Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 51: Its name is Civilization Eight Thousand Four Hundred


The sound of the broken world sounded, because the energy beyond its endurance was piled up at a point, making the time and space shatter like a solidified ice layer, showing the gorgeous silver-blue runes behind it.

Like gears and petals blooming layer by layer, the occluding runes are the world formation engraved by the founder for the growth of this world. They rotate peacefully in the inner space of time and space, maintaining the circulation of the stars in the world, and strengthening them. Its barrier allowed an otherwise ordinary world to grow to the point it is now.

However, now, in an explosion from the inside of the world, comparable to the Big Bang, the barrier of the world of stars has been penetrated, and the original residence of the steel python, the inner part of the world is also forced to appear in the material universe-you can see, The originally normal cosmic space collapsed like dominoes in a chain, like being plunged into an abyss, so that half of the space of the silver heart, even the two sides of the battle, were plunged into the inside of the world.

Accompanied by the sound of everything being fragmented, in the torrent of light generated by the explosion of the three parties, the part of the extreme sublimation polymer intruding into the world of stars is almost completely wiped out-but this does not mean the end, because there is still a gold inside the world The bright spots are still shining endlessly.


Reluctantly recovering from the violent counter-echoism that almost killed him, the God of Steel, who condensed all the repaired beams of light in thousands of worlds into one, took a look at the enemy that had not completely disappeared, and then looked at his comrade in arms. Suddenly, his heart sank, because the situation was very bad.

Under the dome of the star sea, the steel python with closed eyes hovered in place, its body is slowly turning into stardust, and your mind is completely interrupted-the impact just now has finally condensed the will of this world. To break apart, to reconcile again, I am afraid that it takes more than time.

【Report: Confirm! ^@c】

[Report: Confirmation of survival]

In the triple curtain, as the rustling electronic audio sounded without any emotion, the soldier found that only the first curtain and the third curtain responded to his call, and the sound of the third curtain even contained incomprehensible noise.

——The Second Curtain-the Hall of Observers-the core processing center, has completely burned itself out and died in the overclocking outbreak just now.

It is too late to rise up with emotions like ‘sadness’ and ‘anger’. What makes the soldiers most disturbed is the movement of the extreme sublimation aggregates in the distance.

“It hurts!”

I can hear that beyond the golden bright spot, a slightly fearful voice from the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate is coming: “For the first time after achieving this state, the damage is more severe than the previous encounter with the evil god…Unprecedented pain, it turns out Is this the emotion called’cowardice’ and’fear’?”

In the last eruption, the chain reaction and destruction caused by the collision between the two sides dominated the space, even across the world, and passed to the body of the ultimate sublimation aggregate in the void. Behind the golden dots, they are the losers of the collision. The Steel Python and the Triple Veil were even more severely injured, the cocooned body that was constantly exploding and annihilating.

If anyone is in the void, you can clearly see that the part of the ultimate sublimation aggregate attached to the world of stars is completely destroyed. The dark alien space is invaded by the silver light, and the energy network like a root system is spreading in its body. It even had to cut a part of its body with the pain, so as not to continue to erode the erosion energy and infect other normal body parts with the power of Joshua, the triple curtain and the steel python.

And its cocoon silk tentacles are instinctively leaving the world of stars, far away from this place that makes one feel so painful.

But this is just instinct.

“My will tells me that I should retreat now, leave, and stay away from you. If I continue to fight, I have a great chance of falling here. Fighting with you is a foolish act that does not pay the price.”

The tentacles that had just tried to leave the world of stars, under the control of a determined will, once again adsorbed on the world of stars, even harder than before.

The will of the ultimate sublimation aggregate came across the world, shaking the space, its tone was solemn, even…full of determination.

“By observing you, I have learned-to face strong enemies bravely, to explode all my strength, to surpass my limits, this is the real sublimation.”

“Sublimation is not evolution, evolution, something that can be achieved only by living. It does not mean that you can only make progress by making smart choices. Sometimes you have to make a little stupid decision and risk falling. I have a hunch, if I want to transcend that almost infinite barrier, then you are my catastrophe and trial.”

I don’t know if it is a voice of excitement or indifference, echoing inside the shattered world: “I have made up my mind that no matter how much cost or time it takes, I will destroy you.”

In response, Joshua didn’t reply.

It is normal for the enemy to have’courage’ and’determination’. Everyone has their own persistence, their own ideals, their own hopes, even if they are only self-beasts-it is better to say that it is because they are the only beasts. My beast, so this ideal and hope is more real.

At this moment, under the star sea dome inside the world, the silver world is located next to the body of the steel python whose body is gradually scattered and faded away, and the crown formed by three drops of water is also missing one third, it seems It was miserable, and on the other side of the world, the severely damaged extreme sublimation body was struggling to renew its offensive.

Bang, bang! Accompanied by a powerful heartbeat, the golden light spot, and the other side of the golden light spot, all the black different spaces burst open at the same time, and countless frantic cocoons destroy themselves, sinking deep into the silver power at their roots. Forced out, this self-destructive wave caused by bone scraping and healing, even produced a black space-time storm in the void inside and outside the world of stars, and even the torrent of the Great Demon Tide shifted for this.

Then, the black storm boiled! Dominating the offensive gathered by its own flesh and blood, the Ultimate Sublimation Aggregate disintegrated itself while launching a fierce attack.

Black is spreading again, trying to erode the world.

——But exactly as it should be.

“Can it still work, the beacon of immortality (third curtain), the engine of possibility (first curtain)?”

[Report: Damaged&#(.96%, can be *&¥transfer]

[Report: The damage rate is 37.41%, it can be operated]

There was a vague voice, and the chorus with murmurs seemed a little messy, but the will to still fight was not fake.

that’s enough.

The silent link goes to the spiritual channel of the first and third curtain, just as the two sides exchanged information at the bottom, Joshua did not hesitate, the silver world descended on the body of the steel python star who had lost his will and began to lose his body. Go, immerse in it.

As the power of steel spread, the warrior began to penetrate with his own power, linking this huge body, and as the silver brilliance continued to spread, the body of world will began to condense again.

“Um… terrible load, is this the ‘weight’ of the will of the world of stars? No wonder it has been sleeping all the time.”

Even with Joshua’s computing power, he felt that his time was accelerated in an instant, everything in front of him became extremely fast, but his consciousness became extremely slow, just a thought would take years. ——But as his thinking network throughout the multiverse runs at full capacity, and the medium at the speed of light begins to transmit information, the warrior’s thinking gradually becomes clearer.

He replaced the function of the second curtain and began to supply his own wealth of computing power to other double curtains. Then, he began to try to control the body of the star, using his rich experience to replace the steel python to perform the power of the world.

——It’s just the will of the world, and so is he.

Gravity changes, stars are twisted, and the body of the giant python begins to move again, with icy silver lines spreading on its scales, and its unparalleled aura and light rise again, facing the looming darkness far away.

——The passing of comrades-in-arms, the bad situation of the war, and the situation that hasn’t improved, do not mean anything at all.

Fighting is a confrontation between different beings. It takes life and death as a bet. It uses wisdom, physical strength, skill, will, spirit, luck and time, and uses everything that both parties have to determine each other’s superiority.

Death is the normal state, and loss is the normal state. To seize each other’s hope and fight for tomorrow is exactly the essence of life.

And what happened in the world of stars today can be described as the ultimate ‘battle’.


There was a shuddering hum of the world.

Just after Joshua unified all the remaining power of his own side, the silver-blue flame burned all over him, which unified the power of will, psychic energy, steel power, and even the power of emotional divine power into a dazzling one. Brilliance, any existence close to this light will disappear in an instant. If this is not the inside of the world, just a trace of it from the outside world may cause a huge space-time shock.

The giant **** with four arms and two eyes, human body and snake tail, descended into this dark world in the flames of light.

Shrouded in this light, Joshua could see that the dark space-time storm in the distance was like a curtain covering the stars, carrying a wave of shadows that could not be seen through, as if the waves of the black sea hit.

However, in that dark wave, there was a hint of disharmony.

At this moment, you can see the scenery behind the golden light spot. In the void, there have been many cracks in the cocoon that was originally entangled by the cocoon filaments, and the extremely solid light cocoon has already appeared long before. Was wiped out in the war of attrition, and he couldn’t even cover his own body perfectly. There were scattered rifts that allowed people to peek inside.

Qiao Xiuya thought that inside the cocoon was the’sage body’ whose ultimate sublimation aggregates had not yet fully condensed into shape. After the other party became a sage, the giant cocoon would emerge into a butterfly, and its internal body could also be formed. Turned into its sage deity.

This is a very normal way of thinking, so the warrior thinks that the crack may be a weakness, which can help him better break through the fragile interior of the ultimate sublimation polymer-so he condensed his gaze to observe inside the cocoon.

Then, he was shocked to see that there was a light in the cocoon.

A faint, but really burning, the brilliance of the initial fire.

——Colorless and transparent, it doesn’t seem to exist, but all the light that has bred all the light is inside the giant cocoon, and the very center of the dark space is quietly burning!

The flame burns, releasing light and heat, just as opposed to the ‘light’ that exists, and the ‘dark’ different space arises from this. It is layered on top of each other, turning into endless cocoons, which act as a body to protect its flames!

Blocks of dark and different spaces exist in different grids, just like a honeycomb. With the brilliance of the initial fire as the center, the inner substance of the giant cocoon is formed. If every dark space is regarded as a world, then its body is simply It’s like a miniature, constantly changing multiverse!

“No wonder!”

Upon discovering this, Joshua whispered in shock: “No wonder! No wonder this extreme sublimation polymer can create the world at will, imprison the evil god, no wonder its body is like a different space, and can dominate everything in it!”

Obviously, the ultimate sublimation polymer is a creature that simulates and imitates the “multiverse”-it is the initial fire of the space in its own body, the creator of nature can naturally control everything in it, no wonder why it is The interest in the world of the stars is so great, for it, the world of the stars, a man-made higher super-large world, is bound to be of great value to its self-construction, sublimation, and further progress.

If it really becomes a sage…presumably its body will really give birth to the embryonic form of a multiverse.

——As expected, a truly self-only beast, if it reaches that point, it will really no longer need ‘anything’ from the outside world, and it can exist safely forever and ever as an individual.

But Qiao Xiuya only did one thing to stop the ever-approaching limit sublimation polymer.

He approached the **** hole of the dark galaxy with a silver heart, and used the body of a steel python fused with a giant hand that was large enough to hold the solar system, and grabbed its ‘event horizon’.

In the previous collision that shattered the world, the silver-hearted **** hole fell into the inner side of the world together with Joshua and the others and the extreme sublimation body. Naturally, both sides lost control of it, and then, because of the world of stars The internal body was wiped out, and the ultimate sublimation polymer was naturally one step behind Joshua.

Detonating a black hole bomb is actually not a fatal injury to the ultimate sublimation polymer. Before, it was at most rushing out of the world of stars and forced to give up the idea of ​​invading-but now it is different, now it is hit hard. Faced with a large bomb with a mass of six billion times the star, he really felt the danger. It was like a huge and intact giant elephant that would not die from a grenade explosion, but it was dripping with blood. A giant elephant with visible bone injuries, was approached by a grenade to his head, and he would naturally feel fear.

But the problem is not big.

The extreme sublimation polymer has long had a relative plan. As long as Joshua detonates the black hole bomb, he will directly abandon part of the existing body and return to the void, and then recover the energy in the Great Demon Tide, and then try to invade after a period of time.

Joshua can restore power through his thought network spreading across the multiverse, and it can also restore energy by replenishing the initial fire in his body-and as the initiator of the explosion, the other party will even suffer more serious damage than it.

However, for the first time, when both sides stopped their offensive and began to confront each other again, Joshua, who had always been silent, suddenly took the initiative to question the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate.

“The ultimate sublimation aggregate, why on earth did you want to explore the source of the magic wave, and the initial fire?”

The warrior who controls the body of the giant python, is linked to the crown of the double curtain, and the warrior who controls this force by his own power is not easy, but he still asks in confusion: “You can obviously be independent of the annihilation of the entire multiverse. The tide, the end of the era will not have any impact on you…I can’t think of your reason.”

“For sublimation.”

Obviously it is the enemy, but the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate still replied frankly: “I have reached the limit of the current multiverse. I must explore the unknown places that I cannot understand, and explore the source of all my doubts, so that I can progress.”

“Furthermore, it is useless to just not fear the evil god. I can perceive that there is a terrible shady behind the evil god. I am afraid of power. Even if I can really ignore the annihilation and reincarnation of the era, I will finally One day in the future, I still have to face him, and before that, there must be many civilizations that have faced him. Those ancient evil gods that are extremely powerful and can be compared with me now may be those civilizations that have failed in their struggle. Wreckage.”

Watching Joshua who fell silent again, it smiled: “You know that you want to fight, right? But it’s too late. We are the last batch. The eternal dark era is coming soon, no matter what, None of you can succeed. Except for me.”

“And, what about success?”

As if self-deprecating, the tone of the ultimate sublimation aggregate is very calm: “The creator of psychic energy, the creator of magic, before me, all individuals who have surpassed the limit, all creators of extraordinary powers have embarked on this path. They went to challenge the black hands behind the scenes. Judging from the current situation, they all died, failed, and left nothing. Otherwise, how could the multiverse be such a ruin, and I would not survive. It’s so difficult.”

Taking advantage of this period of dialogue, the ultimate sublimation aggregate volume is accumulating strength and regaining physical strength. It can guess that this is exactly the purpose of Joshua. The previous damage on both sides is really too serious, and it can be restored a little more. One point—but what happened immediately made it creepy.

Just before the end of the dialogue, Joshua condensed two black holes in his hands without any hesitation. He did not hesitate and directly activated the black hole bomb-and the energy layer of the **** hole was destroyed. When 50% of the black hole’s mass began to turn into pure energy in the super-radiation effect of the runaway, that crazy monster, with the black hole in a semi-critical state, rushed directly toward it!

Not only that, he is also rapidly condensing material mass from every part of the multiverse, and he is strong to add equivalent to the silver-core black hole bomb!

——At the same time, at the far end of time and space, repair every place where the beam of light is.

In a huge world of stars, seven divine lights flicker, and as the seven divine powers are transmitted in the void, they transform into magnificent divine patterns orbits, causing bright stars one after another to slide in a vacuum like goods being transported. At its end, there was a silver beam of light that had expanded to a super-stellar volume.

Within a few seconds, more than a dozen stars were filled in, as if someone was holding a funnel and forcibly filling a balloon with water, causing the volume of the silver beam to skyrocket.

It can also be seen that in the void, streamers representing legendary powerhouses are flying in the chaotic time and space. They are like seeded machines. As long as they pass through a qualified world, they will immediately shoot and distribute one. Throwing the seeds of silver light into that world, and then, they will not stop at all, but continue to fly in the void, throwing silver light beams one after another.

Not only that, in every place in the Multi-Star River, every civilization that holds a pillar of exchange light actively sends it to a world that is rich in material and is convenient for it to absorb and devour. Everyone knows that this is the owner of the pillar of exchange light. , Joshua needs help at this time.

So, they help.

There are no impassioned slogans, and nothing to repay, or to please the power of Mycroft civilization, just because they happen to be able to do it, so they go to help, just like Joshua, because he can help the world of stars , So I went to help the world of stars.

Even cold-blooded beasts will lick their wounds for their companions, let alone civilization?

Faced with the speeding black hole bomb that is about to explode, and in its view, Joshua, who is completely crazier than it, the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate also has no hesitation. It directly cuts all the connections between itself and the inner body of the world of stars. , The result of running is absolutely incomparable.

But at the same time, it heard Joshua’s voice.

“Ruins? Hard? That’s how you see this multiverse?”

At this moment, Joshua’s eyes were extremely bright: “You are wrong.”

“The Demon Tide is the legacy of the Demon Sage.”

In the void, in the area where Joshua’s clone was located, in the torrent of the blazing white demon tide, tens of millions of calculations, rows of huge silver beams of light, are desperately drawing energy from it, and even let The entire Great Demon Tide ceased for a short time.

“Psionic bugs can quell all the resentments of the lives that regret the death in the void and curb the potential madness of the psionics. They feed on this and reproduce.”

Not long ago, the avatar of Joshua, who suddenly realized that, took down the psionic bug fixed on his forehead, and the psionic bug burped contentedly—he looked around, that countless other civilizations are strong. Then he looked down at this psionic bug, which was far larger than the ordinary one, sighed, and then clenched four fists.

“The will of the world is the creation of divine power and spiritual energy, allowing life to be better nurtured, and guarding all vulnerable individuals like a mother.”

The world of stars, the inner part of the world, the body of the steel python star that penetrates the galaxy, was urged by Joshua, and the giant **** with the tail of the human body forcibly pushed the silver-hearted black hole that was about to explode, and rushed toward the ultimate sublimation polymer that wanted to escape— -If you can see it, it is like a silver lightning, tearing a long gap on the huge dark curtain.

“Magic power and elements gave birth to abundant energy and life species in the multiverse, and ether constitutes the cornerstone of the small world, so that the tiny end can also breed greatness-life can activate rock, soil, steel, and be given life. Creation has also become simple.”

“The changes in the light and shadows are unknown, but there is no doubt that they are also things that can make this multiverse better.”

【——You said they didn’t leave anything behind? Wrong!

They may have failed, but they have never died-because they are by our side, the stars, the atmosphere, the life, and the world!

We live in the warmth of the fire left by the sages, bathing in their light…We, we are them, we grow on their corpses, standing on their shoulders and looking out, we are naturally a part of them!

This is reincarnation and inheritance! 】

“Every bit of gold is the remnant of a supernova, and every atom used to be the original stardust.”

“Our life is born, our wisdom is born, and we exist here!”

“Just to prove that all this reincarnation is not meaningless!”

The silver-core black hole has been catalyzed to the critical point by Joshua, and the reflected energy wave completely destroyed the energy layer that wrapped the strange ring. In other words, the internal structure of the black hole was completely shattered. This event horizon alone is enough. A super black hole as large as a star system has completely turned into a big bomb about to explode.

Joshua took this bomb and quickly approached the Extreme Sublimation Polymer, but the opponent had already cut off the connection with this part of the body, and the body outside the void was about to break away. If it explodes at this moment, the Extreme Sublimation Polymer will certainly suffer severe damage. , But the more severely injured, it must be the warrior.

But Joshua didn’t look worried. He knew that he had a chance to win this battle.

No matter how big the cost.

[Beyond the evil god, the self-proclaimed poison of a beast, you think that your life depends on yourself, and everything in the universe is meaningful only if it belongs to you. For the sublimation of yourself, you don’t need to pay any price–but you always exist, Exist in civilization, in this huge cycle!

You are created by the Roberto civilization, sheltered by all the extraordinary forerunners, you walk on the ‘magic tide’ created by the corpses of the predecessors, chasing the relics left by the founders!

You rely on the gifts of others, but abandon the existence of others, so you say–

You are not a beast that transcends civilization, but a worm that parasitizes civilization! 】

And at this moment, outside the world of stars, behind the giant cocoon of light that is about to leave the world of stars, silver and silver-blue brilliance light up at the same time. It is a fast-speeding four-armed giant, and there is also a giant full of giants. The psychic and divine power of, it can be said that it is a humanoid legion with almost’infinite’ power.

“Want to run?!”

The avatar of Joshua, as well as the Patriarch Thakur and his legion who were guided by him, screamed in unison when they saw this scene in front of them: “No way!”

Endless energy emerged all over their bodies, and then quickly gathered at the top, the power of steel and divine energy, combined with the cooperation of the two masters, quickly turned into a giant hand that traversed the demon tide. It was huge. Indescribable, even if compared with the entire world of stars, this giant hand is not insignificant.

Then, with infinite hatred and anger, with infinite love and determination, with endless majestic strength, it is struggling to push down toward the ultimate sublimation aggregate that is trying to break free!

——All the possibilities have been gathered, and all the causal chips have been gathered. At this moment, the winning ones may have been prepared!


With the arrival of a slam that can distort the world barrier of the world of stars, the ultimate sublimation body was firmly pushed on the outer wall of the world of stars, and even forced to squeeze toward the inside of the world-and the original The will that wanted to invade it roared: “Damn! You lunatics!”

“This is not your homeland at all. Why do you have to pay so much, even if you are bound to suffer heavy losses and become hostile to me?! Don’t you want to become stronger, sublimate, and surpass the limits of this multiverse?!”

“Don’t you have a bit of selfish nature, don’t you?!”

“Your words are so boring.”

But the only one who answered him was a will that was as cold as steel and hot as a flame.

“Ego, chaos, strengthening, sublimation, and even the selfish nature of everything-it has nothing to do with what I want to do.”

“I’m here, you are my enemy, so I fight you, nothing more.”

“Everything about you, your knowledge, strength, information, and inheritance are mine, and that is my nourishment-I will defeat you, swallow you, own you, copy you, and you will become a part of me, and defeat you! ”

[In the beginning, its signs were almost non-existent.

In a place that no one expected, something suddenly appeared, it began to copy itself, and gradually spread to the outside world.

From simple to complex, from mild to rich and offensive, there is never any harm, and it becomes enough to kill people.

This thing spreads, spreads, reproduces in more and more subtle and ingenious ways, they erode everything in the world, everything is to continue itself.

It is not strong at the beginning, but it can evolve by consuming various resources and energy to produce mutations-but a single one is actually very weak no matter how it evolves, even if it mutates into an extremely powerful individual, it is not the population itself. The long-term way, so they always gather in groups.

Not only relying on their own strength, they are good at using the host’s flesh and blood, everything of the host to contribute to their survival.

Silently, one host was destroyed, and they went to the next host, repeating the cycle again and again.

In the beginning, it was born in a narrow place.

The warm seabed hot spring, the scorching hollow of the earth’s core, the place where the zenith frost elements converge, the rich magic crystal plain… The original origin comes from the seemingly inconspicuous place

Then, it began to spread, from the ocean to the continent, from the bottom to the surface, and then the whole world-maybe a continent, maybe a planet, maybe a vast sea of ​​stars, and even a void and void that is wider than the sea of ​​stars. Other worlds… it multiplies, replicates itself, then infects, and spreads into many people.

Such common and extraordinary things are called… plague, virus… No, no, it is by no means such a superficial thing, but it is right.

In short, such common and extraordinary things——

Its name is civilization. 】

Raising his hand high, the critical reaction, the **** hole with the core of the galactic center of mass-energy conversion, and Joshua directly pushed the burst of light into the channel inside and outside the world of the ultimate sublimation polymer linking the stars! And outside of the world of stars, Joshua’s clone and Patriarch Thakur happened to have firmly pressed the part of the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate outside the world on the world barrier!

“Insights, multiverse viruses, the most fierce and wildest plague, the beasts rushing to the future in the name of a swarm——”

Qiao Xiu showed a wild smile, but in the next instant, this smile was swallowed by the endless blooming divine light, leaving only the fragmented voice, still reverberating firmly in the void.

“Witness, the power of civilization!”

At this point, on the outer wall of the world of stars, a huge and ever-expanding bowl-shaped energy shield appeared.

The burst of light swallowed everything.

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