Special Years

Chapter 1373 - Bing 2 way

The Red Army’s attack started on time, and the right flank of the Blue Army’s defense line was under fire.

When Xu Xingguo heard all this on the radio, he often sighed and leaned back in his seat weakly.

He felt his heart beating wildly and his hands trembled slightly.

Watching the C brigade enter the trap set by the blue army brigade, and as the reconnaissance battalion commander, he can do nothing.

In the end, the brigade did not follow his advice and did not delay the attack.

Suddenly there was a call from the reconnaissance team on the radio.

“Batch commander, Team No. 7 is calling.”

Xu Xingguo suddenly took the microphone.

Inside came the voice of the leader of the seventh reconnaissance team.

“Batch commander, we found that the brigade of the blue army brigade pointed!”

The voice sounded low, but couldn’t hide the excitement inside.

Brigade finger?

This is exactly the information Xu Xingguo wanted to obtain.

“you sure?”

“I’m pretty sure I saw a large command vehicle, just like our brigade commander’s!”

The voice of the reconnaissance team leader sounded like he couldn’t contain the excitement. If it wasn’t for the fear of exposing the target, he would have already shouted.

Xu Xingguo’s heart was like a ignited engine, he involuntarily stood up, and his head hit the roof of the car again.

“Coordinates! I need coordinates!”

“Wait…” The reconnaissance team leader suddenly exclaimed in a low voice: “They are starting to evacuate…”

“Evacuate?” Xu Xingguo said, “Coordinates, I want coordinates!”

Call fire to cover that piece.

In this way, the Red Army may be able to turn defeat into victory in one fell swoop!


Xu Xingguo looked out of the car window with excitement.

In the dark distance, there seemed to be a faint light.

“No, it’s too late.”

The voice of the reconnaissance team leader sounded anxious.

“They’re already boarding… wait… They’re in two cars…”

“They must know that you are nearby.” Xu Xingguo became nervous.

Opportunities can’t just be lost.

Since the other party’s brigade fingers started to withdraw, it must have been Zhuang Yan smelling something.

This cunning solemnity!

At this time, the artillery fire was called. I am afraid that Zhu Yuan has not been bound, and the convoy has slipped away.

The two teams retreated separately?

Thanks for his solemn thought!

“Can you tell now which team is the real one? Which one is the fake?”

“Can’t judge… wait… I seem to see something…”

“What did you see?”

“It’s target No. 6, it’s that Zhuang battalion commander!”


Hearing this name, Xu Xingguo felt that the blood was filling his mind.

Finally found him!

He is here, and Chen Manzhi must be there too!

“Which car is he in?” Xu Xingguo’s first reaction was that Zhuang Yan would definitely evacuate with Brigade Commander Chen Manzhi.

He is responsible for the vigilance and protection of the brigade, and it is his duty to protect Chen Manzhi.

“He got into the command car!” the reconnaissance team leader reported: “They’re slipping! What should we do!”

The reconnaissance team consisted of only three people.

Of course, even if they follow, I am afraid there is no way.

Because with the solemn ability, there must be a way to get rid of them, and even set up a trap to catch them.

“Release the drone! Isn’t there a drone on your reconnaissance vehicle? Release it immediately!” Xu Xingguo didn’t have time to think, and immediately gave the order: “Follow one convoy, and I will personally lead the other convoy to intercept, You send back their general heading.”

Relying on drones to locate, and then calling for artillery fire, or using drones to lock as guidance, and then letting ground artillery units launch missiles to destroy them is also a method.

Then there is an assault team by his side, a squad of troops, who can intercept one of the convoys, organize a raid, and maybe kill the other party.

“Which convoy to follow?” asked the reconnaissance team leader.

Yes indeed……

Which team to follow?

pick one of two.

Who to choose?

C Brigade Command.


The communications staff officer walked to Zhang Chengyuan.

“The front reconnaissance force used two intelligences. First, the Blue Army deployed more troops on the right flank, with more than two battalions. Second, they found the target convoy suspected of being a brigade of the Blue Army and asked for artillery support.”

Found the blue army brigade finger?

Zhang Chengyuan and Liu Xu were both stunned.

“You said you found the blue army brigade finger?”

“The message that was sent back said it was suspected that the other party had already started to evacuate, and it was divided into two convoys, one of which had been locked by the reconnaissance team in front of me with a drone.”

Zhang Chengyuan couldn’t help but turned his head and glanced at Liu Xu beside him.

“Chief of Staff… Let’s talk about the first intelligence first. Do you think it is credible?”

Liu Xu’s expression looked complicated.

After a moment of hesitation, he made his own judgment: “I think Xu Xingguo’s reconnaissance team can be trusted. Before, I always thought that our monitoring seemed to be too smooth, and it was too easy to obtain all the information of the Blue Army.”

“You mean… we should stop attacking?” Zhang Chengyuan asked.

Liu Xu said: “Judging from the previous battle, the Blues did not seem to have any decent ground surveys. The one in charge of the right-wing defense started to retreat after less than 20 minutes. I think it was a fraud.”

Zhang Chengyuan gritted his teeth, and now there is no time for him to hesitate.

Both are urgent information, and both must be responded to and dealt with immediately.

“Electric order the main attacking troops on the front line not to pursue, and it is not appropriate to immediately expand the results of the battle. First consolidate the occupied positions, and then dispatch a reconnaissance detachment to find out the situation before attacking.”

“There is also information about the blue army’s brigade. Staff Liang, ordered the infiltrated reconnaissance team to send images immediately, and lock on to the other party, telling them that we agreed to provide fire support to them, but it will take time for them to keep an eye on them.”

Sitting solemnly in the command car, his eyes were fixed on the radio.

The convoy jolted in the heavy rain, heading for the next scheduled hiding spot.

This recruitment is divided into two ways, hoping to disrupt Xu Xingguo’s judgment.

Suddenly, the car braked suddenly, and then gunshots were heard amid the rain.

“Enemy attack!”

There is a call on the radio.


On the contrary, Zhuang Yan became happy and secretly relieved.

Lao Xu finally came.

His team deliberately slowed down the advance in order to attract Lao Xu.

Now, he finally waited for Lao Xu.

Brigadier Chen Manzhi was not in his team, although he got into this large command car, but in fact, this was just a pretense.

Judging solemnly, at least one reconnaissance team must have infiltrated around the brigade finger.

To get rid of them, you can only use blindfold.

The troops are divided into two groups.

Even if the other party wants to follow, they don’t know which team is better to follow.

What’s more, along the way, I let a follow-up class delay to be responsible for setting up the ambush.

As long as the other party dares to follow, let him go back and forth.

The only thing that worries Majestic is the drone.

Although it was raining heavily, the take-off of the drone was affected.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t fly.

If Lao Xu is desperate to fly once, maybe he can really bite his team.

He deliberately asked the team to turn on the lights before getting in the car, and walked around like he was acting in front of the car, so that the reconnaissance team could see him.

Lao Xu’s reconnaissance battalion may have already distributed photos of important figures of the Blue Army to every reconnaissance team.

If you guess correctly, you are definitely on the list.

When Lao Xu saw himself, he might have received some kind of hint in his heart.

He will do whatever it takes to stare at himself, bite himself, and even direct artillery fire to kill himself.

But, that’s what you want.

isn’t it?

Gunshots were heard in the rain.

The solemn is not worried about any problems.

It’s not just the trust in his own soldiers.

But in order to look like some, this convoy has at least two platoons of troops responsible for escort.

The other convoy was full of reconnaissance vehicles and service vehicles. In fact, Chen Manzhi was sitting in one of the reconnaissance vehicles, but only a platoon of four vehicles was arranged to accompany him.

All of this is misleading the scouts of the Red Army brigade.

Reality is false, falsehood is real.

Fake and real.

The solemn purpose is to confuse Lao Xu, to let him know that the one he wants to win the most is in the large command car.

Seeing himself, Lao Xu would chase and bite himself like a ant that had been trampled through its nest.

Since his own convoy was attacked, it meant that the convoy of company commander Chen Manzhi was safe.

Zhuang Yan picked up the automatic rifle, checked the ammunition, and said to the others in the car: “You keep in touch with the brigade commander and tell them that we were attacked here. Let the convoy go to Area 4 and enter the predetermined concealed point.”

“Yes!” The communications soldier nodded.

Zhuang Yan got out of the car and pulled down the night vision goggles.

The surrounding scenery is not very clear, affected by the heavy rain, the scenery is very blurred.

“Captain 2, come to command the car here.”


The second company commander in charge of guarding the convoy in front quickly emerged from the darkness and crouched beside Zhuang Yan.

“How many are there?” asked solemnly.

The 2nd company commander said: “There are not many people, and there is only one squad depending on the firepower.”

Zhuang Yan suddenly felt very boring, he turned off the insurance, and said to the 2nd company commander: “I don’t need to teach you? We have so many heavy firearms here, don’t lose too many troops, let’s make a round before talking, don’t drive too much. Before, it was estimated that they had rocket launchers, distanced them a bit, taught them how to behave with the machine gun on the roof, and then bombarded me with mortar shells. They are all reconnaissance and infiltration teams, and they don’t have heavy firearms.”

After he finished speaking, he turned to get in the car.

Suddenly he turned around and said, “If there is any new situation, report it to me in time.”


The 2 company commander replied yes, turned and ran.

Sitting solemnly at the door of the command car, put the gun aside.

He didn’t plan to fight with Lao Xu.

Now, it is better to defeat Lao Xu’s psychological defense.

Just to let Lao Xu know that he can’t win.

The gunshots continued, and Zhuang Yan heard the sound of the guard unit on his side using large-caliber machine guns to suppress Lao Xu’s assault unit.

Looking up, the tracer bullets and muzzle flames were like bright fireworks in the night.

When I see Lao Xu later, how should I talk to him?

This kid, I’m afraid he’s going to swallow himself alive?

He couldn’t help but think of the kindness and grievance between the two, and Zhuang Yan couldn’t help shaking his head and smiling bitterly.


The 2 company commander ran over again.

When Zhuang Yan heard the sound of the gunshots becoming sparse, he asked, “All annihilated?”

The 2nd company commander smiled bitterly: “It’s surrounded, I guess there are only two or three scouts left in their Red Army brigade, but someone shouted at you…”

“Me?” Zhuang Yan suddenly woke up and asked, “Is there a battalion commander?”

“I don’t know, but he said that he was the battalion commander, and that was the battalion commander Xu, whom he had seen before.” The 2nd company commander smiled strangely.

Zhuang Yan said: “He called stupid?”

The 2nd company commander’s face was awkward~www.mtlnovel.com~ his mouth was hard, but he didn’t say anything.


The 2nd company commander licked his lips and wiped the rain on his face, as if he mustered up the courage to say: “He said that you are a fool, a coward, and there is a way to fight him in the past…”

The solemn eyes lit up.

2 The company commander hurriedly said, “Hey, I think he just can’t afford to lose. Don’t pay attention to him, I’ll just deal with him.”

Zhuang Yan suddenly stopped the 2nd company commander: “Wait.”


It should be over tonight.

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