Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 10 - Clash again

  Yue Zhong’s threat to Qiubi is, after all, uncertain, and Qiubi can’t judge whether Yue Zhong’s existence will affect its energy harvesting plan. But Yue Zhong could not prove that he would not interfere with this plan, because he himself did not know what step the matter would take in the future. If possible, Yue Zhong would definitely destroy this plan. This is to cut off Madoka from being a magical girl. With this approach, Xiao Meiyan’s wishes were basically fulfilled.

Speaking of wishes Yue Zhong is very strange. Whether it is Xiao Meiyan or Lumu Yuanxiang, their expressions of wishes are twists and turns. If you don’t understand them carefully, it is not easy to know exactly what you want to express. Now, quickly understand the meaning it wants to express, how does it do it? In other words, Qiubi does not fully master the mechanism of fulfilling desires, but only has a certain channel. They only play a role of connection in the middle. After all, if Qiubi has the ability that even God can make, Why bother to toss the earth people behind in their eyes?

  Thinking that in the confrontation with Chubby, the other party does not have an overwhelming advantage, and maybe the plan to really end them in the future may also be. It is because Yue Zhong is not ready to compromise with Qiubi. As a man, he still has at least some bloodiness. The other party put himself to death, and he couldn’t wipe his face to sum.

   Yue Zhong shook his head, not thinking about these long-term plans for the time being, the most important thing now is to study hard and improve every day.

  Because Yue Zhong was temporarily unable to go out, Xiao Meiyan once again returned to the same life as before. She was wary of Qiubi’s actions while collecting weapons. In addition to this, she had to take time to do research in consideration of Yue Zhong’s suggestion.

  Time came to the day when the sweet witch hatched unconsciously.

  In the war room, Yue Zhong and Xiao Meiyan sat opposite each other. While disassembling the pistol, Yue Zhong asked, “I need to fight again today, is it Charlotte this time?”

The witch Xiao Xiaoyan disposes of is not only the ones that appear in the work, but also many witches that have even been mentioned. These materials are all placed in the war room. Every time she reincarnates, she has to clean them up according to the time point. So it is often too late to take care of Madoka in crisis.

“This time the witch appeared near the hospital. If it is not dealt with properly, there may be a change in Sayaka.” Xiao Meiyan also checked his ammunition and said, “I have already said the kind of things you said before. A test product was made, and you can test it if you have a chance.”

   The two did not glance at each other, as if time was tight enough to tolerate no trace of waste. This sense of depression grew with the longer Yue Zhong was unable to go out. Because Yue’s re-planning was done, many things needed to be done by people. Xiao Meiyan was hard to come by himself, and the two people had to spend time in a busy day.

   “After this witch is eliminated, the plan to capture the wandering messenger can be launched. I am already familiar with the test device you made, Homura. You can start data collection after you catch the witch back.”

   “Time is coming, I am leaving.” Xiao Meiyan put the weapon into the hourglass of time and walked towards the door of the war room.

   “Be careful.” Yue Zhong assembled the disassembled guns again. After a few days of training, his familiarity with the guns has been greatly improved.

  Ba Mami has not been in contact with Madoka so far, and I don’t know how Qupee considered it. Facing Madoka, which contains a huge amount of energy, pursuing the supremacy of interests, it has no action.

   At this time, Madoka and Sayaka had just visited the last classmates who were hospitalized. The excellent magic induction ability allowed Madoka who had not signed a contract to discover the kind of lamentation in the incubation.

   “Sayaka sauce, what is this, I always feel very uncomfortable to watch.” Madoka hesitated a moment, and asked Sayaka to point at the kind of lament.

Hearing Madoka’s words, Sayaka noticed the gray-black lament, looking at this lightly dangerous thing, Sayaka also said: “I feel this way, Madoka, you remember Xiao Meiyan Did the classmates and Yue Zhong say anything to you? I always think that this thing has something to do with them.”

“Yue Zhong’s evil forces should be a hint. Xiaoyan should make it clear. I should pay attention to avoiding strange things and people, and don’t be fooled by what looks good.” Xiaoyuan thought Think about it later.

Sayaka nodded and said, “They must have something to hide, and it is likely to have a great relationship with Madoka. So it seems that this thing may be in great danger. In this position, it will definitely be harmful. To the last classmate.”

   The two were talking, and a cold voice interrupted them: “You two, leave here quickly.”

  Xuanyuan looked around and said in surprise, “Xiaoyan? Why haven’t you come to class these days, and do you know what this thing is?”

Every time Xiao Meiyan sees Madoka, she feels tangled in her heart. I don’t know how many times the reincarnation has brought heavy pressure to her. Once she sees Madoka, that pressure is constantly impacting her reason. Want to vent it.

  However, this time is the same as before, Xiao Meiyan once again suppressed the urge to vent, maintaining a cold expression: “This is very dangerous. If you have any questions, I will leave here later.”

Madoka didn’t have time to speak, and Sayaka couldn’t help it. She rushed to Xiao Meiyan and said slightly excitedly: “I don’t care what your **** does mysteriously, as long as it doesn’t hurt Madoka. It’s just this There are my important friends in the hospital. You want us to leave. Why not give us a reason?”

“There is no time to explain, but you can rest assured that your friend will have nothing to do.” Xiao Meiyan began to try to change the way she talks to others these days. If she used to be like that, she would not say so to Sayakado One sentence.

Xiao Meiyan’s confidence calmed Sayaka’s rising anger. The indifferent attitude of the other party seemed to guarantee a trivial matter. Although it was still uncomfortable, it was more so than the vowed guarantee. convince.

   “If the last classmate has an accident, I won’t let you go.” Sayaka warned Xiao Meiyan that she decided to follow the other party’s arrangement.

  After Sayaka and Madoka left, Xiao Meiyan suddenly said to a pillar: “Bama, since you’re here, let’s go in and see.”

“It was discovered.” The golden elegant girl came out from behind the pillar and stared at Xiao Meiyan. “I have been unable to find the Chinese man named Yue Zhong these days. Where did you hide him?” ?”

Xiao Meiyan didn’t speak, and Bama knew that she couldn’t tell herself, and she waved her hand boringly: “Forget it, you won’t say it anyway, but many of the witches appearing in my jurisdiction seem to be preempted Destroyed, won’t that person be you?”

   “Well, if you don’t speak, I’ll assume you’re acquiesced. It’s a big deal to **** someone’s prey.” Ba Mami warned that the sorrow species finally completed the incubation, and the witch’s enchantment expanded instantly.

   “You can’t intervene this time.” Ba Mami jumped into the enchantment.

  Xiao Meiyan walked quickly to the entrance of the enchantment as if she had not heard the other party’s words.

   As soon as he entered, the sky-long golden ribbon came towards her. Ba Mami seemed to have anticipated Xiao Meiyan’s movements, and he ambushed after entering the enchantment. After the other party came in, he attacked.

  As she expected, Xiao Meiyan, who had just entered, was difficult to parry the sudden attack and was **** again with ribbons.

“I said, you can’t intervene this time.” Ba Mami has finished arming, pointing at Xiao Meiyan’s head. “Even if your ability is very weird, but your own strength is so weak, but again and again. Three interferes with me…”

The exquisite silver firecracker fired a firework without warning, and the ammunition instantly penetrated Xiao Meiyan’s forehead, leaving a blood hole, and the eyes that had not been the same as the waves also became hollow, and the **** was released at Bamamei. Afterwards, the unconscious body fell to the ground.

  Ba Mami walked over to pick up the pistol in the opponent’s hand, and after watching it for a moment, it seemed that she suddenly lost interest and turned towards the witch’s hiding place.

“It’s easy to solve it. It’s really convenient to kill in the enchantment. It doesn’t even need to deal with it. It’s really convenient.” Ba Mami said to herself, “Then just wait for the Chinese man named Yue Zhong When you can’t help but come out looking for someone, kill him again, and get what you have to go to the so-called pan-plane organization.”

   “Sorry, I’m just a person struggling on the verge of death, killing your life just for me to live.”

Various enemies wearing red cross hats attacked Bamamei, and they were too lazy to see them. UU reading’s fireball floating around it automatically changed its ballistic launch The bullet was eliminated.

“A lot of snacks, it seems that the nature of this witch is very obvious. I remember the girl who just killed reminded me that this witch is different from the ordinary one?” Bami held a cup of black tea and thought while drinking, “If If this information is useful, I will thank you and use your pistol to kill Yue Zhong in return.”

   came to a wide area of ​​enchantment, and the witch would normally hide in such a place, and Bama quickly found the witch body sitting on the chair without movement.

   walked straight and lightly, and did not stop the movement in his hand, countering various attacks in all directions.

   “It’s a bit too simple.” Mama Bama’s heart is even more vigilant. The performance of this witch is now unprecedentedly weak.

   arrived at the place where he could attack the witch. Asami did not entrust him, he directly summoned the cannon and prepared to charge for attack.

   The witch sitting on the chair disguised the danger, struggling to rush out of the disguise, and the black, red-spotted snake-like witch opened her mouth wide, as if to try to crush Bamameiren with a gun.

But the precautionary Bama quickly launched a ribbon to tie the witch who was rushing for a moment, the cannon made a huge roar, and the thick golden light directly penetrated the entire body from the witch’s mouth, which can be said to be dead. .

“Sure enough, I concealed my hand. If I was not careful, I might be able to make a move.” Ba Mami still picked up the fallen sigh with a smile on her face, but she had a little fear in her heart, “It seems that the one killed People, tell the truth, what a pity.”

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