Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 14: The forthcoming time, No. 4, No. 3

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In this multiverse, the fertility of many species is far superior to that of human beings. The fastest update┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Even though humans have a hormone system for all-weather estrus, but when it takes nine to ten months to give birth to each child, most of them are one child, the fertility of human beings is actually very weak in nature, especially human beings are flesh and blood creatures. , It is not possible to reproduce without interruption in a lifetime. Generally speaking, it is a lot of two or three times, and there are even some individuals who do not have the ability to reproduce each other.

Of course, this is only relative to some particularly high-yielding species…Each species has its own advantages and disadvantages in reproduction. Generally speaking, the longer the natural life span, the fewer births and the shorter the natural life span. The more they are born-so for some intelligent species with a natural life span of more than three thousand years, humans may be more difficult to produce than Zergs.

In any case, as the most basic part of a smart life society, reproduction forms the foundation of a race, which determines the form of a civilization and social tendency, and even the direction of its collective will. Changing the reproduction process or nature of a race can undoubtedly change the form of the entire race from the most basic point, regardless of whether the change is accelerated or slowed down.

Few races have such courage to make any major changes to the reproduction process of their race-not because of fear of the unknown, but they sincerely believe that the reproduction process of their race has naturally evolved thousands of times. Wannian finally arrived in the perfect form, without the slightest change.

But humans are different.

Mrs. Mike Luo, made a change.

Star pendant 858, January 1, at 7:34 AM UTC, Mycroft World, Far South Lake of Eternity, Lan Ge City Central Hospital.

A young man waited anxiously outside the operating room. He walked back and forth in the corridor, like a tireless walking machine. You can see that there are boxes full of ice cream in the trash can beside you. , In the process of waiting, how much ice cream this nervous gentleman ate.

It can be seen that he likes to eat vanilla.

This man looks only in his early twenties. He looks handsome. He is very young. He has black hair and rare fuchsia eyes. He raised his head from time to time, glanced at the closed operating room door, and glanced at the wall by the way. In the upper sign, that line of elegant wizard handwriting.

No smoking in the hospital

“Who can smoke!”

He anxiously muttered to himself angrily, “Go to the first side of the child with the smell of smoke-I am not mentally retarded.”

Obviously, this gentleman-no, it is now possible to say ‘this father’, and the reason for waiting in the hospital is now obvious. He is waiting for his wife to give birth to the love of the two of them. However, this process can only rely on the efforts of his mother alone, and as a father, he can only look like a chocobo suffering from anxiety, no different from waste.

I don’t know how long it has passed before the red light in the operating room finally turned green, and an elf doctor who looked relaxed and not very tired walked out of it.

“Mr. Fafnell Chris, the operation was a success, and his wife and children are very healthy.”

Stopping the movement of Fafnir who wanted to enter the operating room, the Elf Doctor sighed and calmed the other person, “Oh, you can’t go in yet, after all, your wife is a…well, a fairy. I mean Said, that scene might be a bit unpleasant, but…you know, it’s a bit weird.”

“What’s the matter!” Mr. Fafnell glared angrily. “Are you questioning my love for Vera?!”

“…No.” The Elf Doctor was stubborn and couldn’t tell the follow-up warning, so he could only shake his head and said, “Okay, but really, I will never understand the weird orientation of you humans…”

This time, he did not stop.

Although he was very powerful, when Fafnell entered the operating room, he was still cautious and light-handed, afraid of disturbing anyone, but soon, a slightly weak, cheerful lady’s voice came from inside.

“My dear, is that you?”

“It’s me! It’s me!”

Hearing this sound, Fafnir immediately lifted his spirits, and then the small ward ran hurriedly. In the next instant, he saw a group of radiant, very petite human figures lying on a special white crystal operating table ( Two slapped hands), while the elven doctors and nurses on the side are taking down the micro-surgical tools of related characteristics.

“The difficulty of the psychiatric separation operation is not as high as expected. It feels quite simple.”

“Compared to being born, it was really hard to get them pregnant…I really don’t understand. It’s all about cross-species. How can they (humans) still have cross-body estrus?”

“Hey, don’t tell me, the patriarch of the Lange tribe, didn’t he just marry a lady of the sea dragon with the blood of the Thunder Ancient Dragon? That is also a cross-species, cross-body shape.

“But the dragon has human transfiguration, and the patriarch is also a druid, who can transform beastly-it’s easy to say.”

Fafnier can naturally hear these undisguised conversations, but he has no time to argue with these people about what Plato’s spiritual love is, and he is too lazy to explain to these people what is called “combination by dependence”-it is more than pure blood blending. More thorough, directly from the soul, bred the next generation of the two soul thinking.

It’s just that the process is a bit troublesome. If it’s not because the Mycroft civilization has been exposed to a lot of pure energy and spiritual life in the past decade or so, for example, the champion of the gold single group of the first Multi-Galactic Civilization Invitational,’Amond Civilization’ , And got their assistance in research, otherwise, it is really a big problem to let humans and goblins that do not have this function to breed offspring.

“How is it, dear?”

Since the psychic separation operation was successful, and there was no saying that the goblin was infected, the doctor did not stop Fafnir from approaching. He came to the white crystal operating table and stared nervously at it, because the spirit The wind fairy who has separated a part of the essence and appears a little weak.

“I’m okay. I just want to act normally. I guess I have to wait a few days.”

It can be seen that this wind fairy has long cyan hair and pale golden eyes that make her delicate and lovely, and a pair of lattice wings a bit like the energy shield of the void battleship proves that she is a fairy close to the new era. , She was holding a small spot of light in her arms at this time, her face was full of maternal brilliance-but the whole goblin was only as big as a slap.

The doctors who were about to leave looked at Fafnir with false eyes. They always thought it was a crime, but they couldn’t find evidence.

For the fairy, separating a part of the spiritual substance is just like separating a part of the flesh and blood. In fact, Fafnir also separated a part of his own spiritual substance a long time ago, but that was all a few months ago. It’s almost recovered.

“In short, our children are very healthy!”

With that said, the wind fairy named Vera happily lifted the light spot in his hand, and Fafnir cautiously used his magic power to turn into an invisible gentle position instead of his too large hand. , Holding up the light spot as big as his pinky fingernail.

“Yes… I feel… a very stable energy frequency, very good, great!”

“Cough, cough.”

And just when the husband and wife were talking sweet words, confiding each other’s feelings, and even starting to look forward to the future of the child, accompanied by a light cough, at first the elf doctor came slowly, squinting his eyes and looking at the A document, and then glanced at it, as if it were a routine thing, “Congratulations, the operation was successful, mother…”

Having said that, he got stuck. I don’t know if it was a “child” or a “female”, but the doctor is an elf after all. He used a tune that seemed to sing to lead this passage. “…According to this new Mike Luo I have to ask your opinions about the law of fertility, and you must all know the content.”

“All in all, do you agree with us to perform the ritual of ‘Divine and Machine Companion’ for newborns?”

Does this still need to be asked?

Favnir and Vera first glanced at each other, and then said in unison, “We agree!”

But with that said, Mr. Fafnell Chris was still a little nervous. He swallowed, looked at the light spot in his hand, and said suspiciously, “However, my child can really move now. Accompanying ceremony? I mean, it should be okay to come back when you grow up, right?”

After all, according to the information he received before, the most primitive divine-machine companionship ceremony requires taking out a part of the newborn’s body to perform the ritual, and then putting it back into the newborn’s body to achieve companionship. And his child… after all, is quite special, maybe when he or she grows up, he or she will have a human semi-entity, but now, it is a pure demon spirit body.

Is this okay?

“no problem.”

The doctor had obviously thought about similar issues for a long time. He shrugged and said, “The old ceremony three years ago, in general, borrowed from the traditional rituals of the adult family. Although it can achieve a 100% stable resonance rate, Many children’s parents think it’s too bloody, and they may harm the children, so they always refuse. So soon, two years ago, there was a brand new method. Instead of taking out a part of the body, the method appeared directly. .”

“And now, our technology has improved again.”

With that said, the faint blue time and space brilliance appeared in the doctor’s hand. Soon, a silver brilliance like a nebula was contained inside, which appeared out of thin air like a test tube in a miniature galaxy, and was held by the doctor. In our hands, “by borrowing from the highest creation of the’Sanctuary Civilization’, the structure of the’black mist’, plus some unique techniques of Mykrov, we have developed the’spiritual reagent’, which is used to carry the artifacts associated with the divine machine The ritual does not only need to take out a part of the body, nor directly perform a ritual to the newborn. It only needs to transform the spiritualized divine machine core into a reagent to inject it, so that the newborn can be accompanied by the divine machine.”

“In the old days of the sanctuary civilization, it makes sense to call this kind of ritual an’artificial protoss’-but we have more weapons than them, haha.”

After so many years, many top-secret information has gradually become public, and now it has become a joke to reconcile the atmosphere between doctors and patients.

After listening to the doctor’s explanation, Fafnir and Vera both sighed in relief-it was not that they were stodgy, but that their child was indeed in a special shape, and could not take much damage at the time of birth, but soon , The doubts of the new students reappeared “But doctor, our child is so small…this spiritual reagent is too big, right?”

The doctor sighed. He handed the divine machine core test tube that had been turned into a spiritual reagent to Fafnir, and then made a ‘put in’ action.

For a while, Fafnell couldn’t react, but Vera who was on the side understood it. She was suddenly shocked, and then she was shocked “Pretend… Pretend to be in?”

She glanced at the test tube, and at this moment, the phantom of the baby stroller appeared “Bottle… the villain in the bottle?!”

“Otherwise, wouldn’t it be possible to inject it? It’s not a balloon.”

Regarding the shock of the two of them, the doctor didn’t care that “spiritual reagents are the best culture solution for spiritual life during growth, at least much better than when you keep them outdoors. Moreover, in the process of growing up, they gradually interact with the gods. The machine symbiosis, the resonance rate between him and Shenji will definitely reach a very high level in the future, and it will not be difficult even to break the’determination limit 100′. Believe me, we have done more tests in this area than you think.”

Not to mention the two people holding the test tube and the newborn light spot, their faces are tangled, and they don’t know how to ‘fit in’. The perspective stretched, leaving from the hospital located in the city center, to the entire Lan Ge City.

It can be seen that on the streets, people come and go, all races, all forms of life, there are humanoid life of flesh and blood, and there are mechanical entities with iron skin and steel bones. In mid-air, there are ghosts and winged wisdom. Life is flying, and these different forms, some even creatures from different worlds and civilizations, without exception, transform into human forms and walk in the human world.

It stands to reason that it should be more difficult to distinguish the purebred Mrs. Mike Roe among all the living beings, but it is not the case.

It can be seen that on the street, beside or behind almost every Mrs. Mike Luo, there is a semi-spirit of different shapes floating around. They are either in the form of humans or weapons, and even animals, monsters, and items. , Musical instruments, or other kinds of strange geometrical bodies. Any existence with this kind of semi-spirit companion is undoubtedly Mrs. Mike Luo.

Even the seven or eight-year-old children have corresponding spirit bodies floating in them, protecting and guiding the playful children to avoid danger. Human children may not know what is sinister, but they are their companions. , The best playmate, guide and weapon.

It doesn’t matter if they will not need this kind of guidance in the future, but at least for now, the “sacred machine” will open up a safe and smooth path for them before they grow up.

Of course, not all Mrs. Mike Luo chose to be accompanied by magic. At least, there are still some people who look at this sudden half-body spirit with suspicion.

“How can you ensure the safety of this companion?”

They always ask questions like this, their tone of voice is full of doubts, and even fierce attacks. “You can’t make sure, don’t you? If the divine machine will go back, wouldn’t ordinary people like us without extraordinary powers be sure to die?”

For various reasons, they always refuse to change, but their doubts can not be regarded as wrong. At least, in the process of developing the companionship of the magic machine, the developers have thought of this problem earlier than them.

The answer to this question is ‘it doesn’t matter’.

Not safe? It’s not safe. There is no 100% security in this world. If you want absolute safety and tranquility, then you can only recommend death… Ah, death is not peaceful, because the absolute strong, even if the dead are annihilated in the void, can be forcibly reversed. Entropy and time are forcibly dragging people back.

Even the original human body is not safe-all kinds of genetic diseases, all kinds of natural defects, and even the natural shortcomings conceived in the embryo, are they more dangerous than the artificially made, perfect divine machine? Let alone other things, toothaches, stomach problems, digestive problems, cancer… which of these things is not painful and which is not dangerous?

Moreover, compared to the divine machine that has not had any problems at all, humans should be most vigilant about other things-such as car accidents, exploring different worlds, accidentally hitting sharp objects and learning spells. It leads to backlash, excessive sharpening of vindictiveness, which leads to the decline of life…The whole world died of extraordinary power in cultivation, and the people who died of their own swords are unknown, and there is no one who does not learn magic vindictiveness and does not use weapons and tools.

You know, every day, God knows how many people were violently killed during cultivation.

But the magic machine can avoid most of the above dangers.

They are spirit bodies and weapons that are associated with humans. When they perform their companion rituals, they can transform the body of the companion and bring it to a natural state of perfection. He can avoid sudden attacks and prompt dangerous areas before the spell backlashes. Give a warning and bear it together when the spell backlashes. Practicing vindictiveness can also guide the companion. If the companion insists on going his own way, at least it can help the other party prepare a suicide note (some will choose to notify the city guard or the companion’s parents).

Perhaps in the future, when the divine machine is associated, something bad will happen, and what will be caused. For example, it will give birth to a group of people who depend on the divine machine for everything-but this kind of people will have no divine machine themselves. Relying on parents to nibble on the old, in the final analysis is waste, and the magic will at least prevent him from making mistakes because of waste.

As for the miracle of counterattack the companion… it is not impossible, for example, the companion is too wasteful, the miracle is really unbearable, anger and resistance, it is indeed very reasonable. But in the final analysis, the divine mechanism is the spiritual body bred in the soul and body of the companion. If you have to say it, it is really backlash. From a certain perspective, it is actually a schizophrenia with one’s left hand and right hand. This situation has not happened yet and cannot be used as a counterexample.

Of course, there are also some people who don’t try the divine machine companionship because of such shallow reasons.

Outside Lan Gecheng Central Hospital, a middle-aged man who seemed not too old was watching the hospital with complicated eyes. He could sense that his son and daughter-in-law were among them, for his… grandson or granddaughter? Forget it, take care of him.

All in all, they are happy and happy.

But as a’grandfather’, he has various emotions in his heart.


The former Chris Radcliffe, now the surnamed Philsteiner Chris exhaled, “Is this destiny?”

His father wanted. For rights, in order to bear responsibility.

He doesn’t want it. For freedom, to avoid responsibility.

His son didn’t know anything about it, and he grew up to this day.

But his grandson obtained it without knowing it.

Entangled with the thirst and desire of four generations, this has entangled the causality and circulation of four generations, once again linked to the person who holds the blood of the Radcliffe family, he can even hear it, that has not yet been born The divine machine of the self is cheering and humming, and the ceremony that was born out of the Radcliffe family contract is exhilarated by the blood of the original owner.

“Lucky little guy, my grandchildren… is different from me who has evaded responsibility and is not qualified to own it. You don’t know anything about it, and you don’t need to bear any responsibility…because someone has already cut off your blood. Destiny allows you to grow freely.”

And the chain of cause and effect belonging to the Radcliffe family is also linked to all human beings and even all the intelligent lives in the future.

The middle-aged man sighed with relief and sighed silently. The blond lady placed her hand on the back of her husband’s hand gently. She thought it was because the other party felt emotional because she was going to be a grandfather. So this A lady named Sophie whispered, “Don’t sigh, old man, this is all a good thing.”

“Yes. It’s all good. Wait, you guy, I’m not old!” subconsciously echoed, Chris reacted and pretended to be angry at his wife who was covering his mouth and chuckling. “Let you know about me tonight. It’s amazing—add another younger brother and sister to Fafnell!”

“…Yes. It’s all good.”

Above Lange City, a blue-haired and black-winged winged girl looked down at the entire city, and No. 3 looked at the city’s central hospital with complicated eyes, watching’humans’ and’fairies’,’physical life’ and’spiritual states’. The scene of life’s birth of offspring, I don’t know if it is helpless or gratified and shook his head. “The blood of the Radcliffe family, is it possible that the blood of the Radcliffe family is born to like inhumans? Actually even the fairies can play… But all are good things.”

“If it weren’t for me to deploy resources for related research…huh, do these two little guys really think they can find out the method of gestating offspring like’by acquaintance blending’ so quickly? This incubation looks perfect, my thoughts Sure enough, there is no problem.”

With the efforts of her and countless others, the mode of human reproduction has changed.

——All good things.

The artificial intelligence that was behind the development of all this nodded slightly, and then she turned her head and looked at the entire Lange City.

Naturally, a large number of companions came into her eyes like this.

“…It’s really unexpected, there is still this day.”

No. 3 watched the creation of her mother’s world gradually develop into what it is now. She watched the divine machine, with the efforts of her and the people in the Moldavian Lord’s Mansion, gradually becoming the Mycrof civilization and today’s The things that are indispensable for the future, the feelings in the heart, are a little bit complicated in addition to comfort.

All hard work and struggle have paid off… But can you see that person now?

He definitely can. It definitely can.

“Joshua, the current Multi-Factor Galaxy is not peaceful…not only that, but people’s hearts are starting to falter.”

Thinking about it this way, No. 3 naturally opened the magic net. As a human-shaped spiritual terminal, one of the central administrators of the magic net, the senior manager of the Mycroft civilization, she can naturally connect the entire multi-galaxy, knowing the misin that many ordinary people cannot know.

It can be seen that in major forums, there are many slightly anxious posts and anonymous communication strings appearing.

Recently, the Multi-Galactic Union Conference was held again, and even the third Multi-Civilization Invitational was suspended. Isn’t there something big going on?

During the conference, Mowang cracked down hard, and the following words are strictly prohibited in the discussion (links attached)

I heard that there is a natural disaster on the other side of Multi-Star Galaxy. Netizens around Belarus Galaxy have no news. Some time ago, they played online in the big arena, and suddenly disconnected in the middle of the fight. I have been used to it for the past few years.

Blessings, donations, the world of netizens is one family, we are all members of the big league

What’s the use of praying for donations? Official aid has been sent out a long time ago. I heard that the legendary swordsman and the new pope led the team. Now ordinary people like us can wait for news.

Alas, although I know that it is far away from us, but I don’t know why, I always feel very panicked…

No. 3 is browsing anonymous discussion threads. Compared with the serious forums that will guide public opinion, this kind of place is only applying for a series of intervals and conducting secret discussions, which can truly show everyone’s thoughts-although the dark chaos is about to invade this matter. It has not been fully informed to the public, but the increasingly tense social situation and many trends will always make some keen people nervous and guess what.

“Brandon, Loranda has been the vanguard and has been to the Belarus Galaxy for almost three years. The shadow space between the sacrificial field of the Ten Thousand Worlds and the Shadow Sages connects the worlds really makes communication a lot easier… But if they Without blocking, the evil gods can invade all realms equally easily.”

Thinking of this, No. 3’s face paled slightly. “As I read as a big information library, the bearer and manager of the magic net can only stay behind… I always feel that I can’t help everyone, but I can only save a little bit of God. Machine matters.”

But there is no way to be unwilling. Even if he has obtained the inheritance of the **** of the sky and reached the legendary realm in the general sense, he has become the second legendary powerhouse in the Lord’s Mansion except for Qiao Xiu, but No. 3 is still very clear. He is not good at fighting at all, and he can’t help others in this regard.

With this in mind, she subconsciously opened a private high-density forum, and she could see that there were few people in this simple forum, and the latest two posts were only a few days ago.

But the content of the post is particularly shocking.

The first post was posted by a user whose id was ‘Love·Physics Mission·Friendliness’, and the content of the post is exactly the scene of the ‘Beros Galaxy’ mentioned in the previous anonymous discussion thread.

That is a star field on the edge of the Belarus Galaxy. It was originally desolate and uninhabited. However, after repeated confirmation by the knowledge taker, the explorers of Mykrov discovered here a large pioneer of the era of the magic sage. Relics.

But now, the original ruin world has become the current fortress star field-with the entire pioneer ruins as the center, a large swath of void fortresses and world fortresses, like a city wall made of steel, will The entire star field was tightly blocked, and it became an extremely strong fortress group.

At least hundreds of civilizations are transfusing blood here and continuously fortresses. It can be seen that in this large fortress community, there are dozens of different styles, mixed with almost all extraordinary powers and their corresponding counterparts. The derived power, the incomparably powerful and extraordinary fluctuations, even distorted the light of this star field, making the entire side of the Belarus Galaxy shine with a twisted rainbow light.

The second post was posted by a user whose id was “Shortguard Sword”. The content of the post was an interpretation of the internal documents of the Pioneer-class ruins in the Belarus Galaxy.

This is a civilization named’Balod’. The suicide note of the civilization left before it is on the verge of destruction is very long and complex. It explains the history and development process of their entire civilization, as well as their key technologies. It is more important I have uploaded the data to the Omega area of ​​the unified information database, enter the corresponding key to browse

However, for us, the most important information is not those information, but their regret and emotion before their demise

‘We made the wrong decision to lower our civilization level to avoid the destruction of Cthulhu… It is really a big mistake. After self-castration to a second-level civilization, the Cthulhu will not take the initiative to take the initiative, but this is not the case. It doesn’t mean that the dependents will ignore us, and the more the dependents, the Cthulhu will also pay attention…Sure enough, just as the’sage’ said, evasion does not solve the problem, it will only be solved by the problem. ’

Recently, there have been a lot of negative comments in Monet, as well as related speeches from evasionists who are fighting against self-confidence. Among them, there are even many acquaintances, hoping to settle in the shelter world, when the ostrich escaped in the invasion of Cthulhu… …Seriously, that was the last moment. We left a refuge for survivors after our defeat, not something to escape. No one can stay in it for nothing without bleeding. I hope you can arrange it and guide relevant public opinion. , Yan Cha pessimistic speech

The user’s speech was very intense and seemed to be really angry. Although he did not say heavy words, his language was very harsh.

It is useless to escape As the same man has always said, only by facing the suffering can we get a chance. No victory will come for no reason. We must fight to get a chance for the safe activation of the shelter world in the future.

“Yes, just as the man said…”

Suspended in the sky, No. 3 raised her head, she looked at Gao Tian, ​​her eyes pierced through the sky, straight into the void “Just as you always said.”

“Just, when can you appear in front of us, really, say this by yourself?”

The artificial intelligence knows very clearly that this will not be long… Deep in the magic net, at the core of the Maelstrom of Creation, the huge pulse is becoming more and more rapid and larger.

“This year is the eighth year you left the normal Multi-Star River and headed to the Maelstrom of Creation.”

This year is the eighth year that Joshua Van Radcliffe has entered the Maelstrom of Creation.

The time is coming, is about to come.

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