Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.9 Chapter 42: Domination

The virtual world of psychic energy with the three-layer curtain is like a dividing line, with an invisible wall. It uses the virtual chaotic cosmological constant as a barrier to lock the time and space stirred by the cocoon silk at the moment when the thought arises.

Psionic thoughts are born and everything moves. With the agitation of the psychic energy of the triple curtain transcending the world, the original contradictory spiral of black and white suddenly lit up with a silver-blue brilliance, even if the silk cocoon accelerates the stirring of time and space, even The space has formed a self-rotating vortex, but it is still unavoidable to be illuminated by this light, and then shrouded in the virtual world, completely isolated from the outside world, and can only temporarily interrupt the movement of continuing to break through the world barrier.

But this is not the end. Long before the triple curtain started, Joshua had already moved-accompanied by the churning of multiple black holes moving together, it became chaotic, and it was impossible to distinguish the trajectory of the hollow vibration, huge. The silver world waved its four raised black hole fists, and with the momentum to split the virtual world together, from top to bottom, struggling to smash down toward the center of the contradictory spiral!

This is a unique combination of the two, with the triple curtain as a lock, and Qiao Xiu as a tackling. Together, the two can play their strongest side in an instant.

——Psionic energy is not without any direct means of killing, but it is just the use of energy, virtual creations and other small tricks. In the face of an absolute strong, no matter how complicated and changeable moves can not break through the barriers of absolute energy, and illusion , The psychic abilities are even more meaningless. If you want to cause harm to the strong who transcend the boundaries, the methods that the triple curtain can use are nothing more than the very few stunts such as the’psionic singularity’ and the’virtual world’.

But that is enough.

I saw that at the moment the virtual world was created, the cocoon filament that the ultimate sublimation aggregate penetrated into the world of stars immediately froze—because the virtual world created by the triple curtain this time was completely symmetrical. Uniform world.

In this world, everything is evenly symmetrical. No matter any law, everything has its own relative side. They are balanced, stable, cancel each other, make up for each other, there is no change, there is no possibility, because in its Among them, time and space have not yet appeared, and material energy does not exist at all.

It is not a space lock, nor a time suspension, nor is it an ice trap that absorbs energy. If you have to describe it, this stillness is an undetectable independence. The cocoon filament is completely isolated from the observation axis, and it loses its right. All observation and feedback capabilities.

But this is only temporary. As long as the body of Silk Cocoon reflects this outside of the world of stars, even the world of absolute symmetry cannot stop its attack-so it needs Joshua’s attack to completely break this. Balanced, he will carry the brute force of the “outside the world” like a big bang, forcibly destroying this virtual world and the tentacles of the ultimate sublimation body into this world!

The mass of the black hole penetrates into the absolutely symmetrical world, which is like the Big Bang, completely shattering the balance in the virtual world-this condenses the flesh and blood of hundreds of millions of extreme creatures and the mass of stars, directly making this The symmetry in the virtual world is broken. Because of this, the excess mass produced by the asymmetry gives birth to matter and energy, which in turn constructs space and time.

Just as the world was born at the beginning-an ultimate explosion occurred.

Although it was only virtual, this blow was undoubtedly a BIGBANG bombardment. I saw that all the material energy in this virtual universe was controlled by the most intense, violent, and most elusive, even the laws. The intensity that can be confused, turned into a boiling frenzy, even with the unmatched black hole fist, directly smashed onto the cocoon silk.

And until this time, because of finally feeling time and space, the cocoon silk began to fight like a dream, but it was too late-after the smallest breath of time, it was so strong that it didn’t look like any matter in the universe at all. The cocoon silk also began to shatter layer by layer, turning into nothingness.



Before this simple idea was born, Joshua’s heart suddenly flashed an omen-his superluminal thinking was not affected by any delays and distortions of time and space. This was exactly what gave him time to react.


I saw that in the center of the virtual world that had been blasted into nothingness and chaos by the fist of the black hole, in the fragmented energy cloud that was constantly being absorbed by the black hole, a burst of supernovae suddenly lit up, which could almost be called’infinite brightness. The divine light of this light, whether it is the instantaneous power output or the total energy level, is rising unlimitedly-and at the same moment, within the broken energy cloud, right in front of the horizon of the black hole fist event, a little bit has not yet The completely annihilated cocoon thread squirmed.

Energy is gathering, time and space are shaking.

In the turbulent real time and space, the infinite light that suddenly appeared began to concentrate and focus-and then, in this way, it turned into an energy impact that was a million times more surging than the great magic wave outside the world of stars, hitting Joshua’s at the speed of light. ‘Fist’ on.

Even a black hole that claims to swallow everything is not absolutely invincible. Just as Joshua can indirectly move a black hole by manipulating gravity, or even manipulate a black hole to attack, there are always other ways to deal with this terminal star.

At this moment, the simplest one is used by the ultimate sublimation polymer.

Use almost unlimited energy to rush it away.

At this moment, Joshua had already reacted. He wanted to drive his fist to evade, and the triple curtain also reacted. He was creating spatial distortion, and he wanted to reverse the energy supply of the ultimate sublimation polymer back to himself. ——But there is not only one infinite energy shock.

At the center of the contradiction spiral, a total of twelve infinite energy shocks are simultaneously stimulated, evading the first one, and unable to circumvent the second, and unable to circumvent the second, will cause all the people to attack the same, so they are just like this. Qi focused on the black hole that was just a little bit close to swallowing the last piece of cocoon silk.

The extremely dazzling light wheel suddenly turned into an accretion vortex of a black hole, showing seven colors, causing a dim rainbow to appear in the vacuum of the dark universe.

Then, just like that, it was pushed away little by little.


Joshua sensed that the heat of a black hole in his right fist was rising rapidly, and even reached hundreds of millions of degrees like a miniature black hole in an instant—this is an incredible thing for black holes, because he knew very well that he composed himself. The eight black holes of the black hole engine each have tens or hundreds of solar masses, and their temperature is only about one ten millionth of a degree higher than absolute zero!

Want to heat a black hole? Nonsense! Unless you take out unlimited energy and force it into it!

But the ultimate sublimation polymer really pulled out infinite energy.

“not good!”

The temperature has risen rapidly, but the mass has also skyrocketed. The near-infinite energy focus promotes the black hole, resulting in a mass far greater than the limit that Joshua can control—the black hole engine that makes up Joshua’s right fist, two of them The balance of the black hole collapsed, and the black hole that was hit produced a much larger gravitational force than before, and it directly pulled another black hole over, causing collision and fusion.

Even Joshua’s complexion changed. He could only decisively cut off all connections between himself and the black hole, and then tried his last bit of strength to save the black hole that was about to be pulled over, and then he Being set on fire, the massive black hole with increasing mass is thrown in the direction of the cocoon filament.

It’s like a baseball being thrown quickly. After getting rid of Joshua’s gravitational control, the black hole is like a dark comet, dragging a long accretion belt and galloping toward the cocoon. , Its momentum caused a loud noise of more than 500 decibels in the thin nebula, and the huge mechanical waves shattered everything around it.

But an amazing scene happened-as Joshua cut the connection with the black hole, the twelve jets of energy also stopped, and this massive black hole slant obliquely past the rapidly regenerating cocoon. The silk slanted upwards, and then just stood still in place strangely, motionless.

——Those jets not only exactly offset all the power of the black hole punch, but also completely offset the angular momentum of the black hole, turning it into a pure Schwarzschild black hole.

What a terrible reaction power, control power, and accuracy in calculating its own power and the enemy’s power… Even if it is just a cocoon thread, it has such a powerful force.

Knowing this immediately, Joshua, who was blocked from attacking, did not stop, and a trace of determination flashed in his heart.

“At least, this move made me know that even the strong existence of a sage can’t harden the singularity of a black hole.”

Qiao Xiu talked quickly with the triple curtain—the triple curtain was cutting time and space with psychic energy. He completely controlled the space around the cocoon within a light second with psychic energy, and then shattered all the matter in it, and the space It is also evenly divided into countless intricate and irregular strips. But the cocoon silk seems to be independent of everything. Whether it is pure psychic shattering or psychic cutting, it can’t play any role. It can tear apart almost all spatial rifts in the material world and even leave no trace on it. under.

But even if it is so unreasonable, for a while, it will not be able to see the cocoon of what it is, and it is also afraid of black holes, afraid of singularity, afraid of Joshua’s black hole punch-so it exploded in an instant Nearly infinite energy was used to push Joshua’s fist away. The consumption was compared. If Joshua was one, then the ultimate sublimation body had paid more than one million.

Singularity is the core of the black hole. The singularity is also the singular ring. There, the known, the unknown, whatever the universe or the world, all the laws and all the meanings will be lost there, that is transcendence Human imagination, things beyond the category of “cognition”, at the outer edge of the singularity, the flow of time can even be reduced to almost infinitely slow. If someone can survive on the edge of the singularity, then this person will Seeing the destruction of the black hole in an instant, or the end of the universe.

This kind of singularity will destroy all’common sense and laws’. Because of this, black holes will be called the terminal stars. To fight against it, you have to rely on the power that transcends’common sense and laws’, that is In other words, at least it must reach the point where it can spread its own information faster than the speed of light, ignore the conservation of energy, create a new extraordinary force, and spread across the multiverse with a single thought to create a brand-new’Tao’, and it will transcend the singular realm of the’sage’.

Therefore, under the sage, black holes are all extraordinary individuals, the simplest and most powerful means of attack that can be used, all kinds of extraordinary powers and singularities, in essence, they just use almost infinite extraordinary powers to condense. Attacking opponents with a singularity similar to a black hole is exactly the same method, and the various ultimate techniques built on it are nothing more than “black hole punching” and the like.

As far as this is concerned, the skills are similar.

“I understand why there are so many black holes left in the place where the saints fought with the evil **** of fertility, and even formed a wall of black holes that I can’t see the end, which isolates the extremely dark abyss from the external abyss… ”

In an instant, I thought of all the causes and effects, and Joshua immediately knew that it was the battlefield created by the sages in order to seal or block the actions of the evil **** of fertility!

At the end of the battle, the Evil God of Abundance was completely wiped out by the sages, and the wreckage was also sealed in black holes and fixed by formations, as the raw materials of the “single super-large world”. At the end of the battle, the sages also broke through the realm of sages and became beyond the limit The presence.


Suddenly, Joshua said to the triple curtain: “Pull all the stars around!”

“it is good!”

There is no doubt that the triple veil is very clear. Oneself is unable to oppose the behemoth outside the world. Cooperating with Joshua is their only way to win, so it is accompanied by psychic power to forcibly smooth the time and space brought by the contradictory spiral. Distorted, the psionic aggregate has mobilized its storage for nearly 80 million years, which is almost the same as an infinite energy reserve, and begins to pull the surrounding stars towards the area where they are located.

At this time, the triple curtain did not have any plans to keep his hands. He really did his best. In addition, it happened to be the center of the dark galaxy. The density of stars was extremely high and the number was extremely large. Soon, there were dozens of them. Just like this, a hundred stars suddenly appeared in Joshua and his surroundings with the light of leaping.

“It doesn’t make sense. I want to enter this world and see why it can stand for so long under the impact of the Great Demon Tide.”

At the same time, the cocoon silk began to dance, and the stability of the world barrier was once again firm. It can be seen that something bigger is breaking through the world barrier, extending from the opposite end of the contradictory spiral and coming from outside the world. , The inexplicable voice also said faintly: “I want to know why this world is so close to the source of the magic wave and the initial fire, and what secrets are contained in it.”

“Don’t block my way.”

This time, he was greeted with a black hole machine gun.

It is not a description or exaggeration, but a real black hole machine gun-Joshua and the Triple Curtain work together. The former forcibly divides and compresses the stars and turns them into small, unstable black holes with only the mass of the earth, while the latter uses spirits. It can stabilize and evaporate with a delay. The two sides burst into power together, launching hundreds or thousands of miniature black holes in an instant, while the previous wave has not yet ended, and the next wave is launched again, layered on top of each other, with ups and downs. , Formed a rain of bullets.

Every miniature black hole has a Schwarzschild radius no more than eight millimeters, which is even smaller than a bullet in the usual sense, but the kinetic energy endowed by its mass and speed is enough to break the star into pieces. The clip, the endless stream of miniature black holes flew toward the cocoon filaments that seemed to be stunned in place. Some of them, because they were not well controlled, evaporated in the middle, turning into energy fluctuations and radiation that could affect a galaxy. But most of them are steadily flying towards the enemy, ignoring any obstacles and barriers.

The essence of civilization is to boil water, explode, and throw stones—at least the human civilization that Joshua has come into contact with.

The vacuum sea, supernovae and black holes are just boiling water explosions and rocks with a different shell. They are just plain and simple, no big deal.

Another weird infinite light appeared. With the cocoon silk as the center, the lines seemed to connect the ultimate sublimation polymer body. Nearly infinite energy flow broke out. They swept through the vacuum and intercepted the impact of most of the miniature black holes, but black holes The distortion of time and space brought about, even the light can be skewed, the endless black hole impact, abruptly born under the almost infinite energy defense, punched a breakthrough, dense miniature black holes are like black storms, roaring and bombarding. After inhaling a part of the cocoon silk, it evaporates by itself, heating everything around it to the absolute maximum temperature (TheabsoluteMaximumTemperature).

This time, the cocoon silk seemed to have completely lost its resistance, allowing itself to be destroyed.

Watching the enemy who lost all their reactions, Joshua and the triple curtain were stunned.

Their plan is to rely on the rapid firing of miniature black holes to suppress the cocoon filaments, and then create a black hole wall by compressing the stars, and forcibly block it under the blockade of the event horizon, and then let these black holes fuse and turn into super large black holes, directly Suppress the contradictory spiral created by the anchor point of the entire eternal void.

However, the enemy was wiped out in the first step?

This is never possible!

Most of the circumstances beyond the plan do not mean that the situation is unexpectedly ‘good’, but that the situation is unexpectedly ‘bad’!

And this time, it was no exception.

Just after Joshua and the Triple Curtain discovered that the cocoon filament lost its signal, they once again observed that very slender cocoon filament, like a one-dimensional straight line. The black hole gradually’dissipated’ under the accurate bombardment-but soon, they discovered another strange phenomenon, that is, the miniature black hole did not evaporate after bombarding the target, but disappeared strangely.

It’s like being swallowed by something.

But afterwards, Joshua and Triple Curtain observed the tiny black holes that they had launched before—after they disappeared suddenly, they suddenly appeared behind that section of space. It galloped rapidly, and then because the triple curtain was The psionic energy attached to it delays its evaporation position to dissipate and self-evaporates and collapses, bursting out a group of brilliant energy fluctuations, it is almost like entering a portal.

“No, it’s not teleportation!”

The triple veil of proficient in the virtual world was found wrong in the first moment: “Our miniature black hole entered another world-the disappearance of the black hole just now actually entered the boundary of another world, and we saw it again, just Because the world is unfolding, let us see the inside!”

“This is the world of stars, where are the other worlds from?!”

In fact, there is no need to ask, Joshua quickly thought of where did that strange other world come from.

He raised his head in shock and looked at the plain, extremely small cocoon thread that seemed to be about to dissipate.

It is small, fragile, and inconspicuous, like a one-dimensional thread, but this one-dimensional thread can stir time and space, break the world barrier, and burst out almost infinite power to block his black hole fist— —Joshua originally thought that this was the ultimate sublimation polymer behind it, using it as a medium to transmit its own power and fight against himself and others in the air.

And now, facing an unstoppable attack, this cocoon began to unfold.

A line, a plane, an entire three-dimensional space, a complete universe time and space.

In this way, as this seemingly ordinary cocoon thread was fully unfolded, a pitch-black, weird space that resembled the vacuum of the universe, replaced the original space and appeared in the world of stars.

That is the body of the silk cocoon-a huge alien space with at least sixty astronomical units-at this time, Qiao Xiuya suddenly realized why even the evil **** and nearly countless extreme creatures can transmit the contradictory spiral. The gate can’t simply transmit that tiny cocoon silk. The answer is so simple, because it is bigger than those evil gods and extreme creatures combined!

It can be seen that thousands of tiny black holes have shot into this huge space.

There was no There was no evaporation, nothing was swallowed, even if the delay circle disappeared, these miniature black holes still did not evaporate by themselves, but remained strangely intact.

Then, these tiny black holes fine-tuned their positions, once again given kinetic energy and a delayed evaporation array, and launched rapidly.

This time, the goal is not to have disappeared, unfolded, and turned into a cocoon in a different space, but to the waiting line of Joshua and the triple curtain.

-The attack was reversed and rebounded.

It can also be seen that in this different space, there is endless light shining, waiting for the explosion. That is the convergence of all the attacks and all the energy it has endured during this period of time.

Absolute control, absolute solipsism-under the **** of the solips beast’s space, reversing attacks, rebounding damage, being invincible, and being able to use the enemy’s energy to attack the enemy is not a difficult task. .


The Near Saint said: “No matter whose power it is.”

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