Special Years

Chapter 51 - crooked mind

The little accident happened by coincidence.

The company commander of the spy company in the regiment saw that the two cadres he sent to the third battalion hadn’t come back after lunch time, and he didn’t see any reply, so he called the third battalion headquarters to inquire about the situation.

As the battalion commander of a combat unit, Teng Wenji had already calculated everything, and even predicted the possibility that the company commander of the spy company might call the cadres who came to pick up people from the third battalion.

As a precaution, he instructed the correspondent Xiao Wang, if he received a call from the spy company, he must tell the other party that the person who came to receive the troops had already left.

So, all is well.

But the sesame fell into the tip of the needle.

The correspondent Xiao Wang drank too much tea that day, and his bladder was already overwhelmed. He watched the two officers of the spy company walk out of the gate of the battalion headquarters, but the phone never rang.

Xiao Wang, who thought that everything was a foregone conclusion, was relieved. Before he could go to the toilet in time, he covered his stomach and jumped up the hillside behind the barracks. When he passed the clinic, he even shouted to the sanitation staff inside. With a voice: “Old Pang, help me look at the phone.”

Because the urine had already broken through the control of the prostate, Xiao Wang, who was afraid that he would become incontinent on the spot, didn’t have time to elaborate on the commander’s instructions and disappeared behind the barracks of the battalion headquarters.

At this critical moment, the phone rang.

The hygienist ran to answer the phone, put the microphone to his ear, and said that I am the third battalion headquarters, who do you want?

After listening to it for a few seconds, he said, “Okay, okay. They haven’t left yet, so I’ll call them right away.”

After saying that, he put the microphone on the table, took the whirlwind leg and rushed out of the square of the battalion headquarters, rushed to the corridor and shouted at the battalion commander and the officer of the spy company who had walked nearly 20 meters away: “The battalion commander , the spy company called and said that they were looking for the cadre of their company.”

The weather was still cold that day, and the camp area where the lunch break was held was quiet.

The hygienist’s Mandarin with a strong Sichuan accent resounded throughout the yard of the camp headquarters. Even Xiao Wang, the correspondent who ran to the back of the camp to urinate in the bushes under the hillside, could hear it clearly and was so shocked that he almost didn’t urinate. on his own pants.

Battalion Commander Teng Wenji later brought up this incident and was full of madness, saying that a grenade was thrown into my mind at that time, and it exploded with a bang, making Lao Tzu utterly bewildered.

His original face full of smiles and a face full of joy for the **** of plague quickly melted like a popsicle baked on a raging fire.

Turning his head with difficulty, he saw He Huan, who was walking more than ten meters away. He was walking in front of them and was planning to go back to the row room to get a backpack and go to the “regiment logistics department”.

He Huan stood there like a sculpture, one pair of feet were nailed, and one pair of beads almost didn’t fall to the ground.

He doesn’t train well, but he’s not deaf.

He looked at his battalion commander with a strange look.

It was as if watching a monster that landed on Earth from an alien planet.

As if a revolutionist saw a traitor who betrayed himself as unbelievable.

The cadre of the spy company didn’t seem to realize that things had changed 180 degrees in just a short moment, and still smiled at Teng Wenji: “Captain Teng, I’ll go to your office to pick you up. A phone call, maybe our company commander is calling, you see, our company commander is just impatient.”

Just as he turned around, before he could take a step toward the camp headquarters, a black image of a frightened mouse swept past him like the wind.

He Huan, who knew the truth, quit.

He rushed into the barracks, hugged the wooden legs of a table in the headquarters office, and began to burst into tears and snot.

“I’m not going to the spy company! Battalion commander, you lied to me! I’m not going to the spy company! You are all lying to me!”

Miserable cries resounded through the camp, attracting crowds of spectators.

For a coward who can’t even stay in an ordinary combat company, the regimental spy company is a hellish existence.

No wonder, let alone He Huan, who was about to become a deserter, solemnly went to the regiment to participate in the training and mobilization. Later, he had seen the strength of the veterans of the spy company.

Those veterans have scars on their fists, with a thick layer of calluses on them, and a bald spot on the forehead of their heads.

At the training mobilization meeting that day, the veterans of the spy company smashed beer bottles on their skulls as if they were playing with them, crackling and splashing glass scum.

Every time he smashed it, the solemn and careful liver in the stands thumped, and his brows jumped along with it, as if smashed on his forehead…

The spy company is a model company in the regiment. Their training is to do it to the death. They even have to do push-ups with their fists, and there is no good meat all over their bodies.

For He Huan, who was born in an urban cadre family, joining the army is nothing but gilding, and it is a good arrangement to be discharged from the army in the future.

When he heard that he was not going to the logistics department of the regiment at all, but the spy company with extreme hardships, he even shook his legs.

He Huan, who was in a hurry, fell to the ground hugging the foot of the bed and cried, threatening to send him to the spy company and die for everyone to see.

Battalion Commander Teng Wenji blushed, was ashamed and annoyed, and almost pulled He Huan out and shot him on the spot. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

When the cadre of the spy company saw that He Huan was such a handyman, he didn’t want to get in trouble. He didn’t answer the phone, and left without saying a word.

When the time came, the commander of the new recruit battalion said, “You’re just such a coward, and you go to the spy company? Don’t you have a soldier in the third battalion of recruits?”

The battalion commander Teng Wenji was so angry that his face was blue and white, and he couldn’t say a word. He immediately asked someone to call the military affairs section of the regiment and asked to retire.

The next day, He Huan’s broken-hearted parents rushed to the army again. It took a while to clear up. In the end, in order to prevent He Huan from actually committing suicide, the leader of the regiment arranged for him to go to the regiment guest house. Out of sight out of mind.

After listening to the story, looking at He Huan, who was so excited, he solemnly clicked his lips a few times, and said with a look of disgust, “Why do I feel that you are telling your glorious history?”

He Huan blushed again and muttered, “I know it’s disgraceful, but I can’t help it? Look at me, look at me, it’s like a piece of noodles, able to withstand the tossing of the spy company. Isn’t it? That doesn’t put your life in it?”

Thinking about himself solemnly, in fact, how much better than this fellow next to him at one time?

So he waved his hand and said, “Come on, I can’t do your shameless thing. You are shameless, but I want it.”

He Huan’s eyes rolled around again and said, “I’m not inspiring you.”

After he finished speaking, he leaned over and began to whisper in the solemn ear.

After a while, I finally heard He Huan’s brilliant plan.

Zhuang Yan said with suspicion: “What you said, did it work?”

He Huan said: “Hey! You want face and comfort again, this is already the best way for me! Listen to me, can I still cheat on you?”

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