Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 4: Challenges and doubts five thousand two hundred

At the beginning, many people didn’t figure out what Joshua was talking about. Except for very few existences, even the legendary powerhouse suddenly fell into a short period of confusion when he heard the warrior explain the origin of extraordinary power.

For the vast majority of civilizations and powerful people, all kinds of extraordinary forces are actually the same as universal constants such as gravity, electromagnetic force, and the speed of light. They are the natural principles between heaven and earth. Without them, the entire multiverse will look like Great changes, and even no longer exist-will the supreme truth still have an origin? For these beings born in this multiverse, this is a huge barrier of insight.

However, for Joshua, who comes from a world without miracles, the existence of extraordinary powers is inherently unique, extraordinary exceptions and’miracles’. When he treats these powers, the direction of thinking is inherently consistent with that. The natives of the multiverse are completely different. Only a few individuals who can keep up with his ideas are vaguely aware of the existence of sages, or are aware that the extraordinary power may be the strength of the’extra power’ that later appeared in the multiverse. By.

However, this confusion only lasted for a short time-when Joshua started to ignite the stars of extraordinary power in the void to form a huge “Tree of Life Totem”, almost everyone began to understand. The context and relationship between these forces.

The first layer, the most basic point, “Initial Fire”.

The second level is the ‘divine power’ derived from the ‘initial fire’, and the two are connected by a path.

The third level is the’magic power’ and’life energy’ derived from the initial fire, and the’psychic energy’ derived from the’divine power’. Magic power and life energy have the same origin as divine power, but they are not derived from the same level.

On the fourth level, the ‘element’ and the ‘ether’ derived from the ‘magic power’ and the ‘life energy’ are connected by paths and can be smoothly converted.

The fifth layer is the ‘Holy Light’ derived from the ‘Initial Fire’ and the ‘Life Energy’ and the ‘Element’.

The sixth layer, the ‘shadow’ derived from the ‘initial fire’ and the ‘magic power’ and the ‘ether’.

The next seventh and eighth levels are the multiple sub-superior powers derived from the mixing of these upper transcendent powers, such as natural power, divine power, emotional power… and the one-sided fragments of many transcendent powers. Appearance, for example, the’superpower’ system derived from the’power’ derived from the power of steel is also a relatively independent branch line, which is located at a lower level, forming the branches of the vast and boundless transcendent tree, which is endlessly derived.

These complex systems and relationships were demonstrated by Joshua in the simplest and most obvious way. One by one, the sun burned in the void, deriving the path of light, and imprinted in the darkness, and all those who watched the live broadcast. The strong stared intently—they didn’t make any detours, nor missed anything, but simply did not try to sort out the relevant context. After all, for them, all extraordinary powers are equal, and they are all the same great power.

I don’t know the origins of the sages, except for a small number of Tianzong wizards, it’s really difficult to explore in this area… and now, Joshua has sorted out these foundations for them to make their path stronger and see more clearly. It can go further in the future.

But this is not the end—soon, Joshua extinguished the stars in the void, and the world in his right hand began to grow bigger and became obvious, and the shell of this nascent world began to become transparent at the same time, allowing everyone to be able to. Clearly see the violent evolution of heaven and earth.

Everyone has seen that under the mighty power of Joshua, the world that has just been created is now accelerating in time, and it is beginning to solidify and form quickly. They can also see incomparably clearly that all kinds of extraordinary powers are forming in the world. In the process, what effect did it have and how to treat everything in this multiverse with gentleness.

“Oh my God… That’s how it is, if there is no ‘ether’ cycle, and the peculiar structure of our world, it is impossible to produce a perfect energy cycle, and then a stable and orderly earth and life will be born!”

“If the concentration of’magic power’ is a little bit weaker, our race is destined to be just a beast, and it will never be able to produce soul and wisdom…not to mention, if there is no such thing as’magic power’!”

“I can’t imagine that-the original’psychic energy’ was the source of the birth of the’Earth Mother God’. Although it is now asleep, without its careful care, can our fragile lives really reproduce today? ?”

The world of differentiation of elements, the growth of life energy, many races and civilizations, in the mysterious evolution of the world in the hands of Joshua, they have a glimpse of the origin of their own world. They understand their luck and understand the gift of the forerunners. , I finally know how profound the influence of extraordinary powers on all civilizations and intelligent lives in this multiverse is.

As for how much power they have understood from those mysteries, how many advanced techniques they have understood, that’s all trivial matters.

The hearts of those who are powerless are full of gratitude.

In the heart of a powerful person, desire is born.

They began to be curious—the source of these powers and the pioneers who created them, what kind of heart did they bring such kindness to exert great power for this multiverse—they began to long for the truth, to explore these greatness Why did the name of the person disappear in the darkness, unknown to this day.

And this is the purpose of Joshua’s interpretation, what he wants them to understand—he wants to show the truth and love, and sow the seeds of light in the dark multiverse.

Even a little bit is enough.

However, there is a slightly different dissonance on the side of the Mycroft civilization.

-Happiness, joy, doubt, and loss.

Like other civilizations, in the Mykrov civilization, all people watching live broadcasts have almost these emotions in their hearts. They are happy because they can see a corner of the truth, but they are also at a loss because they doubt whether this is true. But besides that, a little bit of sorrow and grief was born in many people’s hearts.

Is that jealous, or a little unwilling? Or a little bit of indignation.

Joshua Van Radcliffe is undoubtedly Mrs. Mike Rowe. He is the strongest of their civilizations. Everyone is proud of this. He is strong enough to be able to affect all the civilizations and civilizations of the entire Multi-Galactic River. Life elucidation is like the way the sages held up the pure white holy fire and illuminated the Xinghe Tianlu. What a proud thing… But why? It is not to say that this knowledge cannot be shared with other civilizations in the multiverse, but why can’t it be said within the Mycroft civilization first?

Why can’t we teach them first and then explain to other civilizations?

This is obviously not a difficult thing. Mrs. Mike Rowe doesn’t mean that she has to wait until she understands to be open to other civilizations—as glorious heirs, they have this tolerance and believe that even if other civilizations have the same knowledge, they can’t. Beyond them… But to treat all civilizations in the Multi-Star River so’fairly’ is precisely’unfair’ to the Mycroft civilization!

After all, in the final analysis, Earl Radcliffe, the general of the expeditionary army, the man named Joshua, is a strong man in Mycrof, isn’t it?

But gradually, as the world in the soldier’s palm evolved, most of the sorrows and sorrows in Mrs. Mike Luo’s heart gradually disappeared.

—Because it makes no sense.

Facing the truth that God of Steel revealed to the world in silence, all mundane emotions are meaningless.

They saw a world in Joshua’s hands, from tiny to huge, in which mountains, continents, seas and sky were destroyed and created several times to show the details of extraordinary power. They saw stars from nebulae. They condense to form galaxies, and then burn in explosions, turning into white dwarfs and black holes, causing the hot fluorescence to diffuse with the stellar gas.

They saw that the’world’ itself was squashed and rounded by the **** of steel, sometimes transformed into a continental world, sometimes into a galaxy world, and even transformed into a’mountain world’ composed entirely of solids, with a hollow core. The world’-thousands of common, extreme, weird, and magnificent worlds are generated and disillusioned in a short period of time, just like the most magnificent and vast poem.

Until the end, the endless power was deduced in silence, turning into the world’s initial rune and manifesting in the world. Joshua separated his five fingers, opened his palm, and showed the details of the world in his hand—it was a supercontinent world, a continent beyond stars. Floating on the sea of ​​ether, the sun of the holy light and the moon of the shadows alternate, the elements and magic transform into all wind, rain and thunder, creating everything together with life energy.

And all the strong have seen that in the center of the world, on the highest mountain range, there is the primitive spirit of the world being gestated. This is called the ancestor of all things and gradually born with the cycle of the world’s extraordinary power, and finally because of’ The original divine power’ was condensed and formed, and became a’innate god’,’primitive god’ in a popular sense.

“This is the origin of everything, the race of psionic sages. The ‘founder’ discovered the supernatural power and created the source of ‘psionic’ by discovering the corpse of the ‘primitive god’.”

Qiao Xiuya withdrew her hand, but this vast super-continent world, what can be called a medium-sized world, stopped in place, and even gradually moved away into the void—the barrier of the world gradually became no longer transparent, and it began It hides the connection between the world and the outside world, exerts its original function, and becomes a normal world.

And in that world, there is a gentle and smooth world, and a ‘god’ who has just been awakened and born, looking around the world dimly.

Everything has just been born, everything is slowly gestating, all hopes are waiting to bloom, and all futures are heading far away.

-He created a perfect world of life, and even a flawless god.

“Creation God…”

“…The Creator!”

“The forger of the world, the creator of the gods!”

“Father of the world, God of God!”

All the people who saw this scene awakened from the shock, they only realized at this moment, what kind of power the power that Joshua showed just now—after a little bit of fear was born because of the huge power gap in an instant, it became even bigger. The joy and awe of life came to the hearts of most of the lives: although most of the strong are determined to catch up with Joshua’s current state, but this does not prevent them from admiring this power.

But Joshua didn’t care about those compliments, those honorifics and honorifics that were imposed on him, the four-armed God of War just raised his hand again, imagining a hazy star map in front of him.

“The extreme crisis, the destruction and death that it brings, the fear and the loss, they will undoubtedly attract countless evil gods.”

He said faintly, expounding the reality that makes people unwilling to look directly at it: “‘war’, imbalance,’plague’,’famine’… If one is eliminated, there will be another one, no matter what you call it the’world swallower’ ‘Or’Darkness at the End’, or some other name, they are coming soon, in the near future.”

It can be seen that on the bright star map, an overwhelming darkness is coming, and the dark cracks are pervasive erosion, cutting the magnificent light cluster to pieces.

“These chasing memes and eternal doomsday will ignore the differences in civilization, race, and even thinking patterns in all life, and will destroy all life equally. I don’t think that the civilizations of multiple galaxies can unite. Get up and fight them with collective strength, but I still want to warn you to prepare for the worst, because the war between order and chaos has come, and its prelude has been opened.”

Urgency arises in the hearts of all lives. It is an instinctive threat, a hostility from the source of existence. They sensed the depths of darkness, the sorrow that came from the ruined civilization, and the chaos that carried the end and the end. Destructive indifference.

“Be stronger, become stronger, you don’t need to fight for order, for the multiverse, you just need to fight for yourself, for your world, your civilization, your own life and your own descendants. Fight with the children.”

“However, from this moment on, I will prohibit all civil wars between the’order races’. I don’t care what hatred, resentment and unwillingness you have between you, and what dissatisfaction with my orders are you. From today onwards, Until the day when Cthulhu retreats, I will ban all meaningless fights—you can question, curse, and tell you reasonable or unreasonable reasons, but I don’t care, I will directly suppress those attempts to challenge. The existence of strife.”

The four-armed steel **** calmly spoke of his request. His tone was not threatening or arrogant. Joshua looked at the void in front of him, as if he was looking at all the civilizations of the entire multi-galaxy at the same time, and all of them were watching this. The warrior’s tone of life in Chang Dao was flat: “I know this request is unreasonable, but the evil **** is even more unreasonable. I have defeated Emperor Amos just now—so, whoever of you thinks you are stronger than Emperor Amos, you can Come to challenge me, or point out my mistakes, and argue with me.”

“This is the only means. In addition, you can make comments, and I will listen, but I won’t change it.”

Silence, in the entire Multi-Galactic River, all civilizations that can see and hear this scene spread.

They hesitated and frowned. The extreme sense of’arrogance’ and’overlooking’ is coming from far away in time and space-but they understand that the essence of’arrogance’ and’overlooking’ is just an illusion, Joe Xiuya has never ignored them. In fact, this is essentially a challenge, an individual life’s challenge to the strong in all civilizations in the entire Multi-Star Galaxy.

But this does not mean that everyone is qualified to face this straightforward challenge.

And after a long time, Joshua, who hadn’t heard the response for a long time, couldn’t help frowning slightly, his eyes were a little puzzled.

—What’s going on, man?

—Question me, doubt me.

-I am neither the truth nor the true sage. My interpretation is only my personal understanding. It is definitely not the true truth… Is there no doubter? Isn’t it possible that such a tough request after me can’t arouse your challenge, and can’t make you angry and unwilling?

He looked around the void in confusion, as if looking around all the civilizations that he had listened to before, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to continue to say something.

Why is it so easy to believe? What about the questioning person? What about the doubter? No matter how ridiculous the question is, how pale and feeble, as long as there is doubt in your mind-ask questions! Even if it’s just because of unhappiness, simple provocation because of disgust, and simple bones in the egg, that is also a good thing, because the true truth is not afraid of any peeping eyes, what he needs is this!

Inheritance is not just indoctrination, just believe what you say-that is called brainwashing! It must have questions and answers, doubts and explanations, doubts, denials and empirical evidence-don’t just ‘listen’, but try to ‘doubt’!

Qiao Xiuya believes that in this multi-dimensional galaxy, there is definitely a single transcendent power that is more quintessential than he understands.

He doesn’t feel that he has mastered everything. Joshua believes that his interpretation of all the individuals in the multi-galactic is equivalent to the interpretation of all individuals in the multi-galactic—in the warrior’s vision, this should be An exposition and questioning, an exchange of answers and verifications, under his strong declaration of all civilizations of Multi-Galactic, this interpretation will enter a huge and fierce challenge, a long debate and argument, and the truth will be In the mutual interpretation and verification of Tao and Tao, the more debated, the clearer it becomes, and they become mutual food.

Instead of being like this, suddenly silent.

It shouldn’t be like this.

The silence lasted for a long time, and the light of the magic wave carried white dust, floating in the void like fog, sweeping through billions of worlds.

Until Joshua started to feel a little disappointed, suddenly, far away in time and space, a voice rang.

“I want to challenge you.”

It was a rough voice coming from the center of a galaxy. At the same time, a powerful breath straddled time and space, shaking the elements of all realms, and we could see an indefinite illusory shadow that was condensing across time and space. UU Reading’s surging power is exploding, with boldness and pleasure.

“I want to challenge you too.”

“You just made a mistake in your explanation of the Tao of Ether—”

“who do you think You Are?!”

What followed was another voice.

And another one, another one, another one.

“it is good.”

For a moment, only thousands of challenges and doubts can be heard, countless provocations and denials can be heard, but the warrior is not at all angry. He stares at the void, and even the entire multi-galaxy, as if against all the existence that is challenging him. Looked, and then showed a sincere smile.

“it is good.”

He agreed, smiling happily.

it is good.

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