Strong Counterattack

Chapter 24 - I love learning 24

Shen Kuo deeply analyzed Ye Haoxue’s heart, Ye Ang incidentally added oil and vinegar. After careful scrutiny, Shen Kuo became more convinced of his guess.

Ye Ang thought it was funny and interesting, but also moved with emotion: “Poor and helpless Ye Hao Xue, he must think he has lost your friend. You cannot let him be isolated in this cruel world. If you don’t advance, you will retreat without tears! “

Shen Kuoyou complained: “Don’t rhyme at this time!”

Ye Ang focused on “Oh!”

As soon as the class session ended, Shen Kuo and Ye Haoxue’s movements were surprisingly consistent, put away their phones, looked up at the door, bowed to accumulate energy, then stood up to sprint and jump towards the door.

The two figures flew away, so they faced each other at the door.

Sure enough to be a sports boy, otherwise you may not catch your friends.

Ye Haoxue took a deep breath, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.

Shen Kuo immediately suffocated.

Helpless, this is helpless!

Shen Kuo asked seriously: “Do you still treat me as a friend?”

Ye Hao stunned for a moment, and then raised his eyebrows to reflect.

Shen Kuo, such a single-celled creature, do n’t you think you ’re having trouble with him?

It is very possible to see his expression.

The classmates next to them were very pleased to see that the two of them had finally released their suspicions.

“Find a quiet place for you?” Zhou Tiantian took the broom, “But can’t you block the door?”

Shen Kuo took Ye Hao out of the classroom and stood at the end of the corridor to discuss. Ye Ang couldn’t suppress his curiosity and kept up silently.

Ye Hao learns for a moment and forgets to resist.

The two looked at each other.

Ye Hao Xue coughed twice and said: “Shen Kuo, of course we are good friends. You can rest assured that as long as you finish the treatment and return to normal, we can still be happy together. After all, you are so close to my hobbies, friendship between men. , It’s that simple. “

After he finished speaking, he embarrassed a friendly smile.

Look at this sour expression!

Shen Kuo asked: “Are you lonely?”

“Ah?” Ye Haoxue froze half of his face and said after a moment: “I’m not lonely.”

“I knew that you were very lonely, and one of the expressions of loneliness is like being drunk! Like a drunk person …” Shen Kuo saw through the dust, “You know what I am going to say!”

Ye Haoxue: “…”

All the words let you say, what can I do? !

Shen Kuo: “I know that you really love learning, and you dare to say that you never think you will become a school bully one day and beat the teacher and parents in the face. Then stand at the peak of life . “

Not as high as he said in Form Two, but … Ye Hao learned weakly: “I just think about it …” But the price made him stop directly outside the starting line.

“I knew it!” Shen Kuo confirmed his wishes, “You can not just think about it, I will teach you to learn, I will never look down on you? You no longer have to watch me progress and feel chilled, don’t need to follow me Feeling lonely after losing common fun, after all, we are friends! “

The last three words are deaf!

Ye Haoxue’s expression management is completely out of control, and his brain is in a mess. Looking at Shen Kuo complicatedly.

He always thought that his little friend was just a scumbag, but he did not expect that he was actually a dramatist. And the world of brain repair is so complete that he does not know where to interrupt.

Why does this happen?

Shen Kuo has excellent mobility.

In his world, flying with classmates is much happier than letting him fly alone. It is this responsibility that is the driving force for his study! He must study hard in order to teach his friends upward!

He could n’t wait to grab Ye Haoxue ’s arm and said, “Let ’s start with the creatures. Androgynous pea flowers?”

Ye Hao Xue was about to cry.

Ye Haoxue struggled for a long time, unable to break away from Shen Kuo’s imprisoned hands, and collapsed and howled: “Let me go! I beg you to let me go! I just want to be a scumbag and not a sin! My dad gave up Why are you guys? I do n’t like studying! Understand I do n’t like it! This is my human right! “

“Your dad has given up on you?” Shen Kuo grabbed the point and Wen Yanzheng said: “I never knew that your family was as full of contradictions as mine. I went, and you said why dads can’t understand and encourage them What about my own son? Obviously I have so many advantages. And I do n’t like learning because it ’s genetic inheritance, it ’s their pot! “

His unqualified brother!

“But it doesn’t matter, what Ye Ang said before …” Shen Kuo looked to Ye Ang for help, he didn’t remember it. Without waiting for Ye Ang to add, he concluded: “It doesn’t matter, anyway, as long as you have a good grade … your stepfather can become a pro-dad.”

Ye Ang: “…”

I’m not I don’t mess up without you.

Ye Haoxue firmly refused: “No!”

not like this!

Shen Kuo is still moving with reason: “I understand you, I really understand you. Although my dad didn’t give up on me, it was much worse than your dad, otherwise I wouldn’t fall into the hands of Zhao Hua, right? ? “

Shen Kuo also started to cook chicken soup under the encouragement of Ye Ang: “I also had a period of burnout like you, and later I found that there is nothing extraordinary. The most difficult thing is when you lift your feet for the first time. But later, you still Your friend.”

Ye Haoxue shook his head in tears: “You don’t understand!”

His youth!

Shen Kuo: “You will follow me for two days and you will understand.”

“Alas, if you are a brother, why should you be flesh and blood?” Ye Ang clapped. “Let us applaud sincere friendship.”

She made a lip to Ye Haoxue: admit it!

Who can grind Shen Kuo this little goblin?

Ye Haoxue grasping Ye Ang is the same as grasping the life-saving straw: “Ye Ang, you just have to install a learning system for him. Why is it a MLM model with pull function? Did you make a mistake? I have no money! “

Ye Ang clenched his fist and said, “This is your friendship, it is automatically bound. I am so moved!”

Ye Haoxue despaired: “I’m so uncomfortable. What am I doing wrong ?!”

Ye Hao Xue grabbed his chest for the hundredth time and asked himself fiercely in his heart-what the **** did he do! !

He fell backwards, leaned against the wall, and moved to the corner. Open the distance with the two.

“Have you understood? Hey? Ye Hao Xue?” Shen Kuo grabbed him and shook, whispering, “Why are you stupid?”

The student Ye Hao shrunk in the corner of the wall reluctantly, and the soul came out with the trick: “Learning is impossible to learn. I just want to play games. You let me go. Even if I study, there is no good result.”

Shen Kuo’s lips twitched.

Sorry, you may … you can’t be a brother.

Ye Ang: “I can’t agree with what you said.”

Ye Haoxue: “You can’t agree with everything I say!”

“I mean, you can’t agree with your doubts about me.” Ye Ang said, “Since I decided to teach you to learn, I will definitely be responsible for you. With my strength and your intelligence, how could you not Good result? Maybe we still have a chance to be an alumni. “

Ye Haoxue looked away and refused to communicate with her.

Communicating with Ye Ang has no good results.

Shen Kuo pointed at Ye Angnu.

No response, big brother.

Ye Ang didn’t give up and sang a peace with Shen Kuo, and continued to surround him, speaking dryly.

After a few rounds, the three men stared at each other with a hard heart.

In Ye Haoxue’s eyes, there is still a strong desire to survive, but the appearance is the same as a dead fish.

Ye Ang was really shocked.

Ye Haoxue can’t watch the tune normally, but he didn’t expect such a firm willpower, which was even more difficult than Shen Kuo’s routine.

What a talent.

Half an hour later, Ye Ang exhaled with Shen Kuo Shen.

Ye Ang squatted on the ground, using his hand to draw the gap between the floor tiles.

Ye Hao Xue asked weakly: “Why haven’t you given up yet.”

“Yeah, why haven’t you given up?” Shen Kuo said, “Is the game so tempting?”

Ye Haoxue: “Yes !!”

Ye Ang sighed again and said, “I reflect, I think my method is wrong.”

Ye Haoxue embraced his chest and warned: “What do you want to do?”

“Don’t you like playing games very much? Then let’s play games.” Ye Ang said, “In this way, you follow me to make up the class, we don’t set too long, we will end the final exam. The total score is 50 points higher than the monthly exam, or if you advance one place in the examination room, I will give you a prize. Is n’t that a high requirement? “

Ye Haoxue didn’t wait for her to finish, first feared: “Your prize, shouldn’t it be a problem?”

The word “yes” of Ye Ang is neither right nor wrong. Turned his head and frowned at Shen Kuo.

Why is your brother so fooled? !

Ye Haoxue turned away and said: “Goodbye!”

“Wait!” Ye Ang grabbed his hoodie hat and said, “No, it’s something else. It’s a good thing! I’ll give you whatever you want.”

Ye Haoxue: “I want … that 2999 hand!”

Ye Ang hesitated shamefully. Before Ye Hao learned to speak, he quickly said: “Yes! But if you don’t get it, you will sell me your game account for 100 yuan!”

Ye Hao Xue shouted: “My game account is more than three thousand! You are an unequal transaction!”

Ye Ang: “All the money you sell is returned to you. I must sell it anyway!”

Ye Hao asked after learning, “Why do you stare at my game account? It is innocent!”

The two answered with silence.

Ye Ang: “You can’t agree!”

Ye Haoxue hesitated for a moment and asked, “Can I regain my freedom if I promise?”

Ye Ang: “Maybe?”

“So am I free now?” Ye Hao said, “Then let me go.”

Shen Kuo shouted: “Don’t let go!” Then he also grabbed his hand.

Ye Haoxue stunned and begged: “We always have to be separated!”

Shen Kuo: “It’s all people on a boat, the bow is squabbling with the stern, where do you want to run?”

Ye Ang: “?”

I always feel something is wrong.

Ye Haoxue slobbered into his face: “I’m on duty today! I’m going to dump the garbage! Six o’clock school inspection! Brother!”

Shen Kuo: “…”

Ye Ang took hold of Shen Kuo’s hand and nodded and applauded: “Okay. You did well.”

Shen Kuo said: “For friends, it should be.”

Ye Haoxue: “…”

He forgot to exhale as soon as he breathed, an old blood choked in his throat.

What the **** is this grand scene of life and death?

He turned around and fled without any loss.

Hurry away from them!

When Shen Kuo saw him go away, he asked, “How was my acting just now? Was it shocked?”

Ye Ang took out a napkin to wipe his face. Commented: “Ghost Axe.”

Shen Kuo: “?”

Why didn’t you feel praised?

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