Special Years

Chapter 1371 - Zhang Dabao\\\'s choice

“Battery commander, the interference is very serious, the channel is blocked, and the brigade finger is not available.”

The Signal Corps suddenly discovered that the Blue Army’s interference had begun again.

No matter how he called, the Brigade Finger could not be reached.

“What’s going on?” Xu Xingguo was so anxious that he almost hit the wall: “Wasn’t it fine just now?”

“I don’t know, it’s starting to interfere again now,” the signal soldier said.

Xu Xingguo’s head was like a grenade was suddenly stuffed into it, and it exploded with a humming sound.

“Would you like another group to see if it makes sense?”

The communications soldier gave it a try, then raised his head and said, “It’s okay.”

Xu Xingguo said: “Inform them immediately, the previous blue army duty password must not be used again! No, don’t use all the passwords that have been monitored! Turn them all into covert reconnaissance for me, hurry up!”

The messenger is there.


The intelligence monitored by the electronic countermeasures unit of your own brigade is not used?

No duty password is required, which has a great impact on the convenience of reconnaissance.

Previously, when the three artillery positions of the artillery battalion were dismantled, the other party’s password was used to hide it from the sky.

How can this not be believed?

“Why are you still standing there?!” Xu Xingguo was in a bad mood and his voice was scary.

The communications soldier was really shocked, and quickly lowered his head and started to contact other groups.

“The Lone Eagle called all the teams to give up using the red army brigade’s duty password that was originally detected. Repeat it again, ‘Tianwang Gaidihu’ and ‘Going to the mountain to fight tigers’ are invalid. Before our notice, use covert reconnaissance and do not use passwords .”

“Group 3 understands.”

“Group 7 understands.”

“Group 8 understands.”

The rest of the reconnaissance team responded.

Xu Xingguo said to the correspondent: “Continue to ask me for brigade instructions, to get to the position! The situation is very urgent! If the blue army interferes, our electronic countermeasures team will respond…”

He looked at his watch.

“I think it might improve after 10 minutes, you have to keep going, you have to get through before you start the overall attack.”

“Yes!” Although the battalion commander didn’t know why the battalion commander wanted to do this, he immediately obeyed the order.

“There’s one more thing.” Xu Xingguo said again after another thought: “You have someone notify a reconnaissance team…”

He sat back down in front of his laptop and pulled up a map of the battlefield.

Then, he marked on the map the coordinates of the last locations where the previous groups lost contact.

Staring at the pile of red XX, Xu Xingguo frowned and thought hard.

Those red XX, like a circle…

Looking at it, Xu Xingguo’s brows gradually relaxed.

Finally, with a slap on the thigh, he exclaimed, “I can probably guess where their brigade fingers are.”

Five reconnaissance groups were lost in less than an hour.

This is definitely a heavy blow to Xu Xingguo.

However, a good commander must find out the reason after being hit hard, especially why he was hit.

He seemed to see something on the map.

it’s here……

He quickly marked a circle in the center of all the red XX, and then said to the signal soldiers: “You immediately notify the remaining groups, except for the 3 groups who stayed on the right flank to monitor the dynamics of the Blue Army brigade, the 7th and 8th groups immediately went to the No. 8 area. , and tell them, if I’m not mistaken, the blue army brigade finger is currently in area 8.”


After Xu Xingguo finished all this, he turned around and got out of the reconnaissance vehicle.

The rain fell on him, and he didn’t seem to notice it.

He raised his head and let the cold rain hit his face.

The heart, which was burning like a red iron block, seemed to be slowly lowered in temperature.

Suddenly, a nameless fire jumped up again.

He squatted down, clenched his fists, and slammed punch after punch on the ground, until a hole was smashed into the ground, and then he gave up angrily.

After ten minutes.

In the Red Army brigade command post, Zhang Chengyuan finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that all the red lights on the communication network turned green.

The communications staff came over and shouted “report”.

“What’s the matter?” Zhang Chengyuan asked.

The staff officer said: “Just now, the Lone Eagle detachment sent a message. They said that our electronic detachment is currently monitoring the Blue Army’s communication network. It is a trap. It is a fake channel. They thought their defense was focused on the Moon Mountain Heights on the left wing, but in fact the focus was on the right wing.”


Rao, a veteran like Zhang Chengyuan, couldn’t help but tremble slightly.

This is a matter of life and death involving the main force of the entire brigade.

It was also a matter of success or failure of the general attack that was about to start in ten minutes.

“Are you sure he said that?”

The staff officer nodded: “Very sure.”

Zhang Chengyuan fell into hesitation, this information is of great importance.

However, it was completely different from the information monitored by the electronic countermeasures team’s technicians.

How did the Blue Brigade know that their men were listening on their channel?

It is not easy to detect a channel. The Blue Army believes that electronic warfare is the best means of combat. Will they realize that they have been monitored?

However, if he really knew that he was being monitored, why did Xu Xingguo use the password obtained from the monitoring to avoid the sentry directly, so as to guide the artillery fire to kill one of the opponent’s artillery positions?

No matter how he despised the Red Army brigade, Chen Manzhi would never use a cannon battery as bait!

In particular, this news was actually returned by Xu Xingguo.

What else was he thinking?

The deputy brigade commander next to him couldn’t help but said, “Does he have any basis for Xu Xingguo?”

The staff officer shook his head: “I asked, and he said it was intuition.”

“Intuition?” The deputy brigade commander’s face darkened.

The staff officer added: “Commander Xu also said that the brigade commander should delay the general attack time and give him a little time, so that he can find the headquarters of the blue army brigade.”

The deputy brigade commander shook his head and smiled: “Come on, he said that from the beginning of the exercise.”

He turned around and said to Brigade Commander Zhang Chengyuan: “Brigade Commander, what do you think? Now our troops have entered the starting position and can attack at any time.”

Zhang Chengyuan touched his chin and remained silent, his eyes fixed on the battlefield map on the screen.

The entire brigade is already on the line.

To post, or not to post?

War mobilization is not that simple, especially in the current state of the C Brigade. It can be said that everyone is on the verge of exhaustion and collapse, and everyone’s physical strength and endurance have reached a critical point.

These commanders of myself are better, those soldiers who are charging, which one is not exhausted?

According to the reaction of the previous company just now, many soldiers fought all night, it was cold all night, and the drinking water was sweating too much, so I just opened my mouth to drink the rainwater…

Being a commander yourself~www.mtlnovel.com~ I am ashamed that I failed to command these good soldiers!

The deputy brigade commander looked at his watch again: “Brigade commander, it’s only seven minutes, and it’s almost time to order the frontline troops to prepare.”

Zhang Chengyuan still didn’t answer, rubbed his temples, clenched his fists with both hands, and made a crackling sound of the joints.

It’s a win or lose decision.

Nearly a year has passed, and I have returned to Prairie Town. This time, do I still have to lose the battle and go back to the south?


Second more.

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