Special Years

Chapter 28 - failed deserter plan

Many things seem to have a certain number in the future, and things in the world often change in an instant.

For solemn, this night was the same.

“Zhengyan, what are you doing here?”

On the first post tonight, Niu Dali and a soldier from his fifth squad.

Zhuang Yan felt that his heart was about to jump out of his throat, he tried his best to suppress the turbulent emotions, and pretended to be calm: “Monitor, I’m going to the toilet…”

Saying that, he raised the toilet paper in his hand.

Niu looked at Zhuang Yan vigorously, and then said, “Not long after the lights were turned off, you had to go to the toilet again? Why didn’t you go before the lights were turned off?”

In Zhuang Yan’s heart, tens of thousands of grass and mud horses galloped past.

This Niu Dali is really a troublesome mother, she always asks questions when she goes to the toilet.

“Isn’t it a sudden stomach upset… This **** is coming, I can’t stop it…”

Zhuang Yan said while pretending to cover his stomach.

Niu Dali took a few more glances at Zhuang Yan, and suddenly said “uh”, as if he had discovered a new continent on the second floor: “You don’t look very well…”

The solemn heart is about to explode.

Could it be that Niu Dali saw something?

Damn, can this face look good? I’m going to be a deserter! Do you think you’re really going to the toilet?

Just when the solemn heart was in a mess, Niu Dali suddenly waved his hand and said, “Go, go quickly, don’t pull it in your crotch?”

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pinched his nose, as if Zhuang Yan had been pulled into his crotch.

Hearing that, Zhuang Yan was in a hurry to leave, trotting all the way, across the large playground, and ran to the toilet.

There was not a single light in the camp, and occasionally a cold wind blew through, and there was a rustling of leaves shaking from the treetops near the big playground.

On the squatting position in the toilet, the cat lowered his waist and exhaled solemnly and relieved.

He reached into his pocket and touched the stack of banknotes, which made him feel a little relieved.

For him, money is the most important thing.

Without money, my plans will be in vain.

He got up from his squatting position and walked solemnly to the wall, intending to see the outside through the ventilation window above.

Time is running out. If the wandering whistle does not appear, I have to leave immediately.

Glancing outside, there was still light rain in the dark sky, and the surroundings were as silent as death.

no one!

He felt that the blood flow in his body was accelerating.

Throwing away the toilet paper, Zhuang Yan tiptoed towards the door…

must must must must must be must-

A sharp and urgent emergency muster whistle almost made Zhuang Yan jump into the ditch with fright, and all the sweat on his body stood upside down in an instant.

What the hell! ?

Urgent assembly! ?

Why is the emergency collection called at this time?

Is your second row whistle blowing?

A series of thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and Zhuang Yan felt that his mind suddenly turned into a jar of paste.

Before he could decide what to do next, there was a shout from the playground outside that made him go crazy—

“Running soldiers! Hurry up and gather!”

That was the voice of company commander Zhang Jianxing.

Immediately afterwards, there were chaotic footsteps, and it seemed that a sentry was running towards here.

What the hell!

Zhuang Yan’s eyes went dark and he almost fainted.


My own people haven’t left the camp area, and I haven’t stepped out of the toilet door yet, so Te Niang’s was actually discovered! ?

This company commander is so powerful!

what to do! ?

what to do! ?

Like ants on the solemn hot pot, they wandered back and forth in the toilet.


Yin Xiancong’s voice suddenly came from the door.

“Arrived!” Zhuang Yan was almost scared to pee his pants, and subconsciously stood at attention and tensed up, but he accidentally collapsed.

Yin Xiancong, who had just entered the toilet, frowned and threw a sentence: “After pulling, hurry back and gather!”

Zhuang Yan had a cold sweat on his back, and quickly nodded: “I’m done… I’m done…”

As he spoke, he followed Yin Xiancong out.

However, at this moment, he was more relaxed.

Listening to Yin Xiancong’s tone, it’s just a collection, not against himself.


But what about the runners?

Confused, followed Yin Xiancong back to the outside of the row room. The platoon leader, Dai Dehan, was already standing at the door, shouting at the row room, “Don’t pack a backpack, don’t pack a backpack, all gather on the playground! Hurry up!”

Everyone in the room hurried out the door, lining up while wearing their belts.

After a while, the recruits in the platoon were neatly lined up on the court. Dai Dehan was wearing a winter uniform, holding a belt in his hand and tying it to his waist. He said to Yin Xiancong, “The fourth squad leader, call and check the number immediately!”

All the recruits have a question in their hearts.

Roll call? Roll call in the morning?

This is the first time, no one knows why, and dare not ask why.

Everyone was confused, and Dedham listened with his hands behind his back, until the last recruit was confirmed to be in place.

Yin Xiancong turned around, stood at attention, saluted, and said, “I report to the platoon leader, there should be 28 people in the first row, but there are 28 people, please instruct!”

After Dedham returned the salute, he said softly, “Enter the ranks.”

Then he came over, stood in front of the queue for a while, and said, “You must want to ask me, why is the roll call so late?”

There was nothing but silence in the team. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

Dai Dehan seemed to be full of anger and ordered, “Yin Xiancong, Niu Dali, and Chen Qingming, go to the row and search their luggage to see if there are any missing casual clothes!”

The three squad leaders responded with “yes” and ran to the row room.

Soon after, Yin Xiancong and others returned to the playground and reported to Deadham that no casual clothes were found.

Only then did Dedeham turn his face, glanced at the recruits in each queue, and said, “I tell you, the deserters are out tonight! I can also tell you that they will be captured in less than an hour! Come on! Be a soldier, have you been forced!? No! You must work hard when you come, **bear! Deserter! Coward! Who of you doesn’t want to do it? Tell me! I will ask your parents and the local armed forces to pick you up. , fleeing for what? It’s not jail time!”

Zhuang Yan listened in the queue, surprised and delighted.

Surprisingly, I almost became a deserter tonight. Seeing how fast this unit responded, I’m afraid I’d be caught back before I even got to the road with the CMB.

Fortunately, I didn’t know that the fool from that company actually ran in front of him. Fortunately, he didn’t carry the blame on himself.

Although his desertion plan looks very rigorous, it actually ignores the density of the recruiting camp.

These squad leaders are probably all fish, and they sleep with their eyes open.

Fortunately, Dedeham said that if he is not a soldier, his parents can take him back.

Zhuang Yan thought this could be tried, but when he thought of Zhuang Zhenguo, he suddenly felt discouraged.

It was his own father who pitted him, and Zhuang Zhenguo would never agree to take his own…

What a fuck!

He cursed in his heart, and when he looked up, he saw Yin Xiancong staring at him, his face flushed, and he quickly lowered his head in a guilty conscience.

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