Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24 Wooden Balls

Another day has passed.

In the early morning, Ye Chuan woke up from his sleep, glanced at the time, and got up to wash.

He brushed his teeth in front of the mirror, suddenly realizing that something wasn’t quite right.

After watching for a while, Ye Chuan realized that he was not in the same direction as him in the mirror, so it was so awkward to look at.

At this time, the “Ye Chuan” in the mirror also stopped, and suddenly showed a strange smile.

The next second, a pair of pale hands stretched out from the mirror, as if to pinch Ye Chuan’s neck.

After Ye Chuan saw this scene, he continued to brush his teeth, not even bothering to move.

“It’s too much, why are you not afraid at all!” Seeing Ye Chuan’s appearance, the mirror waved like a lake, and a head came out, looking at Ye Chuan angrily Chuan, no doubt, this is of course Gastly’s trick.

“Why should I be afraid?” Ye Chuan rinsed his mouth, then started to wash his face, he also took a towel and put it in Youyou’s hand:

“Help me first. Take it.”

“Oh.” Youyou obediently held the towel and waited for Ye Chuan to wash his face.

After a few seconds, it suddenly reacted, why did it help Ye Chuan? !

“Wow, this life is hopeless…” Youyou squatted in the corner, making a ying ying ying sound.

“Then go back to Yinshan Middle School.” Ye Chuan wiped the water droplets from his face with a towel, and then walked out of the bathroom. He began to develop immunity to these scary tricks of Youyou.

“No, I won’t give up so easily.” Youyou floated out behind Ye Chuan.

“Speaking of which, wouldn’t it be exhausting for you to maintain this appearance all the time?” Ye Chuan couldn’t help asking, looking at Youyou’s appearance as a high school girl.

“It should be said that this appearance is what I originally looked like, and becoming what you call Gastly is exhausting for me.” Faintly said.

“en?” Ye Chuan looked at it a little surprised.

The Pokémon of Gastly, according to research, is the lifeform of the combination of Poison Gas and Grudge of the deceased. It is also introduced in Alliance’s Pokédex that Gastly’s body is composed of 95% Poison Gas and 5% soul.

If it is as Youyou said, then it should be a variant of Gastly, perhaps because the power of the soul is strong, so it maintains this human-like appearance.

putting it that way, this girl looks like a dead person?

Ye Chuan thought about it and found that it is indeed possible, but he has no interest in how Youyou was born, because he has no idea about Ghost Type Pokémon and has no plans to subdue this mutant Gastly.

And this guy shows up from time to time and disrupts the rhythm of his life.

After thinking for a while, Ye Chuan suddenly said to faintly: “Do you know why you can’t scare me?”

“Why?” Ye Chuan flew around Ye Chuan faintly , looked curious.

“You think about it, it’s like playing a game. How can you challenge the BOSS at first?” Ye Chuan asked.


“Do you have to level up to fight monsters and challenge the boss if you have a certain strength?”

Youyou seems to understand something: “You Does it mean that I have to hone my strength before I can scare you?”

“Yes, you are not strong enough, you will never scare me, why waste your time.” Ye Chuan nodded, then extended the hand and touched the faint little head in an old father’s tone:

“How about setting a small goal and scaring a thousand people first?”

” I understand!” Youyou’s eyes lit up, and then it got into the wall and floated away. After a few seconds, it seemed to have forgotten something and got its head out of the wall:

“I’ll go Leveling up, wait for me!”

“Come on.”

After seeing Youyou really leave, Ye Chuan breathed a sigh of relief and finally managed to fool this guy away. , how can the goal of a thousand people be so easy to achieve, when the time comes it should give up if it can’t be achieved.

Even if it succeeds, at the rate of one person per night, a thousand people will have to wait two or three years.

Thinking of this, Ye Chuan stretched out comfortably and went to have breakfast.

In the kitchen on the first floor, An Shiyu was busy preparing lunch for the two of them, and breakfast was already on the table, very simple bacon half-boiled eggs and lettuce, buttered and baked The toast is ready.

“Good morning, Ye.” An Shiyu smiled sweetly when she saw Ye Chuan woke up:

“Let’s have breakfast.”

“Shiyu, I have something to consider.” Ye Chuan said suddenly.

“What?” An Shiyu placed the food, sprinkled sesame seeds on the rice in the lunch box and left a packet of unopened seaweed, then closed the lid of the lunch box and packed it.

“It’s just that you don’t have a holiday after the start of the school year. It’s a little too hard for you to prepare brunch this morning.” Ye Chuan said:

“The two of us will have lunch at the school otherwise. Shall we eat?”

“Why, do you feel sorry for me?” An Shiyu raised her head and looked at Ye Chuan with a smile.

“Well, it hurts.” Ye Chuan seriously nodded, but An Shiyu’s face turned red.

“I have seen the dishes in the dining hall. The chefs like to use wide oil for cooking. Ah Ye will easily gain weight if he eats so much greasy food.” An Shiyu stretched out a A finger said:

“And I don’t think it’s hard, just cook a meal.”

Seeing An Shiyu’s appearance, Ye Chuan had to nodded.

Rowlet on the dining table turned his head one hundred and eighty degrees, and while the two of them chatted, he gently touched Charmander’s paw with his own wings.

“Gah.” Charmander glanced at his master, then secretly distributed some of his food to Rowlet.

Rowlet turned his head and quickly pecked the food with his beak, then happily rubbed Charmander with his body: “Cloth!”

After An Shiyu made the lunch box , and had breakfast with Ye Chuan.

Ye Chuan looked at Rowlet next to the dining table, and suddenly asked a little strangely: “Is Rowlet fat again?”

At this time, Rowlet’s body became more round, like a ball Same.

“It’s weird, I obviously have good calorie control, why don’t I lose weight at all?” An Shiyu also didn’t seem to understand. She took out her mobile phone and opened a form, and then according to Rowlet’s weight Start counting.

But no matter what you do, Rowlet shouldn’t be fatter.

“Rowlet, did you secretly eat something?!” An Shiyu looked at Rowlet with a scrutiny look.

“Cloth!” Rowlet’s feathers quivered and quickly hooked the head.

An Shiyu thinks about it carefully, it seems unlikely, after all, Rowlet has never acted alone, and has always stayed with her, so how could he have time to steal something.

“Take it to the Pokémon Center and check it out,” Ye Chuan said.

“That’s the only way to go. Let’s go and see this afternoon.” An Shiyu also said.

Rowlet heard that the owner was going to take him to the Pokémon Center, and suddenly looked at Charmander next to him with a guilty conscience, who was just helpless.

After breakfast, Ye Chuan and An Shiyu went back to school and went back to work separately.

When Ye Chuan entered the first class of the Pokémon department, he found that many students were crowding around the notification board of the class, as if they were looking at something.

After seeing this scene, he walked over curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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