Special Years

Chapter 54 - disappearing bullet

In line of sight, the red marker plate repeated the same action as the last time—waving up and down.

9 rings…

Now the first three rounds are 8th, 9th, and 9th.

Majestic, who wanted to challenge his own abilities with a 10th ring, sighed in disappointment.

Then, the target reporter on the opposite side began to shake the white plate, conveying the impact point information to Zhuang Yan—this shot was on the right.

Just now, it turned to the left, but after the correction, it turned to the right.

It was looking over his head.

Majestic stabilized his mood, slowly looking for the best shooting feeling, the barrel quickly stabilized again and the fourth bullet was fired.


This time, the long-awaited scene finally appeared – the target bar stopped for less than half a second at the tenth ring in the center of the target, and suddenly began to sway in an arc from left to right.

10 rings!


If it weren’t for the fact that he was still lying on the target, Zhuang Yan would have jumped up and screamed.

“This **** soldier can shoot well.” Adai stared at the target stick in the distance and couldn’t help laughing: “He’s a good shooter.”

Yin Xiancong said, “Besides being a little afraid of hardship, Zhuang Yan has a good foundation. I think it can be polished.”

Zhuang Yan’s current number of rings is already 8, 9, 9, and 10, which is already the highest number of rings among the ten recruits in this group.

The sound of gunshots continued to ring around, and the target pole in the opposite trench was raised with joy.

One last bullet left.

According to the outline training evaluation standards, shooting 5 bullets in one practice, the total number of rings is 35 as passing, 40 as good, and 45 as excellent.

It is quite impressive that the recruits can achieve excellent results in the first shot.

Zhuang Yan was also a little excited, and his heart was pounding.

He felt that he had found the feeling of shooting.

Now, as long as the last bullet hits the 9th ring, then he can get an excellent rating.

He took a deep breath again, pressed his finger on the trigger, and solemnly closed his left eye.

Suddenly, He Huan’s words under the tree that day flashed in his mind – buddy, if you want to go to the logistics department, you have to be a little lousy, and your training performance is not good, they will definitely not keep you in the battle squad. If you are excellent in everything, in the eyes of the platoon leader and company commander, you are a good seed, and they will send you to some ghost place like the sharp knife class.

Thinking of He Huan, who was going to the regiment’s logistics hostel, Zhuang Yan couldn’t help but hesitate.

On the one hand, excellent results.

On one side are the comfortable days for the next three years.

The balance of choice is constantly swaying in my heart.

After thinking for a while, he turned his head to look at Guo Xiangyang next to him.

Guo Xiangyang obviously didn’t play very well. His forehead was covered in sweat, and he looked anxious while lying on the target.

He just fired a shot.

The target bar on the opposite side was raised and turned into a white plate immediately, and then kept drawing circles in front of the chest ring target.

This is the meaning of missing the target, and the number of rings is zero.

Running a bullet means that the performance will be severely dragged down.

No wonder Guo Xiangyang was sweating profusely.

After thinking for a while, he solemnly moved the aiming line, and then gently pulled the trigger.


There was no dust behind the No. 6 target opposite the solemn target position, and the target bar was not raised immediately this time.

After a while, he still didn’t see the target.

Yin Xiancong and Dai Dehan were immediately stunned.

“Huh!” Dedeham frowned. There was only one possibility of not reporting the target, and that was that the bullet didn’t hit the target.

“Accidentally missed the target!?” His face elongated again.

Yin Xiancong also felt incredible.

A recruit who can shoot four shots in a row is extremely stable, but misses the target with the fifth shot?

It’s so weird.

“What’s going on?” He was also stunned.

Dedeham suddenly sighed, glanced at the solemn position, shook his head in disappointment, and said, “Drain at the critical moment…”

After speaking, he took the little red flag in his hand and threw it in his hand, then left.

After all the gunshots stopped, making sure that all the recruits had fired 5 rounds, Dedeham gave the order to “retreat the bullets and stand up”.

After checking the gun and leaving the shooting ground, just as Zhuang Yan returned to his line, Yin Xiancong grabbed his arm.

“What happened? Why didn’t the fifth shot hit the target?”

Yin Xiancong’s hand was a little too strong, and his arm hurt when he grabbed it. He was obviously very angry.

Zhuang Yan blushed, lowered his head and said, “Report to the squad leader, I don’t know…”

“You don’t know shit! How do I usually teach you!?” Yin Xiancong was obviously very angry, and he was naturally angry when he saw that his soldiers were only one step away from him.

He said, pointing at the target in the distance.

“Your last bullet hit Guo Xiangyang’s target, you know?!”

Zhuang Yan still shook his head: “I don’t know…”

Yin Xiancong was so angry that he didn’t know how to criticize, he stomped his feet and roared, “I’ll take the whole class’s guns back by myself later!”

The first live ammunition shooting in Zhuang Yan’s life ended with the squad leader’s roar, and the result was disgraceful.

Although he once thought in his heart whether he wanted to show his face in front of all the recruits in the Eighth Company, or even in the Third Battalion.

But at the critical moment, he still gave up~www.mtlnovel.com~ It has been more than two months since he put on the green military uniform solemnly, but he is still the boss’s own brother in Zhuang Buping’s company who is used to eating and drinking spicy food and living a comfortable life.

Subconsciously, he still adheres to that set of businessman’s clever principles of opportunism.

The news that the recruits were going to leave the company early spread like wings in the camp, and the more they crossed the line.

What the recruits talked about the most behind their backs was the issue of distribution.

During this special period, everyone brought their positive enthusiasm to the extreme, and also implemented the kung fu in every detail of life.

The floor in the platoon leader’s room is always spotless, and even the water in the tea jar is always hot; the dirty clothes in the bucket at the head of the squad leader’s bed are like long feet, and they run to the drying yard cleanly.

Every corner of the camp will be cleaned up by the enthusiastic recruits. The recruits who didn’t grab the broom in the morning can’t wait to roll on the spot and use their clothes to clean the floor.

Just when all the recruits were doing their best to form a good company, the company suddenly gathered everyone to hold a meeting on the basketball court outside the company.

Company commander Zhang Jianxing did ideological work for everyone, persuaded the recruits to treat the assignments correctly, and contribute to the army with the spirit of being a screw. No matter where they go, they are contributing to the army. Blocks turn, wherever you need to move it.

After the disbandment, Dai Dehan asked the deputy squad leaders to take all the recruits out for training, and then asked the three squad leaders, Yin Xiancong, Niu Dali, and Chen Qingming to stay for a meeting.

The content of this meeting is about the distribution of recruits.

Zhuang Yan may not know how important this meeting in the second row room of the 3rd Recruits Battalion was to him that spring night after he had been a soldier for more than two months.

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