Special Years

Chapter 53 - Ballistic correction

After Yin Xiancong left, he solemnly lowered his head and looked at the five rifle bullets in his hand.

The slightly dark-yellow ammunition shone with oil. He turned over the primer and looked at it. The words 9141-76 were written on it.

This is the code to make the arsenal and the year.

The first time he got the real live ammunition, Zhuang Yan couldn’t help looking over and over again.

There is no color mark on the warhead, which means that this is an ordinary anti-personnel bomb. Even so, according to the previous learning about the 81-1 automatic rifle, this 7.62 warhead can penetrate 6 mm steel at a distance of 100 meters. 15cm brick wall, 30cm thick soil layer and 40cm thick plank.

This thing can really kill people.

“Press the bomb!”

After distributing the bullets, Yin Xiancong gave the order.

Solemnly began to load bullets into the magazine one by one.

The action is very simple.

One press, then one push, into the box.

“Stand up! Go to the firing ground!”

Adai’s red flag waved, and ten recruits immediately stood up with guns and walked towards the target.

Each target has a veteran as a security officer. After carefully inspecting the recruit’s guns and magazines, he stepped aside and reported loudly, “The inspection is over!”

Adai took out a small trumpet and beeped a series of short warning beeps.

A hundred meters away, the veterans in charge of target inspection jumped into the trenches to take cover.

The little red flag waved again.

“Recumbent position to load bullets!”

Zhuang Yan took a big step forward with his left foot, and fell on his side on the No. 6 target. The No. 5 target on his left was Zhang Yan, the poor fellow, and the No. 7 target on the right was Guo Xiangyang.

Remove the empty magazine, take out the magazine with 5 live ammunition from the 56-type ammunition belt, and install it on the gun.

Then he fell down, adjusted his lying posture, rubbed his shoulders, and aimed.

One hundred meters in front, the 54CMX54CM chest ring swayed slightly in the front sight guard, and then was tightly trapped.


On the right side of the solemn, someone in this group of recruits has already fired the first shot.

Zhuang Yan couldn’t help but curiously lifted the cheek that was pressed against the receiver cover, and turned his eyes to the target of others.

In the distance, behind the No. 3 chest ring target, there was a cloud of yellow dust on the hillside.

A target stick sticks out from the trench, and the red circular plate with the big fist at the top presses directly above the head of the chest ring target figure, and stops there for two seconds. To the center of the tenth ring, pause for a while, and then move back and forth three times towards the upper left corner.

7th ring, the impact point is on the upper left.

Zhuang Yan thought silently in his heart.

There is a very simple formula for the semaphore of the troops reporting targets: six left, seven right, eight up, nine up and down, and ten swings.

With six rings, the red circular plate will stay on the left shoulder of the chest ring target for two or three seconds, with the seventh ring on the top of the head, the eighth ring on the right shoulder, the ninth ring on the vertical up and down, and the tenth ring on the chest ring from left to right. Swing back and forth in an arc.

And if the impact point is deviated in any direction, the target operator will turn the top disk of the rod into the white on the back and move it three times in the direction of the offset.

The first shot of a comrade-in-arms aroused solemn competitiveness.


Only six rings!

These are close to the demarcation line of missing the target.

He moved his gaze back to his target, opened the safety, and pulled the bolt to load the bullet.

Putting his finger on the cold trigger, he became solemnly and inexplicably excited, as if the time had gone back to the time of junior high school, when he was hunting birds everywhere around the dormitory compound.

“Intentionally aiming… unintentionally firing…”

He silently talked about the shooting skills that Yin Xiancong taught him.

Pulling the trigger is often the most critical part of a shot.

If you press the trigger too hard, the muzzle will shake slightly, and it is almost impossible for the bullet to hit the bullseye at a distance of 100 meters.

And if it’s too light, you can’t even press the trigger.

Today’s weather is cloudy, but the light is not bad.


This weather is very suitable for target shooting.

In fact, sunny weather is not the best time to shoot, because strong sunlight can easily lead to vignetting of the sight and the gap, and the vignetting will affect the accuracy.

In rainy days, water droplets will condense on the notch sight to refract light, which will also affect the accuracy of shooting.


The gun went off.

Solemnly and confidently fired the first shot.

As if a cannonball exploded around him.

He felt the place where his shoulder touched the **** of the gun moved back slightly, as if there was a force pushing him back, and his whole body trembled.

He opened his left eye and looked at the chest ring in the distance.

A target pole was quickly erected from the trench, and a red mark was placed on top of the chest ring target…

8 rings…


Zhuang Yan secretly cursed his mother in his heart.

The red plate of the target bar turns over and turns white, and moves to the left in the center of the ten rings.

The hit point is two rings to the left!

A layer of cold sweat appeared on Zhuang Yan’s forehead.

How could it be so far apart! ?

This gun was calibrated by the squad leaders before firing.

Arguably, it’s pretty accurate.

He couldn’t figure it out, he had clearly aimed at the bull’s-eye just now, and suppressed two-thirds of the white dots of the tenth ring and left one-third.

He held his breath before firing, pulling the trigger perfectly.

How could this be?

He didn’t have time to think too much.

Since it is on the left, then correct it to the right.

The second bullet is already in the chamber.

This time, Zhuang Yan aimed the front sight notch on the right ~www.mtlnovel.com~ and moved it about two rings to the left.

He held his breath again, and solemnly pulled the trigger slowly.


The second shot popped out of the chamber, and a string of sparks stirred up behind the distant chest ring target.

Maybe it hit a stone.

He opened his left eye again.

This time, the red marking plate of the target rod began to move up and down in a straight line.

9 rings!

solemnly happy.

He suddenly understood.

Although the gun is calibrated, everyone’s aiming point, aiming sight, and feeling will not be the same.

It is equivalent to a person’s habit.

Perhaps, the squad leader who calibrated this gun would have no problem using this gun himself, but if he used it himself, he would be biased to the left.

Standing not far away, Yin Xiancong breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhuang Yan’s 9th ring.

The first practice of shooting is precision shooting. The number of rings is calculated, not the time. Once you find the feeling, things will be easy to handle.

Next, the third bullet.

Adai walked to Yin Xiancong’s side at some point, and followed his gaze to see the solemn.

“The fourth squad leader, how’s this kid in your squad doing?”

Yin Xiancong said, “One 8, one 9.”

“It’s alright!” Adai smiled in surprise, “It’s the first time to shoot a gun, so it’s not bad.”

Yin Xiancong said: “He hit 8 in the first round and 9 in the second, which shows that he knows how to correct his ballistics.”

Adai said, “I can’t tell, this kid is quite smart.”


The two were talking when Zhuang Yan fired the third bullet.

The target pole in the distance quickly stood up.

His solemn eyes stared at the red marker plate, and his breathing became heavier.

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