Special Years

Chapter 17 - A platoon that smells of gunpowder

On this evening, Zhuang Yan got into trouble again.

The cause is the scheduling meeting.

In fact, the platoon meeting has only been held twice so far. One was the night when the recruits started training and mobilization. This night was the second time.

In a normal platoon meeting, Dedeham is the one who gathers the whole platoon, fights chickens, and speaks morale-boosting words.

But tonight’s schedule is a little different.

When everyone had arrived, everyone moved out of their small benches and sat on both sides of the aisle. The platoon leader, Dedham, sat at the end of the two rows of benches and began to lecture.

“I don’t like to be long-winded, but I’m going to gather everyone tonight to talk about it.”

Dai Dehan made the case clear.

“The main content of tonight’s scheduling meeting is to comprehensively evaluate the effects of our training in recent times, find deficiencies, and then promote democracy. Everyone can talk about their feelings in recent times, and even have some opinions on the training methods of the squad leader and me. Any opinion, anything can be said. If you have it, you can change it, if you don’t, you can add encouragement.”

After the opening remarks, the recruits fell silent.

Dedeham looked around and said, “Since none of you speak, let me, the platoon leader, start.”

Next, Deadham explained a lot of principles and emphasized some things in the disciplinary regulations.

“A person, you have to be single-minded and attentive in everything you do! Only in this way can you do things well, and the same is true of being a soldier. You can’t come to be a soldier, and you want to be lazy and feel comfortable. Come…”

As he spoke, his small eyes wandered on the faces of all the soldiers.

Majestic’s heart was pounding. If you were to say cheating and cheating, no one of the recruits in his platoon would dare to recognize him as number one.

Including the issue of housekeeping later, since discovering Guo Xiangyang’s coup, Zhuang Yan simply didn’t bother to fold the quilt and handed it over to Guo Xiangyang to do it.

Of course, Zhuang Yan is also a very sensible guy, and he feels that Guo Xiangyang cannot be let go in vain. Fortunately, he has money. Although most of the 15,000 yuan has been sent back, there is still a thousand left. .

The money of the recruits is in the hands of the squad leader, stored in the bank, and then made into a small ledger. Every time they use it, they must report the purpose to the squad leader. Reasonable requests can be met.

Every time Lao Guo helped Zhuang Yan fold a quilt, Zhuang Yan would invite him to drink a bottle of soda in the canteen run by the family members of the troops next to the recruit camp.

This is the reward.

Dedham’s words this evening seemed to hide the tip of a knife, and seemed to point to something, which made Zhuang Yan uneasy, afraid that his little tricks would be exposed.

Although solemn and thick-skinned, no one likes to be criticized, especially the platoon leader.

However, soon his heart that jumped into his throat fell back into his stomach.

Because Deadham’s eyes finally fell on the sixth shift officer at the back of the team.

“Cheng Hao, here, I want to criticize you. It seems that you haven’t played for five consecutive days recently.”

“I’m sick.” Deputy Cheng Hao of Class 6 didn’t blink his eyelids, didn’t look at Dadehan, “I need to rest.”

It’s not the first day that Dadehan joined the army. He could see what happened to Cheng Hao with his eyes half-closed.


I’m afraid it’s a heart attack, right?

He said, “If you are sick, you can go to the hygienist to issue a note, and I can let you rest if you have a note.”

Cheng Hao of course knew that he couldn’t get a fake note from the battalion hygienist, because Dedeham guessed right, he wasn’t sick, he just didn’t want to go out for exercise training.

He is a veteran, in his third year.

Speaking of Cheng Hao, this man still has a bit of a story.

In those days, Cheng Hao was also considered a top training team in the company, so he was sent to the division teaching brigade in the first year to participate in the pre-provisioned squad leader training.

After the training camp, Cheng Hao was instructed to stay in the team and serve as the squad leader due to his excellent grades.

The location of the teaching brigade is in a mountainous area, which is rarely populated.

As the saying goes, after serving as a soldier in the mountains for three years, the sow will also become a Diaochan.

Although Cheng Hao has excellent military achievements, it is a pity that he is unwilling to be lonely.

Although the teaching brigade is inaccessible, because it is located in a mountainous area and has abundant mountain spring resources, a mineral water factory for the army was built not far from the gate.

At that time, the army was allowed to be an enterprise. The original intention of setting up this factory in the division was not to make money. .

Later, when the factory got bigger, there was a shortage of manpower, so it hired some contract workers.

It happened to a female contract worker in this mineral water factory.

According to army regulations, soldiers are not allowed to fall in love with young women stationed there. This is an iron rule.

Cheng Hao not only violated this troop discipline, but also risked the world’s uprising, and the rabbits ate the grass on the edge of the nest.

I don’t know why, but this boy talked to a certain female worker in the mineral water factory.

People who are in love always have a little bit of emotions. Between lovers, there is always quarrel and anger, and then they make up with kisses and hugs around the waist.

It’s just that the young girl from the water plant didn’t play cards according to common sense. After a falling out with Cheng Hao over a trivial matter, she couldn’t hold back her peace during the cooling off period.

As a result, Cheng Hao, a macho man, actually ignored it, as if he was as cold as a class enemy.

After going back and forth, the girl’s patience was exhausted. UU reading www.uukanshu. com went directly to the brigade headquarters and told Cheng Hao, saying that he deceived the innocent little girl and acted as a hooligan.

Things got so big.

At first, she planned to forcibly demobilize Cheng Hao, but when the girl saw that it had reached this point, it was not the result she wanted at first.

So, weeping and crying again, he ran to the division headquarters and demanded that the case be dropped.

After going back and forth, the army was also fed up with this little couple.

As a result, Cheng Hao was swept out by the teaching brigade and rushed back to the Eighth Company.

The chief officers of the Eighth Company had a lot of opinions on Cheng Hao’s stay in the team. Besides, he had stayed in the team for more than a year before he came back. Even the military elite had no place to place him.

Fortunately, there are many veterans who have retired from the Eighth Company this year. Although the squad leader is not eligible, there is still a position for the deputy squad leader.

Cheng Hao, who could have been re-used as the squad leader after graduating from the teaching brigade, knew that his future was completely ruined.

A person like him will definitely be required to retire after three years of service, and the company won’t even do anything to save him. As for the examination criteria? Just think about it, a tainted soldier will not have the opportunity to take the military academy in the army.

Based on all the above reasons, Cheng Hao became a complete veteran in the company, and he also learned to press the bed plate.

The chief officer in the company also turned a blind eye to him. Anyway, he will be discharged from the army in a year, so he can do what he likes! The army’s big pot of rice is at most just licking a pair of chopsticks, just keep it.

It’s just that Cheng Hao completely underestimated this platoon leader Dadehan who had just graduated from the Lu Academy and had a red card before his internship period.

That night, if Cheng Hao could have a clear understanding of Dadehan’s personal background information, perhaps there would not have been the scene that made Ren’s jaw drop.

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