Special Years

Chapter 13 - This is the recruit period!

Back at the third battalion, Deadham gathered all the recruits and clenched his fists while speaking at the front of the queue.

“Have you all seen the performance just now!? If you are willing to follow me to practice, I guarantee that you can become as awesome as veterans! Starting today, you will officially enter the training stage for recruits! Welcome to join G The Army Rapid Response Force of the Military Region, here is the 8th Company and the 2nd Platoon of the Recruits. My name is Dedeham, you can call me the platoon leader, you can also call me the platoon commander, but you can’t call me Dedeham!”

Lao Dai’s words are full of power, a kind of magic that can inspire people.

“Every year at the end of the recruit training period, there will be a unified assessment. A total of eight companies from the three recruit battalions of the whole regiment will select a recruit company, and each battalion will also select an excellent recruit platoon. Do you want to? Get the pennant of the excellent recruit platoon!?”

Seeing that no one answered, Deadham asked again, “Do you want to?!”


Finally, new recruits responded one after another.

“Damn it! It sounds like a woman! I’ll ask you again, do you want to?!”


“Do you want to?!”


The sound became louder and louder, and solemnly felt that the roof was about to be torn off.

At that moment in that month and that year, the platoon leader with a red card stood in front of a group of recruits and gave a speech that belonged to him passionately.

In the queue, all the recruits were immersed in a strange feeling – both anticipation and fear; blood boiling and anxiety.

Zhuang Yan quietly turned his head to the side, and saw the three yellow bars of different sizes on Yin Xiancong’s shoulders, which were particularly eye-catching under the dark green epaulette background, and had an inexplicable sense of sacredness.

There were cars passing by on the road outside the grassland, and the tires rubbed against the ground making a humming sound.

For solemn, an era has ended, and an era has begun.

In the peaceful era without the hail of bullets, in the eyes of many people, the soldiers have lost the stage to reflect their value.

For a young man in a city like Zhuangyan, the Rongbianweiguo is just a brilliant and distant ideal. It’s okay to talk about it. If you really want to work like the veterans who perform at the mobilization meeting, you only get a few a month. A ten-dollar allowance is definitely an unacceptable loss-making business for him.

After Dadeham’s mobilization speech was over, he sat solemnly on the small bench in front of his bed and couldn’t help sighing.

In stark contrast to him is Xu Xingguo in the front bunk.

After returning from the mobilization in the regiment, Xu Xingguo sat smugly on the bench in front of the bed and rolled up his backpack over and over again.

Once rolled up, unrolled, unrolled, rolled again.

He didn’t want to stop for a moment, excited like a child with ADHD.

Looking at Xu Xingguo’s excitement, he said solemnly and irritably: “I said Xu Xingguo, what are you tossing about, excess energy?”

Xu Xingguo glanced sideways at Majestic, and suddenly said, “I saw you sighing just now, what are you sighing for?”

“Tell me first, why are you so excited?” said solemnly.

Xu Xingguo said: “Our unit is the elite unit of the Army! How awesome! Look at those veterans, how awesome! I want to be like them in the future, and I have to go to the military school. Hey! Be an officer! Think about it. !”

After speaking, he raised his head and closed his eyes intoxicatedly, as if seeing the very straight military uniform already put on his body.

Zhuang Yan sneered in disapproval and said, “Cow? Yes, it’s very good, now it’s peaceful and prosperous, and there’s no war, so who can you show it to? Be an officer? How much do you see the salary of those officers? I haven’t had a meal at home yet. Lots of money.”

This time, it was Xu Xingguo’s turn to snort: “Cut! Who is a city soldier like you who spoils fine skin and tender meat, I thought very clearly before I became a soldier, I am not afraid of hardships when I am a soldier, and I am not a soldier because I am afraid of hardship. Now, even if it is a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire, I will not be a coward!”

After a few days of understanding, Zhuang Yan actually has a certain understanding of Xu Xingguo.

This guy is a self-employed student, and he didn’t get admitted to the public fee line in the university. Self-financing is another big expense for the Xu family.

It is said that the children of the poor are in charge of the family early, and Xu Xingguo chose to join the army.

From this point of view, Xu Xingguo has enough capital to despise a young soldier like Zhuang Yan.

However, in Zhuang Yan’s eyes, Xu Xingguo was a fool.

Zhuang Yan, who was born in a coastal city in southern Guangdong, came into contact with the business field prematurely. He saw many wealthy bosses, and his thinking was completely commercialized.

Business is about efficiency.

The monthly allowance of 30 yuan for recruits is not enough to buy a few packs of Hongta Mountain. You have to work hard for this 30 yuan. Are you sick? !

That night, Zhuang Yan lost sleep again, and didn’t fall asleep until 12 o’clock in the night.

Unexpectedly, just after falling asleep, a rapid whistle rang through the entire row house.

“Emergency assembly!”

In the darkness, Yin Xiancong’s voice sounded in the row room.


Then the whole row house exploded.

The subject of emergency assembly is a compulsory subject for recruits.

In the past two days, every recruit at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com will undergo emergency assembly training.

This training is simple and very simple, and it is not very simple.

Emergency assembly training is to require soldiers to complete all equipment and carry them to the designated location within three minutes, including backpacks, guns, gas masks, water bottles, grenades and satchels…

The most terrible thing is that all a series of actions must be carried out under the condition of no light, and it all depends on the feel and proficiency.

In fact, compared to the emergency gathering of veterans, this has been much easier, because the recruits have not issued guns and weapons.

Majestic, like a frightened rabbit, jumped up from the bed in a panic.

The entire row house was plunged into a clattering noise, the iron bunk beds were shaking, and everyone was groping for their backpacks in the dark.

Zhuang Yan finally found the small backpack **** the bedside, and kept talking about the essentials of tying the backpack.

“Three horizontals and two verticals…Three horizontals and two verticals…”

Halfway through the bundling, Zhuang Yan discovered a very serious problem, and he forgot how many times he had tied it horizontally…

As long as the binding is not standard, you will definitely be punished when you go out.

Of course, solemn is not the only one who is in a hurry.

In the darkness, in addition to the sound of the kettle hitting the bed frame, there was also the sound of the backpack being put on the quilt, and the rustling of clothes, all mixed together.

The recruits who made mistakes in their busy schedules began to let out hilarious exclamations.

“Fuck! Guo Xiangyang, that’s my backpack!”

“My shoes, my shoes! Who took my shoes!”

“Damn it! Xu Xingguo, be careful with your kettle, it hit me!”

“Who the hell’s stinky socks fell on my head?! Who!?”

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