Special Years

Chapter 57 - Conferment Ceremony

“Squad leader, wasn’t this sent to me? Why can’t I wear it?” Zhuang Yan was splashed with cold water, and he seemed a little confused.

Yin Xiancong said: “You are not yet a serious soldier, you are not qualified to wear it, but it is given to you as a spare. Tomorrow we will go to the regimental headquarters to hold the award ceremony. When you take the oath, the regiment commander will announce the order to you. Then you can put it on.”

Zhuang Yan asked Yin Xiancong, “Squad leader, what kind of military rank is this?”

“Private! The lowest rank in the Chinese People’s Liberation Army.” Yin Xiancong glanced solemnly: “What other rank do you want?”

“I’ve been a soldier for three years, can I get your rank?” Zhuang Yan thought Yin Xiancong’s rank was good-looking.

This reminds Zhuang Yan of when he was a child, he used to be the squadron captain of the Young Pioneers. He only had two bars. When he saw other people’s three bars, he was always envious.

Yin Xiancong couldn’t help laughing and said, “Solemnly, this is the rank of sergeant. You are a three-year soldier. Unless you become a squad leader, you are at most a corporal, one thin and one thick, with two bars.”

Saying that, he stretched out **** and scratched on the solemn shoulders.

“It’s like putting two pieces of **** on it, shameful!”

Zhuang Yan pouted and said in disbelief, “I’ll be the squad leader if it’s a big deal.”

Yin Xiancong said: “Yo! I can’t see it, you are really ambitious. Do you know how to be a squad leader?”

Zhuang Yan said, “Isn’t it just better to train…”

Yin Xiancong said, “That’s right, are you training well? You are such an undisciplined and undisciplined soldier, do you think you can teach the brigade? Can you be the squad leader? It’s okay to think about it in a dream.”

Zhuang Yan felt that he was being despised by others, and said very unhappily: “Squad leader, you can’t say that, but you can’t look down on people casually. When Wuxia Amon was still prosperous, I was a dignified and dignified man. Can’t I be a squad leader?”

Yin Xiancong said: “Yo! Say you’re still not satisfied? Okay, then you train hard and try to teach the brigade to participate in the pre-provisioned squad leader training at the end of June this year. If you can graduate from there, the company will definitely be a squad leader for you, or that’s right. !”

After a pause, he said: “But I will remind you that the teaching brigade is a famous hell-style training or a knockout system, and the company has only a few limited indicators every year, and the best soldiers are given to you. You are solemn. Weigh and measure yourself, is there that pee coming to brag with me!”

The solemn face immediately turned red.

Although he is sloppy, his self-esteem is very strong.


He almost made a bet with Yin Xiancong.

But he suddenly stopped, thought for a while, and said with a smile, “Squad leader, don’t provoke me, I’m not fooled.”

He changed the subject with great interest and said, “I heard that there will be a lot of training camps within a month or two after the next company, such as communication, training for health workers, etc…”

Yin Xiancong hated the iron and stretched his legs and kicked the solemn ass: “Go away, before I decide to punish you for running five kilometers, quickly disappear in front of me!”

Slipped back to the row room, solemnly playing with the big metal hat badge in his hand.

The golden ear of wheat, the red gold star and the eighty-one Chinese numeral in the center have an inexplicable sense of holiness in the hand.

When he was a child, when his father Zhuang Zhenguo visited his home, Zhuang Yan always loved his hat and refused to take it off.

Later, Zhuang Zhenguo gave him a 65-style cap badge, which became Zhuang Yan’s favorite and most cherished gift for a long time.

Until Zhuang Zhenguo changed his career, this hat badge was like the once harmonious relationship between the two fathers and sons, and finally disappeared without a trace.

The next morning, a lot of military vehicles arrived, pulling all the recruits after breakfast to the regiment headquarters.

The head of the regiment, Wei Xuefeng, stood on the parade platform in the distance, watching the neat and tidy team of new recruits enter the hall shouting the slogan “One, Two, Three, Four”, and couldn’t help saying to the political commissar Xiao Xuehai next to him: “Old Xiao, look Look, these soldiers are not imposing.”

Xiao Xuehai looked at his old partner and said with a smile, “I said Xuefeng, they are just recruits, you can’t ask them to be like veterans.”

Wei Xuefeng thought for a while, then shook his head and said, “There are too many new recruits this year, and the burden on our shoulders is not light. If you lose your mind during the assessment at the headquarters at the end of the year, you and I will both go to the division and be scolded.”

After the team had assembled on the big playground, the regiment leader had to say a few words during the procedure. Wei Xuefeng took the speech that the regiment officer had written for him and went to the rostrum.

This veteran who has fought hard battles and was awarded the honorary title of “Battle Hero” by the headquarters is not tall, sturdy, and has dark skin. When he stops there, he looks like a sculpture made of black iron, with a sense of majesty.

The audience was silent, waiting for the leader to speak.

Wei Xuefeng took the manuscript in front of him and looked at it, put it on the table, and said into the microphone, “According to the procedure of today’s entitlement ceremony, I should have come to speak, this manuscript was given to me by a scholar from the regiment organization. written……”

Suddenly ~www.mtlnovel.com~ he picked up the speech on the table, crumpled it, and threw it on the ground.

This action made all the more than 1,000 officers and soldiers bewildered.

Wei Xuefeng’s name, Zhuang Yan has long been like thunder.

He was a celebrity in the 1st division, and even more so in the regiment.

The most talked about by the soldiers is Wei Xuefeng’s brilliant deeds when he served as the squad leader of the sharp knife squad in the counterattack. When the company encountered the enemy, he led the sharp knife squad to cover the transfer of the main force of the company. One person killed 12 of the enemy, so that the enemy troops could not advance for half a minute, and finally even the artillery shell was transferred to cover the hidden spot where he was, and then he was knocked out.

They are all soldiers who are not afraid of death.

When the comrades in the company felt that Wei Xuefeng must have died, he miraculously survived. He also encountered 11 friendly tanks that came to support him. With the tanks, he pulled out the enemy’s artillery positions and six firepower points. The wounded organized tank troops to defend on the spot and repelled two enemy attacks at night.

It can be said that this amazing old soldier does not need any words at all. As long as he stops there, he is the idol of all soldiers.

Everyone knows the veterans who have fought in wars, but they are also soldiers and some low-ranking officers.

The regimental commander said that he was a senior officer, but he didn’t play cards according to the routine.

Zhuang Yan was dumbfounded.

Wei Xuefeng’s eyes swept across the dark head below the stage, and said, “I think playing with a pen and being obedient is a matter of being a scholar. We are soldiers, and we don’t do those fancy things. Today, I’m not the leader of the regiment. In the name of speaking, I am speaking to you as a veteran, giving you advice from a veteran before you put on your cap badges and collars.”

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