Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 43: World Guardian

The vast ‘different world’ stretches its body within the world. Amidst the chaotic time and space storms, what is manifested by the unfolding of cocoon filaments is a huge cosmic space with a diameter of sixty astronomical units.

In the dark space, there is no starlight, only countless turbulent energy radiation generated by the evaporation of the previous miniature black holes. At the edge of this space, you can see that the world of stars and this different space are in fierce conflict, like shearing. Synthetic photos with incorrect textures are as incompatible as oil and water. It presses on this different space and pushes it out of the body.

But everyone knows that this is only a temporary matter. As the origin of the start-up, the world of stars, its breadth and tolerance can be said to be incredible, even Joshua can completely accommodate it, it makes no sense. Different spaces of only sixty astronomical units are unacceptable. Soon, as the edge of the different space trembles continuously, destroying and reorganizing the space, the edge of the intersection of the two realms, the originally obvious boundary is quickly blurring, it seems that soon, the limit sublimation polymer can be Through this’hypha’ rooted in the world of stars, forcibly settled in it.

“Don’t pause, continue!”

However, Qiao Xiuya and Triple Veil will obviously not allow the other party to achieve their goals so smoothly. They also know that if they want to stop the action of the ultimate sublimation body, now is the best time-in the burst of power, intercept and avoid After the cluster of micro black holes bounced back from the opponent, the two did not pause at all, and launched a rapid attack again.

Although this ability to rebound the enemy’s attack is unreasonable, it is not unacceptable to Joshua, who has seen many strange abilities in the extraordinary world. Moreover, his tone is worried that the enemy can return it as it is and does not make a move, just sit and watch the opponent. To achieve your goal, it’s better to shoot desperately and try to find the limit of this return attack!

Although I said that, I still need to use my brain a little bit-as two dazzling lights shine in the vacuum of the universe, Joshua and the Triple Veil begin to attack, but this time, they did not choose a black hole or a supernova. The explosion is a more conventional means of cosmic attack, but another method is carefully chosen.

In the center of the black hole engine, in an extremely distorted area of ​​time and space, one and two black dots float from it, and soon, there will be three, four, hundreds and countless—just one moment, tens of millions. Dark, non-luminous black dots rise from all over Joshua’s body. The smallest of them has a size close to that of the Moon, and the largest one can even rival a star, but no matter what size it is, these dots are all Presents a strange state: they do not emit light, do not reflect any waves, and do not give any feedback or reaction to the outside world.

Then, the power of the triple curtain came down, and he gave these particles a non-strict psionic barrier, and then, together with Joshua, shot them out.

-‘The Power of Famine’.

It’s not something weird. This weird black hole is exactly the power held by the Famine Cthulhu that was wiped out by Joshua before. When Joshua imitated the Cthulhu finally broke out, he intended to create the power of’True Absolute Zero’, forcibly Drained all the energy in a part of time and space, and reduced all particles and waves to infinitely close to absolute zero. At the same time, the triple curtain sealed them to isolate the communication with the outside world, and then used a kind of just right The power of launch.

The space-time, drained of all energy, looks similar to a black hole, but in fact, it is indeed similar. The true absolute zero is the energy that can swallow all food. Its energy absorption potential is infinite, but it never releases a trace of it. In a sense, if it can really be maintained, it is definitely more terrifying than a black hole. , Destroying the world is much more convenient than a black hole.

Then, these warped time and space, which are enough to easily destroy the pseudo-absolute zero dark spots of each world, are projected in this way and submerged in the limit space-because they cross the fierce conflict line between the two worlds, these’bombs’ ‘Losing the fragile outer psychic shield, in an instant, these tens of millions of dark spots that could be frozen for hundreds of thousands of miles were detonated one after another.

It can be seen that at the boundary of the limit space, countless nebula materials frozen by the temperature of almost absolute zero have formed a frost-white spectacular river of frost enough to allow planets to roll on it, although this river will soon be there. The high-temperature radiation produced by the previous mini-black hole explosion melted and gasified, but it still turned into a thick white mist, occupying a part of the limit space.

The area controlled by the limit space has shrunk a lot-the world of stars has suppressed it back to a part.

But this time, no attack was returned.

Of course, although there is no return of the attack, the limit space is still launching its own attack. It can be seen that it seems to be a bit painful. It is condensing a miniature black hole similar to Joshua in its own space. It starts to shoot at the two. , But this kind of attack did not pose any threat to Joshua and the others, who had no intention of continuing to attack in the first place, but just tried it and evaded, and was easily bypassed.


During the dodge, Joshua nodded solemnly, and he communicated to the triple curtain: “This limit space has not yet connected with the body outside the void. Although it has infinite energy, it can only display not much. It can only rely on tricks. We attack with the power of our own attacks to defend and attack us. In this way, as long as we don’t use attacks that have a large amount of energy to give it a chance to “dominate”, but instead to draw and consume its energy, we may be able to Cause effective damage.”

Even if you encounter a theoretically invincible enemy, you can’t give up lightly.

[Warning: Next, you have to be careful]

In response, Triple Veil responded.

[Planning: This time I’m going to attack, Radcliffe will assist you and help me block its attack]

Extreme space, or extreme sublimation aggregates, are enemies that are powerful enough to shock the triple curtain. This is completely different from the civilization and life he has observed tens of millions of years before. It was born outside the world. Void, the life bred by other worlds. In this regard, the life custody program is excited and cautious. It can’t wait to expel the enemy who is trying to invade his world, and can’t wait to get more information from the other party.

“give it to me.”

The soldier promised.

At this moment, Extreme Space began to fight back.

In the dark and different space, the void creation is unfolding at the speed of thinking. It can be seen that a large solar system-scale rune array is constructed and solidified in the space. Between the runes and the runes, there is a strong light flashing. Jumping is like a hundred suns rising in that area at the same time.

And where this light passed, an inconspicuous shadow began to appear in the void.

However, I am afraid that only ordinary people will be confused by the dazzling light and runes because of their lack of combat experience. Joshua can tell at a glance, compared to just a few stars that have gathered energy. The spreading shadows are probably the main attackers of the rune array. The silver world expands and contracts, and the huge spatial shock distorts the space-time coordinates, causing the light and shadows around itself to be fragmented.

Sure enough, in those distorted and broken spaces, a circle of shadows was probably caused by the nebula produced by the previous battle. A dark cocoon that seemed to be completely composed of shadows suddenly stretched out, seeming to want to catch Qiao Xiu. A mist of silver steel power permeated the space.

At this moment, Joshua is not in human form-his four-armed giant state is used to deal with enemies above the level of the solar system from planet to star size, while the human state is to deal with enemies below the planet level. Now, he presents The complete state of the silver world black hole engine is used to deal with river-level wars, the state of war for annihilating, suppressing and purging the galaxy. At this time, the whole person is the silver world as the core, and outside the silver world, the four black hole engines are wrapped by the fog of steel and controlled by gravity. If necessary, you can continue to add plug-ins and modules.

Although a black hole was wiped out just now, it has been repaired using stars teleported from the triple curtain as raw materials.

“What you want to do will not make you wish.”

Qiao Xiuya didn’t know why the black tentacles wanted to grab a steel power weapon that was obviously not an important part of him, but after thinking about it, it was nothing more than intending to “touch” himself and force himself Teleporting to a different space, or eroding and devouring oneself, a series of attacks like this, he will not let the other party succeed anyway.

Moreover, there is no doubt that this kind of attack is based on the latest extraordinary power, the’Power of the Shadow’. This kind of power, whether it is Joshua or Mycroft, has not been completely researched and transparent, but it is sublimated to the limit. The aggregate has already mastered it–for this, it is impossible for the warrior to use shadows against the shadows. It is self-infuriating, but he thought of the extraordinary power context he had previously speculated, and he immediately had a countermeasure in his heart.

That is the Holy Light.

In front of the silver world, a cosmic-level lightning exploded. With the cyan light, it exploded like a star breaking, and a’super giant azure orb’ as large as half an earth-like planet appeared in this way. The’forehead’ of Joshua’s silver world—if that area counts as the forehead—and centered on the azure orb that Joshua’s most familiar with, he began to mobilize the holy light and forcibly inspire the holy light beyond imagination. force.

The black cosmic space was immediately illuminated by the cyan light, a huge cyan vortex appeared around Joshua, and a round of cyan-gold holy light circled around him, outward from the center of the vortex. diffusion.


It is like acid meets alkali, black meets white, and under the shining light of the holy light, the shadow space hidden in the dark is forced to appear-it is an alien space that overlaps the normal space, and it resides in the shadow. Remotely connected with the extreme space. Joshua’s guess is correct. It really intends to directly try to manipulate and dominate Joshua through’touch’, and because of its peculiar life form, the extraordinary power of the shadow space is simply perfect for it. .

And not only that, it can be seen that in the shadow space, dark purple, almost black lightning flashes vertically and horizontally in this space, and countless huge, gray and dim crystals are overlapping, forming an extremely complicated array. It It seems that it possesses a certain powerful annihilation ability, and all the positive matter in the entire space is cancelled and turned into nothing.

But at this moment, taking advantage of Joshua’s fight with Xtreme Space, the prelude to the attack of the Triple Veil was accumulated.

In the distance, the Cthulhu family members, whose source Cthulhu hadn’t been completely wiped out, suddenly collectively let out a painful and miserable howl, and then they turned into nothing because of their indescribable and indescribable connection with the Cthulhu. Was suddenly cut off-and at the same time, the extremely strong psychic reaction was accompanied by a strong light that could burn the surface of the distant planet, and the next moment, accompanied by the psychic autonomous migration and spread of the energy particle stream of the stars, that square circle The extreme space of sixty astronomical units was forcibly shaken out of the steps of fusion with the world of stars.

It can be seen that not only the limit space, but with the limit space as the center, the larger universe is blocked and isolated. In this area, the world loses all colors, the colorful stars become pure white, and the others Turned into pure black, in this weird space of black and white, only the silver power of Joshua, the red divine pattern, and the silver and blue psychic brilliance of the triple curtain can be seen.

[Report: The reality rewrite port is operating at full power. I have completely locked all the space within a diameter of 1,176 light minutes and isolated it from the outside world. In this way, the extreme space needs to be eroded, and it takes a lot of money. Ten times the strength, and after the erosion is completed, I can directly cancel this locked space and let it erode the world of stars from the beginning]

The tone of the triple curtain is not exhausted, because they have no concept of exhaustion at all, but Joshua can sense that the opponent’s thinking speed has been significantly reduced. Obviously, this locked space will occupy a lot of his resources.

[Joint: The second curtain wants to maintain the operation of this port, I have lost the authority and power of the three-in-one, but in this way, it will not be able to use our power to attack us]

“Very good, but hurry up.”

Qiao Xiu said, “If there is any other means, I will take it all out, and I will hold it.”

The brief communication was only a moment, because the imprisoned limit space seemed to be blocked because of anger, which exploded with greater power.

The distorted different space was forced to change its form due to the pressure that was dozens of times larger than before. It was being compressed from all directions. It retreated and roared with anger. You can see that it is no longer the pitch black. It’s a different dimension, and it’s more like an amorphous haze that emits pale white light-countless hazy, subtle silk threads, bubbles and dust appear and disappear in this haze, around it, You can also see many hidden rune arrays that are forced to reveal their true shape because of the compressed space, like dense gears.

The initial state is extremely strong. It is not afraid of anything except the singularity of the black hole. Even the space tear is the cocoon of drizzle. After unfolding, it can control all the energy in the body at will, no matter whose source it is. Space, the conversion between the two, is close to invincibility, and both forms can well protect the core rune array.

However, in the process of conversion, it will expose the only weakness-at this time, Joshua can clearly see that it is the hidden core of this extreme space. The space is compressed and forced to fall. A part of the shape was pushed, and it was forced to be fixed between the “initial” and “expanded” shapes. In other words, it was shot out of the true shape.

At the very center of these things, at the very center of the rune array protection, is a tiny but extremely bright white light spot—infinite indifference and malice emerge from it.

Joshua knew what it was without thinking.

That is the port leading to the ultimate sublimation polymer body, the source point used by the other party to control and erode the world of stars.

-Can see the enemy’s vitals.

——Determine the core goals.

-Determine your own strength.

——Imitate the enemy’s possible defense and counterattack methods.

-A total of 377 sets of offensive plans have been finalized.

——Start to condense, prepare.


Taking a deep breath, that is the part of the human instinct that was deliberately left behind by Joshua. With the ritual of’breathing’, the ultimate extraordinary powerhouse began to enter his own state of complete attack.

The huge world began to absorb the energy of the surrounding universe infinitely, just like a vortex is siphoning, like a tornado is sweeping, just like the Void Maelstrom, the Maelstrom of Creation, it will bring everything around, everything, everything. They are all incorporated into one’s own body, and then’dominated’.

——The eater began to breathe.

So the surrounding stars were extinguished and were transported by the triple curtain. Thousands of stars extinguished one after another, just like candles and lanterns blown out by the wind in the room, and the space began to be distorted because of the abnormal gravity. Squeezed and attached to the silver world, the light in this path that is twisted by gravity and space is forced to spiral around like a snake, constantly wriggling, and the energy becomes more and more concentrated and larger and larger. ,till the end–

The silver world was ‘ignited’, and the violent energy flames began to burn in the most intense way. Even around the black hole engine, spectacular light accretion disks and jets appeared at the same time, beautiful and magnificent.

Soon after, he began to rush into time and space.

——’Anyone can control.’ Everyone would say that. Any transcendent is a master who controls himself and all things. After all, if you can’t control yourself, how can you move forward?

Don’t take the foundation as a means.

“Come and try, you dominate me, or I destroy you.”

The silver light turned into lightning-like intense light, but everything around was extremely silent, and the energy of the mechanical wave was also condensed, even in the nebula layer, there was no sound-Joshua warped the space, in the dark universe Charge in a vacuum, the silver world, and the black everything, presents an incomparable contrast.

ShiningSpark is like a burning galaxy marching. It is trembling, but brilliant and magnificent, but this seemingly majestic blow does not bring out any aftermath, because all the energy is Convergence, concentration, just like pseudo-absolute zero, only absorbing energy to the outside, but not releasing it to the outside, only the light flame embellishment of some extraordinary powers passively manifesting.

At this moment, the triple curtain received a postponed message from Joshua.

“This extreme space will definitely fight against me. It will use itself as a bait to induce me to attack, and then in the middle of the confrontation, when I cannot completely control my own power, I use my power to open the anchor of the eternal void. The big passage, at the cost of destroying this space, summons a larger limit space invasion.”

“For an extraordinary person of our level, as long as everything that is known, no matter what means can be used to confront or escape, there is absolutely nothing that can never be solved. Therefore, we want to be really right. The enemy causes damage and what is needed is’unknown’.”

The Triple Veil understood Joshua’s meaning, and that was exactly what he was doing now.

And everything was as predicted by Joshua-the shining galaxy collided with the alien space that was constantly being compressed.

Too short time, too much energy, too powerful to dominate, so that the ultimate sublimation polymer can not control the entire world at this moment plus the destruction and energy caused by the impact of eight black holes. There is no existing adjective at all. The high temperature and high pressure that can be described produced multiple bursts of light that were enough to destroy the world in an instant, but their explosions gave birth to the energy gathered in the outer layer of the silver world and the distortion of time and space, which made the light not know where to go. Distorting time and space.

But even such an attack did not completely destroy the core of the limit space in the first time. It is far more than the runes drawn by human beings or even a galaxy of all civilizations. Like without any cost, they madly block, kill, transfer, explode, and twist before the impacting world and black holes, using countless methods and almost unlimited energy to block them.

But everything is useless. Under the absolute energy level, the full-scale radius is only 60 astronomical units in the limit space. There is no extra power to attack and dominate, even with infinite reserves, the work that can be done per unit time. It is always limited.

At the moment when the black hole was completely crushed by the oncoming impact, the ultimate space used its last power-it completely dominated all the escaping energy except for Joshua’s body, turning it into a strip composed entirely of light. , Something like a snake and a dragon, the moment before the self was stuffed into the black hole and completely wiped out by the singularity, it controlled this energy snake toward the core area of ​​the contradictory spiral.

No one can stop – even Joshua, at this moment, is in a moment of confusion of being counter-shocked.

So it smoothly submerged into the anchor of the eternal void… and then, with the power that was enough to pierce time and space, it closed inside and outside, opening a bigger door.

At this moment, one can see that another cocoon thread breaks through the center of the contradictory spiral in that black and white space-time roulette—and then two, three, dozens or hundreds.

A cocoon silk that made Joshua and the Triple Veil fight seriously, as if it were no money, and it proliferated rapidly like a fungus.

Is it a moment of despair?

of course not.

“Triple Curtain!”

In the fragmented, unhealed time and space, Joshua almost roared and shouted the names of allies: “Hurry up!”

[Fully activated: removing time and space interference, artificially activating the will of the world, assigning missions with the highest authority, putting in the psychic network, and confirming the installation of the leap system… start to transmit information beyond the speed of light without delay]

Because of over-calculation, no emotional voice appeared in the soldier’s ears from the triple curtain.

[Open: Guardian! Observe! Looking forward! We are one unit-activated, the world of stars is a completely autonomous defense device·Xinghai’s Python! 】


The inner side of the world, the highest throne.

Three silver-blue water drops dripped, falling into the incomparably bright star sea virtual image, emitting a magnificent and echoing, extremely dull sound of water, and then everything returned to calm.

But then, the miniature sea of ​​stars began to tremble, ripples began to appear, it was shaking, like a prelude to an earthquake and tsunami-and then there was a roar.

Boom-the miniature sea of ​​stars was broken, and a giant python that was so huge that even the Milky Way could easily be contained in his arms sprang out from it, hanging high above the dome, and you could see, three silver-blue Drops of water dripped on the top of its head, and then spattered naturally, turning into a crown. At the same time, a dense silver-blue network began to spread around the python, it expanded and spread at the speed of thinking, It runs through every corner of the beginning and the end of the sky.

——Thinking is smoother than ever before, everything is reflected in the heart, ah, is this the feeling of thinking? Is this the feeling of being sober? This is the feeling of not having to wait for thousands of years to sense the waves transmitted from a planet, and not needing to spend hundreds of thousands of years to shift the perspective from galaxy to another galaxy?

Steel Python·Xing’s gaze was bright, and it sensed that there was something huge living on its head. It was an extraordinary creature that was far older than itself and was born long before the concept of “world will” was born. Existence, it is precisely that it comes to itself with the psychic network, opens all the restraints and all the restraints for it, and then returns its true power to it, and it also gives it the sobriety that it could not have. will.

At this moment, all the users of psionics in the world of stars felt their hearts empty, as if something extremely large had left themselves and was no longer with themselves, the one that gave them peace of mind and guarded them. Soul, so that all psionics will not leave themselves because of too sensitive perceptions, asylum seekers who are disturbed by information from the outside world.

In order to better protect them.

[Topic: Cooperation to expel foreign enemies]

“Extremely happy.”

In the material world, the cocoon silk is dancing wildly, and a part of the ultimate sublimation polymer body begins to unfold rapidly after entering this world. This time, it has to rely on absolute energy levels to wipe out all the existence that hinders its progress, otherwise If so, how much time is spent is in vain.

They are about to succeed.

Until a roar sounded from the inside of the world, enough to make everything in the universe tremble.

Time and space-distorted, incredible power comes.

In the trance, all the pictures have changed. After the twisted light and color is still at the anchor of the eternal void, the cocoon filaments in the contradictory spiral find that they have not suffered any attack.

However, the location is no longer where it was.

Rumbling… the roar of the 300 decibel jump, the stream of ultra-high temperature material exceeding one billion degrees roared and blew, and everything that can be observed in the area is light, it is a river of fusion, and there are even stars. The embryonic form of is reproduced in it, and the ultra-high pressure has even turned many substances into a degenerate state. Everything is the most extreme temperature and the most extreme environment.

——It found out where it was.

The silver world descended shortly thereafter, and at the same time, there was also a magnificent, unpredictable will, unable to know its end and source.

——It knows.

here it is.

The dark galaxy, the edge of the galactic black hole.

It is located in the accretion disk of this black hole.

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