Special Years

Chapter 16 - Soldier for the object

Although they have been in the boot camp for eleven days, many people at most know each other’s names and hometowns when they introduce themselves at the class meeting, which is not a deep acquaintance.

After the start of the training, the training was packed, and there was only an hour and a half of rest time at noon. Everyone was eager to squeeze some time between their teeth to sleep well. At night, when they were tired and went back to the row room, they saw the bed and followed the client. If you jump up like a bitch, you don’t want to get up, who has time to chat.

What’s more, the squad leader and the platoon leader all live in a large row room, and if they want to talk about private things, they are afraid that the walls will have ears.

On the contrary, the current washing time period has become the only free time of the day for the recruits.

Everyone is inevitably curious, especially recruits.

Hearing that Zhuang Yan raised his head and asked the reason for being a soldier, the big guy’s interest was like ignited gasoline, and his gossip heart roared into flames.

“Yes, Lao Guo, tell me, why did you join the army?”

“Do you want to go to the military academy or go back to work for three years?”

“Tell me, don’t be shy, we are all comrades-in-arms, we won’t laugh at you.”

It is also rare that Guo Xiangyang has the natural sincerity of Shandong people. He blushed for a while, scratched his huge head, and lowered his voice to a level lower than a mosquito: “I…”

At this point, the words actually stopped.

All the recruits felt as uncomfortable as a cat scratched in their hearts.

Someone couldn’t help booing: “I didn’t want you to have a baby, so you have to wait for a long time to say a word?”

“Yes, yes, yes, hurry up, hurry up, our necks are all long.”

Unable to resist everyone’s urging, Guo Xiangyang gritted his teeth and said, “My partner said that people who are soldiers are the most handsome… I want me to be a soldier once and wear a military uniform to go back and marry her…”



The recruits suddenly screamed strangely.

Zhuang Yan couldn’t help teasing Guo Xiangyang and said, “Old Guo, ah, Lao Guo, I really respect the honesty and simplicity of the Shandong people. You look silly and silly. I didn’t expect, ah, I didn’t expect you to be full of flowers and intestines. How old are you, are you married?”

Guo Xiangyang retorted with a blushing face: “I am eighteen this year, and I went back to twenty-one after three years in the army. It is considered a late marriage in the village!”

Everyone laughed and bowed.

This happy and short time lasted until breakfast started, and then it stopped.

When they returned to the row room after breakfast, the recruits became nervous again.

Because this is the time to check housekeeping.

When I come back from training every day, I have to fold the housework first, and then I go to wash.

And whenever they returned to the row room after breakfast, it was the time when the squad leaders checked the housekeeping.

Since the start of the training and mobilization, the requirements of internal hygiene have become more and more critical.

There should be no wrinkles on the quilt, the surface of the quilt must be straight, the angle of the quilt must be 90 degrees, and the length of the upper and lower folds of the quilt must be the same.

If the housekeeping inspection in the morning does not meet the requirements, all the rest time after noon and lunch will be cancelled. In order not to affect the rest of qualified recruits, the unqualified can only move the quilt to the basketball court in front of the row room and fold it until the Until the squad leader has passed the acceptance.

At noon every day, there is always a lively scene on the basketball court in front of the row house.

Dozens of recruits lined up in rows, fiddling with the quilt on the ground. After tinkering, carefully moved the quilt into the row room for the squad leader to check.

Whenever someone completes their “work” and walks into the row house, other people on the basketball court will stretch their necks and look in the direction of the window.

After a few minutes, if there is no movement, it proves that you have passed the test.

If it fails, the failed quilt will fly out of the open window like a winged bird and fall back onto the court.

A few seconds later, a recruit walked out of the row room with his head down, returned to the basketball court to retrieve his cup, and continued to sit on the ground tossing…

On the road outside the camp area, ordinary people occasionally passed by a few places, watched these silly soldiers for a while from a distance across the Jiulixiang, which was less than one meter high, then laughed and left.

This kind of strict rules made Zhuang Yan feel extremely uncomfortable, and even felt that it was so inhuman.

He felt that he didn’t have any dignity at all, he was just a machine that obeyed orders – and he knew very well that, in fact, a soldier was a fighting machine, and he needed this kind of determination and awareness to completely obey orders.

Today’s internal affairs inspection, Zhuang Yan still did not pass the customs.

This is not the most surprising, in fact, few recruits in a platoon can pass the level, and the fingers on a palm can count them clearly.

What surprised him most was that this kid Guo Xiangyang actually passed the test!

Feeling inconceivably solemn, he rushed to Guo Xiangyang’s window and circled the quilt as neat as tofu for a few times. He was so impressed that he immediately smoked and learned from the scriptures: “Old Guo, here’s one! It’s amazing! It’s amazing! How did you fold it? “

Guo Xiangyang’s mouth cracked open, revealing his big white teeth and he smiled, making sure that there was no squad leader by his side, then he said cautiously: “Hey! It’s amazing! I won’t tell you, hehe!”

Zhuang Yan suddenly felt fooled.

Could it be that this kid stuffed cardboard in the quilt?

It’s just a violation of the operating regulations, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is not allowed.

In a hurry, I reached out to touch it, wanting to see what was in the quilt, but as soon as my hand touched the quilt, I immediately exclaimed, “It’s wet!”

Only then did he understand that the reason why the quilt was so neat was not that the cardboard was placed, but that the surface of the quilt was very damp.

Wet quilts are easier to fold, which is why Guo Xiangyang’s housekeeping level suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

Guo Xiangyang immediately panicked, covered Zhuang Yan’s mouth with one hand, and made a silent expression: “Zou Yan, don’t shout! I said, I confess…”

It turned out that Guo Xiangyang had had enough of the pain of folding quilts on the basketball court in the sun at noon. After thinking hard, he came up with a solution. After eating, he immediately used the rice plate to make a bowl of water. Wet the quilt surface slightly before folding it.

It is definitely easier to fold a wet quilt than a dry quilt. These distinct water chestnuts and fold lines are all because of wetness.

Guo Xiangyang also said that at night, try to wear clothes to sleep, avoid taking the quilt apart, press it under the body, and then cover it with a coat.

Zhuang Yan looked like a Tang monk who had obtained the true scriptures, and immediately smiled.

“Okay, tomorrow I will definitely learn from you, Lao Guo!”

Xu Xingguo, who had been listening all the time, suddenly said, “Being a soldier is real, you guys are taking advantage of other things to do evil things!”

Zhuang Yan rolled his eyes in disapproval, and said unconvinced, “Comrade Xu Typical, you have a high level of consciousness, but I’m low-level, so I can only do this crooked thing!”

Seeing that Zhuang Yan couldn’t listen at all, Xu Xingguo didn’t turn his head to fiddle with his own quilt.

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