Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 18 - Frontier Fortress Snow Wind City

   This time it was different from when I came here. Everyone rushed to the road with all their strength and didn’t dare to stop at all.

  Moreover, the adventurers are not the only ones to do the path finding. Jiang Hen also released his magic wolf, very fast. This demon wolf is not afraid of anything, and is indeed a good helper in pathfinder.

   It only took less than two days before the group came to the border again.

   “Our luck is good. It’s the lizardman tribe last time. It just saves time for reconnaissance.”

   Justin nodded and said: “If this is the case, take a break, and then rush over. We will arrive at Snow Wind City in one breath this afternoon.”

   Everyone whispered and then began to rest. Hurrying now, I am much more tired than before.

   Everyone carries a big box on their bodies, and at the same time they have to run at the fastest speed, which is strange if they are not tired.

   After the break, they formed the same formation as when they came.

   “Wait a minute, I will attract them first.” Suddenly, Jiang Hen said. Then Jiang Hen released the two magic wolves and ran in the other direction.

   Upon seeing this, Locke gave Jiang Hen a thumbs up.

   The attack of the magic wolf is still very strong, and it will mess up the whole tribe in a short while. Then the lizard people drove the slaves and ran towards that side, but the place they were going to pass by became vacant.

   “Rush over.” Suddenly, Justin shouted, and then formed an arrow to rush forward. This time it went so smoothly. When the lizardmen reacted, they had already run out of the farmland.

   In the whole process, not even a single slave soldier was touched. It was so easy.

   And those lizardmen with limited brain capacity, until now, they don’t know what happened.

   Crossing the border, the next road will be much easier. Along the way, everyone quickly crossed the border and ran in the direction of the Iron Wall Kingdom in the south. No monsters in the forest dared to stop them.

   “Don’t you go back and see your master.” Suddenly, Liu Wen said.

   Jiang Hen’s face stiffened, and then shook his head and said, “Forget it, it’s not a long time since I came out this time. I originally came to experience it. I’ll talk about it when I’m done.”

   Hearing this, Liu Wen and others nodded and didn’t care.

   After all, what Jiang Hen said is reasonable, maybe this is the rule of others.

   ran all the way, before dark, the group finally saw a huge city. The whole city is made of white rocks, and it shines with magnificent light in the afterglow of the setting sun.

   “Here, this is Snow Wind City.” Justin quickened his pace.

   When a group of people came under the city wall, there were already some soldiers waiting for them.

   “Whoever, stop and show your identity immediately.”

   “It’s me, Justin, I have completed the task, and I am now preparing to go back.” Justin stepped forward and gave them his identification. After all, when I came, I also left here.

   “Very good, the identity is confirmed, congratulations, we have prepared the horses, and we can set off tomorrow.”

   “By the way, we brought back a person this time. He does not yet have an identity certificate. Locke, you take Brother Jerry to apply for a temporary certificate.” Justin shouted to Locke.

   Then Justin turned around and said, “Is the above so anxious? Is it possible that things have deteriorated again.”

   Several people walked farther and farther, and their voices gradually became smaller.

   Locke stepped forward and patted Jiang Hen on the shoulder: “Let’s go, first I will give you a temporary certificate, and I will give you an official identity when you arrive in the capital. Then you will be a real person in the capital.”

  Well, no matter which world you are in, people in the capital always feel superior, and others think so.

   Otherwise, just apply for the identity certificate here, do you need to go to the capital?

   Following Locke, the two came to the place of household registration management. “In this medieval world, the management of household registration is so strict. I really don’t know how they did it.” Jiang Hen muttered in his heart.

   was holding a small identity card and didn’t know what material it was made of. It is said that there are special marks on it. Jiang Hen didn’t see it anyway. It may take special means to see it.

   “After leaving, my brother, let’s go and relax. There is the business area of ​​Snow Wind City, but you shouldn’t mess around, or you won’t be able to leave tomorrow.”

   “Uncle Locke, what are you talking about?”

   “Hahahaha, I know you definitely don’t know, but you will see it later. If someone pulls you, remember to run out quickly.” As they said, the two came to a special area.

   This area is surrounded by a peculiar wall. The serious atmosphere inside and outside is completely different, and it looks very lively. Uncle Locke winked at Jiang Hen as he walked, and then ran away by himself.

   Jiang Hen looked helpless: “It was originally a red light district. U U Reading”

   At the place Locke was looking at just now, many young ladies in cool clothes were pulling people everywhere on the street, and he would definitely be pulled in the past. Forget it, I’m not doing this in this world.

   The situation in the royal capital is very serious, maybe there is still some danger waiting for him.

   Therefore, it is still important to find a way to improve the strength. Jiang Hen turned and walked towards the other side, where the materials were sold.

   Just now, Locke handed himself a bag of gold coins, he should be able to buy something. Jiang Hen doesn’t know the purchasing power of this world, but gold coins shouldn’t be ordinary currencies.

  While walking, Jiang Hen wandered around, there really is everything here.

   Suddenly, Jiang Hen’s eyes lit up, and then he walked to a medicine store.

   “What kind of medicinal materials you want, we are the store with the most complete medicinal materials on the street.”

   The other person looked at Jiang Hen’s temperament, and then looked at the delicate skin and tender hands without any calluses, and he knew that the person here was definitely pampered. To such a person, the boss is very polite.

   “I don’t buy medicinal materials, do you sell this thing.”

   Jiang Hen pointed to a lifelike specimen in the shop, which looked like a white wolf.

   But Jiang Hen knew that this thing was a monster, and the cryptic power emanating from his body could be felt. But this thing is too small, so no one cares. But this level of completeness is most suitable for me.

   If you study this thing clearly, you will have your advanced skills.

   happens to be the same system as Summoning the Wolf, and it will be easier to create new skills at that time. Moreover, the same type of skills can also strengthen each other’s power when they are related to each other.

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