Strong Counterattack

Chapter 9 - I love learning 09

Lu Chengle is Ye Zhixia’s boyfriend.

The two of them, Jin Tong, Yu Nu, and Shuang Xie, both began to mention it a few times. Later, they found that their grades did not decline, and they went with them.

After the transfer, the original owner didn’t have much communication with Lu Chengle, and he didn’t bother to talk to Ye Zhixia, he kept holding back.

But Ye Ang …

she’s not!

She doesn’t!

Ye Ang: What is Ye Zhixia doing recently?

Lu Chengle: You suddenly asked her why?

Ye Ang: You should ask her what she did. I transferred to the second middle school as she said, what else would she want?

Ye Ang: Do you occupy the earth?

Ye Ang: Wandering in front of me again, I let her know how the meteorite landed.

It took more than ten minutes for the other side to reply again.

Lu Chengle: What?

Lu Chengle: She is in poor health. She has been hospitalized recently and has not come to school.

Ye Ang: Oh. But what does it matter for her to be sick? Can this also push me on the head? Is something wrong?

Lu Chengle 😕 ?

Ye Ang posted all the photos he had taken before.

Ye Ang: Your school. She said that I was bullying her because she was in a psychological shadow and was afraid of being held accountable, so she escaped from the experiment. So she was hospitalized because I bullied her?

Ye Ang: I also spent money to find artificial rumors in No. 2 Middle School, so that I could not stay. Six people called me out to make trouble. how about it? Do it so absolutely?

Ye Ang: Who bullied who? I’m almost convinced of what I said. I’m quite happy to switch back to the experiment, think about it.

Ye Ang: Tell her! Ye Zhixia then beeped me again and again, the green leaves would also be stained with a different kind of red.

After sending the text message, Ye Ang habitually blacked out.


Opposite Lu Chengle looked at the mobile phone for a while and lost.

He wanted to say that Ye Ang was crazy, and the pictures that had been loaded for a long time finally showed up.

Along with an iron net, six blank faces looked more like …


He rubbed the keyboard on his phone and clicked edit.

Lu Chengle: There should be a misunderstanding, I went to ask someone. Xia Xia is not such a person.

He didn’t wait for a long time to send a reply, so he stopped managing. Hold the phone and ask the person next to it.

“do you know it?”

“I don’t know. But a little familiar. Should it be someone from other classes? You can ask.” The same table looked at the picture and said, “It should be of the same grade. It seems to have been seen when doing exercises.”

Lu Chengle nodded and took the phone to other classes to ask.

Sure enough, I asked.

Of the six, four are in the third and third grades, and two are in the second grade.

The two high school boys gave him directions and reported a name: “I just collect money to do things, you can ask him.”

Lu Chengle turned back to the fifth floor and went to find the principal who paid the money behind the scenes.

“Is it you?” Lu Chengle was sure when he saw him, or handed him the phone to show him: “You went to No. 2 Middle School to find Ye Ang? Did you tell someone to spread her rumors?”

The other party admitted without hesitation, and the attitude was very tough: “How about me? What do you want to do? Who is it for?”

Lu Chengle: “I don’t know where you got the news from, but I hope you don’t make rumors casually. She is Xia Xia’s sister. Xia Xia was hospitalized recently because of a cold and fever, not what you said about campus bullying. If you Have a hatred against Ye Ang, do n’t use Xia Xia ’s name. “

“Did I mention Ye Zhixia with her? It was clearly her guilty conscience, right?” The boy stuck his neck and expressed great dissatisfaction with Lu Chengle: “I said she was ill? Come and complain to you? Who is your boyfriend? “

Lu Chengle was also a little dissatisfied and said coldly: “Yes, Ye Zhixia is my girlfriend, so please find out your position.”

“I said she was blind and actually fell in love with you!” The other party suddenly became angry. “Are you still a man? Just watching your girlfriend being bullied?”

“What do you mean?” Lu Chengle said, “I said it was your own misunderstanding, don’t get involved in Xia Xia! She has all transferred to the second middle school and now you are bullying her!”

The other party looked clearly, and sneered twice: “So Xia Xia complained to me and didn’t tell you, what kind of girlfriend are you looking for in this Father? Xitian learns to go to Shengxian and go to chant.”

“She said that she was beaten by Ye Ang in hospital?” Lu Chengle frowned, “She complains to you?”

The other person raised his chin and proudly said: “I asked her why she didn’t come to school, she said she didn’t want to come. I asked her why she didn’t want to come, she said she was afraid. I said that you know what Ye Ang turned away? She said she didn’t want to Mention this. Is n’t this a psychological shadow? What ’s not Ye Ye ’s problem? “

Lu Chengle felt that something was wrong in this sentence, which made him very uncomfortable. Perhaps it was the tone of the other party that strongly affected his mood.

“I went to see her, and she is in a good state of mind.” Lu Chengle said, “You misunderstand yourself, don’t use others as guns.”

The other party disdains the murmur.

Lu Chengle directly dialed Ye Zhixia’s number, only two drops, and the other side quickly picked up.

Lu Chengle controlled his voice and did not let himself show any clues. Asked: “Are you asleep?”

Ye Zhixia: “No. Aren’t you studying yourself last night?”

“Have you got a better cold?”

“It’s gone.” Ye Zhixia laughed twice. “I’m coming to school tomorrow! I had been back yesterday, but the weather forecast said the cold air was going down recently. The doctor told me not to blow, so as not to relapse. My mother told the teacher I asked for the test paper and let me review it at home. “

Lu Chengle glanced at the boy.

Lu Chengle continued quietly and asked, “Is Ye Ang at home?”

“No. She went to school.” Ye Zhixia asked, “Are you looking for sister? Is there anything? She had a quarrel with her parents before and ran out of the house and never came back.”

Lu Chengle: “Someone said you complained to him and you were bullied by Ye Ang, so you didn’t want to come to school.”

Ye Zhixia over there “huh?”, And then said: “No, she is my sister. I want to get along well with her, but unfortunately she turned me angry.”

The boy was stunned, frowning a little embarrassed look.

Lu Chengle was also a bit strange, and question marks appeared one after another.

Lu Chengle: “Do you know why Ye Ang transferred?”

Ye Zhixia: “Just turn it if you want to, my parents can’t control her.”

Lu Chengle paused, and then tentatively said: “But she said no. She said that you and your parents let her turn. She still wants to come back. After all, this is already in the third grade.

Ye Zhixia said: “Is it? I don’t know! At that time I was just sick, my mother told me this in disappointment.”

“Oh.” Lu Chengle hesitated and said, “Still don’t say something that is misunderstood to others.”

“What’s wrong with me?” Ye Zhixia complained, “Who did I misunderstand?”

Lu Chengle: “It’s nothing. I’m going to class. I’ll hang up first.”

Lu Chengle hung up the phone and said to the boy: “Hear? You don’t need to do reading comprehension yourself.”

The other party did not want to admit defeat in front of Lu Chengle, stubbornly said: “So she is not right to beat someone?”

Lu Chengle: “I suggest you apologize to her because you are doing too much.”

Lu Chengle sent a few text messages to Ye Ang to explain the matter. But like a rock sinking into the sea, there is no news.

Because the evening self-study had already begun, he would be suspicious when he came out for too long, so he didn’t say much and went back to the class first.


At 9:30 in the evening, the third quarter evening self-study, old Liu emerged from the back of the classroom, reminded everyone of discipline, and then called Ye Ang out.

“Ye Ang, have you finished your homework?”

Ye Ang narrowed his eyes and said, “My mom is looking for me again?”

“No, the teacher asked you.” Old Liu said, “The teacher wants to talk to you casually, you come out.”

Ye Ang dropped his pen and followed him to the office.

“Teacher, are you going to fight again?”

Old Liu pointed to the empty seat next to the physics teacher and motioned her to sit: “No, no, I want to talk to you about other things.”

Ye Ang: “What are you talking about?”

“Just talk, don’t worry.” Old Liu poured her a glass of water. “Are you having a bad relationship with your parents?”

Ye Ang leaned on the armrest and pondered: “It should be said … is it bad? But I am about eighteen years old and no longer need a guardian. So it doesn’t matter.”

Old Liu considered for a moment and said, “I think young people …”

Ye Ang: “I am a mature young man.”

Old Liu laughed and said: “How are you mature?”

“Then do you think maturity should be divided from the perspective of age?”

“of course not.”

“Yes, it should be divided from the understanding of the world.” Ye Ang said, “I am fully prepared, I have a complete plan for my life in the next few decades, and make sure that I can accept it. “

Old Liu: “How do you understand society?”

Ye Ang: “I really understand.”

After all, she has been climbing for so many years.

“Unspoken rules, ups and downs, strong bullying, partial injustice, privileges, family relations, insider evaluation, and slander. Which of these things is my family in our school? The campus is pure and helpless when I do n’t realize it I have a pair of dark eyes. So I see clearly, aren’t I going through a small society? “Ye Ang crossed his hands.” I’m not naive. I analyze the economic environment of China, industry planning, and career future. Yes. My parents ca n’t give me proper advice, and I do n’t expect financial support from them. I ’m strong in my mind, and even the blows from my parents wo n’t make me low, am I still not mature enough? ”

Old Liu was speechless.

Ye Ang: “Is there anything else you want to ask?”

Old Liu said sadly: “Study well. The exam next month. The time you transfer is too late, it’s almost over. Please remember to tell the teacher if you can’t keep up.”

“I understand.” Ye Ang smiled mysteriously, “to create good results together!”

Old Liu helplessly nodded: “Well.”


The next day is Saturday.

After class in the morning, Ye Ang carried a heavy schoolbag and was about to leave.

Shen Kuo looked at her bulging schoolbag and was shocked: “Are you going home?”

Ye Ang: “No, I will experiment.”

Shen Kuo instantly got his spirit and jumped up and said, “Am I going with you ?!”

“No. I’ll go and I will go back. You can’t go in without a school uniform.” Ye Ang said, “No fight, there will be no one at school on Saturday.”

Shen Kuo: “What is in your bag?”

Ye Ang patted his back: “It’s all money.”

The money for printing is precious, especially the color printing this year.

All the money that Ye Ang got from Xiaofa was used for printing, and in the end it was a pile.

Ye Ang is ready, raising his hand and waving: “I’m gone. See you at night!”

Ye Haoxue watched her turn vigorously away and said, “No, why is my sister Ye?”

Shen Kuo said seriously: “The logging has gone.”


The experimental uniform Ye Ang still keeps, but the meal card is probably cancelled. But the access control in this era is not so strict. After all, she studied in the experiment for two years, and the guards should be familiar with her.

She said that she forgot to bring her meal card, and the other party generously let her in.

Ye Ang walked into the teaching building and spent an afternoon putting the printing paper with photos of six people into each class. Eggs are also stuffed in many corners. The door of the office was closed, and he stepped through the door.

Finally, she came to the class where she had originally studied, took out a bottle of super glue and applied it to the blackboard behind. Take a statement on it.

This bottle of superglue is valuable. I bought it from a cobbler near the school for ten yuan and a small bottle.

After doing it, clap your hands and return to the second middle school.

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