Super Evolution Base Island

Chapter 540 - Star Sea (The Finale)

A year later, an aurora fell from the sky over the vast ocean of the entire earth.

After the aurora fell, tsunami and volcano erupted.

However, that seems to be just the beginning.

Subsequently, several successive aurora beams came straight from the sky, some fell on the ocean, and some fell on the mountains and lakes of the continental plate.

When those aurora came, their fall quickly caused a disaster.

When earthquakes, sea blasts, volcanic eruption mountains, fires, floods, and other types of natural disasters appear one after another, it seems that some punch on the earth has made a few terrible scars.

This sudden aurora-induced phenomenon has plunged the entire human race into a huge disaster.

As for the space stations or satellites launched by various countries in various places in space, they are basically furnishings for the aurora emitted from the depths of the universe. They do not play any warning role in space. They are like Deaf and blind.

Not only that, when the aurora fell, most of the human space stations and satellites in outer space were basically destroyed by that aurora.

Those auroras are cylindrical, and when fighters of human nations pass by, they are like a very small ant.

When those fighters approached the aurora, they would quickly explode together and be detonated by the energy in that aurora.


Subsequently, the heads of some human nations issued orders that they wanted to use missiles to attack the aurora, but after the missile was launched, the missile was detonated before it hit the aurora.

Even some countries have fired electromagnetic cannonballs, which still pose no threat to the aurora.

The entire human race is in a panic. They don’t know where the aurora came from and what is inside the aurora.

Most people imagine the doomsday scene of aliens invading the earth.

So the whole earth was plunged into huge chaos.

Among them, the Third Reich, which has been lurking in the shadow of this world for a long time, suddenly became active after the disaster.

Some puppets sent by the Third Reich gave speeches everywhere, mentioning that the coming of God ’s light to the earth would bring relief to human beings. Before the destruction of the earth, they would lead elite humans to new cosmic galaxies and seek for human A better home makes human beings have a larger and wider living space.

Various countries have secretly arrested and cracked down on the rumblings of these sudden emergences of the Third Reich.

However, things are getting worse and worse. Many countries seem to have suddenly changed their atmosphere overnight. Some heads of state suddenly appeared and publicly supported such remarks, which caused a worldwide uproar.

But few people know that the ruling classes of the public who have spoken publicly have long been replaced by the puppet creatures of the Third Reich.

After the aurora came to earth, there was no major movement for the time being.

After three months, when human beings passed the natural disaster brought by the Aurora, they did not have the motivation to rebuild their homes, but they were eager to find a new living space.

Many scientists have also joined forces to study what the aurora really is, but the technology contained in that aurora is too advanced, and they have no clue at all.

However, the whole world is caught in this aurora crisis and it is not clear what the reason is, but only one person knows more about that aurora.

This person is Yu Xiaohu.

In the first moment of the aurora’s arrival, Yu Xiaohu already detected it through energy base stations established around the world.

The locations where the aurora comes are very regular and have a certain purpose.

In particular, Yu Xiaohu compared with the chart he has mastered and the spatial coordinate positions he had previously marked, and found that the locations where the aurora fell were all places that the Third Empire wanted to occupy in secret.

Or, there are some places that have not been detected by Yu Xiaohu, where the secret base of the Third Reich is also secretly established, and its time span is also very long.

It can be said that as early as thousands of years, some mysterious and evil organizations among human beings were preparing for those aurora coming.

Now, after the aurora’s smooth arrival, the third empire hidden in the shadows has finally surfaced, and their purpose is also to enslave the entire human race with the technology brought by the aurora.

Yu Xiaohu has long discovered the third empire’s arrangement of marine space coordinate points, and he also used the Robot Corps to secretly investigate those places.

Moreover, through this year’s preparations, Yu Xiaohu once again upgraded and evolved the base island to a stage, and built the base island into an extremely solid fortress.

In addition, through the rapid development of octopus island in the past year, octopus island has become the world’s safest, the most developed technology, no disaster, and the most dependable place.

This year, because of the frequent natural disasters in various places, the whole world has almost reached a state of madness in migrating the situation on Octopus Island.

It is only that Octopus Island can carry a limited number of people. Yu Xiaohu just chose 30 million elite migrant octopus islands from various industries.

After emigrating to Octopus Island, he re-educated those human elites, ordered them to learn the star language, mastered some basic knowledge of more advanced black technology, and then gradually transferred some of the black technology on the base island to Octopus Island. Major experimental research centers on the Internet.

Through the research and development of elites in major experimental research centers, a variety of technologies have been broken, especially the research of genetic technology, which has also made great breakthroughs in human life.

After the development of science and technology was handed to those scientists, Yu Xiaohu began to establish a space base on Weidao.

Two years later, Yu Xiaohu’s space base on Weidao was finally completed.

That space base is a very important springboard for the base island to take off and enter space.

And just as Yu Xiaohu’s space base was built.

Finally, the Aurora, which has been staying since the advent of it, lasted about three years, and finally has new changes. They are slowly shrinking.

At this time, the Third Reich finally began to launch their long-awaited Earth occupation plan.

They wanted to turn the entire earth into an organization-controlled country and their third empire, so when their jihadist plan began, they became extremely crazy.

Their force was very powerful and advanced, and those countries close to the temporary base were all under the force of the Third Reich.

Yu Xiaohu didn’t pay attention to this, because the whole earth was caught in the shadow of the war launched by the Third Reich, and he couldn’t even care to rescue those countries.

He will only do his best to save many important inheritances of mankind, and to reserve a batch of seeds for the future reconstruction of the homeland.

Therefore, the war in the Third Reich began to escalate, beginning in Europe and gradually spreading to the entire world.

Even if it is the rice country, now they can’t even take care of themselves. Where can they still have the energy to serve as the world police, the rice country is also suffering from the destruction of the war and is even more serious.

At this time, when those aurora began to change, Yu Xiaohu searched the huge resources of the earth and the ocean, and finally successfully completed the construction of the Robot Corps and the Biological Battle Corps.

After the completion of the huge robot army, Yu Xiaohu issued orders, and the robot army quickly began to march to the places covered by the aurora.

As a result, a black technology war that does not seem like human beings are eligible to participate in the war has finally officially started after the robot legions arrived in the regions of Aurora around the world.

In fact, that kind of aurora is a kind of high-tech retaining wall, and hidden inside the aurora retaining wall are the alien spacecraft that landed on the earth through the coordinate signals left by the earth.

The reason why those alien ships did not start a plundering war on Earth after they landed on Earth is because the aliens in those ships need to do some research on the earth and human beings, and only after a correct assessment of human technological level Will launch.

After three years of investigation and research, they had a deep understanding of human science and technology, and then began their plan to occupy the earth.

However, these aliens rely on indestructible aurora walls as an advanced technology, and once they remove those walls and drill out of the spacecraft, their nightmares also begin.

These aliens are very cruel. Although their level of technology is high, their level of intelligence is basically at the level of humans. They did not find that hidden on the deep ocean floor, and they also have a very high-tech base island.

This brought them a great hidden danger.

When those Aurora walls were gradually withdrawn by aliens, their land and air fleet only opened from the spacecraft, and they were attacked by the Robot Corps.

The weapons equipped by the Robot Legion are all five-star technology unlocked after the base island is upgraded to the fourth stage.

After contacting the alien fleet and launching a battle, although the aliens’ equipment level is high, their command level is not good.

With the same level of scientific and technological strength, the base island army quickly occupied the peak, eliminating waves of alien troops.

The same scene is happening everywhere in the world.

The aliens did not expect that there is still a very high level of technology on the earth. Their level of technology is also very strong. After they were caught off guard, they began to formally form humans on the earth and launched several waves of special weapon attacks. Counterattack, this turned the situation around, the two sides began to enter a deadlock combat phase.

Due to the invasion operation across the cosmic wormhole at a very long distance, the number of aliens who came to Earth was not large, and the resources could not keep up.

But the base island is different. He has a huge resource pool of the entire earth to consume with aliens.

Since the official battle with these aliens, although the whole ball is caught in the flames of war, the Third Reich is also crazy occupying one country after another.

As normal humans, they are also watching the high-level war between human technology and aliens.

Although they could not participate in this high-level war, the entire humanity on the earth realized that it was above the earth and also hidden such a force with a very high-tech level that can resist aliens invading the earth, that is, Octopus Island.

At this time, the base island also successfully docked with the space base, and officially floated to the surface, showing it in front of humans and aliens on the entire planet, shocking the world, and also shocking the aliens.

For the fourth stage of the base island, which is comparable to the super space warship, the shock he brought to the aliens is very strong.

After making an urgent assessment of the hidden technology level of the base island, they quickly issued an evacuation order because they knew that they were about to lose in this war.

But when I came, I wanted to leave. How could it be so easy.

Yu Xiaohu had already guarded against the aliens long ago. When the aurora came to protect the walls, he was preparing to destroy them.

Therefore, when those alien spaceships plan to open the Aurora Protective Wall again, Yu Xiaohu’s army of intelligent creatures has finally launched.

Those biological human legions are hidden all over the world, and the armed secret facilities they have established have been upgraded and strengthened to become super weapons.

Those superweapons are capable of emitting extremely high energy, which can almost destroy the terrifying power of a planet.

So under the strike of those super weapons, the Aurora wall of the alien spacecraft quickly collapsed.

And that aurora wall is very draining flux. After the technological weapons that the aliens rely on gradually lose their effect under the impact of those super weapons, they will also lose the opportunity to leave the earth.

At this time, the Robot Corps of Base Island launched a general attack.

In this world war that lasted for almost a year, the alien army was finally wiped out, and the entire human race fell into carnival.

After the Robot Corps eliminated the alien forces, the Third Reich was as vulnerable as an ant to them.

Yu Xiaohu only sent a few robots to the team, and quickly eliminated all the forces of the Third Reich.

After the aliens were destroyed, their weapons and equipment as well as the technology tree were also obtained by humans and Yu Xiaohu.

After Yu Xiaohu obtained the alien science and technology creations, he immediately conducted an analysis and research on them, and acquired a part of the alien’s scientific and technological strength.

However, through the contents of the communication left by the aliens, after Yu Xiaohu cracked it, he found that the situation was still not optimistic.

Because the terrible third empire received the signal from the outer universe through the aliens, they sent a huge cosmic conquest fleet.

And the first alien spacecraft that landed on Earth turned out to be only their vanguard, the main force of the aliens, has now entered the solar system, and there is not much time to reach Earth.

Although the situation is somewhat endangered, for Yu Xiaohu, he still has time to prepare.

In order to avoid those bugs coming out to disturb the storm, Yu Xiaohu sent a team of biological people to start a sweeping campaign around the world.

The senior executives of some countries also know the deciphered alien communications, and they know that the endangerment of the earth is currently all on base islands.

In order to provide a good rear environment for base islands, all countries in the world have suffered from such huge blows and crises. They have abandoned their national stereotypes and vigorously studied the development of newly acquired alien technologies. The commands are also very cooperative.

Therefore, with the solidarity and cooperation of all mankind, the base island quickly eliminated the remnants of those third empires still lurking around the earth.

However, although the forces of the Third Reich were wiped out under the blow of human solidarity, their old nests were also destroyed by Yu Xiaohu, and countless high-rises were also wiped out.

But the most mysterious leader of the Third Reich was still missing, as if it had evaporated.

In order to eliminate this last scourge, Yu Xiaohu turned to the dark and began investigating.

After investigating the third emperor leader, after the base island and the space base successfully completed the docking, the base island began to make space warships.

Although the aliens have been eliminated, the third empire, the culprit, has been wiped out, and humankind has also mastered some of the technology left by the aliens, but it takes time to develop.

In order to allow human beings to have self-protection, Yu Xiaohu worked hard to bring together many human nations to unite, completely eliminate the concept of the state, and form a human federation.

Under the scourge of war and energy radiation, the entire planet has been extinct. Most terrestrial environments are extremely harsh and unfit for human habitation. Many countries have long been destroyed. Humanity can only shift the focus of livability to the sea. It’s really too much to toss.

As a result, several technologically advanced countries took the lead in launching an initiative, and after receiving the approval of many countries, finally in the second spring of the year, when all things recovered, humanity completely eliminated the constraints of the country and formed a brand-new free federation. , Was named human union.

On the proposal of several elected senior members of the human federation, they intend to elect Yu Xiaohu as the first federal chairman, which has also received strong support from one billion of the 1.6 billion humans who still survive on the entire planet.

However, Yu Xiaohu’s goal is the sea of ​​stars. His ideal is to explore the mysterious universe, communicate with multiple alien races, and find a more suitable living space for the earth. He is not interested in being the chairman of the human federation.

Therefore, after Yu Xiaohu rejected this post, in the end, the only billion humans who left the worship of him, the human hero who saved the earth in one hand, barely accepted the name of the human federation honor seat, which is still the true earth First person.

After this incident, Yu Xiaohu used the powerful technology on the base island to continuously build artificial large-scale land islands on the ocean, and migrated those humans who are still struggling to survive under the radiation and harsh environment conditions to these. Come up on artificial land.

With the marine living environment and the support of a large number of marine resources, after moving to a new land, human beings have the opportunity to rest and rest.

After another three years, the entire human race finally re-developed on the ruins of the war with aliens, and the level of science and technology has also greatly improved.

Yu Xiaohu also used the base island to fly out of the spaceship to build a huge space military base on Saturn.

But at this time, mankind once again found the approaching crisis in the solar system. The alien fleet that had invaded the earth has reached Venus and established a temporary base on Venus. Their advance army is heading towards the earth. Facing the crisis again.

But this time, in order to cope with the forthcoming space war, human beings are quite prepared.

With the support of Yu Xiaohu in recent years, Base Island successfully produced dozens of huge space battleships and used the moon as a satellite base. Those spacecraft have been accepted on the moon for a long time. The reorganization training has greatly improved the defense level of human space warfare.

This time, Yu Xiaohu will plan to place the battlefield on Saturn and Venus in the solar system to keep this world war away from human homeland.

At the same time, on the earth, Yu Xiaohu has used these years to build a large number of extremely defensive super weapons. Once those alien ships land on the earth, these super weapons can easily shoot them down.

After arranging preparations on the earth, at the same time, Yu Xiaohu’s robot army and intelligent warships on the space base built on Saturn also began to prepare for war under his command.

However, just when Yu Xiaohu was going to take the base island to take off to the base of Saturn and participate in this human-related death and death cosmic war, he suddenly received an unexpected news on the base island.

Yun Xiangrong passed it to him.

Yun Xiangrong has been working behind the base island since he set up a good environment for his tribe to destroy the Third Reich conspiracy through a war, and has been working on the base island as a Star Wars teacher to train more More space war commander talent.

During this holiday, Yun Xiangrong wanted to go back to her hometown, and planned to see her adoptive father so that she could do her filial piety.

What she didn’t expect was that when she went back to see her adoptive father, she unexpectedly discovered the abnormality of her adoptive father, who secretly built a very deep basement in her house.

At that time, Yun wanted to be curious and quietly investigated and controlled the basement.

But when he found that the basement was a biological experimental base, there were many people who were identical to her adoptive father and her, and those humans were still parasitic with a kind of microbes that controlled them, and Yun Xiangrong was stunned.

She had no idea that her approachable, kind and kind father would secretly hide her from doing such evil things secretly.

She researched in the laboratory and found many communication devices with very advanced technology. Those devices were not connected with all parts of the earth, but from some mysterious signals in outer space.

Yun Xiangrong saw the anger after seeing this. Through these, he can already speculate that her adoptive father, Su Shidao, has absolutely problems. He is probably the person behind the evil third empire organization. emperor.

But when Yun Xiangrong wanted to find Su Shidao’s criminal evidence, he unexpectedly rushed back because he forgot to close the secret base.

At that time, Su Shidao’s misunderstanding revealed his true face.

He relentlessly wanted to kill Yun Xiangrong to keep this secret, but after all, Yun Xiangrong was an excellent Star Wars commander after years of training. Under her counterattack, the father and daughter battled out On the market, Yun wanted to tolerate serious injuries before he wounded his adoptive father and was going to take him to find Yu Xiaohu.

However, Su Shidao was an extremely cunning character. After using a trap to get rid of Yun Xiangrong, he was ready to run away, but Yun Xiangrong did not allow such a scourge to continue to harm humanity, and forcibly opened this base. The island’s self-destruct mechanism is set to end with the adoptive father.

Before the same return, she sent the last message to Yu Xiaohu, also revealed the feelings buried in her heart for many years, and also told Yu Xiaohu an important secret, that is, about Yu Xiaohu and his sister The whereabouts of the child born.

After receiving the news, Yu Xiaohu seemed very shocked. He also did not expect that the emperor of the Third Reich was Su Shidao, who often met with him.

But then, it was a kind of anger that was played with, let Yu Xiaohu directly send a army of biological creatures, secretly sneaked into that underground base, just before Su Shidao was about to kill Yun Xiangrong’s critical moment, and he would seriously hurt Yun I wanted to be saved, and at the same time captured the last boss of the Third Reich.

When Su Shidao was brought to Yu Xiaohu, Yu Xiaohu asked him why he did such a thing, when did he start, and Su Shidao just said that he wanted to retaliate against all mankind and wanted to destroy the earth, for no other reason.

In fact, there is a reason, this is because Su Shidao’s wife (also his daughter) was forced to give birth to Sister Yang Sutu ~ ~ That incident has dealt a great blow to him, since Since then, he has been on the road to destroy human beings, but he has hidden himself so deeply that no one has ever discovered his secret.

As for Yu Xiaohu, it can be said that Su Shidao used him as a piece, but only this one gradually lost his control and finally made him lose.

After Yu Xiaohu finally got the truth, he directly killed Su Shidao out of a kind of resentment, but he didn’t disclose it. After all, Su Shidao’s enemies died long ago in the flames of war. Makes no sense.

After removing the last buried nail, Yu Xiaohu sent someone to search in secret, retrieved his former sister and the child, and took them back to the base island to live with these wives such as Song Ziqiao Together.

Then, after settling a family issue, Yu Xiaohu took his base island and the space fleet he built, and slowly lifted off the earth with the expectation of the entire human race. , Start their new journey to the sea of ​​stars!

(End of book) (To be continued.) (Super Evolution Base Island: 2424292)-(Super Evolution Base Island)

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