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Chapter 205

Chapter 194: Final Battle

Opening Slime Punch: Overlord’s Growth Chapter 194 The final decisive battle is a burly man with a giant axe, a western swordsman with fierce eyes, a ghostly nightmare, a vampire who plays with blood, and a giant-sized knife with a knife Crocodiles, mighty warriors in golden armor, blind men with long braids…

A melee hero slowly surrounded Yagami Temple in a ‘one-line’ shape. After approaching, each and everyone gathered energy and gathered energy. Just by shaking the skill forward, the air wave stirred up to clear the dust on the ground.


A black shadow with two guns, a **** and enchanting female pirate, a handsome and handsome explorer, an angel flying in the sky…

There was even a long-range sniper who aimed at Iorian’s head with a long spear. The infrared beam was firmly on the center of Iorian’s eyebrows, causing Iorian to shed a drop of cold sweat.

The sound of Yagami’s swallowing saliva broke the peace at this moment, and then his eyes went black, and only colorful glare could be seen in his retina, as well as the bullet that hit his head…


“My hand was chopped off!”

“No, you angered me…”

“Libaiba Style Eight Wine Glasses!”

After all, it was the trump card summoned by Tianyun Space. Even if he was besieged by twenty heroes, he still survived after regaining his bright vision.

Although his clothes were tattered and there was no good skin on his body, he was able to survive in this situation, and his ability to temporarily react and dodge on the battlefield was also extremely terrifying.

As soon as he got the vision, Yagami-an ignored the injury and started with a one-shot kill, the eight wine glasses.

After a group of purple flames was thrown from his hand, it swelled violently and turned into a pillar of purple flames, which directly burned the oncoming hand of Noxus to ashes.

At the same time, Shunpo evaded the shots of the four long-range heroes, and a luminous wave and bullet hit the ground where he stayed before, forming a shallow pit.

“Super Killing, Forbidden One Thousand Two Hundred One Styles, Eight Young Girls!”

Yagami-an, who instantly appeared beside the long-range hero bounty hunter, showed a violent high-energy reaction all over his body, turned his hands into claws, and tore the charming and charming female pirate to pieces on the spot.

Seeing this scene, Ouyang Xiu’s eyes became cold even though there were still more than 20 combat power.

“Angel of Justice, open the moment of the Holy Judgment!”

Once again, he started a move ‘Hundreds of 217, Sunflower’, which wanted to burn the Picheng policewoman to ashes, and hit a golden mask. With his attack power, there were no ripples on it. play out.

This is the holy judgement moment of the heroic angel of justice, which can apply an invincibility effect to himself or his teammates for 2 seconds.

Although it was only a short 2 seconds, it completely interrupted the rhythm of Yagami’s attack.

In the case that he failed to succeed in one blow, countless control skills came to greet him again.

There are more than 5 deceleration skills alone. For a time, Yagami An was like a quagmire.

“As expected of an existence that can compete with Tianyun space, it really excites me. Burn it, the crazy blood in my body.”

In fact, Yagami-an has a second, more powerful state, which is to activate the blood of the serpent that has been diluted countless times in the body and evolve into a state of ‘Blood Rage’.

In the rampant state, Yagami’s attack power, speed, and attack judgment have been greatly improved, but the defense power and sanity will be reduced.

In this state, Yagami An will even attack teammates and all creatures in front of her.

“I knew it wasn’t that simple.”

Ouyang Xiu, who was watching from a distance, hasn’t ended yet. That’s why.

Just with the strength just now, it’s not worth it to jump and teleport for so long.


Seeing the **** scene in front of her eyes, Ouyang Xiu was unmoved.

Just as he was thinking for a moment, the rampant Yagami-an had slaughtered most of the heroes, leaving only 5 full-level heroes to support.

“Ignoring the control of the rampant state? It’s a bit like a Berserker’s secret skill.”

The most direct reason for the slaughter-like killing just now was that Yagami-an’s speed had increased by leaps and bounds, and he was almost immune to all control effects. The damage skills hit him, on the contrary, it made him feel more comfortable.

However, compared to Berserker’s short-term control-free state, Yagami-an’s rampant state seems to have no time limit. His palms have turned into inhuman-shaped claws, and inexplicable purple flames are still burning on the claws.

Just random slashing and tearing without any move, then tore the full-level blind monk into pieces again. The torture that seemed to be lingering represented the pain that the deceased suffered during his lifetime.


“That’s it.”

After observing the comprehensive strength of Yashin Temple, Ouyang Xiu suddenly felt dull, jumped in space, and appeared directly in…

At the main crystal of the red square, he used the fencing skill to slash more than a dozen times in a row.

“Boom!” sounded.

with no doubt.

The main red crystal, burst open.


An exaggerated loud noise appeared in Ouyang Xiu’s mind, which also represented the final victory of Dreamland.

Yagami-an: ? ? ?

Sky Cloud Space: ? ? ?

Dreamland: ? ? ?


A low voice resounded throughout the audience. Although it was only a few words, when the voice sounded, everything stopped, as if time had stopped at this moment.

The sand and gravel that was knocked up during the battle solidified in the air, and the two sides who were fighting fiercely stopped in place.

When the sound ended, the sand and gravel started to fly again according to the established orbit…

“High-dimensional This should be a more terrifying existence than Dreamland. Every word and deed represent the real power of rules.”

Ouyang Xiu muttered, and then a rainbow of light hit him, taking him away from the plane of Summoner’s Canyon.


The space battle is over.


[Ouyang Xiu, the reincarnator, entered the space battlefield alone, killed 26 reincarnators and 3 strong enemies, and won the final victory for Dreamland. 】

[You get the achievement: Battlefield Master. 】

[You can choose two of the following rewards as your final reward:

The first reward: the crown. SS class props. The reincarnator who owns this item can choose to complete any task automatically, but cannot get the item reward for the success of the task.

The second reward: authority. SS class props. The reincarnator who owns this item can automatically obtain the upper-tier Paradise Noble privilege. And any permission props are not valid for you.

The third reward: Tiger Talisman. SS class props. The reincarnator who owns this item can recruit reincarnators from the mission world to enter Dreamland and automatically become teammates.

The fourth reward: Tianyi. SS class props. After the reincarnator who owns this item dies, all the profits lost in the world can be revived in Phantasy Paradise.

The fifth reward: Glory. SS class props. After use, you can choose to retire in this quest world and no longer participate in the mission assignment of Phantasy Park, but some abilities and equipment will be taken back by Phantasy Park. 】

. . . . . . .

How will Ouyang Xiu choose?

let us wait and see….

More exciting next time!

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