lin Chenxi for a while.

He knew that Lin Chenxi was not a love to him at first sight, it was purely … love, excessive hormone secretion caused abnormal brain.

When she left, Meng Ke sat back to the milk tea shop and called for a cup of milk tea again.

Endocrinology has a great influence on emotions, but it can also help Meng Ke control emotions.

However, what Meng Ke wants to do is not to control emotions by suppressing hormones.

Since he can hypnotize his body, what does he still do to exercise every day?

Exercising is just a process of breaking up and rebuilding muscles, and it is not only a waste of time for ordinary people, but also a thief.

Meng Ke has learned that for the human body, too much testosterone will promote protein synthesis, promote bone growth, and enhance human immunity.

In the fitness industry, the importance of testosterone is self-evident. The more testosterone is secreted, the higher the muscle mass and quantity of the human body. The higher the muscle mass and quantity, the more testosterone is secreted.

Someone once boldly guessed that if a person’s testosterone can be secreted in the maximum amount, the person does not need to exercise, and can easily reach the limit of the human body quality by eating and sleeping all day.

From this we can see that testosterone can simply be called human fortification.

Meng Ke’s vision is like this, he can hypnotize his body, can make a large amount of testosterone secretion.

Has tried twice in others now, Meng Ke also has some experience in hormone control.

Just think about it. Anyway, if he has energy, he is not afraid of an accident.

Meticulously observed the part that mainly produces active testosterone, Meng Ke repeatedly confirmed that it was correct, and immediately turned on the ability.

In an instant, Meng Ke felt a heat flow from bottom to top through his mental strength, and he continued to accumulate after he spread all over every corner of the body.


Instantly realized that testosterone must be absorbed by the body before it can become muscles, and his current state is that the amount is too large to eat at one time!


Meng Ke gradually reduced the testosterone burst, and at the same time began to let the body fully absorb the accumulated testosterone.

After a while, he finally found a balance. Testosterone was flowing in the body, and every cell of the body could absorb it perfectly. Until the last cell was filled, the testosterone went all over the body.

“Cuckoo …”

Two hours after the start, the abdomen made a dull sound, and Meng Ke felt a growing hunger.

“Substances do not appear out of thin air. A process of my body becoming stronger is also the result of the body’s high-speed absorption of nutrients, so if I want to maintain this state all the time, I am afraid I will have to eat a meal for an hour in the future!”

Meng Ke thought helplessly, took out his mobile phone and searched for the nearest cafeteria. The simple method already mentioned in this web novel. As a poor man, Meng Ke had to say sorry to the cafeteria.

The buffet is cheap and the amount is large. Although the food may not be particularly delicious, Meng Ke needs the nutrition in the food to maintain the growth of the body. It does not matter whether it is delicious or not.

But in the future, it is impossible to go to the cafeteria to eat every day, which is not only inconvenient and expensive, but thinking about it, Meng Ke opened Taobao to buy a bunch of nutritional products.

Looked at the balance with only three digits left, and Meng Ke was a little depressed.

He has been buying things during this time without making money, so he can only get in and out, and now there is not much money.

I never thought of using my ability to make money, Meng Ke suddenly laughed at himself.

If someone else suddenly acquires this ability, the first thing they should do is make money!

Came out from the cafeteria, Meng Ke suddenly thought of a place, immediately called Didi.

Hongye Hotel

Generally this kind of hotel is not formal, but Meng Ke is looking for irregular.

Do n’t look at the surface of this hotel is a small three-storey building, no one came to the door, but many people know that there is a small shop next to the hotel, there will be an iron door inside the small shop.

If you enter from the main entrance of the hotel, the front desk will tell you that the room is full, but you can go upstairs by walking through the iron gate.


You asked why Meng Ke knew this?

This shop is not only the iron gate, but also a computer for minors to access the Internet.

Back then, when he was a student, he and his friends often ran here to get online and got acquainted with their bosses. They often saw people walking in and out of the iron gates, and asked the boss to know.

Is not a mysterious place, but a private casino.


This is a secret gambling place.

Meng Ke also came here to make money.

Entered the door and greeted the boss. The two had known each other for five or six years. The boss led him into the iron gate.

Inside the iron gate, two men sat on the stairs, sitting there while smoking a cigarette and holding a mobile phone. They were guarding the gate here.

If the person who comes in is not brought in by the boss, they will directly notify the person above, and then stop the person from going up, regardless of whether the person is the police or who.

And they sit here, they can get a few hundred dollars a day for the door charge.

“Come here?” A man squinted at Meng Ke.

“I don’t doubt it, I will make people go up.” The boss said impatiently and turned to close the door.

Meng Ke just knew about this place before. He hadn’t been here. He was a little uncomfortable for the first time.

A man led him upstairs and asked, “Look at your birthday, this is the first time, what do you want to play?”

“Explode golden flower without capping.”

“Huh? Didn’t you see it, or a rich man?” The man surprised and ridiculed.

The fried gold flower is called three cards. At the beginning of the game, each participant lays down the gold at the table. The dealer sends three cards to each person. The dealer starts to call the card. Decide whether to fold or call.

To fold is to give up the deposit, and to call then continue to put down the same amount of money on the table.

Of course, you can also use the amount of money that doubled the opponent’s deposit to open the opponent’s card. In this process, only the two people know that the smaller card will automatically fold.

And if everyone keeps calling and the card is not opened, there are two ways to play Jinhua, capped and uncapped.

Capping means that after a few rounds of calling, everyone’s cards are automatically opened, and the one with the largest card wins.

If you do not cap, you can keep calling until someone opens.

Therefore, the fried golden flower is also called the game of the rich.

The man made a phone call and brought Meng Ke into a room.

In this room, four people have already started the game in the smoke, all of them are indifferent and people can’t see the slightest expression.

At this time, there was already a small pile of red banknotes on the card table.

Meng Ke came in and quietly found a seat to sit down.

Watching chess is silent, so is playing cards.





The round of cards ended quickly, and the dealer did not ask Meng Ke. When he saw that he had dropped his deposit, he knew he was here to play. He directly dealt three cards in front of him.

Gold 100, Meng Ke swept the cards in front with his mental strength, 78J, the largest square J, he did not go to the flop, so that others would use his 400 to open his cards.


Spiritual power swept the audience.

Has gone through his vision, and everyone’s cards seem to be spread out to him.





There are two people whose cards are bigger than him, and they both read the cards.

The first round of calling started, and the cap with 367 was immediately discarded.





Normally, I just went to the table, and no one can understand your bottom. At this time, even if you hold a small card, you can try it.

After the first round, add another four hundred to the table.

The second round begins, and then it is the real starting hand.

After the dealer called, he clockwise, a man smoking a cigarette looked at the dealer and said something

“Let’s open the card, I don’t believe you can still have the luck with this one.”

In the fried golden flower, whoever wins the next game is the dealer.

The smoking man holds two ~ ~ pairs, he does have the confidence to open other people’s cards.

Meng Ke knew that he had the biggest hand in this round, so after the two saw the cards, the dealer holding Q54 automatically fold.

This is a bit troublesome. This smoking man is obviously rich, as can be seen from his random opening of dealer cards.

He doesn’t care about winning or losing.

As long as they get a slightly better card, they will follow along.

However, when Meng Ke called, he still decisively called.

This time, he brought nine hundred dollars with him. If he lost the first game, he would have no money to start the second game.

Therefore, he cannot lose in this round.

Reached the third round.

Unsurprisingly, the smoking man and another old-looking man called again.

They all feel that their cards are large. The more money they have on the table, the more they earn.

Meng Ke thought the same way, so he called decisively.

He will not lose, why not follow?

So, because they played an uncapped table, everyone followed in turn for three rounds.

At this time, there was already a lot of RMB on the table.

The smoking man carefully opened another man’s card, and the man didn’t show too much expression after fold, and the dark continued to stare at the table.

Meng Ke counted, there are already 39,000 at the table, if the smoking man wants to open his cards, then add 2800.

But if Meng Ke went to open his cards, it would be only one thousand four.

“Let’s open the card, I don’t think you read the card from beginning to end, the courage is so big, I don’t believe you are bigger than me!”

The man spit out a smoke with confidence, the expression on his face seemed to be non-smiling, as if he had fixed Meng Ke.

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