Start with Construction Skills

Chapter 1259: Build 1 exhibition hall

After that attack, the whole battlefield became calm for a while.

This calm does not mean that there is no fighting, but that the bug seems to have no other plans.

Of course, this battle is still impossible to stop, but the intensity is not strengthened either. After all, the more worms that died, the more giant death worms would be transformed here. Jiang Hen still had some response to the last time.

Jiang Hen directly added a batch of the scrolls of the giant death insects and put them on the battlefield.

Of course, the light of life scroll didn’t continue to be released, and there were not many people who could learn.

Looking at his own women and friends, if it weren’t for the trouble now, Jiang Hen really wanted to send them away. But everyone has basically reached the limit now, and it is impossible to continue to improve.

Therefore, Jiang Hen did not let them continue to fight on the front line, but went to the rear.

While managing the logistics, while practicing those skills that I gave them, horizontally improve my strength.

But there is really no way for the potential, and those who reach the limit can hardly make an inch. Although Sun Li and Mo Qianqian have a chance to go further, they can’t be improved by fighting and killing them.

Similarly, during this period, with the improvement of combat command, the movements of various insects have been summarized one after another.

At this time, everyone discovered that the bugs’ plan was not just to attack Jiang Hen.

In fact, the worms have a lot of tactics, and they have all been used, but they are all hidden under large-scale attacks. Some strategies have been successful, some are still in progress, and have not been successful.

But none of this has been noticed by everyone, even if the bugs plan to succeed, they don’t take it seriously.

At the beginning, everyone thought that it was caused by the bugs’ attack being too strong. Now everyone understands. And some thinking models of the insects have basically been established.

These tactics have begun to be destroyed one after another, and the battle between the two sides has become more and more level.

On this day, Jiang Hen suddenly discovered that the rear began to spread all kinds of knowledge of the bugs on a large scale.

Not only the superficial knowledge about bugs, but also some deeper things, are explained everywhere. Obviously, with the increasing threat of bugs, it is impossible to ignore this thing.

More and more insects have broken through the rules of the world and entered the earth.

There are more and more battles with bugs behind the earth. Not only are human professionals, there are also various other creatures.

In short, those creatures are unlucky enough, but now they are attacked by both sides.

If human professionals hadn’t given up and continued to exterminate those creatures, they would face even more cruelty. But even so, even in some places, human professionals are required to help from time to time.

Of course, with the resistance of these creatures, the pressure on the human side has also been reduced a lot.

But this pressure is always increasing, so people are eager to understand everything about bugs.

Thinking of this, Jiang Hen suddenly contacted the national defense zone.

“I have an idea. I want to build an exhibition hall, an exhibition hall about the Zerg.”

Hearing Jiang Hen’s words, many people were a little wondering what he wanted to do. Regarding the insect exhibition hall, is this necessary? As long as some models are available for everyone to see through machines.

Jiang Hen knew what they were thinking, so he said: “It is not intuitive enough for everyone to see through the model, and it can easily arouse some people’s contempt. I want them to see the real.”

“So, what are your thoughts?” A person finally asked.

Jiang Hen said directly: “I’m going to use a world and directly transform it into an exhibition hall. As long as the world of Tier 7 is enough, the world of Tier 7 cannot withstand the power of Tier 9, but there is still no problem with the dead Tier 9 specimens. ”

It is not easy for a normal seventh-order world to bear this kind of existence, but it is different if it is controlled by the earth.

With the help of the power of the earth, it is still possible to carry such a corpse.

“It just so happens that I have a lot of deserted worlds of Tier 7 and I just need to transform one of them.”

Langya wondered: “Then what’s the point of doing this for you, it feels like it’s useless. There may be a lot of people willing to go in to see this kind of exhibition hall, but it’s just a visit.”

Jiang Hen said calmly: “Of course it’s not just a simple look. I will design some simple and effective targeted skills based on the characteristics of these bugs, as well as various weaknesses. These skills and knowledge can be released for free.”

That’s right, this is Jiang Hen’s idea, anyway, it’s all aimed at bugs, so what will happen even if you let go.

For the people on earth, this is a very big benefit, but for themselves, there is no bad influence. Besides, Jiang Hen is very happy to be able to target insects.

Let those bugs deal with yourself, then take a good look. UU reading www.

“In terms of specimens, I can produce high-end ones, so I don’t need to bother others.”

There are a large number of insect specimens in Jiang Hen’s hands, even female insects of Tier Nine. These are materials in my own hands, but I already have a lot of materials, and I won’t be able to use up these things at all for a while.

Now, it can be taken out as a specimen. Anyway, these things have to be dealt with.

If you don’t deal with it, even if the ninth-order bug dies, the terrifying aura on the body is not something ordinary people can resist. Getting closer, or even taking a glance, may leave serious sequelae.

Therefore, it must be processed, and Jiang Hen is the best at it.

No other means are needed, just use arcane power to refine it, and after completion, seal it with a magic circle.

This is not just as simple as science, it is also a very important teaching. For many people, it is a good thing that can save their lives and even make merit in the future.

“Now that you have decided, let’s do it. If something is missing, let us add it.”

I had long wanted Jiang Hen to continue making some methods against the Zerg, but Jiang Hen hadn’t had much time. But now, Jiang Hen took the initiative to propose, and of course they must raise their hands in agreement.

“You start preparing now, we will take care of the other things for you.”

They have decided here and there is no problem, after all, they are all real seniors. As for the transformation of the death giant insects on the battlefield, it can be put aside, anyway, the battlefield is now stable.

Even if it doesn’t create new death giant insects, it will not have a big impact on the situation of the war. At most, the ugly country is a little bit unlucky.

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