Suddenly Found Out That His Girlfriend Is A Superhero

Chapter 25

Chapter 24 The Combination Of Binocular Ability And Black Technology

blah blah blah! blah blah blah! blah blah blah!

Chu Xuan took a step and walked forward slowly.

Glancing around…

[Item: Stone]

[Status: Contaminated with He Xiaoli’s blood]

Chu Xuan’s eyes narrowed, and he looked at the words “He Xiaoli” in the text.

In the field of vision, a straight line was pulled out from the three words “He Xiaoli” and pulled to the blank space, explaining:

[He Xiaoli: Female, 27 years old, under anesthesia, in deep sleep, was raped by neighbor Zheng Bing not long ago…]

At the same time, in Chu Xuan’s field of vision, among the people who fell to the ground, the words “He Xiaoli” appeared on a woman.

It seems that she is He Xiaoli.

Chu Xuan concentrated again, his eyes focused on the words “neighbor Zheng Bing”, and his spirit was concentrated again.

A line of explanatory text appears:

[Zheng Bing: Male, 28 years old, He Xiaoli’s neighbor, employee of Fuxing Trading Company, was controlled by Meng Hong before his death, and violently abused many women around him… Later, he was frozen into ice sculptures and shattered into several pieces, and died…]

Seeing this, Chu Xuan was instantly refreshed.

Meng Hong!

This should be the evil power user who was hiding behind his back and using mind control to almost control Liu Qing!

Chu Xuan’s eyes focused on the word “Meng Hong”, and the explanation for “Meng Hong” immediately appeared in his field of vision.

[Meng Hong (real name Meng Hong): Male (transgender), 37 years old, S-level power user, super power is ‘mind control’, has used super power many times to control innocent men to violence against innocent women around him, and is currently being enforced by law enforcement The team is wanted and listed as an emergency mission target by the Superhero Association (currently, the law enforcement team and the Superhero Association do not know Meng Hong’s real name and identity)…]

Below this explanation, several explanatory texts are listed in succession.

Those few explanations were all descriptions of the perverted crimes that Meng Hong had committed in the past.

After reading these descriptions, Chu Xuan basically figured it out.

This Meng Hong, who is a superpower, is a transgender person, who has changed from a woman to a man through surgery… Then, he chooses a target man, uses his mind control superpower to control him, and treats the beautiful women around him. violence…

This Meng Hong is really perverted…

Rao is a person of two generations of Chu Xuan, and he has seen some perverts, but he has never seen a person who is perverted to this extent!

Chu Xuan shook his head, moved his steps, and continued to scan everything around him.

According to Chu Xuan’s understanding of superpowers, such powerful spiritual superpowers as mind control cannot be unlimited!

The most likely limitation of this type of powerful control superpower is the limitation of vision!

In other words, if Meng Hong wants to use his mind control skills to control people, he must be within sight!

This shows that… Meng Hong is nearby!

Chu Xuan looked around.

Every alley, every tall building, every window, every shadow…

Lines of text kept appearing.

[Dark room, vacant with no one…]

[Bedroom, couples are in it…]

[The living room, a happy family of three…]

Soon, Chu Xuan shook his head.

The range is too broad!

This location is an open space surrounded by tall buildings. Within a radius of 1000 meters, there are too many places to look directly at this place!

He looked at them one by one, and it was impossible to find Meng Hong in a short time!

“Jarvis, send a drone to conduct a comprehensive reconnaissance and there is no line of sight here, and there is a possibility of hiding people everywhere!”

Chu Xuan ordered lightly.

“Yes, Master!”

Jarvis responded immediately.

Afterwards, in the sky above Chu Xuan’s car, in addition to leaving behind the necessary armed guards, other drones flew in all directions in an instant!

At the same time, the low-light, infrared, and laser lenses on the drone are turned on at the same time, taking images of every window of dozens of buildings around them, and uploading them to the private data center buried deep underground dozens of kilometers away. The computer immediately performs face recognition and analysis on these images, and finds all the face photos that meet the conditions… and then returns all these suspect images within a few seconds…

Chu Xuan, on the other hand, took out a pair of black-rimmed glasses and put them on.

The black-rimmed glasses are connected to the data center through a private network, and quickly display enlarged photos of the suspect’s head on the lenses.

And Chu Xuan, with his own eyes, quickly scanned the photos!

[Sun Changyin, male, 52 years old, sales manager of 4S store…]

[Fang Baoguo, male, 47 years old, factory worker…]

[Wu Lilong, male, 21 years old, university student…]

[Tian Lili, female, 27 years old, Miss KTV wine companion…]

[Meng Fanjuan, female, 46 years old, bath worker…]

Lines of text appear continuously on each photo.

And Chu Xuan controls the rapid scrolling of these photos with his eyes and consciousness through the glasses on his head…

The combination of binocular ability and black technology will make the impossible possible!

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