Strong Counterattack

Chapter 10 - I love learning 10

On Sunday afternoon, the vacationing students came back one after another. At first, some people searched out the printing paper sent by Ye Ang and discussed it.

Several parties later realized that they quickly rushed back to school and wanted to collect paper for rapid destruction.

Not at all.

Ye Ang’s paper is limited. From the beginning, it was a large area of ​​fine work to cast a net. From time to time, students will be excited to turn up a brand-new notice from an unknown place. It may take a long time to find all the paper.

There was a sudden rush to find paper in the school. People in each class searched the corners of the classroom, corridors, and toilets in the same way as treasure hunt, and then gossip passionately.

Especially the content on that piece of paper is quite eye-catching, almost reaching an unforgettable level.

At the top is a photo. The picture is blurry, and the printer equipment is not close. The color of the color is a bit strange. It is difficult to judge the student.

Recognizable people can still identify themselves with vague facial features.

On the right side of the picture is the location-“Second West Gate”.

Below is a row of large, bold and bold fonts. Crowded together.

“Domineering experiment, school style is awe-inspiring! Students collect money and openly rumor!”

“Under the guise of justice, do evil things! Contemporary youth should put an end to the following acts!”

“Surprised! Focus on high school students who love crimes and do not hesitate to buy underages to make rumours!”

“If you don’t study hard, you will become like this!”

“A simple way to ruin a person’s future-is it stupid that it should be a physical disability?”

In this society that has not yet been occupied by the UC Department, everyone sees this notice of typographical brilliance, and the word “reclining” is constantly circling in their minds.

The specific behavior of the six people was not specified, but it just gave the people countless room for speculation.

Dozens of different guesses appeared in each class, which fully proved the uninhibited and excellent imagination of the masses.

Under the debate of various legendary bursting points, things are intensifying and fermenting quickly, far exceeding the expectations of six people and several teachers. By the time you want to control it, it is already known throughout the school.

Then, after getting more powerful news, the crowd began to gather in the third grade (5) class.

A full row of white paper was affixed to the blackboard at the back of the Class 5 classroom, printed with huge fonts, connected together, just to form a row of words.


Not to wait for the length of the argument, we will see you next time! “

There is a smaller line in the bottom row:

“I was forced by my parents to transfer to another school. It is not easy to stay away from family relationships, such as rumours.”

The “lying trough” circling in everyone’s mind crashed to the ground and shattered into slag.

The other party not only declared war on the experiment, but also signed it. At this time the mood is very complicated.

But everyone is not conscious of being classified as a “fool”, and is still in a state of excitement looking at the bustle.

At this time, smartphones were not fully popular, and the speed and scope of information spread were limited. At most, only traces of Ye Ang’s presence could be left on everyone’s button space.


When Ye Zhixia arrived at school, Lu Chengle was tearing off the following statement. Because the glue will solidify, the marks left must be slowly removed. Fortunately, Ye Ang did not post much, and the amount of engineering was not large.

After the paper is torn off, it is temporarily placed on the table.

As soon as Ye Zhixia came, the atmosphere in the class changed suddenly, and the students outside the door looked at her piercingly.

She felt deeply wrong and went over to pick up the paper and read them one by one. After reading it, she could not help but turned around and ran into the toilet and wept bitterly.

Lu Chengle frowned and asked the girl next to him to take a look.

Take out your phone and dial that number again.

It is no surprise that it is still busy.

He was depressed, and suddenly thought of dialing the number on the opposite side with his classmate’s mobile phone, borrowing one easily, but the result was really successful, and I understood.


Was blacked out.

This is the first time he has been blacked out.

Lu Chengle felt depressed, and suddenly felt bored.

Ye Ang has already done things, and now he is not able to manage the follow-up, simply hang up and return the phone.


The experimental teacher started to work. After the discussion, he quickly found the six boys in the photo and called them to the office for interrogation.

Several boys were completely scared. They thought it was just a trivial matter, and no one thought that Ye Ang would make it big in this way. In the face of severe pressure from several leaders and the team leader, he immediately said everything.

For the school, the impact is indeed too bad.

Not to mention Ye Ang’s previous performance, she has obviously transferred to school, and the people in this school still chase the trouble. All of these are unfounded rumors, and they have also captured tangible evidence for the other party. Now that the other party has come to the door, he has lost his face and went to the school next door.

They doubt whether modern child education does not grow IQ?

As teachers, they deeply understand the importance of reputation. Slandering is really the most annoying thing for them.

The experiment has always been known for its clear and fair school spirit, and this matter cannot continue to ferment. The school’s position must be fair and firm in order to deal with external discussions.

Several teachers discussed and asked several students to go back and write a review, and at the same time inform parents about the matter. Teachers of various classes go back and recycle the scattered paper as soon as possible, and warn students that this is a private matter and do not tell the story. Then ordered the six people to apologize to Ye Ang in the past and obtain forgiveness from the other party, so as not to cause bigger things.

As for the punishment, it also depends on the follow-up impact, which will be given after the discussion.

On Monday, when raising and lowering flags, they need to conduct a unified review in front of the school.


After Ye Ang returned from the experiment, his mood improved.

She didn’t know the follow-up development of the experiment, but she felt that it wasn’t interesting to get entangled in it now. As long as the other party does not make any damage, things will go wrong with her.

Shen Kuo curiously asked what she was doing, Ye Ang mysteriously said to give some gifts.

Failing to satisfy his curiosity for knowledge led Shen Kuo to look at her all day with a special grudge.

Shen Kuo said: “I want to sever ties with you until I forget this matter.”

Ye Ang: “…”

On Monday, because there was a monthly exam this week, the self-study class in the class was occupied by teachers in various subjects, and everyone looked like a joke.

At noon and lunch break, everyone either read magazines or play mobile phones, and some went to sleep on their stomachs.

At this time, the chubby ran in and yelled, panting, “Ye Ang, the experimenter came to find you! Right now at the school gate, he was stopped by the guard.”

The classmates who were sleeping were sober collectively.

“What’s the situation? What do you want to do?”

Ye Ang raised his head and asked, “Why?”

Shen Kuo also stopped his hand and looked dangerously at the door.

Ye Hao learns to clap the table: “How brave is it? Endless, isn’t it?”

As soon as the chubby sighed, he quickly explained: “No, I’m here to apologize. Are you seeing you?”

Ye Ang was surprised and confirmed again and asked: “Apologies to me?”

Chubby nodded: “Yes!”

Although I don’t know how things progressed to this point, Ye Ang quickly put down things and smiled and stood up and said: “Of course I see. I’ll do it on your own, then you can study. Please help me take a leave if there is something.

How can such excitement be let go.

Shen Kuo jumped out of the seat directly and saluted the students: “You understand!”

Zhou Tiantian stood up silently.

The classmate said: “You go too? You go to me too!”

Zhou Tiantian: “I go to the old class.”

Old Liu was very surprised. After all, today is only Monday, and the courses over there will only be closer than they are in the second middle school.

He was uneasy about Ye Ang and Shen Kuo, and immediately followed their footsteps to the door.

Just when the school bell rang, it was a sound of nature. There will be a fifteen minute break between classes.

The students in Class 6 froze, reacted, and came out collectively.


Several experimental students waiting at the school gate were completely forced to apologize. As soon as he looked up, he saw Ye Ang leading the vast crowd, and he was dumbfounded.

One person scolded: “… Fuck! Apologizing and looking for the audience to watch? Has her vanity exploded?”

“It’s so sick!”


Ye Ang put his hands in his pockets, covered with the spring breeze, and swayed slowly, standing in front of several people and saying, “Speak, I’m ready.”

The faces of several people were full of humiliation, and the tone was harsh, and they all said in unison: “Sorry!”

This apology is too perfunctory.

“Sorry?” Ye Ang raised an eyebrow. “Your expression tells me that you are clearly scolding me in your heart.”

Shen Kuo laughed aloud: “I have apologized to the Second Middle School deliberately, or a little sincerity, brother. What’s the use of taking a form?”

It ’s still unbearable to be the first boy. After waving away the person who wants to stop him, I stepped forward and said, “I can apologize sincerely because I did. But you said, are you going too far? ? “

Everyone looked at Ye Ang.

Ye Ang’s expression cooled down, rubbing against the concrete floor with the tip of his shoe, sneering out loud.

“Who rushed to kill? Do you want to ask me what you wanted to do? Want to be punished and punished? Want to drive me out of the second middle school? Want to let the students of the whole school isolate and bully me? What do you do is justified? Kill it all? Just because it’s too stupid to succeed. “

“That has something to do with Ye Zhixia?” Said the boy. “What did your statement do in her class? I do everything by myself. You have the ability to rush towards me! Do you know what she is crying for?”

Ye Ang: “Don’t you do it because of her?”

The boy firmly said: “I want to do this myself. You call it anger.”

“Then what do I have to do with you? I do see her uncomfortable, didn’t you know it? And my statement clearly clarified to everyone about your rumor, so that no one would say that I voluntarily fled, she Do I have to take the seat to shut my fart? Isn’t that her guilty conscience in your words? “Ye Ang’s voice was flat, and he couldn’t hear the angry tone, but the angle of the slanted lips on her face showed her suppressed anger and ridicule at this time:” Or do you feel that you are not miserable enough? If you are not satisfied with your results and you can explode yourself, I will send you your teacher to help you realize your wishes. I am happy to do it for you. “

The other party scolded: “Fuck!”

A boy in the back row pulled him back, squeezed the corner of his lower lip hard, and said aloud to Ye Ang: “Ye Ang, this matter was not serious at all. We really want to ask you to forgive me. If you do n’t forgive me, Now that the third year is high, it ’s hard to dismiss the third year. We have to take the university entrance exam. Do yourself a favor. Sorry. “

Ye Ang smiled angrily: “Oh.”

Shen Kuo heard his head hurt: “I said why are you so shameless?”

Ye Ang took a step forward and walked in front of the boy, laughing amusedly:

“Not serious? You said not serious? I tell you, whether strict or not is not from the results, nor from you. The result is not serious because I am lucky enough not because you are not bad enough. You seek my forgiveness It was just because I was punished. I was just telling the truth that you could n’t bear your responsibilities. It ’s just the right face to whisper against me. Why should I forgive you? “

The other party opened his mouth, Ye Ang increased his voice, raised his chin proudly, and continued:

“You tell me where is not serious. If it is true, your actions succeed, people who do not understand me believe what you said, and I have no way to clarify, then what will happen to my life afterwards? The bullying and misunderstanding of my high school ruined my senior year. And if Teacher Liu believed your false accusation, I would be punished as you do now. My senior year is only one year, and my life is only once, I back The punishment is also difficult to withdraw. “

Ye Ang exclaimed: “I clearly did nothing wrong, how much courage do I need to avoid crashing and stand up again? And when I stand up, this thing will become the shadow of my life. Or maybe, I can’t stand up at all, It ’s depression. Suicide, tired of studying, dropping out of school. Then the rest of my life is abandoned. Do you care about my results? Will you understand me? No! You will be happy, pleased that your means of clever plan succeeded. “

Old Liu stunned his mouth open.

The others in the class didn’t know what was going on, but after listening to what they said just now, they heard half of the causes and consequences. At this point froze in place, I do not know how to react.

The other person’s face was flushed by her and said, “No?”

Ye Ang pointed at them and said seriously, “Why not? Because I am okay now? Or because I think I am strong enough? So you can bully casually? I am really fed up with you. I really look down on you. Wanting to hurt others , But smiled again. Only allow yourself to be weak, not allow others to collapse. Only allow yourself to make mistakes, and do not allow others to resist. High on the top, regardless of right and wrong, but still complacent. “

She walked to the boy who was just and eloquent just now, and asked, word by word:

“Your love is noble, your justice is noble, and nobler than other people’s lives. But you have the ability, do you dare to say what you have done? You have self-esteem, and you dare to face up to your dirtyness. Means? “

He was very close to Ye Ang, and he could see his figure in the pupil of the other party.

Small in size and ugly.

He suddenly froze. Seems to see the other person’s anger is burning, can not say a word.

He finally realized that Ye Ang was really angry about this matter. She actually really cares.

Ye Ang: “Yes, you dare not.”

“I …” The boy shook uncontrollably and said to me: “I don’t have …”

Ye Ang spit out the last word coldly: “Go away.”

The scene was dead silent.

No one has ever seen Ye Ang really angry. At this time, everyone combined with the scene, and from the cold air field that was thousands of miles away, they also made up a disappointment and sadness.

Ye Ang turned around and gave everyone a light glance, walked through the crowd, and moved up to the classroom.

The author has something to say:

A unit play is a non-series article with no connection between stories. Just look at it as a collection of short stories. Both male and female owners will change but not only (or may not)

I originally wanted to write it as fast wear, but later I found that in some stories, the hostess settings are different, and the background setting is too awkward, so I simply changed it to a unitary drama.

I told you that I did n’t choose the sweet label because it was low-key.

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