Star Chef, She Can Be Salty Or Sweet

Chapter 25

Chapter 25: Nightmare struck

Chapter 25 Nightmare Strikes

“My cub fell from the eighth district mountain.”

Without waiting for everyone to return to their senses, Father Rabbit answered angrily, “I saw her rolling down like a ball, hitting her whole body on the rocks, and the smell of blood was so strong that the rabbit was mad.

Vital signs are also unnoticeable. ”

is actually dead.

When he found the cub, the cub’s vital signs were gone.

There is no breathing, no heartbeat, and pupils are also dilated.

There is still residual panic in the pupils, and a young female human face.

At that time, he was indulged in the sorrow of losing the cub, and he became confused and recognized the cub as his own.

He tried everything he could, but failed to rescue the cub back.

He wanted to take the cub back to the dark abyss and did a simple cleanup for her, but he didn’t want the cub’s chest to suddenly rise and fall halfway.

He was stunned, thinking he had hallucinations.

Then the cub wrinkled his face and grunted in pain.

The voice awakened him, and made him recover from the shock.

After confirming that the cub really had vital signs, he immediately put the cub down on the spot without paying attention to anything, and filled the cub with a bottle of what is said to be an advanced gene repair fluid that he robbed from human society. Feed the big radish he carries with him.

Then the cub opened his eyes and came back to life in front of him.

Humans’ impression of him is not very good. It should be said that all humans’ impressions of him are not very good.

There is no way. His great achievements once left a strong psychological shadow on mankind. It’s no wonder that mankind has a bad impression of him.

But the cub did not. The first time she saw him, she was surprised and shocked, but only without the vigilance, avoidance and other emotions that humans should have when seeing him.

At that time, he told himself that this is his cub.

God allowed them to meet, and she was destined to be his cub.

So, he fell in love with her.

His original plan was to take the cub back to the dark abyss and live with her. There are many orcs in the dark abyss, and they have everything that humans have, except that there is no star network.

He has the confidence to work with the old guys to create a living environment for the cubs that is no worse than human society.

As long as the cubs are willing to stay, it is a star network. They can pick a few pieces from the piles of high-grade ores and energy stones in the valley to trade with the Alsace civilization to lay the star network.

But they didn’t want Lu Jinxiu to show up.

also pointed out the fact that his cub is human and is not suitable for long-term exposure to radiation.

He is not the kind of unreasonable and selfish rabbit. It is impossible for him to be with the cub for the selfishness of her life and prevent her from going back.

“How exactly did my cub fall from the mountain, and why is it so hurt? I need an answer.”

After a slight pause, Father Rabbit said in a loud voice, “Then Raoshi Zidi, I must give my cub a fairness, otherwise I don’t mind calling the orcs to upset the empire again.”

The words of Father Rabbit echoed in everyone’s ears.

At this moment, whether it is Lu Jinxiu and the others, or the people in the live broadcast room, an idea came to mind at the same time—

The nightmare is coming!

The unreasonable abyss overlord is going to do that rogue thing again.

The last time the Abyssal Overlord led the orcs into the empire, the economic loss caused was the empire’s fiscal revenue for two full years.

An astronomical number that is so huge that it can’t be counted.

If I let him make trouble again this time…

God, forgive them!

“Quickly, contact Marshal Lu.”

(End of this chapter)

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