Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 9: Inherited key

——The eternity of death——

Thunder Gulong opened its huge mouth, flapped its wings, and set off a sandstorm in the shrinking desert of the world of Chronos. Hearing this word, he couldn’t help but feel a little stunned.

Cthulhus are enemies of civilization and life. They are the manifestation, destruction, and doomsday entities of natural disasters. From ancient times to the present, countless civilizations have tried to analyze the essence of Cthulhu, just as intelligent life analyzed that the essence of typhoon is a storm generated by the release of heat from the ocean, and earthquakes are shocks caused by the release of pressure from plates. People want to understand the essence of Cthulhu. Only in this way can we make a response and solution.

But this attempt, unfortunately, failed in the last step.

It is not to say that this step is difficult since ancient times and no one can succeed, but before they succeeded, the Cthulhu army, which came from nowhere, obliterated everything about them.

“…Do you think you can make an exception.”

Therefore, the Thunder Ancient Dragon asked that in its long life and ancient inheritance, it did have the information of the evil god. As a reconstructor and regenerator of the world cycle, the Thunder Gulong did indeed restore several worlds destroyed by the evil god, so It was shocked: “The eternity of death-that is what you found, there are clues about the nature of the evil god? No one has come to this step, or that they are all destroyed before this step.”

“To be precise, I didn’t find it, I just synthesized other people’s intelligence to confirm this.”

Part of Qiao Xiu’s thought thread still communicates with Thunder Ancient Dragon. When he left, he thoughtfully said, “Destroy? Sure enough, in addition to’eternal wonder’ and’over-developed civilization’,’study Is the information of’Cthulhu essence’ also an inducement? Indeed, this is consistent with the information I have.”

“The existence of the evil **** may indeed be a little more important than everyone imagined at the beginning.”

The extreme sublimation aggregate left behind, the research materials related to the evil gods are extremely rich. As a near saint who can already imprison part of the evil gods in the world, carry them with them, and even use them as tools such as compasses, it can be said in this respect. He is the number one professional in the multiverse. And Qiao Xiuya, who inherited the other party’s relevant information, naturally benefited a lot from it. He had a lot of new ideas, and then integrated his own original intelligence, and he could infer many new things.

For example, before that, Joshua believed that Cthulhu might only be a’phenomenon’ caused by the power of the black hand behind the scenes, just like the psychic person, the python of steel-or that the Cthulhu might be another doomsday version. The’Chaotic Steel Python’.

But now it seems that the Cthulhu’s own information is also within the ‘warning range’. This is not a purely derivative phenomenon and can be enjoyed.

“Malicious Chaos, let’s just call the extraordinary power held by the black hand behind the scenes. The nature of this power can be analyzed from the power of the evil god.”

Joshua’s subjective consciousness is still falling towards the creation vortex. He is crossing layers of abysses. The former seven gods’ blockade against chaos, the warrior thought alone: ​​“Chaos can erode and infect everything else, only Only other supernatural powers can fight it-this may be often overlooked, but in fact, this shows that the connection between malicious chaos and everything is extremely close.”

After all, the so-called erosion phenomenon is similar to the effect of’magic immersion, wicked immersion, and even sacred light, but apart from the divine power, whether it is magic or light, it can only be partly related to the rapid immersion. The transcendent matter, and the corresponding transcendents “magic” and “priest” related to him, are not everything.

Secondly, malicious chaos can cause spiritual erosion, making people crazy, and even unable to think. There are many possibilities, such as simply disturbing the soul, chaos has anti-intelligence algorithms, or it contains a lot of information, which directly supports people. Mad. According to Joshua’s own experience against the debilitating Cthulhu and the Cthulhu of Death, the point of “containing a lot of information and driving people crazy” is actually the most appropriate. He was almost disturbed by the countless memories and calls of the Cthulhu of Death. Has the mental array been abnormal for a long time?

One of the essence of Cthulhu is the sea of ​​memories and information where countless dead lives in civilization converge. Of course, it cannot be ruled out that it has the possibility of ‘anti-intelligence algorithms’.

—— Ordinary people will go crazy just looking at it. The weird, contagious, corrosive, spiritual pollution, and even the mode of action that the Cthulhu family possesses, have undoubtedly confirmed one thing, that is compared to other extraordinary powers. ,’Malicious chaos’ and’information’ are closely related.

“However, the sage of the demon said that the essence of the evil god, and even the essence of the black hand behind the scenes, is related to’eternity’.”

The abyss continued to fall and stretched continuously. The God of Steel did not deliberately accelerate. He just walked across countless worlds. His thoughts diverged: “‘Eternal’, this word, I used to remember the’Fun God’ In the ancient pastoral era of the multiverse, the same words have been seen in the “ultimate of civilization” of the first civilization.”

“[Eternal] [Infinite] [Absolute], and [All-knowing and Almighty].”

——Beyond all material changes, even the final ‘eternity’.

——Beyond all finite existence, even the imaginary ‘infinite’.

-Beyond all concepts of cause and effect, even the ‘absolute’ of probability.

Aside from omniscience and omnipotence, that thing is obviously the supreme meaning in the purely philosophical sense, and there is no need to discuss it in reality, but there is no doubt that [eternal], [infinite], [absolute] these three points are for those who have been close to the bath The glory of the initial fire is absolutely feasible for the most ancient civilizations who are born with infinite sources of energy and material.

“The meaning of infinity…I may understand a little bit, especially after meeting the shadow sage, I have a trace of understanding-the other party is an infinite existence, and it is only the infinite existence that can use my own power Covering the same infinite multiverse, and opening up a new path, doesn’t it just conform to the meaning of’infinity’? Infinite power, infinite proliferation, infinite future…and, infinite hope.”

Although it is only speculation, Joshua believes that the realm of the’sage level’ is a response to the concept of’infinity’ in the three “ultimate of civilizations”, and this realm is absolutely worthy of the ancients. Imagination.

The term ‘eternal’, in addition to the aspect of ‘ultimate civilization’, Joshua has only heard related concepts in the aspect of ‘eternal wonder’. To be honest, he doesn’t quite understand this. After all, in his opinion, no matter how magnificent and great buildings and spectacles are, they may gradually fall silent with the passage of time…So far, Joshua has been a little confused about this. Where is eternal.

However, it can also be understood in another direction, that is, the existence of those eternal wonders must be contrary to the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes-it can even be said that this multiverse does not have real eternal wonders. After all, even the sacrificial fields of the ten thousand realms are in real It was destroyed before completion. If Joshua becomes a near saint, maybe he can try to repair it, but now, even if there is relevant information, there is nothing he can do.

“Those great spectacles, if built, will definitely cause earth-shaking changes to a civilization, whether it is the sacrificial grounds of the Ten Thousand Worlds or the Black Mist itself, if they become complete, it is enough for a civilization to dominate in the multiverse, or even never. It will be destroyed… But is this kind of eternal? No, there must be information that I don’t know. Even the extreme sublimation aggregates don’t have much speculation in this regard. I definitely don’t know what key elements are missing.”

But even so, it is enough.

[Malicious Chaos] is a power that is related to everything and highly compatible with information-and the eternal spectacle and over-developed civilization will make the black hand behind the scenes feel uneasy and want to obliterate it. For this reason, he He even created the tool of Cthulhu, and Cthulhu is also a more important element in fulfilling his plan…So much information is enough, enough for Joshua to make relevant responses.

Moreover, the power of Malicious Chaos is completely different from psychic magic, and it does not seem to be a system with the sages.

How to say? It’s a bit like the difference between the ultimate sublimation polymer and the sage.

“The ultimate sublimation aggregate, the path of self-achievement of the universe, may have something to do with [absolute], the absolute self, the absolute master of the self, for the internal world it creates, it is an’absolute’ existence.”

And the malicious chaos is related to [eternity]-this is also consistent with the message left by the demon sage.

At this moment, Joshua has come to the boundary of the deep abyss of the past, the boundary of the creation vortex-here, you can see the wreckage of countless worlds falling into it, like the death of a giant whale floating in the ocean , The whale fell to the bottom of the deep sea. Similarly, here, you can see countless new worlds rushing upwards, just like the volcanic eruption at the beginning of the birth of all things, bringing new materials and possibilities to the surface world.

The God of Steel did not continue to advance. He stood on the boundary between life and death, the border of destruction and creation, staring at the creation vortex itself, the black and white, two-color, Tai Chi-like grinding disc of all things, thinking silently.

[Eternal], [Infinite], [Absolute], the relationship between these three is really very close, and can even be transformed into each other… For example, infinity can also represent eternity, eternal existence, nature is infinite, infinite Existence, nature is also eternal.

And if the existence of the absolute does not have infinity or eternity, it is also unrealistic-otherwise, is it worthy of being called absolute? Conversely, infinite power itself is absolute suppression, and eternity is also absolute existence. The three are almost mixed, but they are slightly different in small aspects.

Therefore, [Malicious Chaos] must have brought some changes to the multiverse. Cthulhu should correspond to the original **** of divine power, world consciousness of psychic power, pure energy creatures of magic power, ancient dragons and void giants of life energy, elemental primitive creatures of elements and various ancient etheric beasts of ether, and so on. The changes caused by malicious chaos are hidden in the common sense of all people in the multiverse. After all, it is second only to divine power and earlier than psychic power. It is all born in this multiverse. His life must be bathed in its changes.

It’s just that this change is too subtle. Just like before Joshua’s explanation, many people didn’t even understand that supernatural powers were created by sages. They assumed that it was the truth of the multiverse, and they didn’t even think of it before. There is no such thing in the multiverse.

Subconsciously Boiling frogs in warm water? Although a little unpleasant, Joshua has always been willing to imagine the worst—all the lives that exist today may have been affected and locked in by the changes related to the “malicious chaos” long before they were born. In the beginning, dance in the palm of the other person.

But Joshua is different… At least in the world he has lived and understood, there are no extraordinary powers. If anyone in this multiverse is most likely to perceive something wrong without knowing it, maybe he is the only one. .

But that doesn’t mean that he can find out-maybe he was in the game and didn’t know it? Maybe he also regards the same thing as common sense, which is the chaotic side?

“But this is my advantage.”

In order to save the multiverse, the sages of the past may not have the time and energy to continue the research in this area. They can only give up halfway. So compared to the sages of the past, Joshua’s advantage is actually also It’s not just the identity of the traverser… His real advantage lies in the inheritance of countless people, and all the scattered clues are gathered in him, just like the eyes of all worlds.

Joshua now holds the key to the ‘truth’ recently!

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