Stunned for You

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The next day is Monday, and there will be a regular meeting in the Student Union Office after the self-study next night. The main content of this regular meeting is how to write a press release by the office director Yuan Ning. Sui Meng of the External Liaison Department and the Deputy Minister of the Propaganda Department have brought a few small officers to observe and exchange feelings by the way.

Shi Yi was also a member of the External Liaison Department.

After the regular meeting, everyone gathered their things and retreated outside the classroom either around the ministers or holding the hands of their friends.

Looking at Shi Yi’s unhurried posture, Fu Sitian deliberately slowed down the movement of collecting things, and drew on Shi Yi to leave the classroom with Shi Yi at the end.

The lights in the classrooms on both sides of the corridor were all turned off, and everything was quiet. The large group of troops walked in front talking and laughing, Fu Sitian and Shi Yi fell behind, quietly separated by a short distance.

It’s okay to just say anything, Fu Sitian played the drum in his heart, and calmly narrowed the distance between Shi Yi.



Fu Sitian’s voice was almost overlapped, and Shi Yi’s voice sounded in the air. Fu Sitian turned to look at Shi Yi, who also tilted his head to look at her, both of them were taken aback.

“You speak first.” The corners of Shi Yi’s lips rose unnoticeably.

Fu Sitian lowered his head and pursed his lips and smiled, and took out a candy from his pocket and handed it to Shi Yi: “Are you going to have candy? I was the first one in the classroom, and the director gave it to me.”

She raised her head slightly, her eyes bright, as if she was offering treasures. Shi Yi didn’t like to pick up things, but at this moment he couldn’t refuse.

She asked: “Just one, don’t you eat it?”

Fu Sitian heard the sway in Shi Yi’s words, half-peeled the sugar paper, raised it a bit, and handed it to Shi Yi: “More than one, I have eaten it.”

Shi Yi reached out to take the candy, slightly opened his lips and bit into his mouth.

It’s a soft candy, chewed slowly, and it’s quite sweet.

Fu Sitian watched her move her cheeks slightly, she lost a lot of alienation, and she felt sweet in her throat without eating sugar.

“What did you just want to say?” Fu Sitian asked when she finished eating.

Shi Yi recalled briefly, and replied: “I want to ask you about stepping on Saturday.”


Shi Yi said: “Zhou Hushan and Ludao Beach are quite far from our school, and the distance between the two places is also far, so it should take a day to step on the spot, is your time convenient?” Zhou Hushan and Ludao Beach are two of their choices location.

“I’m fine.” She had already told Chen Xizhu that she would free up that day.

“Then there are two past plans. One is that we will take the bus from the school together. I have checked the route and have to transfer on the way. It takes about an hour from the school to Zhouhu Mountain, and one and a half hours from Zhouhu Mountain to Ludao Beach. , Ludao Beach is also close to an hour back to school. Will you get motion sickness?”

Fu Sitian was slightly surprised, lacking confidence: “I’m okay, it’s okay.”

Shi Yi knew it all in his heart. So she said to the second option: “I can also drive there, so the time on the road will be shortened a lot and should be more comfortable. But the premise is that you can rest assured of my car skills.”

Fu Sitian’s surprise was more obvious this time, and asked, “Do you have a driver’s license?”

Shi Yi said, “Well, I just got it for three months.”

Fu Sitian stopped talking. On the one hand, she felt that Shi Yi was so powerful, but on the other hand, the sense of distance that had just disappeared seemed to be an illusion, and Shi Yi seemed to be far away from her again.

Shi Yi thought she was scared, and compromised: “Well, let me find the driver to drive us over, do you think it’s okay?”

Fu Sitian recovered, and quickly defended: “No need, I believe your car skills, no more troublesome people. If it’s convenient for you, then trouble you.”

Shi Yi had something to say first: “After I got my driver’s license, I haven’t driven this far. Is it okay?”

Her expression was serious, but Fu Sitian felt a little bit narrow. Why does she seem to be deliberately frightening her?

She laughed big, and replied to Shi Yi confidently: “It’s okay, I believe you.”

Shi Yi glanced at her and confirmed again that Fu Sitian’s smile was really contagious.

“Then at 8 o’clock on Saturday morning, I will wait for you outside the gate of Building 2, and we will drive over.”

“it is good.”

After returning to the dormitory, Fu Sitian was nervous until bedtime. What kind of clothes should I wear on Saturday?

Although this is not a date, rounding up, it can be regarded as the first time she and Shi Yi have traveled alone together.

She matched her few clothes in her mind, and finally decided that when she wore this year’s New Year, Xiaoyu wore a high-waisted skirt that was too small to give her, matched with an off-white sweater and wine red. Beret, buy a new pair of small leather shoes with long small socks, it should be fine.

She calculated the cost of living and the money she saved from part-time work. This month has already reached the end of the month. It is okay to save another province.

Well, it’s better to buy another pair of small earrings. She thought vaguely before going to bed.

Facts have proved that her clothes are still acceptable. When she wore this outfit on Saturday, when Lingxiu and Qingchun went out to greet the auntie who was on duty, the auntie who was on duty couldn’t help gossiping: “Wow, this morning, where do you go to dress so beautifully?”

Fu Sitian’s little pear vortexed, and she was ashamed. She walked out of the gate of the dormitory and walked briskly toward the gate of the campus while looking out of the campus fence.

When Shi Yi had arrived, the car was parked on the opposite side of the campus gate, and when Fu Sitian stepped out of the gate of the campus, he turned on his car’s headlights to indicate.

It’s a bright white Audi. Shi Yi lowered the car window and waved at her lightly, “Here.”

Fu Sitian unconsciously grasped the chain strap of the messenger bag in front of him, slowed down and walked to the car window and asked, “Is the passenger seat?”

“Yeah.” Shi Yi unlocked the car door.

Fu Sitian walked around to the passenger seat, opened the door and got into the car, put his left foot, body, and right foot into the car carefully, closing the door as lightly as possible.

This is the first time she has been in a car since she grew up, and also the first time she has been in the co-pilot position.

“Have you waited for a long time?” she asked Shi Yi as naturally as possible.

Shi Yi said, “No, I just arrived.”

Fu Sitian’s eyes touched Shi Yi’s seat belt, realizing that he had almost forgotten, and quickly turned his head to look for the belt next to the seat.

Is this it? Only this strap is left. Fu Sitian was playing drums in his heart, learning what he had seen on TV, and pulled out the seat belt. However, how can it be tied to the body obliquely, and where should it be buckled?

She clutched her seat belt and looked nervously, feeling that her entire face was burning.

A burst of fragrance brushed the tip of her nose, and Shi Yi’s slender fingers touched her knuckles and pulled the seat belt away from her hand. Fu Sitian tilted her head slightly, and saw Shi Yi’s white face magnified in front of her, her eyelashes hanging down, long and dense, “Let me help you. The seat belt buckle of this car is a bit loose and always slips to the back. Not very good.”

Her tone is very ordinary. On TV, there are often simple and quick pulls and clicks, and Shi Yi lasted for several seconds to complete. Did you go down the stairs specially? Fu Sitian stared at Shi Yi’s face for two seconds, staggering his eyes, his heart pounding, a little warm and a little depressed.

Shi Yi helped her fasten up, sat upright, pulled her seat belt, and suddenly said, “I don’t see you wearing a skirt very often.”

Fu Sitian’s thoughts were brought back, and he looked at Shi Yi and let out a “um”. Today, Shi Yi is quite different. She wore a thin jacket with a pointed collar and a bit of tooling style, which neutralized the beauty of her face, and was dignified and capable.

Fu Sitian later realized: “Ah, sorry, is it inappropriate for me to dress like this?” After all, I didn’t really go to play today.

Shi Yi started the car and looked at the road ahead, “No, it’s suitable.”

“It looks pretty, you can wear it more in the future.”

The wish that I faintly expected for a week was really fulfilled by Shi Yi. Fu Sitian’s heart seemed to be filled with pink bubbles, and the voice was a little floating: “Okay.” She agreed softly, paused, and said in a softer voice: “You dress today, and you look very beautiful.”

When Shi Yi didn’t speak, Fu Sitian heard her as if making a very light laughter, scratching her heart like a feather.

Soft and itchy.

After the car drove a distance steadily, the sun pushed away the clouds and fog, and the sun swooped into the car through the glass, a little dazzling. When Shi Yi arrived at an intersection waiting for a red light, she stretched out her hand to lower the sun visor of the passenger seat, “Will it be more comfortable?” She put on her sunglasses.

Fu Sitian glanced at her and forced himself to withdraw his eyes. “Ok.”

The green light was on and the car started to flow. Shi Yi said, “It’s still early. If you are sleepy, you can sleep for a while, and I will call you when it comes.”

Fu Sitian said quickly: “I’m not sleepy.”

Shi Yi asked, “Listen to the song?”

“it is good.”

“What song is it?”

“It’s okay.” She also wanted to hear what kind of songs Shi Yi usually likes.

Shi Yi turned on the car stereo and clicked randomly, and the soothing and sweet music came from the stereo, flowing in this quiet morning time.

It’s pure music, and Fu Sitian’s eyes are dim. Without the lyrics, she couldn’t secretly write down and search it.

The car drove out of a section of road that Shi Yi was familiar with. Shi Yi slowed down, drove on the navigation, entered Zhou Hushan’s destination, and followed the guidance of the navigation.

The navigation will be voiced once every some distance. After the Huawu Bridge, go straight for two hundred meters, the navigation reminds you, 500 meters ahead, turn right, the car enters Pushun Avenue.

Pushun Avenue? Fu Sitian refreshed and looked out the car window subconsciously.

The street trees on both sides of the car windows were backing quickly, 500 meters passed quickly, and Pushun Avenue was in front of you.

The red light came on and the car stopped.

Fu Sitian couldn’t help asking: “Shi Yi, can I open the car window?”

Shi Yi said: “Yes.” She helped Fu Sitian lower the window and asked: “Where is it uncomfortable?” She was afraid of Fu Sitian’s motion sickness.

Fu Sitian looked out the car window and denied softly: “No, I just want to look outside.”

Shi Yi followed her eyes and saw that there were ordinary tall buildings and continuous storefronts outside the car window, and there was nothing surprising. Looking further away, a blue road sign attracted Shi Yi’s attention—

Pushun East Road.

Ah, she’s been here. The long-lasting memory is suddenly awakened.

In the car audio, the sound of the previous song disappeared, and the piano sound of the next song, which Shi Yi and Fu Sitian are familiar with, Bandari’s “Childhood”.

The author has something to say:

Today is the attacking rabbit

Fu Xiaotu: Oh, oh, today I am Shi Yi’s sunglasses!

Shi Yi thought for a while, hung his sunglasses on the neckline, and the legs of the sunglasses hung inside.

Fu·Sunglasses·Little White Rabbit quickly turned into a little roasted rabbit, red and red, and smoking.

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