Strong Counterattack

Chapter 1 - I love learning 01

Ye Ang died suddenly.

After struggling in front of the computer for nearly twenty hours every day and continuing for a week, he died suddenly and vigorously.

Before she died, there was strong unwillingness.

If anyone can lend her another sum of money to help her survive this decline, it will immediately be a sullen rebound. She can get three times, five times, or even more than ten times the income.

But no if.

Not only did she explode, she also died.

As a poor ghost with a huge amount of money owed, Ye Ang was ready to greet the bleak ghost life, opened his eyes, but found that he had become a girl away from home in a cyber cafe.

There are some scattered memories in my mind, which are not clear, and record the girl’s general experience.

The girl’s real name is also called Ye Ang. Seventeen years old, high school student. Students of Experimental High School in City A.

Because of quarreling with his parents and leaving home, he is currently hanging out outside during the day and hiding in an Internet cafe at night.

As for the reason for the quarrel, it was hard to say a word. As soon as she recalled it, it was all related to a girl named Ye Zhixia, that is, her sister.

This is a superficial and harmonious family.

Ye Ang was sitting in a chair smelling of tobacco for a while.

The familiar surroundings and the old-fashioned computers around the place put a lot of pressure on this sudden death.

Ye Ang took out his pocket.

Internet cafes cost ten dollars a night, and she still has eleven dollars. The time in the private room is coming. She couldn’t afford to pay for the Internet during the day, so she got up and went out.

The management of Internet cafes in this era is not strict, so minors like Ye Ang have also mixed in.

Walking out of the private room, there was a strange smell of moisture and mildew between the smell of sweat and tobacco. Ye Ang stepped out in two or three steps and walked outside to breathe the fresh air.

She patted her belly.

Very hungry.

Now I have to think about my future.

While Ye Ang was hesitant about what to do, the phone was shaking. She flipped the brick machine out of her pocket and equipped with Nokia as standard, pushed the stylish slider on it, and saw that the caller was labeled “Dad.”

Three days after the eldest daughter disappeared, the pair of funny parents finally remembered to call her.

Ye Ang picked it up lightly: “Hey.”


An hour later, Ye Ang sat in a brightly-colored coffee shop and bowed his head to eat a piece of cake with a spoon.

A couple sat opposite her, a little nervous in her expression.

“Have you agreed?” The woman on the opposite side asked softly. “We transferred you to the second middle school for your own good. The art class in the second middle school is still more professional, so that you will be more convenient for the art college or sports school . “

Ye Ang raised her head and looked at the lady, trying to see from her face that this is actually a joke.

The experiment is a key high school, the original owner himself was admitted. Now is the most important moment of the third grade. As for the second middle school, it is an ordinary middle school with a moderate enrollment rate. At this juncture, parents would let the original owner transfer to school because she slapped her sister Ye Zhixia.

Ye Zhixia was in the same class as her school, and her parents did not want her to influence her sister’s college entrance examination.

Ye Ang pulled the napkin next to him, wiped off the cream on his hands, and said, “I haven’t studied sports, nor are I art students.”

“So let you go to school. With your grades, do you still want to go to college in culture class?” The man took a rude voice, “If your grades are half as good as your sister, I …”

The woman next to him shoved it down with his elbow, and the man suffocated back all the words.


The relationship between the original owner and the sister is very harmonious and visible to the naked eye. And the parents who are partial to the little girl are also visible to the naked eye.

Although they are all biological, the treatment between biological and biological is very different.

When Ye Fu and Ye Mu worked hard in their early years, they threw “Ye Ang” to grandparents and took care of them. Ye Zhixia was born again a year later. Grandparents are in poor health, they can’t take care of two people, and neither can they take care of two people, so their younger sister was brought up by themselves, and “Ye Ang” accompanied his grandparents in the countryside until his death, and was not taken home.

When Ye Zhixia was born, Ye Mu fell over, causing Ye Zhixia to have a bad health from an early age. To compensate, the couple gave her more attention and love. At the same time, treating the precocious and unfamiliar and unfamiliar “Ye Ang” became very unattractive.

“Ye Ang” was picked up at the age of twelve. At that time, I was expecting my parents, but the reality slapped her hard.

Her life is like a child born from a stepmother, suppressing pain and being out of place.

Several others have always believed that they played the role of a warm family, turning all her demands into unreasonable trouble. Under this pressure, “Ye Ang” did many things that rebellious young people would do wrong.

Negative learning and self-harm.

But she didn’t know that her parents didn’t love her.

This behavior did not bring her the desired result, but instead made her life path with a good momentum start to regress.

Like a mirage in the desert Caspian City, you think you can drink a sip of water, but it’s all soil.


The two opposites stopped, waiting for her reply.

Ye Ang pondered for a moment, but still broke the silence and said: “You have not asked me why I beat her.”

“She already told me!” Ye Father asked. “You have been saying good things to you, what else do you want to defame her?”

“Oh.” Ye Ang said, “It doesn’t seem that you really don’t know.”

Ye Zhixia doesn’t like to tell the truth.

She felt that she could analyze Ye Zhixia’s psychology.

Ye Zhixia was too happy since childhood, but the sister who appeared suddenly broke her happiness. A stone suddenly plunged into the calm water, which infringed her realm, but did not write her name, so she was even hostile to the original owner.

But Ye Zhixia is a clever child. She knows how to pretend to be malicious and use her poor appearance to deceive others.

Her stars were alive, and pride made her not allow another moon to appear in the sky.

As for her pride, her parents gave it.

Ye Ang was still very distressed about this man with his own name.

Man, I always hope that I should have something that I really do n’t have.

I just put something in front of my eyes and kept telling her that it was available.

Are deceptive.

Ye Ang will not be deceived by this hypocrisy.

She is an orphan herself and has never owned it. She does not expect the love of her parents.

Isn’t a person unable to live without her parents? She still happily became a successful person in the universal sense?

Moreover, eccentricity is not a disease, it has no cure at all.

Continue to be stubborn with no good results.


Ye Ang This is not speculation or aimlessness. She doesn’t know what happened, anyway, her memory contains not only the original owner’s memory about the past, but also the original owner’s future.

She saw that the original owner finally entered the second middle school under the entreaties of Ye Fu and Ye Mu.

But because of his arrogance and disappointment with his parents, he had a fight with his classmates the next day. Carry a penalty at a fast speed.

In the following time, due to poor communication, “Ye Ang” has been in constant trouble, and the campus life has been extremely dark, and almost collapsed.

During this period, Ye Fu and Ye Mu ignored them and accused “Ye Ang” of fighting and making trouble. Later, he did not even mention that Ye Zhixia had a sister. Caused strong secondary damage to the original owner.

Later, “Ye Ang” seemed to be seeing the reality, holding his breath, and began to study hard. But because the foundation is really too much, the time is tight, and finally in the high school year, I was admitted to a university.

Fortunately, “Ye Ang” has a wild imagination and a brilliant creative talent, and has taken the road of design.

However, this is not the beginning of her life.

Even if he was extremely disappointed, “Ye Ang” still kept in touch with his family, and he still had a fight with Ye Zhixia.

Years later, when “Ye Ang” finally got tired of such a longing life and wanted to be relieved, he was falsely accused by Ye Zhixia. And the parents are unconditionally on the sister’s side. Obviously not knowing the truth, but in order to preserve Ye Zhixia’s reputation, she was given a fatal blow at a critical moment.

Finally, “Ye Ang” committed suicide.


“I understand the demands of the two.” Ye Ang said, “I will break away from the two as soon as possible. As for the cost of maintenance, based on the protection of minors by the state, I hope to be able to liquidate after adulthood. I must rest assured that I will calculate the inflation rate and other external factors, and wait for the two old people to be incapacitated and need to support them, and then return them to the two in accordance with the law to avoid excessive unnecessary contact and quarrel. “

Father Ye frowned: “What?”

Ye Ang: “Secondly, it is about the transfer of school. From the perspective of making you and I both happy, I agree. As a condition, please do not interfere in my life at will.”

Mother Ye became very uncomfortable in her smile and visit. Apathy and alienation, and a trace of disgust and irony. She never thought of what she would see in Ye Ang’s eyes.

I don’t know why, she felt a kind of coercive pressure on her cowardly daughter, which gave her a sense of panic in the face of runaway.

“How did you … suddenly say that?” Ye Mother put her hand on the table and hesitated: “You really agreed to transfer to No. 2 Middle School?”

“I agree.” Ye Ang put a smile on his face and said sincerely: “But I want to remind the two of you. From now on, it is deemed that your relationship is officially filed for bankruptcy. Please stop all acts of infringement on my reputation.

“What ?!” Ye Father increased the volume, “What the **** are you talking about ?!”

She thought of something, looked up sadly, looked into the distance, and sighed.

She decided to restructure as a conservative investor before she could benefit her physical and mental health. At the same time, the declaration was changed to industry guidelines-

It may not be profitable, but it must not lose money.

“I mean, if your family of three continues to physically attack and persecute me, I will let you understand the price of fluctuations. I hope the two will know and tell Ye Zhixia on their behalf.” Word by word: “Translate, beep, I will definitely cut you.”

Er Lao took a deep breath, fell into a violent shock, and even forgot to be angry.

Ye Ang got up, bowed politely to the two, and smiled: “Goodbye.”

The author has something to say: the next book, I want to open this first → “Piggy is so cute” Gourmet Article of the Year of the Pig-. -#

See the copy for details ~

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