Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 44: Breaking

“It is so, it is the’will of all things’-so huge and ancient, it is simply the prototype of all the’world wills’ in the multiverse.”

Even the voice of the ultimate sublimation aggregate can no longer maintain the original indifferent, countless cocoons danced around, and a surprised voice sounded: “No, it is not a prototype, it should be a’natural god’ that imitates the creation of natural divine power. And then created the first “man-made world will”! By expanding the world, it will grow with the growth of the world in the day after tomorrow, so that its power exceeds the limit of the mind, and normality can only sleep.”

“In other words, it was originally designed in this way, in order to avoid too strong world will interfere with the operation of the world itself-what a wonderful design, what a delicate creation, who created this world and created this world will? The more I I’m getting more and more curious!”

Faced with the Titan of Steel that has descended in front of it, as well as the guardian of the world watching this place, the Star of Steel and the Triple Veil, the ultimate sublimation polymer does not have the slightest tension. It is just astonished, just like seeing something unexpected. Surprise.

“This world, as expected, hides secrets and clues about the origin of ancient history-I must get it.”

At this moment, in the anchor of the eternal void, all the cocoon filaments are suppressed, the huge black and white roulette is trapped in the accretion disk of the **** hole of the silver heart, and the steel python’star’ as the world will dominate the world, offset With the dominance of the ultimate sublimation aggregate, the space dominated by the two sides is confronting and colliding in the black hole accretion disk, causing the largest river of material in the observable universe to bend and turn into an arc like a butterfly’s wings.

And as the background is the “dark central black hole in the Milky Way” with a total mass of six billion times that of ordinary stars. An event horizon exceeds 18 billion kilometers and rotates rapidly at 70% of the speed of light, just like ancient times. Gaze at the behemoth of this world.

“Beast, go back, you go find your source, never come back.”

In the vacuum, the majestic spirit vibrates in the surrounding stars. The voices of the triple curtain of the steel python star resonate like overlapping echoes. They solemnly said: “Otherwise, we will connect a part of your body to the entire eternal void. The anchor points are thrown into the **** hole of the silver heart, completely cutting off your port of invading this world, and pulling your other bodies over to act as fertilizer for our world.”

“This process will be very long, but I will speed up as much as possible to make you walk peacefully.”

Although it sounds like a cruel remark, in fact, this is a humiliating decision. The Steel Python and the Triple Veil require the ultimate sublimation body to leave and no longer invade the world of stars. The two sides give up and give up the fight-this is equivalent to saying, let For thousands of years, countless lives of the evil gods died in vain, asking for the slightest price, just letting the enemy give up the invasion.

But for the thousands of civilizations and billions of trillions of lives that are still alive in the world of stars today, and for the future of more people, they are willing to make this humiliating decision.

Because the ultimate sublimation polymer is too strong.

The near saint… is worthy of this name. It is only a part of the body, showing an overwhelming power. If it is not necessary, there may not be any existence in the observable multiverse that wants to fight it to the death. The Triple Veil and the Iron Manacles are to guard the world of the stars and the lives in them, so they must fight with all their strength, but if they really engage in a death fight with the ultimate sublimation aggregate, they may affect the balance of the world of stars, causing The inevitable world-class destruction, so that even if you win, it will not be worth the loss, let alone failure.

As for Joshua, he came here to fight to fulfill his promise. Of course, the soldiers also wanted to witness the power of the “near saint”.

Now, outside the accretion disk of the black hole, before the mighty material sky, he has witnessed all this-Joshua has a deep understanding of the power of this level.

——If the sages and fertility of the year have this level of strength, then their battles have punched the entire Lost Galaxy into a big rift. Just advancing will produce a void maelstrom, and the aftermath will destroy the creation maelstrom. This kind of thing is not surprising at all, their battle completely transcends the river system, it is the destruction, destruction and creation of the observable universe.

However, even if the enemy is so strong, they themselves are not weak.

Joshua looked up and looked at the seemingly empty vacuum-but it was not the case. From the perspective of steel, you can know that there is a huge behemoth hovering there, and a part of its body is better than that. In the entire stellar system, one scale contains the power of the stars, and the number of its scales is endless, and it is impossible to use numbers for a while.

The world will of a super-large world, combined with the triple curtain, the combination of the two is 1+1, and the result is definitely far greater than 2. At this moment, their power completely overwhelms the ultimate sublimation aggregate, which can be seen, which was originally several light years. The contradictory spiral of size has shrunk rapidly, and it is no longer much larger than a solar system. This is because the barriers of the world have been reinforced, so that the ultimate sublimation polymer body in the void close to the outside of the world of stars cannot continue to project its own power with all its strength, and the remaining small part is being forcibly pressed into the heart of the galaxy. In the black hole.

Regarding the words of the Triple Veil and the Iron Python, My Beast did not answer. It seemed that it had no intention of communicating at all, but was simply talking to itself and talking to itself.

“I have a hunch, if I continue to move towards the source of the magic wave, towards the initial fire, then my death will inevitably come, just like the other beings who died on the road.”

“But I must move forward, because I know that if I don’t move forward, then the future must be death.”

“I felt a great horror. I saw a hidden black hand behind the light. This multiverse *** is about to end. You cannot be spared, even I cannot, so I have to fight hard and pursue the truth. To pursue the last hope.”

It has been forcibly compressed countless times by the Mana Star of Steel, and its diameter has shrunk to only about 20 billion kilometers, and it is being continuously pushed towards the eternal void anchor point of the large silver-core black hole. At this moment, it suddenly stood still and retreated. It seems to be rooted in the same place, motionless.

And the center of the anchor point, accompanied by a crisp cracking sound, as if something was broken, and at this moment, thousands of cocoons were shattered in the distorted space and time, and were sucked and shattered by the black hole, just like that. Crazyly squeezing into the world of stars from the void outside the world-all the cocoons are dancing madly, and then they shine, time and space begin to be distorted, and the straight lines of light are distorted into waves like waves, moving in all directions diffusion.

An extremely large energy fluctuation came from behind the contradictory spiral, making this eternal void door completely collapsed-instead, it was an extremely bright spot like the eye, releasing cold and malicious light, which can see, there are many worlds. From this spot of light, the wreckage drifted into the world of stars.

——Ultimate Sublimation Aggregate used its previous imprisoned world in the void as a tool, in the most brutal and tragic way, forcibly at the cost of dozens of complete world destruction, outside the world, used violence to pry open A bigger entry and exit point.

“But you are in my way.”

An indifferent voice sounded, and at the same time, centered on the blazing white light spot releasing icy malice, a huge’space cocoon’ composed entirely of’extremely dominated space’ was rapidly expanding, like a balloon in three dimensions. The time and space spread and became bigger and bigger-it directly pressed towards Joshua and the steel python, and the conflict between the two world spaces distorted time and space at an instant, and the accretion disk of the black hole was also broken.

It can be seen that there is a dark gap in the center of the dark galaxy where it should be eternally bright and the light is full, and this gap is still getting bigger after breaking free from the containment of the steel python.

“Don’t stand in front of me.”

That is a warning that brings death.

——The edge of the accretion disk of the **** hole with silver heart

Joshua, watching this scene seriously, seemed to want to find the enemy’s weakness from it.

The warrior is already an absolute powerhouse, and he can definitely leave a name even in the multiverse. The total mass of his world is about 174 normal stars, in other words, it is close to 60 million earths. Mass-his breathing can cause stars to collapse. Just existence can completely destroy a world system. Even a black hole is only his energy source and weapon. If it does not reach the point of manipulating the basic forces of the universe, he cannot hold special A point-level extraordinary power, then no matter what attack, what magic and extraordinary system, it is meaningless to him.

This doesn’t even count the increase in strength brought about by the multiple black hole engines he can carry.

Is it strong? It is indeed strong enough.

But even if it is such a Joshua, when facing the battle between the ‘near saint’ and the ‘supermass world will’, the reluctance to fight at this multiverse level is still so small.

He saw that a huge, weird, indescribable cocoon-shaped space was expanding like a thought. Even with his size, he could barely see the tentacles of the giant cocoon dancing in the starry sky. It is still getting bigger, even if a part of the space has been captured by the large black hole in the central dark galaxy, it is not a big problem-after all, even a super large black hole with a mass six billion times the sun has an event horizon of only one hundred and eighteen in diameter. The range of one billion kilometers, to put it bluntly, is just the size of a star system.

If it can’t be pressed and stuffed in, then the extra-space component swallowed by the big galactic black hole is equivalent to a not-so-large wound for the ultimate sublimation aggregate.

That’s it.

——Boom Boom——

There was a huge sound in the accretion disk of the black hole, and Joshua did not turn his head. He sensed that a different space shot was sweeping towards him. It was huge beyond imagination, even if the star faced this different space. , I’m afraid it is the size of a glass bead. It seems that the Ultimate Sublimation Polymer wants to kill itself before facing the Steel Python Star and the Triple Veil, just like crushing an ant to death.

Of course, this is too arrogant. Joshua didn’t even do it. He just moved his mind, and the black hole engine swept over it, distorting and shattering the incoming tentacle, causing the fangs of gravity to shatter time and space and obliterate all the information in it. .

However, the ultimate sublimation polymer is also not concerned, because for it, it is just a look at the corner of the eye, not even an ‘attack’.

The two sides looked at each other briefly, one side waited for the opportunity, and the other side just glanced at it and then forgotten it.

——It has been a long time since I have been ignored like this, but this is fine.

Faced with the explosive counterattack of the ultimate sublimation polymer, a roar also sounded in the vacuum. The stardust manifested in the bright central space of the river system, and then turned into a giant python entwining the galaxy, and the guardians of the world greeted it head-on. That giant cocoon collided with the distorted dominating space—this time the superluminal impact of the warped space directly dissipated the black hole accretion disk, which was originally an irregular circular ring, and turned it into a drop-shaped open nebula. .

If at this time someone can look at this scene of the silver heart from the far side of the star sea, then he can see a giant python wearing a crown entwined in a cocoon that is constantly expanding and eroding the surrounding time and space. Above it, the pressure was reduced and it could not continue to spread. The clusters of dense stars were thrown away by the gravitational slingshot and scattered in all directions as if they were fleeing.

Time and space are tumbling, the scales of the steel giant python are like shining blades, firmly embedded in the space dominated by the ultimate sublimation body, eroding the opponent, but the giant cocoon is not to be outdone, and its tentacles are like tightly entangled. The vines of the tree, rooted in the body of the giant python, penetrate the will of the world in an indescribable way.

Dominate each other, control each other, and erode each other.

Like primitive beasts biting each other, devouring each other’s flesh and blood.

In the light, colorful and magnificent, the runes representing the truth of the world are sprayed out from the collision of the two like the dust of a volcanic eruption. When the two collide frontally, they attack each other. Different time and space realms began to differentiate levels.

It can be seen that in the psychic world, the giant cocoon suppressed by the giant python, the silver-blue brilliance turned into a flame, and the opponent was grilled and burned into ashes.

But in the shadow world, the cocoon in turn shattered the python’s attack, and countless tentacles were like grinding discs, turning the enemy into dust.

This is a multiple time and space battle across the’material world, the spirit world’ and the’shadow world’. If it weren’t for Joshua, I am afraid that no one can catch every detail of this war at the same time, and no one can. He noticed all the details of the battle, and then tried to deduce weaknesses and opportunities.

It can be confirmed that the steel python and the triple curtain have the upper hand at this moment. The original expanded alien space body of the ultimate sublimation polymer is compressed step by step, and soon from the beginning of the explosion, the size of the light grade is pressed back to approximately The volume of forty light days.

However, as time went by, the compression speed became slower and slower, and even gradually stopped, and there were general signs of rebound.

In contrast, the Steel Python occupying the top conveyed a painful flow of information, which seemed a bit unsustainable.

——This is easy to understand.

With too much power, it is difficult for the Steel Python’Star’ to control it. After all, in the tens of millions of years since its birth, its sober life will not exceed a few years. If it is a low-intensity battle that only requires instinct control, it is okay, but the enemy is the ultimate sublime of the near-sage class. This multiverse is the most One of the powerful entities, then this kind of high-intensity confrontation is likely to go wrong.

Previously, the triple curtain was completely hard-topped with its immense computing power-but the triple curtain itself was just a life storage program. They were not created for combat, and they had a natural disadvantage in terms of combat algorithms.

——Not good.

In the center of the giant cocoon space, Joshua can clearly perceive that the blazing white hole that represents the body of the ultimate sublimation polymer is getting bigger, and its power is constantly improving, and it seems that there is no upper limit, and it is approaching again and again. Exceeding the’limit’ of the triple curtain’s pre-determined vision-there is no doubt that this level of battle is not the limit for it.

——The situation is really bad.

At this moment, all beings in the world of stars felt an indescribable panic, a kind of palpitations like the eve of the earthquake, the depression before the storm, that is the feeling that destruction is coming, because the world on which all things live is being destroyed. There is existence from the void that is gnawing at the foundation of this world, and no one can stop it.

——Extreme Sublimation Aggregate, its original size is by no means so big, even if it is, it has grown from the slightest to this point. In other words, it is eaten by the world. This is its instinct and ecology.

And the world of stars is the source of the magic wave. On the way to the place where the initial fire is, it is the only world it encounters, or it may be the largest world it has ever encountered…The front is the most dangerous in the entire multiverse. It needs the most perfect preparation for its journey, so it will never miss this excellent supply station, nor will it miss this world full of secrets, possibly related to the origin and history of truth.

Whether they are right or wrong, there is no reason to give up.

[Warning: When the critical air pressure is reached, it is possible that the engine will be overclocked by 30%, and the effective utilization rate of the core energy of the world’s self-disciplined defense agency is less than 64%-warning, the enemy’s energy level is rising, compared with the initial increase of 2586.76342856%]

[Notice: The enemy’s strength has exceeded the ‘good condition’ limit-start the ‘balanced disadvantage’, backup plan K]

[Report: Radcliffe, the strength of the ultimate sublimation polymer exceeds our previous predictions. The worst has come. Even if I restart the power of the Star Sea Python, I cannot fully play and suppress the opponent]

“It’s a pity that the inheritor of the sages, I can’t fully exert my strength…”

The triple curtain and the voice of the steel python sounded in unison, with regret and unwillingness in their tone.

Long before he went to the dark galaxy, when Joshua sent his clone to the void, he had already communicated with the triple veil and decided on many plans.

Among them, there is a plan based on the premise that the ultimate sublimation polymer cannot fight the combined steel python and the triple curtain.

There are also plans to fight against but maintain a balance of power.

Of course, planning this kind of thing generally does not presuppose that the situation is good, and that situation does not require Joshua to take action-most of the plans are set in the disadvantaged situation. For example, the steel python And the triple curtain not only couldn’t perfectly suppress the ultimate sublimation polymer, but was gradually counterattacked by the opponent.

It’s even worse.

Today, it may be one of the worst in their plans.

But even so Triple Curtain and Joshua still have a back hand.

“I see-there is no way, when I saw the giant cocoon in the void long ago, I almost guessed that it would be like this in the end.”

With a sigh of relief, the silver world spirit did not fluctuate. Joshua, who had been waiting for an opportunity, stared at the front. He could see that the cocoon of the polymer incarnation of the ultimate sublimation was fighting and colliding with the steel python. At the time, unknowingly, the extreme sublimation aggregate was skewed by the opponent’s huge force, and it gave way to a small path that was insignificant for their behemoth.

A road leading to the **** hole of the galactic center.

The God of Steel raised his ‘fist’ made up of black holes. He controlled his power and tried to compress the mass of matter that had been compressed to the extreme. Joshua let out a sigh.

“At this point, there is no retreat, since you can’t put it into the **** hole of silver heart.”

“Then I can only blow it up.”

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