Start With A Pokemon Trainer

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

Chapter 13 Practical Test

Ninety minutes, the written test is over.

Ye Chuan walked out of the exam classroom after handing in the papers. He stood in the aisle of the corridor and looked at the school.

“Ah, Ye Chuan.” An unexpected voice came from beside him.

Turning his head, a small boy appeared in front of him. It was Gu Qi who had played the first Pokémon battle before.

“Sure enough, how was the exam?” Ye Chuan asked.

“There should be no problem in the written test, by the way, the last extended question, did you ask for the speed of Flash Cannon Ability?”

“That question is actually a cold knowledge question, right? , the answer I wrote is 3*10^8m/s.” Ye Chuan thought about the last question and then said.

“Me too.” Gu Qi seemed to relax a little, he looked at the school and sighed:

“It would be great if I could enter this school.”

“I remember that Yinshan Middle School seems to have a history of several decades. Why does the school’s infrastructure look so new?” Ye Chuan looked slightly curious. He believed that the school was newly built. Even the faucet in the toilet next to it is auto-sensing.

“So you don’t know.” Gu Qi explained that Ye Chuan really didn’t know, and explained:

“Yinshan Middle School has always been sponsored by the Bai Group. , it will be renovated almost every few years during the winter and summer vacations, so you look like a new school.”

“Bai’s?” Ye Chuan was slightly taken aback.

“It’s the group that invented Poké Ball, hey…you really don’t know?” Gu Qi looked at Ye Chuan with a surprised look, and the Bai Group found that The number of Trainer supplies covered is very large, as a Trainer but not knowing this group is still relatively rare.

“Of course I know that.” Ye Chuan laughed.

“I’ll just say, yes, when it comes to renovation, there was a joke in the last session.” Gu Qi said with a smile:

“Before the last session His bathroom has a voice-activated light. One of the seniors stayed at school late. When he went to the bathroom with a stomachache, he found that the light would automatically turn off in five or six seconds. He was afraid of the dark, so he clapped and pulled it.

Just at this time, another teacher entered the bathroom, and on the second day, there was a rumor about Ghost, saying that when you go to the bathroom at night to have diarrhea, there will be a Ghost next to you to applaud and cheer you on.”

The corner of Ye Chuan’s mouth As soon as he pulled it off, Gu Qi also spread out his hands, showing that he didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

At this time, the radio rang: “The students taking the exam, please go to the designated area for the actual combat test.”

“The actual combat test is coming, let’s go.”


“en. ”

The real War Zone that the two of them happened to divide was Group C, that is, on the playground. Holding the test number, they lined up separately.

There is a dedicated battle field on the playground. Four of them are used for the test. Each battle field is equipped with five teachers, one for the battle, one for the referee, and three for the score. The examiner, it can be seen that the school attaches great importance to the examination.

At this time, many people have summoned their Pokémon, almost all types, all looking like they are gearing up.

Ye Chuan did the same, calling out Charmander to stand beside him.

The teacher in charge of the battle will send a relatively weak Pokémon to fight against the candidates. The requirement of the actual test is not to defeat the opponent, but to see the performance of the Trainer and Pokémon in the whole game, and three examiners will score, After calculating the average score, it is the actual test score.

With Ye Chuan’s test number, he had to wait more than an hour for his turn, but he was not in a hurry, so he and other candidates gathered to watch the battle of others.

After a few rounds, Ye Chuan actually found that none of the candidates could beat the Teacher, and the Pokémon the teachers used were not much better than the candidates, but they couldn’t lose.

“Isn’t the teacher too strong, how can we fight?”

“I heard that they are all high-level Trainers, what can you do?”

“Not at all. Look at that Growlithe, it was broken by that Teacher’s Froakie.”

The candidates who were watching began to whisper.

“Is this the difference between the Trainers.” Ye Chuan pondered slightly, these Teachers can work in Yinshan Middle School, naturally they have a certain level.

That’s why the actual combat test declares that you must not beat the Teacher, you just need to come up with the standard.

“We didn’t plan to greet the teachers’ scores as losers.” Ye Chuan said, looking towards Charmander beside him with a slight smile:

“Right? “

Charmander opened his mouth and clenched his claws: “Ka!”

“Please go to the No. 4 field to prepare for the exam!” At this time, the playground broadcast sounded. ——

No. 77 is naturally himself, Ye Chuan pulled the headband on his wrist, moved towards No. 4 and walked towards the battlefield: “Let’s go, Charmander.”

“Gah .”

There were also a lot of people in the No. 4 venue at this time. After Ye Chuan entered the venue, he suddenly found that the candidates around were casting pitiful eyes:

” Another one.”

“It’s a hell start to be drawn by Jiang Teacher, right?”

“Ah, I’m No. 79, I hope he can hold on longer, I can I don’t want to take the test at venue 4.”

Hearing the conversations of those people, Ye Chuan could probably guess that the strength of the teacher should be very strong, otherwise they would not have reacted in this way.

“Hey, new student, don’t stick there.” A voice came from the front, Ye Chuan turned his head and found a thin-faced man in his thirties staring at him with an impatient expression:


“There are still a lot of students lining up behind. Do you know how many people’s time you will waste?”

He should be the Jiang Teacher in the mouths of those candidates.

Ye Chuan thought so, he took a step forward and walked to the command position on the battlefield: “Hello, Teachers, I’m Candidate No. 77, Ye Chuan.”

” Ye Chuan?” Jiang Teacher looked at Ye Chuan:

“Let your Pokémon play.”

Ye Chuan glanced at Charmander, who walked into the opposing field with his tail on the The flames flickered and quickly entered a state of battle.

“What are you wearing? Take it off. You are not allowed to bring any items in the exam.” Jiang Teacher said aloud after seeing the training vest on Charmander.


Ye Chuan smiled slightly, at this time Charmander also took off his training vest, and the heavy vest fell on the battlefield, raising a cloud of dust.

“oh?” Jiang Teacher raised his brows as if he understood something.

“So Ye Chuan’s Charmander is actually wearing such a heavy thing to fight against me?” Gu Qi was also onlookers off the court. After seeing this scene, he showed a surprised expression. At the beginning of the period, Gu Qi I thought this was just an ordinary Decorate product.

“Then I’ll use this guy.” Ginger Teacher’s Poké Ball threw, white light flashed, and a blue frog-like Pokémon appeared.


Pokémon, Water Type, has a strong Bounce ability and can easily jump to a height of three floors.

“Attribute is still restrained, shouldn’t it be beaten?”

“It’s too miserable.”

“I hope I won’t be killed to get more points. Let’s go.” Under the stage, Gu Qi had already started to silently pray to Ye Chuan’s Charmander, although he knew Ye Chuan’s strength was very strong, but facing the devil Teacher, he still felt that there was no chance of winning, even more how attribute was restrained .

(End of this chapter)

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