Special Years

Chapter 31 - Earth-shattering chief hello!

According to this guy’s statement, solemnly leaving the battle squad and being assigned to a more comfortable unit is not completely out of the question.

And the opportunity, just a few months after the end of the recruit period and the next company.

There will be many training and mobilization opportunities for new recruits, such as learning to drive, learning to communicate, or training for sanitation workers.

After graduating from the training camp, the soldiers often do not return to the original company, but are assigned to some regiment or divisional logistics departments. They will not be like front-line combat troops who scramble in the mud and beat their skin and flesh every day.

In this way, Zhuang Yan finally saw a glimmer of hope in the hazy sky.

At least, he still has a chance to leave the Iron Eighth Company.

On the day I heard the news, I was so happy that I laughed all day, and took the opportunity to see everyone smoking.

There are not many glorious deeds that can be described at the beginning of a solemn military career. Like some young people of the same age, the purpose and motive of enlisting in the army are not simple, and they have been confused and even have some thoughts that are ashamed to talk about.

But people will always experience some people or some things in their life, and often change the trajectory of their fate inadvertently. In his solemn military career, Xu Xingguo is one of them.

Without Xu Xingguo, the solemn military experience would have to be rewritten.

The grievances between the two had already begun when they were soldiers at the train station on the first day.

In the end, the fuse that detonated the tension between the two sides was a recruit from Henan Changsheng.

Due to the desertion incident, the competition in the battalion was postponed by one day and organized again in the twenty-ninth year.

Early in the morning on the twenty-eighth day of the year, Lianli organized a five-kilometer cross-country as usual. There is still one day left for the entire battalion to compete, so this is a thorough examination of the eighth company of recruits.

Since He Huan escaped and was caught, Zhuang Yan has not participated in high-intensity training for two days.

Yin Xiancong rubbed his feet every night, and let him rest for five kilometers every morning.

Actually, Zhuang Yan’s right foot didn’t hurt so much anymore, but he was willing to be lazy like this. Even if it didn’t hurt, he pretended to walk on tiptoe, looking like a crippled duck.

After the five kilometers run, the results in the second row were not bad.

The platoon elder Dai is very happy. After all, according to this result, there is a chance to win the top three in the competition tomorrow, and if the top three is obtained, there will be a chance to get a day off.

“Today, we don’t have to do too much training, just stand in the military position, then go back to have breakfast, and do queue training during the day, you all give me energy, tomorrow we will fight for the first place! Did you hear that? !?”

“heard it!”

I heard that you can relax for a day without high-intensity training. The recruits were overjoyed, and the voices of their answers were soaring.

Everyone stood in the military posture on the big playground and trained for a month. The training of standing in the military posture is already the easiest content.

Zhuang Yan stood dazedly in the queue, and suddenly heard a muffled sound at the back of the queue, followed by a burst of hurried footsteps, and the voice of the squad leaders.

“You feel dizzy when you stand in the military position? It’s only been less than half an hour!”

“Send it to the health center first!”

“What’s wrong, why is he so pale…”

Hearing the conversations of the veterans, all the recruits couldn’t help but look back to find the source of the sound.

The person who fell was a recruit from Henan named Chang Sheng.

Chang Sheng is a soldier of the sixth squad, Chen Qingming’s subordinate.

However, many people have overlooked a detail.

Chang Sheng is a HUI citizen!

And because of religious issues, HUI people don’t eat pork!

The recruits’ daily meals are three dishes and one soup, and the usual lard is used. Changsheng doesn’t even dare to touch it, let alone eat it.

In addition, others are honest, recruits are timid, and they dare not say anything to the squad leader.

So, every day, except for the steamed buns in the morning, this boy doesn’t move any other food.

In the early days of the recruits, no one was hungry. There was a lot of steamed buns left in the dining hall, so he secretly hid a few and ate them secretly at noon and at night.

Later, the training became more and more difficult. Even everyone could not eat enough steamed buns for breakfast, and there was no way to find leftover steamed buns.

Poor Chang Sheng could only go to the store every day to buy a few packets of fast food noodles on the excuse of being sick to his stomach. .

This incident caused quite a stir.

When battalion commander Teng Wenji found out, he rushed to the company headquarters and scolded company commander Zhang Jianxing with the door closed.

The company commander Zhang Jianxing conducted a self-examination during the speech before the meal the next day, and criticized the squad leader and platoon leader for not being meticulous in their work, which led to this kind of thing that should not have happened.

During those days, the company commander’s wife happened to come to the team to visit relatives, so he asked Chang Sheng to go to his wife’s place every day to open a small stove and eat some dishes that were not cooked with pork lard.

In this way, all the recruits feel that this kid is a blessing in disguise, and he has earned a good opportunity to eat at the company commander’s house, and he can also eat with the company commander’s beautiful wife, even if he has a bad appetite!

Chang Sheng was overly nervous during the college entrance examination at home, and his grades fell by one point. Like Xu Xingguo, when he went to the army, he always thought about taking the military academy.

But he ate almost a month’s worth of rations, and his old problem of being nervous still hasn’t changed.

For the first emergency assembly, he put on the officer’s hat of the platoon leader who slept in the next bunk.

Dedeham stood in front of the queue, holding Changsheng’s hat and smiling at him, Chang Queue Leader, why are you staying in the queue, come out to command!

That day, the whole platoon of recruits almost went crazy with laughter.

On the other hand, Changsheng’s training performance is only considered lower in the whole platoon, and even in the sixth class, he is the last in the whole platoon.

Xu Xingguo, who was the best in the platoon in training, often scoffed at Chang Sheng’s training results, saying that he dragged down the whole class, and the whole class was often criticized and punished.

It’s a joke. It’s a fantasy to be admitted to a military academy with this kind of military quality.

The army is a place where military qualities are used. Although Zhuang Yan hates Xu Xingguo’s attitude, but Xu Typical in the entire platoon and even the entire company’s recruits, no one dares to recognize the second in military performance. This is also a fact.

It was only a week after he fainted, and Chang Sheng once again became a news figure in the boot camp.

The cause was battalion commander Teng Wenji.

That day, Teng Wenji went to the toilet. The toilet in the camp area was open, with no doors. It was a squatting position with a urinal in front.

Just as the battalion commander was grabbing a roll of grass paper in his forehand and enjoying the thrill of rushing in comfortably in the squatting position, Chang Sheng who was going to the toilet suddenly appeared in front of him. He said, “Hello, Chief!”

It was too late for the battalion commander to stop him. He squatted in his position, naked, with his **** dangling under his crotch, with a strange expression on his face.

I can’t say I’m happy, I can’t say I’m unhappy, the piece of dross in my stomach wanders back and forth between my intestines and anus, trying to get out.

There is nothing funnier than this. The tall and stocky battalion commander Teng Wenji was ashamed as a woman who had been stripped of her clothes and thrown in front of others. With a sigh, he nodded towards Chang Sheng – you can’t criticize and educate this stupid recruit while pulling on the toilet seat!

After dinner, the entire battalion suddenly held a small meeting in units of platoons. There was only one content of the meeting—they were not allowed to salute and say hello to superiors in the toilet!

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