Strong Counterattack

Chapter 4 - I love learning 04

Ye Ang succeeded in putting 206 dormitory into a silence.

Unconsciously, she let Wang Yu take a bath and continue to pack things herself. Several other girls carefully washed their faces and brushed their teeth, and retreated into the quilt.

After the collective power failure, Ye Ang fumbled back to the bed.

The next day the school’s wake-up bell was repeated twice, and the electronic watch on the table rang, and everyone walked slowly to wash.

Wang Yu packed it up early, but sat on the bed frivolously. When Ye Ang was about to go out, he stood up and ran out.

She walked on Ye Ang’s side, blushing, apparently very excited.

Ye Ang is very familiar with the light in her eyes, which is a signal released when looking for the boss.

Ye Ang was an orphan since childhood. The child will exclude others who are different from herself, and she has learned to fight back since she was bullied. Since she learned to fight back, a group of children like her looked at her with such eyes.

Ye Ang said, “Don’t follow me.”

Wang Yu froze, slowing down.

Ye Ang said sadly: “Follow me to eat bran throat.”

She has not been the boss for many years.

Wang Yu puzzled: “What bran pharyngeal dish?”

Soon she knew what it meant.

Ye Ang ordered only one mustard mustard for two cents. Then go and serve a bowl of white porridge. White porridge students are free.

Fortunately, they came early, the white porridge is still very thick.

Wang Yu watched her as she naturally served a bowl of porridge, and made up an urban bitter drama. Resolutely went back and bought two big cakes and two eggs, beat a full plate, and placed it in front of Ye Ang.

“Please eat!” She said solemnly, “you’re welcome!”

Ye Ang: “…”

“What’s wrong?” Wang Yu asked. “Or don’t you like to eat these things?”

“There is no choice,” Ye Ang said, “I’m just thinking, do you want to accept your kindness?”

Reciprocity is the beginning of friendship.

“Why? Didn’t you help me yesterday? I want to thank you.” Wang Yu said seriously, “Relax, I have money at home.”

“Will you be bullied if you have money?” Ye Ang, “Ah … this is not necessarily related to having money or not.”

Wang Yu seemed to be doing something wrong and stuttered: “I … I just don’t want to offend them. My mother said to let them get along with classmates. If the teacher asks parents, they are not at home.”

Ye Ang took an egg from her plate: “Thank you. If you have money, please invite you to dinner.”

Wang Yu nodded vigorously: “Well!”

The two had breakfast and went back to the classroom to study together.

Zhou Tiantian saw that she was getting along well with Wang Yu and felt that there should be no problem in the dormitory. She smiled at her and took out an English book to start reading early.


Now Class 6 is still a round of review. The teacher said something relatively simple. Ye Ang listened to it halfway and found it useless.

From their start, Shen Kuo seems to have been divided into invisible areas. Ye Ang is quite free in activities. After playing with snakes for a while, he wrote most of his homework while in class. By the end of the first lesson of the self-study in the evening, all of them were cleared.

I have to say that the workload of the Second Middle School is not much, especially the parallel classes.

There were some buzzing noises in the classroom, and daily students sat in front to maintain discipline.

There are almost two hours before class ends.

Ye Ang turned his pen and looked at his front seat.

The school uniform has always been wide, and Shen Kuo’s figure is long. If the clothes are long enough, they will inevitably be too large. They will hang loosely on the body and expose a white neck.

The last thing this young man regrets when he grew up is that he didn’t study hard. He only entered the society to realize that such a brainwashing bag of academic uselessness is deceptive. Is the academic degree really too useful?

When you are young, do n’t forget to work hard. It is a time that cannot be replaced.

Because of his slackness in the past, he was forced to start elder education, so that Shen Kuo couldn’t wait to strangle himself.

Ye Ang thought, pinching Shen Kuo’s neck with his hand.

Shen Kuo’s neck was iced, and he shrank back so sharply that he looked around in a panic, like a squirrel who had probed into the pit to investigate the situation. Only at the end did they react, turned their heads, and looked at Ye Ang with resentment.

Shen Kuo: “What are you doing ?!”

Oh, so cute.

“Hush–” Ye Ang said, “I’ll do your homework for you, all subjects, the fee is only ten yuan?”

Shen Kuo didn’t answer, and a few ears next to him turned around immediately.

“As long as ten yuan?” The boy said excitedly, “I don’t need a discount for my annual package? The kind of paid for winter and summer vacations!”

“Hush.” ​​Ye Ang said in a low voice, “Manpower is limited, I only develop a single business, I’m sorry.”

The boy said painfully: “Why is he then?”

“The principle of proximity,” Ye Ang said. “And he moved my desk to me.”

“That’s it!” Shen Kuo proudly waved away, “Go away!”

The boy didn’t give up, and continued to beg: “So what, after he finishes his homework, can I borrow it from me? I’ll also make ten.”

Ye Ang: “I’m sorry, in order to protect the rights and interests of consumers, I can’t.”

The consumer’s psychology has been greatly satisfied, showing a bright smile.

Ye Ang: “Money first.”

Shen Kuo generously took out the money and shot it on her desk.

Ye Ang took out two books, one serious: “My scroll will show you first. What style of font do you want?”

Shen Kuo is more and more satisfied: “Professional! The business is really complete!”

Diao Muchun took the notebook and walked out of the classroom.

My friend Ye Haoxue immediately turned and said, “Shen Kuo, who just went out.”

Shen Kuo disdainfully hummed: “Why do she do it! Have the ability to hit me!”

Shen Kuo opened the book and took a look. Two big characters flashed in my heart.


Who can recognize this ugly character? !

He turned a page, and suddenly his brain was empty. Tugging on the sleeve of Ye Haoxue on the right, threw the book over.

“Why?” Ye Haoxue also opened it and said, “How come I am so ugly when I wipe this word? It’s uglier than mine!”

Shen Kuo snatched the book back, smashed it back to Ye Ang’s desk, and condemned: “Look! Are you a good student ?! You might as well write this thing as I do!”

Ye Angdan said: “If you have read the question, you will definitely know what I wrote.”

Shen Kuo: “I still use you to teach after reading the topic?”

“You will do it after reading the question?” Ye Ang said, “I don’t believe it. Are you a scumbag?”

Shen Kuo: “…”

“The money will be given back to me. I won’t do it.” Shen Kuo reached out and said, “You are humiliating the dignity of consumers.”

Ye Ang refused: “The money is counted face to face, and you are not responsible for leaving the counter.”

Shen Kuo: “You call it consumer fraud!”

“Hush.” ​​Ye Ang said mysteriously, “This is a secret.”

Shen Kuo barely blurted out a fart.

He is still too naive. How could he be so simple?

Ye Haoxue interjected and said, “I promise she won’t recognize her own fairy words.”

“Nonsense, don’t question my major.” Ye Ang turned over the title of the question and pointed to the answer: “Look, the first word must be the solution.”

“And then?” Shen Kuo pointed to the upper row, “I can’t recognize your words but I can count your words. You come next!”

“Read the question. After reading the question, you really know what I am writing. You see, it asks you to find the coordinates of point P. Which one is an unknown quantity? That’s it, so let the P coordinate be (x, y). “Yang pointed to the above and said,” Then the information related to P in the title. It is both on this ellipse and this straight line, and it is the only intersection. So the system of equations came out. “

Shen Kuo looked numb.

I will watch you quietly.

Ye Ang raised his eyes and pressed the cap with his finger: “What is the answer?”

Shen Kuo was immediately excited: “Ha! Look!”

“I’ll count it again, and I’m definitely right.” Ye Ang said, “I’ve never paid a fake one.”

Shen Kuo looked at her calculations with her chin.

At this time, the math teacher rushed in angrily, slapped on the table of the two, and snatched the book.

Shen Kuo sat on the side, very close to Ye Ang, unguarded, and almost slammed his face. Under stress, he widened his eyes and blinked blankly.

The classroom quieted down instantly, and everyone stopped speaking and writing, and turned to the back row in a uniform manner.

The math teacher Yin Yang said strangely: “I still find someone to help you with your homework, Shen Kuo, how many times? Do you still look like a student? Your dad cried for you! And you, what is the name of the new student? Do everything for money. Are you hurting your classmates? “

Ye Ang: “?”

Diao Muchun walked in slowly from the back and quietly returned to his seat.

Shen Kuo’s face sank down, very ugly, reaching out coldly and said: “Give me back.”

The math teacher is a very fashionable lady, less than thirty years old. Wavy curly shawl with long hair, a brand name, and perfume.

Ye Ang sniffed his nose and sneezed directly.

Shen Kuo emphasized one sentence at a time: “Lao Tzu, ask you to return it to me.”

Mathematics teacher Zhao Hua took the broken hair from the lower forehead: “How do you talk to the teacher?”

Shen Kuo sneered: “Don’t you just catch up with Lao Tzu? Why do you find an excuse?”

Ye Ang sucked his nose hard and said, “Teacher, do you want to punish people for empty teeth?”

Shen Kuo sarcastically said, “It’s her relatives, it’s not called empty mouths and white teeth.”

Ye Ang responded and realized that Diaojun means Diao Muchun.

“The idiom is really good.” Ye Ang praised, “There are typos in this idiom.”

Zhao Huali said: “Come out with me, I need to talk to your parents.”

Shen Kuo heard the parents’ expressions become strange.

“Why?” Ye Ang didn’t notice and only looked at Zhao Hua wholeheartedly: “As soon as you come to say bad things, don’t you allow me to appeal?”

Shen Kuo was slightly shocked. For the first time, he saw such a sturdy girl.

Zhao Hua: “Do you still think you are right?”

Old Liu hurried in and sternly stood at the door: “What’s going on?”

“It’s all students. They’re still in business. Asking someone to write homework is simply corrupting the school spirit!” Zhao Hua pointed at the two people and said, “Teacher Liu, you’re in charge! Shen Kuo also said to me!

“Do I need a combination of two for me to do his homework?” Ye Ang said, “The one you are holding is my draft, and my name is on the outside. I will help him with his homework and it will be written in my draft. Originally? “

Zhao Hua froze for a moment before turning to the front. Found that the cover was indeed Ye Ang.

Old Liu took it from her and read it again.

Only half of the title is written, and the steps are very finely divided.

Zhao Hua refused to show his weakness: “So what are you doing?”

“Of course it’s a topic.” Ye Ang looked at you with a really humorous expression. “Have you been teaching the students for so many years, haven’t you told the topic to the students? I said, does he have a problem?”

Shen Kuo shook his legs and whispered, “Hehe.”

Ye Ang said, “Who will tell you? You can’t be used to our sincerity? Diao Muchun, right?”

Diao Muchun pursed his lower lip and sorted the things on the table and said, “You know what you did. I heard you say that ten yuan is all inclusive.”

Ye Hao said: “Really? But why did I hear them talking. Ask … Is the coordinates of point P right?”

Ye Ang Bizan.

Old Liu sighed.

Zhao Hua: “What about the money? It’s not right for you to collect money.”

Ye Ang hesitated for a second and categorically rejected: “Who can recognize whether the money is his or my money? Is the name written on it?”

She looked at the contemplative old Liu and said: “The teacher, teacher Zhao’s so biased verdict hurt my body and mind. Who’s wrong?”

Wang Yu didn’t know what happened, but he was anxious to see Ye Ang being accused by Diao Muchun. With your fingertip against the pen, you almost broke it with force.

She had to “stand up” and stood angrily, “I know the teacher!”

The crowd turned to her again.

Wang Yu has always been a good and obedient student, but with a more introverted personality, and he has done things carefully, like a child who has never grown up.

Old Liu let his tone lightly and asked, “What do you know?”

Wang Yu pointed to Diao Muchun: “She wanted to avenge Ye Ang, so she deliberately slandered!”

Diao Muchun: “You bullshit!”

“She bullied me yesterday and was stopped by Ye Ang!” Wang Yu paused and looked at Shang Ye Ang’s eyes. I used my own brain to make up for the encouragement, and immediately summoned the courage and shouted: “She has been bullying me! Using my hot water, I will take care of the dormitory hygiene alone, and let me write her homework! I wrote the physics homework! Yesterday Ye Ang could n’t read her and she said that it ’s not over! ”

Everyone dragged their long notes together, shouting meaningfully: “Oh–“

Diao Muchun stood up and pointed directly at the tip of her nose: “You bullshit! Did I tell you to clean the house? You are here to mute me!”

Zhou Tiantian stood up and rolled up her sleeves: “Why are you always bullying your classmates. I have tolerated you for a long time!”

Everyone talked: “You are bullying!”

“I do not have!”

“She is always black. She deliberately added points to girls who have a good relationship with her! Tian Tian’s self-study class reads magazines and is confiscated by her. She doesn’t care if she tells jokes to others.”

Everyone wowed the old account.

Ye Haoxue and others were shining brightly, lest the world would not be chaotic, clapping hands to help.

This is the war of women!

Diao Muchun usually deducts disgusting people by their duties. Very naive and disgusting. But because she is a girl, although the boy is unhappy, he is embarrassed to care about her.

What a long wait for this scene!

The noise in the classroom is almost overturned.

Zhao Hua: “Quiet!”

“Okay!” Lao Liu shouted hard. “Shut up when you’re done! What to do !!!”

Give him face, and the classroom becomes quiet again.

Diao Muchun ran out crying.

The math teacher said: “It’s lawless! Look at Teacher Liu!”

Old Liu rubbed his forehead: “Ye Ang. You …”

Ye Ang fanned himself with a workbook, leaning against the wall lazily, like an outsider watching, when he was clicked, he said, “Teacher, I am just teaching my classmates to learn, what am I doing wrong?”

Old Liu Yusai.

It seems to be true.

He turned his eyes to Shen Kuo.

Shen Kuoang raised his chest and said: “I am studying!”

There has never been such a confident moment in life.

Old Liu: “…”

He is very pleased!

Wang Yu hesitated: “I … I …”

Ye Ang: “She is complaining.”

“Yes!” Wang Yu said, “I am the victim, she bullied me!”

Zhou Tiantian said rightly: “As a learning member, I am maintaining class order!”

The person who should bear the word “the culprit” is no longer in the classroom.

Shen Kuo mumbled: “It runs really fast. It’s quite smart.”

Ye Ang: “…”

It’s really fast for you to enter the character.

Old Liu turned to the spearhead: “Mr. Zhao, what’s going on?”

Zhao Hua became angry and turned away.

Ye Angyou called: “Wait.”

Zhao Hua stopped and took the draft from Lao Liu’s hand and threw it to Ye Ang.

“Wait.” Ye Ang didn’t look at the book on the ground, and said lightly: “Did you forget to apologize?”

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