Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 2: Self-sacrifice

[Does life exist for ‘happiness’ or for ‘meaning’? 】

Multi-element Galaxy, Bloody Battle Galaxy, in the royal court of Amos, in a secret private void settlement.

Former Captain Mycroft, Kreler stood in front of the huge training warehouse, thinking about this problem that smart people who only live impatiently and have nothing to do except cranky can think about in the state of sage.

In front of him, there is a group of blood and blood that is wriggling.

This is a huge container made entirely of translucent biological crystals, which is filled with a scarlet solution that glitters with fluorescence, and what floats in this scarlet solution are large chunks of distortion and swelling, and the whole body is flashing with weird runes of flesh and blood. .

It can be seen that these flesh and blood exuding a faint golden light have blood vessels spreading like roots, and around the blood vessels, there are silver eyeballs one after another. These eyeballs are beautiful and holy, as if they are the most thrilling and perfect. A flawless gemstone, but when it is embedded in these internal organs and bodies that seem to appear only in nightmares, it looks strange and beautiful.

Suddenly, the flesh and blood began to spasm, and a lot of bubbles appeared in the scarlet solution, and it could be vaguely seen that the weird runes that had originally covered it began to spread again, even deep into the flesh and blood.

But Kreler watched this scene, his gaze was very soft, he manipulated the instrument on the side, as if something was added to the solution, and then turned his head and said: “How is it, Elma, feel Is it better?”

“I have adjusted the concentration of the extraordinary barrier solution to 80%, do I need to continue to increase it?”

“…Very good, no need.” After a while, the weird runes on the flesh and blood began to recede, and a tired voice communicated with Krell through the spirit: “Thank you, Krell, You have done so well. You can learn the operation of the laboratory in just a few days… Your talent is really amazing!”

The weird flesh-and-blood aggregate in this crystal container is indeed Elma—or rather, the core part of Elma. She uttered an emotional voice: “Know that even professional Amos come to learn. It takes a week or two to get started, and you have learned all the steps in a few days. It seems that it is not difficult for you to take over my inheritance.”

“…Perhaps.” Creel couldn’t deny it, he couldn’t explain how much he wanted to help Elma, how hard he was, and tried his best to learn… Rubbing his tired eyes, he whispered: “Hold on for a while, Elma, wait for a while, maybe the medicine to solve the limit virus will be developed? Don’t think about inheritance now, and what after death. Thing.”

“Well, I will wait.”

The apparently altered flesh and blood uttered a sensible female voice, and she readily agreed, but she couldn’t make Kreler feel at ease in her heart.

The two did not speak for a while, and the entire experimental hall fell into silence, except for the undulating sound of the solution in the culture chamber.

“……does it worth?”

“This way of self-sacrifice, become a monster, or even die like this… Is it worth it?”

In this silence, staring at the abnormally changed flesh and blood in the warehouse, Creel wanted to speak up several times, asking Elma’s thoughts—he wanted to know how the woman he knew was about her behavior. Does she know whether she knows, what is the meaning of doing this, and whether it is worth abandoning her life.

However, I can’t say it.

Because even Kreller knew that Elma’s actions when the Extreme Virus spread again, at least saved tens of billions of Amos.

——After obtaining the’blocking potion’ developed by the natural teacher, Elma used her own blood as an experiment to formulate a blocking potion suitable for the Amos, and then she kept on running, relying on herself just now. I have seen the relationship with Emperor Amos, implying that his actions were signaled by the Emperor, and he used himself to kill extreme creatures, saving a large number of thinking individuals, directly connected to the upper echelons of related industries, and began to rapidly produce barrier agents.

This series of operations are like flowing water and cannot be faster-with the opening of the transmission network, batch after batch of blocking agents are sent to the entire Wang Court, so that most people can block, at least know the intrusion of extreme viruses. , Which can be better treated and isolated. It is not too much to say that Elma’s actions have saved tens of billions of people. She can even say that it has saved all the members of this generation of Royal Amos.

Regarding this, the emperor did not say a word. He did not deny or admit that Elma was talking about his name. He did not block or help Elma’s actions against the limit virus against his will. .

He just watched with interest the ants in his palm struggling hard, struggling to sacrifice, struggling to realize the meaning of self at the cost of life, and then nodded thoughtfully.

Kreler knew this, so he wanted to ask, is it worth it?

I didn’t say this sentence, but in the spiritual network connected between the two, thinking is equivalent to talking.

Faced with Elma, who seemed to want to say something, Kreller’s thoughts were open to her without any disguise.

“I know that for you, Elma, saving tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of Amos at the cost of your own infection with Extreme Virus is a cost-effective thing. This sacrifice is noble and respectable. Countless people pass on your name, inherit your favor, and live for the future you have given-this spirit is simply a legendary epic destined to be sung to the next era.

However, I am a cold-blooded, ruthless, and look down upon the aliens. I am a stranger. It doesn’t matter if I die in front of my eyes. The death is miserable and even can be eaten happily. But familiar people are hurt and uncomfortable. They are almost dead, vulgar. Selfish bad guy.

To me, compared to you, the tens of billions of fanatical xenophobic Amos are simply dust, and you are the sun. The sun is willing to go out for the dust. I really can’t accept it—but I understand it. , For you, there is nothing worth or not, because you can do this. If you are willing to rebel against the emperor for the Amos, you will naturally sacrifice your life for the Amos. This is probably what you mean. I feel it, and you even feel happy about it. ”

——Happiness is the dual satisfaction of ‘mentally’ and ‘material’.

——Meaning is the process of ‘realizing’ and ‘following’ one’s will.

At this moment, even though Elma was deformed into a monster of flesh and blood because of fighting against the erosion of the limit virus, no one can say that she is not happy now and her life is meaningless.

Because she was satisfied both materially and spiritually, she realized and followed her own will, and carried out her always wish.

However, the flesh and blood in the cultivating chamber squirmed slightly, seeming to be shaking his head.

“Crelle, you can’t say that.”

There was a mild mental fluctuation, and it seemed that they wanted to enlighten the other party: “Let’s make an analogy-when a group of people were playing in the forest, they were suddenly attacked by a beast. Everyone fled in panic, but at their speed, basically It’s impossible for anyone to escape.”

“And at this moment, suddenly there was someone who stayed and chose to fight. In her heart, maybe there was no such thing as’sacrifice for the Amos.’ She might just be pure anger, pure unwillingness, anger. Why didn’t the guardians in the crowd take action? Why are they unwilling to do so in their own destiny.”

“So, if he didn’t take action, I would take action-that person fought and temporarily repelled the beast, allowing most of the people to leave, but he was also dying… the others who escaped and the people watching were all Moving to say, this is noble self-sacrifice, but in fact it is not.”

A golden tentacled sticking out of the flesh and blood, it seems to want to touch the tearful Cryler’s face across the crystal wall of the cultivation chamber. Elma calmly said: “Sacrifice is not so cheap. …But sacrifice may be so cheap. After all, we are all selfish lives. As long as it is for our own will and our own meaning, even sacrifices are sweet.”

Elma herself is a top scholar in related transcendental biology. She can even deduce an artificial body that fits the soul from the perspective of soul adaptability for aliens without any consultation.

You know, when Krell was in the soul deep ball, there was no physical genetic factor, only its soul, but with some simple information, Elma could use Krell’s soul to make his body. The seven seven eight eight are roughly the same.

After getting a natural tutor’s consultation, not so much information, as it is to teach you how to make barrier drugs, it is not difficult for her to quickly make barrier drugs suitable for Amos based on her body, even the most professional. It’s impossible for her experimenter to be faster than her, and, if she hadn’t seen the emperor frequently and was a hero who killed the ultimate life, her follow-up series of fake emperor’s instructions would not work, let alone move so quickly. The entire production system saved so many Amos.

Therefore, Elma knows that the person who does all of this is his own, and other people can’t. Only by himself, this is something that only oneself can do.

“…Ah, I’m sorry, Kreler, I lied.”

After a long silence, suddenly, the flesh and blood in the scarlet solution began to twist, boiling heat came from it, and the strange runes spread again. This time, Elma’s voice was not so relaxed, she suppressed it. With pain, he smiled and said: “I underestimated the limit virus… I originally thought that my strength could still suppress it for a while, but it turned out to be far stronger than I thought…”

Under Kreller’s shocked gaze, strange flesh and blood began to proliferate in the cultivation chamber, and countless deformed faces began to appear on the golden flesh and blood—they were faces in the style of Elma Amos. , Elma’s human-style face, and various other creatures’ faces.

These faces are not terrible, they can even be called beautiful. After they appeared, they began to howl and merge with each other. Soon, they were about to merge into a flawless piece of flesh and blood. Although they are not human, they are human. The same will feel beautiful, a sublimated face, and with the appearance of this face, a cocoon thread begins to appear, and it begins to wrap in the deformed flesh and blood that has begun to gradually shape, and a perfect curve can be seen.

“I’m going to die.”

Until the end, a very calm and indifferent voice came, even with a hint of relief and relief: “This stage seems to be called the death of a new life? The current me will die, and then from the’I’, I will be born. An absolutely selfish ultimate creature…Ah, it really doesn’t work. I can’t accept the fact that it’s alone. Why can’t its core idea be to become stronger, for the sake of love, for the sake of beauty and harmony?”

“No, hold on for a while!”

Up to now, Creel didn’t even have extra heart to be shocked or sad. He just gritted his teeth and hurried to the control console of the training room, inputting the control code for the concentration of the extraordinary blocking potion: “There is absolutely hope. ——Wait a little longer, wait a little longer!”

“Kill me, the password is ‘-0302?0101?1001?0304?0502?0105?0501?0902?0501?0301?0102-’.”

Elma’s tone was very calm. She seemed to have anticipated what she would do when she died: “This is what I prepared by myself. I will destroy all the passwords immediately when an abnormal situation occurs. Even if I become an extreme creature, I can still Kill it immediately, after all, this is the annihilation circle that I have hired a general to strengthen.”

“Kreller, even if you don’t press it, it will automatically start later, but I want to die in your hands. As I am still an Amos, please fulfill my wish.”

“Do not!”

With the angry hammer on the console, Kreler opened his eyes wide, his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes from the exhaustion of looking after the night, he turned his head and yelled at Elma: “Master to the marshal-Joshua. Van Radcliffe, pray to this name!”

“Just pray to the marshal, and a miracle will happen! I don’t understand, why are you unwilling?!”

“No.” Only in this refusal, Elma’s voice became cold, but she could hear the shame behind that tone: “Never.”

“The Amos are the enemy of Mrs. Mike Roo-in that war, you died many people, and we also died many people. It can even be said that your body was killed in that battle. Ruined.”

“The death of the Amos is a good thing for Mrs. Mike Luo. As you said before, you only care about me, not the Amos… and I, but saved There are so many enemies of Mrs. Mike Luo, your marshal, that lord, he may be broad-minded. He has agreed to your request, but I am the first to betray the contract and use Mrs. Mike Luo’s technology to save Amos. The despicable man…

I was blessed by that lord to survive the battle of extreme creatures, and gained victory and glory, and then had the opportunity to save many Amos, but I couldn’t reciprocate it. I even made a grievance to Mrs. Mike Rowe. What’s bad, I can’t stand being so selfish, so I’d rather die than live with shame. ”

Faced with Kreler who didn’t know what to say and could only beat the Cangjing Crystal, Elma’s tone became gentle again: “Moreover, don’t make my death a tragedy without authorization.”

“I am already very happy to be able to realize the meaning of my life. This is my true desire and my true desire. The meaning of the birth of the’El Machiman’ has been found, and has even been realized. I created the future for my race and allowed them to go further, so even if I die now, I have no regrets.”

“Compared to these,’self’ and’life’ are trivial things. I am willing to abandon my life for the sake of my own meaning to prove my love for the Amos. I am ashamed of Mrs. Mike Luo. This sacrifice will make you sad, and I will never agree.”

“After all, I am a selfish guy, a selfish Amos. My sacrifice is just to comfort my own life.”

“Damn it, Elma! Do you think you alone are selfish?!”

Really unbearable, Kreler roared and stretched out his hand, pressing it on the golden belt around his waist, he said loudly: “You want to sacrifice? I don’t want to! Selfish lives are competing with each other-this time, I have to take your life back from your hands!”

“Loading Extraordinary Plug-ins-Shadows of Gold!”

【Loading is finished——are·you·ready? 】

“Wait, Kreller, what are you doing?!” At this time, Elma’s voice looked a little flustered. She didn’t expect the other party to make such a move: “You…”

But at this time, Kreler didn’t have time to listen to the other party’s words. He responded loudly: “Put the armour!”

The shadowy shadow was confused by lightning, and then shrank again, turning into a set of dark gold-scarred armor, covering Kreller’s body.

[The special installation version of Joe’s system is launched…link to the crisis management system and start modular processing…the extraordinary armor and the flames of the golden flames are all open]

[Hidden, raid, cut the weeds and roots, we are all the inflammation in the shadows! 】

“Start,’Shadow Desolation’! Use the black body space to swallow the entire training chamber!” Waiting for the power to penetrate through his body, I don’t know why, Kreler feels that the power of this armor is inexplicably higher than before, but This is a good thing, so he didn’t think too much: “Turn off the damage method, I want to completely suspend all energy activities in it, and ensure that the life state in the black body space is stable!”

——A long time ago, I was a guy whose life was unhappy and meaningless, and it was better to die than to live.

——But, ever since I met Master Marshal, ever since I became a captain, and ever since I saw Elma you, I have understood that my life is for all of this.

——For my own happiness and my own meaning, I can give anything. As you said, compared to all this, life is just a trivial matter.

[Reminder: The energy level of the devouring target is too high. This operation will cause a great load to the loader of the crisis management system, and may lead to death. Should it be carried out? 】


Creel didn’t hesitate.

As a result, the flickering shadow space swallowed the shocked Elma and the entire training warehouse.

And outside the settlement.

Two huge wills are facing each other in the void.

“Do you want to prevent me from retrieving our Mrs. Mike Luo’s people and his spoils?”

The silver-white world’s will is like the deepest cold steel, hard, stubborn, indestructible, and unshakable. His sight swept across the void, calming the storm of time and space: “Amos, the previous me, you may I can stop it, but you can’t do me now.”

“Don’t magnify your words, Joshua, I can see that you have a lot of injuries.”

Like a galaxy, the spiraling will sneered and said, “You still have a little bit of persuasiveness when you say this ten years later. You are really not good now.”

“Your body is in the abyss is eroding towards the creation vortex? It is indeed a good way. If you succeed, you can grasp the lifeline of the whole world galaxy. The Thakur people are in the individual In terms of strength, you really can’t beat you.”

The silver-white world will regard the opponent’s retort as nothingness: “But I can. You are far from successful now, and you are far from reaching the border of the near saint, but I have already touched it, so Amos, step aside. ”

“She is from Amos and belongs to me.”

The spiral galaxy did not give in at all. He shook the void and scattered the light of the magic wave: Moreover, among the Amos, it is really interesting to have such an individual appearing-is it self-sacrifice? Is there such a possibility? It’s really hard to imagine, I can’t give her to you. ”

“It may be hard to imagine just life and beasts, but we are different, we are civilized individuals, so there is always something more important and noble than life, and it is precisely because life is so precious that sacrifice has its meaning. .”

The silver-white world will gradually revealed a hint of eagerness to try, but he still warned: “Do you want to fight, Amos? I really don’t want to kill someone like you before the tide of evil gods arrives.”

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