Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 25 - Won another spell for nothing

   gradually approached the gate, Jiang Hen naturally heard the noise outside.

   “What happened? Why is someone making noise outside.” At this time, Liu Wen also saw Jiang Hen.

   Liu Wen waved at Jiang Hen excitedly, wanted to come in, but was blocked by the guard at the door. Liu Wen looked uncomfortable with the guard theory, but the guard seemed not to care about it at all.

   “Some people outside want to interrupt your rest, so we stopped.”

   A guard ran over and said, and the steward next to him looked at his nose and nose, as if it had nothing to do with him.

   “Really? But when did I give this order.” Jiang Hen squinted at the guard.

   The butler finally stopped pretending to be dead: “Master, you did not give such an order. It was given by the person above. Now the king is not stable. To protect your safety, it is not suitable for you to come into contact with outsiders for the time being.”

   will have a glint in his eyes, huh, if his strength is not strong enough, and he dares to play such tricks with himself, he will definitely kill him directly to let them know what it is not to be in contact with outsiders.

   “That person is my friend, not an outsider, and I am safe.”

   “Master, the above means…”

   “Are you teaching me to do things, or are you saying that there is an order that does not allow me to contact anyone. Who gave this order, let me ask, and see if you are acting indiscriminately or if it is true.”

   Hearing Jiang Hen’s words, the housekeeper didn’t know how to answer.

   First of all, such orders are indeed impossible to express, they are all hints. If Jiang Hen was really asked, there would be two results. The first is that the person above directly admits that it would offend Jiang Hen, and he would be fine.

   But basically this kind of situation is impossible, because Jiang Hen is a mage, and it seems that the above attaches a lot of attention to this person.

   Some time ago, even the palace mage had come and sent a lot of books.

  The second case is that people like myself are probably going to be in the wrong. Don’t think that these people are your own people, but you can replace them. In order to give Jiang Hen an explanation at that time, it is okay to sacrifice yourself.

   Anyway, it’s just an adventurer and it’s nothing at all. Even if you touch it, it’s not a big deal.

   Jiang Hen saw this by himself and asked to meet him. The above blames him, and he also punishes two sentences at most.

   Thinking of this, the butler hurriedly bowed and said, “I’m sorry, it’s our negligence, we may have misunderstood the meaning.” As he said, the butler winked at the two guards.

  The guard finally got out of the way, and Liu Wen walked in with an annoyed expression on his face.

   “Brother Jerry, what’s going on, why these people won’t let me in? Did I offend my brother somewhere.”

   Jiang Hen waved his hand: “Why, I welcome you very much, but you also know that this place is not mine, and I live here temporarily. So you know some orders.”

   How could Liu Wen not know that Jiang Hen was under house arrest, and someone wanted to control him.

   The reason why Liu Wen was so angry was because he was not angry, so he just acted. If you are really angry, you won’t do it.

   As a traverser, that kind of arrogance in the bones is impossible to disappear.

   “Regardless of them, come in first. By the way, is there anything you are so anxious about?” Jiang Hen said directly.

   “Ah, that’s it. I got a spell scroll some time ago, but there are a lot of things that I don’t understand. I just want to ask my brother to help you study it.”

   Jiang Hen felt joyful. It was another new spell. The identity of the aboriginal was so easy to use.

   You don’t have to go out by yourself, someone comes to find yourself with spells. “Go to the study with me, we will study slowly.”

   Jiang Hen turned around to look at the butler who followed, and then said with some dissatisfaction: “We are discussing spells, please don’t be annoying.”

   Seeing that Jiang Hen was a little disgusted with him, the housekeeper didn’t care. He knows who he is, and this one is not the one he wants to be loyal to, so just dislike it if he dislikes it.

   So the butler stopped and stood at the door.

   And Jiang Hen brought Liu Wen to the study. The study at this time is different from before. It used to be some useless books, but now it is all professional books.

   And there are many drawings hanging around, these are some things left by Jiang Hen’s research.

   is not a complete composition of the spell, and no one can even understand it except himself.

   This is the encryption method Jiang Hen learned recently. Many mages will do this. Everyone has their own encryption method. It can be said that outsiders don’t know it, and it is completely impossible to untie it.

   This is not a math problem, it can be tested repeatedly. Unlock the encrypted magic circle, if you make a mistake once, the magic circle will be destroyed.

   Jiang Hen also did experiments on these incomplete things, so they left them. Under normal circumstances, unless the mage himself is willing, other people can’t learn all kinds of knowledge. UU reading www.

   “Come on, it’s been a long time, I’ll let someone prepare coffee first.”

   “Let’s study the composition first.” Liu Wen looked eager, he didn’t come to this world to enjoy.

   “Well, let’s look at the composition.”

   Hearing this, Liu Wen opened the scroll and laid it directly on the table. There is a complete spell composition on the scroll, and there are some explanations next to it. But these explanations are not many, so Liu Wen, a person with insufficient knowledge, can’t understand it.

   There are very few encryption methods used to cover up the composition, but there is also a way to unlock it.

   But people who don’t have enough knowledge can have no way even if they get it. Liu Wen is obviously one.

   If it hadn’t been for this time to learn a lot of knowledge, Jiang Hen would have no choice but to use this. This is not a spell book, it clearly records everything, and the things that can be recorded on this scroll are limited.

   “This is encrypted, we need to unlock it before we can see it clearly. This spell should be fireball, a very common spell, I will redraw the composition first.”

   Jiang Hen is happy to see the hunt, the fireball is the romance of the mage.

   spread out a piece of paper, and Jiang Hen began to decrypt and recompose the picture, and at the same time the magic power was also flowing on the original picture. Even with Jiang Hen’s ability, it would not be possible to untie it casually.

   For half an hour, Jiang Hen drew the picture five times before finally unlocking it.

   “The basic ability is still not enough, otherwise it can be solved at once.” Jiang Hen shook his head, thinking in his heart.

   “How is it, did you succeed?” Liu Wen asked anxiously.

   Jiang Hen nodded: “It has been unlocked. This is the complete composition. Take a look first and ask me if you don’t understand.”

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