Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 7: Not alone

A vigorous event that lasted for several weeks in Mycroft’s standard time and spread to the entire multi-galaxy’s “interpretation”, as the initiator “Joshua Van Radcliffe” defeated all the challengers and came to an end.

After this battle, the name of the four-armed God of Steel spread throughout the heavens and all realms, and even at the end of the most remote galaxy, people chanted his name, frightened by his force, and almost all civilizations expressed their willingness to obey him. The leadership’s orderly trend stopped the’all wars’ that are still continuing in the multi-galaxy, and began to make full preparations to deal with the coming Chaos Army.

Although there are also many civilizations that think that Joshua is just an individual, the endless multi-galactic world, endless civilizations and races, he can’t manage all of them, as long as he is more concealed, it doesn’t matter-but this kind of heart is a fluke. After obtaining a record of Joshua joining forces with the Triple Veil and the Python of Steel against the Ultimate Sublimation Aggregate in the world of stars, they all said nothing, because they saw the silver light that spread across many galaxies and saw each other. That huge network of thinking.

Even though there are some who have joined the elucidation, they are relatively low-powered and do not have enough strength and courage to challenge Joshua’s civilization, watching the other side explain the roots of extraordinary power, creating the real world and the original gods, and After defeating all the challengers who were so powerful that they surpassed ordinary gods, they directly removed the original idols and transferred the prestige of this’true god’.

After all, Joshua’s power has long surpassed many races’ imaginations of ‘gods’…Even if he is not omniscient and omnipotent, for low-end civilizations, it is similar to omniscience and omnipotence.

In addition, the endless life of the entire multi-galactic river is also considered to be real, and it is forced to’open your eyes’ to look at and understand the name’Mykrov’. Some civilizations with a shorter age didn’t know anything about it, but some civilizations that lasted for tens of thousands of years suddenly recalled many ancient past events. They hurriedly searched for the original classics in their own clan and confirmed it again and again, and finally they could be 100%. Sure, this is indeed the glorious name of the past.

And at this time, Joshua, just like the sages of the time, overwhelmed this era, making countless powerful people think of his name, and subconsciously follow his order… But it is different from the original sages, because Joshua Not a good person.

For those who do not follow, the sages in the classics will patiently educate each other, while Qiao Xiuya will ‘educate’ each other more simply and rudely.

But one thing is the same-that is the existence of wanting to be educated, none of them.

Of course, in addition to Joshua’s interpretation, many powerful people have other gains.

“Until today, I don’t know that this multiverse is so vast, and life is so colorful.”

“I thought I was at the end and there was no road ahead, but now I realize that there may be a road. It’s just that I am walking alone and walking too slowly.”

“The’near saint’ and the’sage’… actually still have this level of realm!”

“Then the great existence that created these powers that we use today, swear by our civilization and conviction, we will extol your name, and let your love and inheritance continue to the end of eternity!”

If it weren’t for Qiao Xiuya this time, together with the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Site’s will to dominate, he forcibly conducted a multi-galactic live broadcast. Many civilizations and powerhouses in remote areas would probably not know how to understand this multiverse. There are so many other powerhouses, as well as this level of realm, the origin of all extraordinary.

And, the generosity example of the “God of Steel”.

All intelligent beings are mostly neutral. There is no ‘good for no reason’ and no evil for no reason. As long as the communication is smooth and mutual understanding of each other’s cultural customs, taboos and bottom lines, some people are good to them, most of life will be good to those who are also good to them, and vice versa. Some people are evil, and natural evil will give feedback. Only a few People will go against this principle-among these very few people, even half of them are those who will’be good to others for no reason’, who are truly eternal and evil-minded villains, let alone grow up, I’m afraid I was drowned in a cesspool when I was young.

Of course, many people say that the relationship between civilization and civilization is a ruthless relationship of interest, but it is only a code between’peers’. When the strong take the initiative to release goodwill, the so-called coldness Ruthless, interest-related, all are masks that can be torn away-in other words, it is too late to kneel and lick, where there is extra thought to be suspicious and alert… Even if there is such an idea, come out of this People with such thoughts will probably ask themselves ashamed: Am I worthy?

Superman kindly took people to fly for a while, and made people take more than ten hours of flight to the other side of the ocean. Would this person suspect that Superman wanted to steal a wallet that was worth five hundred dollars in cash in his arms?

There is no such ridiculous thing in the multiverse.

Today’s Joshua will make some people feel ashamed of the existence of conspiracy behind all these actions, and sigh: ‘I’m not worthy. The strong.

Therefore, in addition to the gain of Joshua’s own proof of extraordinary power, his biggest gain is to successfully reflect his own strength into the hearts of other civilizations through the challenges and being challenged in the interpretation of the Tao.

Vaguely, he has become a collective of the pan-multiple galaxy order. Although invisible, powerless and nameless, he does exist as a ‘leader’.

He became the ‘deterrent’ of this orderly collective, a sword of Damocles that hangs over the heads of all those who try to be evil and malicious.

And this is exactly the purpose of Joshua, and the Mycroft civilization powerhouse group who planned this ‘interpretation’ together with Joshua.

“Sure enough, everything is the same as I thought, even the extraordinary power is not eternal, but will gradually improve.”

Sealing the void vortex, which has become the “Forbidden Zone of Life”, into a copy that can be explored by future generations. It can also be regarded as an apologize for using other people’s land as a battlefield. Joshua stood in the void of the Amos palace. The route is spinning with countless information about power and practice.

After this unprecedented challenge from the strong, the warrior can already claim that he is a master in the entire transcendental realm. In all power paths, he is almost an individual who has reached the extreme-he is infinitely close to the near sage, and even has Can vaguely see the development and future of the extraordinary powers.

Psionic power, magic power, life energy… all kinds of extraordinary powers are a kind of power that will evolve and extend infinitely. They are not an eternal and unchanging infinite ocean, but will circulate, evolve, extend and extend, and even From the ocean to the sky and the universe. In fact, in this battle, Joshua has seen many strange changes of extraordinary powers, among which there are all kinds of subtle and subtle heights, which are strange directions that he has never thought about.

Every civilization can take a different path. The sages, as the founders, just created a head. They created a base of power. However, many lives and strong people can make their own achievements on this base. The same, but very gorgeous flowers, there must be many of them, things that the original creators could not predict.

According to the game analogy of the previous life, that is, the game company has made a game, set the rules and general framework, and some official game rules, but how to play it, it is not up to the player? Players will naturally use the original resources to create various genres, combinations, structures, and even card bugs and open hangs that the official can’t even think of.

As for the warrior, all these new’genres and techniques’ created by the latecomers were completely absorbed and turned into their own power… even, Joshua believed that if a kind of extraordinary power appeared again a’sage’ ‘, then He will inevitably bring new changes to this extraordinary power.

Of course, this is just a guess, and it cannot be said that it will happen, but it is indeed possible. At present, the existence of the sage level has chosen to create their own, unique, and change the power of the multiverse, but if some of the latecomers choose to continue to deepen and improve on the original path, it is not impossible. Things. This is not conflicting, and equally powerful, great, without any difference.

[The meaning of the road itself is to allow countless people to walk on it. If it can only provide one person to move forward, then it is not a “Tao”-it can even be said that the more people that can walk side by side, the more it can prove Tao. Firmness and perfection can further prove its meaning]

[The way of transcendence is not a journey of eternal solitude and loneliness, but a long road with countless people walking together-on the long road, countless people support and assist each other, the only way is this, In order to penetrate the heavy haze shrouded in the multiverse and break all the shackles]


In the communication circle, the voice of one of the seven gods came, and the familiar voice of the **** of power came: “It’s time to come back, we still have a lot to do… and, what a good job!”

“You have really become very strong, very strong…”

Vaguely audible, there are other deities and powerful voices—they naturally watched Joshua’s interpretation, and many people even split up their avatars, trying to challenge Joshua, or in the periphery. Everyone has gained a lot from the exchanges with strong people of other civilizations, and they also know that there is a huge gap between themselves and Joshua.

No one thinks this is strange-in terms of the number and intensity of battles, none of them is stronger and stronger than Joshua. They certainly live longer than Joshua for decades or even hundreds of years, but that What is the use? The time spent hastily without progress is just the water wasted by the inaction, and meaningless ripples appear in the long river of time. The struggle of the promising is like a falling meteorite, even if it is short and rapid, it will inevitably set off a huge wave.

Regarding this, Joshua didn’t reply, he just smiled, smiling purely, expressing his joy and self-confidence. At this moment, he no longer needs to prove himself with words, no one will doubt that he will not be the next sage, and no one even thinks that he will become a ‘sage’.

Because Joshua must become his own sage, he will stand on the shoulders of giants and look higher.


Thinking of this, Joshua turned around and walked towards the star field where Creel and Elma were located. As he crossed the void, the warrior raised his hand and swept towards the surrounding star field, invisible power. Diffusion, leading the world that he had knocked off because of his battles with many powerful people back to its original position.

Because of him, the stars flew away. Because of him, the stars have returned-taking the world as something in the palm, letting civilization and stars dance in their own hands.

“Now, I am close to the sage. I am afraid that the only difference is the accumulation of pure strength and minor problems in’some aspects’. I am afraid that the limit sublimation aggregate that has swallowed countless civilizations of knowledge reserves should also be with me. Among them, they may even be inferior to me.”

After all, not to mention how much knowledge of the extreme sublimation polymer plundered can reach the level of many legendary extreme powerhouses in this interpretation, it is the extreme sublimation polymer itself, and it is also part of the power of Joshua today.

At this point, the beast is far inferior to civilization.

【I will conquer you, devour you, own you, copy you-I will learn from your strengths, abandon your weaknesses, turn your pride into my own, and seize your pride for my use.

And this is the nature of civilization! 】

The biggest plague in the multiverse is not the ultimate sublimation aggregate, but the existence itself of ‘civilization’!

“Near the sage, and the sage.”

The former, for Joshua, is only one step away, while for the latter, the light can be completely seen…Because of the reminder of the triple curtain in the past, Joshua did not mention any idea of ​​his own way, but he has already Gradually perfected, he firmly believes that it must be the path that best fits his thoughts.

At this moment, he has returned to the star field where Creel and Elma are located-although he is only using the two of them as an excuse to start the next plan, but Joshua must also say that the two of them do It is very good. If it were not for the reminder of the information they sent back, the Mycroft civilization would have suffered even greater and unacceptable losses.

Standing among the stars, Joshua was about to wipe out his huge four-armed god, and take the two in the form of the world… But while the warrior did this, if he felt something, he raised his head and looked. To the multiverse, although full of endless stars, the void is still dark and silent.

In the depths there, there is the deepest shadow disillusionment, and the deepest mist surging.

【——The heavens and the stars, the darkness spreads. 】

Therefore, the soldier raised his fist slowly, and the array of thoughts scattered across the galaxies began to turn, emitting a silver glow.

【——The stars of the heavens, shining brightly. 】

There is nothing to be afraid of, since chaos is about to come, then go to fight.

If the irreplaceable “inevitability” is called “destiny”, then there will always be people who will choose to lower their heads and look at the soil and be willing to be the slaves of fate, but there will always be people who raise their heads and shake their fists. Do not change the least bit of determination.

If you don’t even have the courage to throw a fist against the ‘necessity’, how can you have the right to go and watch the ‘future’ of tomorrow?

This is something that obviously even the ‘little guys’ who are going to take away understand.

“Hopefully, Hotaru and Rin did a good job when I was away.”

Thinking of this, Qiao Xiuya didn’t say much, he directly placed the entire void settlement into the world within his body, and then began to prepare to wait for the ten thousand world sacrificial field beyond time and space to contact him and start teleportation.

At the same time, he was also observing the condition of Elma and Creel in his body.

Kreller’s words, it’s just that the simple body and soul are a bit unsuitable, but now his soul has grown a lot, and it can even be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds, so this little disagreement has become a boost to stimulate his growth. .

But Elma’s words are a bit special.

“Has the’death of the new birth’ already begun?”

Noting the shadow space created by the Shadow’s Golden Armor, that is constantly changing and distorted flesh, Joshua nodded thoughtfully: “Kreler used the shadow power to forcibly stop this process, so Although the death of the new birth has begun, it is still very stable.”

It is not difficult to return to normal, at least for Joshua, who can easily reverse life and death, what is impossible in the eyes of Kreler and Elma is just a matter of effort.

But how to say…Some sufferings do not necessarily have to be avoided to be good.

As Elma said, the essence of Xtreme Virus is only the inheritance of Xtreme Sublimation Aggregate, which is a collection of thinking and knowledge. If it is eroded and changed by it, it is equivalent to being brainwashed and rewritten into one. Brand-new programs and software, and even hardware such as the brain and body will be replaced, although it can still be regarded as the same person, but it can’t be regarded as the same person.

However, if you can accept this knowledge and thinking without changing, and use your own will to control this sublimation, then this will be a good opportunity to reach the sky in one step, become a super life form, and achieve the realm of legend.

“It’s just that this road is too hard.”

Among the tens of hundreds of billions of people, only one can perfectly adapt to the inheritance of the extreme sublimation polymer and become the extreme creature-but God knows how many extreme creatures can there be such an existence that can be anti-objective.

But then again, as long as you reach the extreme level, you will not be infected by the extreme virus. Therefore, there are actually many existences that may be able to oppose the object. It is just that the existence is so strong that it will not be infected and become infected. In essence, the original qualifications are not too good, and the ultimate sublimation polymer is nothing more than a fine-net fishing looking for individuals with qualifications but no chance to become stronger.

Elma, who is clearly an Amos genius who is not far from the limit and is not far from the legend, takes the initiative to infect the limit virus breakthrough, which is far more difficult and dangerous than her own serious practice breakthrough. Of course, this is also a kind of breakthrough. The choice, if she can really overcome this barrier, I am afraid that the speed of her future growth will far exceed many people’s expectations.

“Bring it home first.” Joshua sent a little strength to suppress Elma’s death. He sensed the other side of time and space. The beacon guiding him at the Ten Thousand Realms Sacrifice Field had appeared, and the warrior was preparing to leave the Bloody Battle Galaxy. Back to Mycroft.

This time, there are too many gains from elucidating the Dao, and Joshua is about to start preparing to advance to the saint, and step over that threshold.

Although it is said that there will not be any sky thunder and fire, **** extinguishing heaven and the like, it is a matter of course. After the strength reaches a certain level, the strong will divide the standard of their own strength, but that also needs to be prepared.

Gazing at the faint blue door of time and space that gradually opened up opposite him, Joshua thought seriously.

“I should, go to the Maelstrom of Creation again.”

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