Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 46: The beast and me six thousand six hundred

——The dark center of the Milky Way is shrinking, shrinking in a physical sense.

Space is being folded, distorted, destroyed, offset and deleted in the battle of the strong. At this moment, the silver heart of the dark galaxy is like an extremely huge Naraku abyss, pulling the countless stars and nebulae around and sinking into it. A layer of’vortex’ that is fighting.

From the perspective of the second cantilever of the Dark Galaxy, the soldiers of the Galaxy Guardian Alliance who intend to counterattack the Cthulhu family and sweep away all the threats to the world from chaos, they have not found many rumored endless numbers of Cthulhu family and Cthulhu. On the contrary, it was accidentally discovered through the psychic detection magic circle that the center of the galaxy seemed to be cracked, and an endless dark spiral emerged from it.

It is spinning, swallowing, and dominating everything around it, swallowing the entire river system into its abdomen, as if it was the Tianyuan that could swallow the Tianhe.


The world of stars, whether it is the remaining Cthulhu family, or the high-spirited Guardians of the Galaxy Alliance, which is preparing to retake the Canadian dollar, or the ordinary indigenous races who have not joined the Guardian Alliance and do not understand everything that is happening in this grand world. All of the intelligent lives, all the lives that have emotions, minds, and even just’alive’, all raised their heads in unison, looking at the same place.

In the center of the dark galaxy, there is a fearful tremor. It seems that a behemoth that destroys everything is fighting with all its strength, venting its own power, shattering time and space, and taking the world created by the creator from its source. destroy.

Faced with such an incredible power to destroy the world, everyone’s hearts are full of fear and instinctive fear—the instinct of their lives and even the world they live in are constantly warning them, telling them, All this is not an illusion, but a real end time.

Even immortals, and even powerful individuals in the realm of infinite light, are fusion of their faces, because the existence that gives them instinctive warning has such a terrible energy level that it exceeds their imagination.

How to say…A star with 1.4 times the mass of the sun can become a constant-star black hole, but a few hundred solar masses can also be used, not to mention the super black hole in the center of the galaxy, from several million times to hundreds of billion times. , Those are all black holes.

Is the same black hole comparable?

The same legend, the same immortal, and the same sage…is it comparable?

Under the erosion of the near saint, time and space are disintegrating, the world barrier is collapsing, and the body of the ultimate sublimation polymer is approaching the world at an unprecedented speed.

In the face of this power, the love, hatred, joy, anger, glory, determination, despicability, selfishness, and even the unity of mortals, all emotions are useless, all emotions and cognitions are all Can’t fight against this force.

“Oh my god-what is that?!”

At the second cantilever, the temporary base of the Alliance of the Galactic Guardians suddenly heard an exclamation, but it was not waiting for the frightened communicator to upload the information on the big screen. Accompanied by the whisper of time and space, the temporary base was Everyone in can see the scene that made the correspondent exclaimed from the side window.

That is a rift.

The basic structure of the world of stars collapsed, and even the second cantilever tens of thousands of light-years away had a great impact. It can be seen that time and space have cracked… This is not a surprising thing, after all, for their level As far as interstellar civilization is concerned, destroying time and space is not an unachievable technology. What really shocked them was what appeared behind the collapsed time and space. It was located inside the world, infinite, glowing with silver-blue psychic power. Root rune.

——That is the fact that the world of stars is essentially a man-made, artificially enlarged giant world. The ancient founders transformed their hometowns, trying to make the cradle that gave birth to them, like them, that can evolve, expand, and expand infinitely. The bottom runes of this world are exactly what caused the sages to create the’super large single’. The prototype of the “body world”.

This anomalous space-time fissure is nothing to the entire world of stars. However, if all the damage is summed up, it can be known that its appearance has caused the turbulence of millions of star systems and affected hundreds of intelligent planets. Even civilization, at that moment, tens of billions or even more lives were killed.

Because of this aftermath, the destruction of civilization and the extinction of ecosystems, only a leap spacecraft with a certain super-light speed capability can escape the destruction zone brought about by the anomalous time and space with an emergency leap. The lucky ones who have survived panic are in the dark and cold vacuum of the universe. In, I was too late to be glad that I had escaped, but I saw my hometown being torn apart by the turbulent time and space, even the stars burst in the face of this disintegrating force, turning into a fleeting spark.

[Civilization is like rain, quietly falling on the dark sea, blooming with water droplets and ripples, but silent rain]

[The fishes don’t know anything about it, let alone the giant beasts lurking on the bottom of the sea. The rain falls endlessly, but it can’t affect the dark sea at all]

——So… wind is needed.

——The gale that burns himself violently, sweeping everything violently.

Around the **** hole of the silver heart, the death fight is still going on. The silver giant python, which is much larger than the star cluster level, is penetrated by the attack of the cocoon. A huge tentacles are inserted into the body of the world will. It forcibly dominates and tampered with part of the energy cycle. The system caused an unstoppable turmoil in the body of the Iron Python Star.

Regardless of whether it was the steel python or the triple curtain, neither side had the slightest intention to resist this blow. The moment it was attacked, the world’s will opened its mouth and directly swallowed part of the alienated cocoon space. Eat it, and then turn it into your own strength to continue to reinforce the barrier of the world of stars.

The simplest and rude fighting method, but it is a test that spans multiple time and space, in all aspects of mind, skill and body. Both sides are trying to destroy each other’s **** of each other’s space as much as possible, so that they can seize the initiative.

At this moment, the two sides seem to be equally divided, but it is obvious that the ultimate sublimation polymer with backup and no backup, who has just woke up from a deep sleep and who has recovered faster is obvious.

Even if it is geographically advantageous, the world will cooperate with the triple curtain, the facts are the same. For the first time, the steel python in the world of stars fought such an intense battle across time and space. It was almost unable to support it, and both the thinking center and the energy core were on the verge of their limits.

“I have fought with the evil gods before, in the age before you were born.”

At this moment, the voice of the ultimate sublimation polymer sounded, without the slightest fluctuations or fluctuations: “I have failed. The evil **** is incomparably powerful. Even if I am now, I can’t say that I can win 100%. It is just insignificant. One blow almost annihilated me and the world I was in at that time. Compared with this evil god, the other evil gods are as small as dust. The ancient evil **** is far older than any recorded history. It is probably the wreckage of the destruction of a multiverse civilization before the ages.”

“But even such a powerful civilization eventually became a Cthulhu, even more than one. If it fails, I may not be able to win. Even if you survive, you will not be able to fight against them and against the existence of these Cthulhus. Your resistance is meaningless. Only if I succeed can I gain the slightest possibility and eliminate the threat.”

As for what will happen to other beings in this multiverse after I succeed, and whether I will become a greater threat, the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate feels that it is not important at all.

It always only considers itself.

“Give up, get out, and give me this world. You no longer have the means to turn around. No matter how long you will delay for that world, it is useless. It will definitely lose and cannot stop me.”

Regarding this, whether it was the Python of Steel, the Triple Veil, or Joshua, there was no sign of being shaken by the slightest, and the warrior’s gaze was not even a bit fluctuating.

“You made a mistake-I was delaying time for the Steel Python? The reverse is almost the same.”

For this answer, the ultimate sublimation body is not surprising, its voice echoed: “You can also say the same. If you let you do anything at will, let you do something to the **** hole, then I am afraid it is me, and it will be very troublesome. Even if you are forced to give up exploring the world, it is not impossible to retreat from defeat-but now, your body is being suppressed here by me.”

“You have no means.”

In this regard, at this time, he was obviously locked in place, only relying on the divine power instilled by the Ring of the Four Gods, and using this relatively unfamiliar supernatural power to resist the erosion of the ultimate sublimation body, Joshua laughed.

“Weird prerequisite.”

He shook his head.

——What on earth do you rely on to determine that the existence suppressed here is my ‘I’?

——If it’s not the main body at all here, what should you do?

Without speaking, or even relying on any information revealed by Joshua, the Extreme Sublimation Aggregate itself thought of this possibility. Its thinking immediately paused for a moment, and then looked around nervously, scanning the edge of the **** hole with fear of going down. In an instant, Joshua’s clone, who did not know where it came from, took two black holes to detonate the silver-hearted black hole-but that kind of movement was too much and it was an almost impossible task.

But what if? There is no ‘impossible’ in the multiverse.

But in fact, no such thing happened, and there was no sign at all. After confirming this, the limit sublimation polymer returned to normal.

“This is your strongest combat body.” It said so: “I can see that a large number of your thinking organs are in this world-I have seen extraordinary beings similar to you, and even I am similar to you. You can’t go wrong with this extraordinary life.”

“But no one said that the strongest combat body must be the body.”

At this time, Joshua’s voice was calm: “There has never been this truth-because of the strong combat effectiveness, perfect structure, and the most power poured into it, the body is the main body. No one has said that-after all, Ontology and clone are just biased concepts that are too “self-only”. Why should I care about this kind of thing?”

“Time is almost up.” As he said, Joshua closed his eyes altogether-the silver world, its surface light began to lose, becoming dark and deep, like a cave leading to an endless distance, a faint abyss.

“Thank you for focusing your attention on me. Otherwise, the Steel Python star and the triple curtain over there, I am afraid they will not be able to hold you back. Of course, if you don’t pay attention to me, I will blow up the silver heart.”

Suddenly it became far away, as if it was a voice that started from a far away, with a hint of smile.

“–So, the ultimate sublimation body, although you are a near saint, you are not strong enough to face me and the steel python at the same time, you can forcefully make a perfect choice.”

“You can control everything now, but there is no way to control’tomorrow’ yet.”

——The far side of the multiverse, Mycroft’s world.

As the adopted son of Pope Iger of the Seven Gods and a legendary powerhouse who stayed behind in the local area, the paladin Lolanda has perfectly completed all of his work and sent all the close to 3 billion Mrs. Mike Luo in the entire world. A sheltered world that is completely sheltered.

“Be careful. Although we have wiped out most of the extreme creatures, it is not ruled out that hidden extreme creatures will attack you.”

Moldavia, leading to the Sanctuary of the Blood Moon Abyss, Komitsu shrank in front of the sanctuary portal. The miracle sister and brother talked with the tired paladin. Firefly hovered in the air, watching the last one enter the sanctuary The city guards walked into the portal, and she said solemnly: “Now, we also have to enter the world of sanctuary, and Mr. Lolanda, as the only legend left in the mainland, you are the only one left in the whole world. ”

“It’s really an honor, this ancient world is in my hands at this time.”

Facing the slightly worried prompt from Yingying, Loranda smiled and made a gesture of “everything is under control”. He patted the shoulder of the sister and brother of the **** machine and motioned to the other party to enter the portal: “Let’s go, don’t be too much. Too worried, outside the world, Master Nostradamus and Brandon are patrolling. If I am in danger, they will come to support me at any time.”

Dispelling the tension between the two and sending them into the Sanctuary of the Blood Moon Abyss, Loranda, as the authority holder, seriously closed the connection between the world of the sanctuary and the world of Mycroft.

Then, he flew up into the sky. He crossed the thick clouds and looked into the distance, looking down at the empty world of Mykroff, where there were only many bones of beasts and almost no life.

“The limit plague… I didn’t expect that before the invasion of the evil god, there would be such an accident.”

He whispered to himself in a solemn tone: “No wonder, the Seven Gods often tell us that, compared to chaos, we should be on guard. The biggest enemy is actually another order.”

Because chaos is like a natural disaster, an earthquake, a typhoon, and a sigh after the destruction of the world. The disasters they bring can surely kill hundreds of millions of people, but if they are prepared, no matter whether they are fleeing or fighting, they will not As for encountering annihilation.

However, the hostile order is different. It is like a large earthquake that does not exceed the scale of the planet’s collapse cannot destroy human civilization, but human civil wars, whether it is super magic, the internal fighting of legendary powerhouses, or the dumping of nuclear weapons, will Cause irreversible damage.

As time passed, staring at Loranda in his hometown, he suddenly discovered that in silence, a’elf’ came to the ground under him through teleportation magic, and then flew up little by little and came to his. before.

“Extreme Biological Neuper, the first extreme biochemical in Mykrov’s homeland.”

The legendary paladin grabbed the adamantine warhammer on his waist, and on him, the gray holy light began to rise: “Are you lost and ready to die? No, I don’t think the idea of ​​extreme creatures is that simple.”

In response, the handsome and optimized elf chuckled slightly, then lowered its head and looked at the location of the original Moldavian Blood Moon Abyss Sanctuary portal.

“I feel the breath of my parents.”

It whispered: “Hand over them, they are worthy of the perfect life form-and my other relatives, they live here, I can know, hand them all over.”


Loranda looked a little strange to the other party’s words. He stared at this extreme creature, thinking about what the so-called ‘family’ was. Then, the paladin who was abandoned since childhood and was adopted by the old pope squinted his eyes. The holy light on his body was more intense, and he calmly said, “I envy the touching family, but you don’t have that kind of thing. Monster, Neupel is dead.”

“And you, wait for the trial.”

In this regard, the ultimate elves put on a perfect fighting posture.

A moment later.

In the high sky of Moldavia, strong light bloomed, the thunder of the holy light meandered above the clouds, and the downpour fell suddenly.

And in the center of the city, under the central square, in the cold rain wash, a silver restoration beam began to light up without anyone.

It is not metal, nor light. There are lines inside the pillar, and a Φ-shaped symbol is shining.

——It is shining.

The hidden world where the Seven Gods worked before, the super ring world was located, on the giant engineering equipment originally used to shape the stars, the symbol of Φ lights up, bringing brilliant ripples.

——It is shining.

Inside the world, in the boundless universe, in the unified information library, a Siberian named Lotram, a former unnamed artisan, is in the laboratory, working all night with a dozen wizards who have the deepest research on soul in the entire Mycroft world. The experiment, they are combining several worlds, and even from other Galaxy research data on the soul, are trying to create a vaccine against spiritual pollution from the perspective of the soul, that is, a vaccine that limits virus erosion.

And as if feeling something, Lotram raised his head, and he looked at the place where everyone had extracted the test data, a silver beam of light. He used to be resurrected in the beam of light, worshiping the body he is using now.

——And that beam of light is shining.

Multi-galaxy, many civilizations, all the countries that have participated in the Mykrov Civilization Conference, obtained, or are ruled by Mykrov, in the civilizations that are scorched by the extreme plague, you can see that most of the small cities have been Give up, leaving only the big cities under close supervision to ensure that they are not corrupted by infection.

One by one, dejected, aliens who have nothing to do with each other are queuing up, and they are waiting for the official food to be distributed. Because the links between the various worlds are cut off, and the large-scale urban world itself does not produce too much food, in order to avoid famine, governments that were willing to use it or not have started to use the exchange system, using the beam of light to exchange materials and obtain a large amount of food. .

However, at this moment, the alien who was about to exchange suddenly flashed his eyes and couldn’t help taking a step back. Then, he looked in front of him in shock.

——The silver beam of light is blooming.

The outer world was empty, placing the psionic bug on top of his head, and the thoughtful avatar of Qiao Xiu, the light began to flash.

In the **** galaxy, the avatar of Emperor Amos turned his huge storm eyes. He looked in the direction of Elma and Kreler, his eyes were deep, he could sense that there was an inexplicable and familiar breath exploding. , The objects worn from those two people, from that rare and powerful enemy overflowed, making them extremely bright.

In the world of stars, the galaxy of the atrium, and the temple of the Hell God, the people in the atrium who were meditating and praying were startled by the sudden light. They opened their eyes and saw that the statue of the four-armed giant was moving. He stretched out a right hand. , The palm of his right hand, a beam of light lifted up, is shining brightly.

There are many places, familiar, unfamiliar, personally visited, and not personally visited.

Everything, from the Lost Galaxy, to the Multi-Star River, from the Sacrifice of Ten Thousand Realms, to the Royal Court of Amos, from the world of Mycroft, to the world of the stars, everything, everything that Joshua has ever reached The place, where everything that belongs to him left a trace, is all shining.

The silver light overflowed, like a machine that was activated, connected to the energy, and then activated, linked.

The thoughts begin to converge, the sealed modules are activated, and they are connected to each other, stimulating, as if the nerve node of a smart life is activated, reacts, and starts to think.

The huge will began to link itself to the thinking nodes in thousands of worlds and across the multiverse.

——Never said that the silver world must be the body of world life. No one has ever defined it in this way.

No one has even thought about what is the noumenon and what is the incarnation.

What is the so-called “self-only” self.

The world of stars, within the limit space, the silver world suppressed by the giant cocoon and the different space, stared at the limit sublimation aggregate that was shocked by the sudden appearance and soaring breath.

“…So that’s it…”

After that, the so-called beast, the near saint, through the emotional divine power, seriously looked at his enemy, the silver world that began to shine again, it seemed to be the first time to see Joshua clearly and see clearly behind this existence. The truth.

“you are the same with me.”

It sighed: “You are also a beast.”

“It’s just a beast that lives in civilization, walks in the city, lives with ants, and uses their power to strengthen themselves, spread themselves, and achieve their goals.”

“No, to be precise, you are crazier than me… I still have the distinction of’subject and split’, and you don’t have these at all. Those are you, each one is you, but each No one is a complete you, you are the multitude, but the multitude is not you… a strange world, a strange individual-what kind of monster are you?”

“Of course it is human.”

The space dominated by the ultimate sublimation body began to collapse, and the silver world that was originally oppressed began to reversely seize the domain that originally belonged to Stretched out, began to shine again, and became larger and more majestic. The silver world,’Joshua’ said: “And I am me.”

It can be seen that the giant hand in different space that spread to two hundred and eighty astronomical units is beginning to tremble. It is being lifted and torn apart. A huge and unbelievable force is coming across time and space, just like the tenderness of a boulder. The bud is normal, lift it little by little.

It can be seen that the cold silver light spreads in the vacuum, and the Φ-shaped symbol appears on its surface, and the colleague who could have been able to fight against the steel python, the limit space that suppressed Joshua was steadily retreating and shrinking step by step. .

But it still held on to the last line of defense-that is, the contradictory spiral core in the center of the giant cocoon space communicating with the void of the outside world, and the road to the **** hole of the silver heart.

“I know very well that I am a human being. As for what other people think, what does that have to do with me.”

At this moment, Joshua’s calm voice can be heard: “The universe must obey my will, and the basic power must obey my commands.”

“The only artificial definition should be described by me and determined by me.”

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