Soul of Burning Steel

Vol 7.10 Chapter 1: Self happiness

[Does life exist for ‘happiness’ or for ‘meaning’? 】

Mycroft World, Helgamos Empire, Empire Foreign Exploration Department, numbered’Elite Squad 0003′, High Alchemist Constantine, is thinking about this past and present, even all the smart people who have eaten and have nothing to do, Only in the state of a sage can I use my head to think about problems.

Now, he is traveling with his teammates in an endless void, carrying a dedicated special armed battleship.

And their destination is the sealed world that is gradually known to the public after the extreme crisis, the “garden of death”.

[‘Happiness’ is just a pure desire. Life lives for this. It’s a little superficial to think, but isn’t’meaning’ also a manifestation of a certain desire? ‘Ambition’, ‘Proof of Ability’, ‘Self Realization’… Is there any difference between these desires and ‘satisfaction’, ‘clothing’ and ‘being with the beloved’? 】

The Chamber of Annihilation, a very loud name, but in fact, the background of this “prison” is much louder than its name-here it is jointly created by the gods and almost all legends of Mycroft, and has been reinforced and upgraded countless times. In this world-class prison, there are many horrible existences that, if released, would definitely upset the multi-galaxy.

‘Black Mist’,’Undead Void Giant Beast’,’Super-Order Chaos Family’,’Cthulhu Split’,’Extreme Virus Experimental Field’…the existences imprisoned in it, pick one of them, are all legendary. Even if it is not a transcendent creature, it is an extremely terrifying and weird plague similar to Extreme Virus, or other pre-civilization creations.

Most of these things have extremely high research value, and it would be a pity to eliminate them directly, so they simply sealed them up with the most rigorous methods and slowly studied them with the most cautious methods.

The elite team went to the Chamber of Destruction this time, not because of their captain Priest as a disciple of Radcliffe Grand Marshal, but because of the alchemist Constantine.

He is here to visit the prison.

[But anyway-whether it’s ‘happiness’ or ‘meaning’, both need ‘self’ and ‘live’, right? Abandoning self for happiness, abandoning life for meaning… Isn’t this stupid? ! 】

With such doubts in mind, the elite team went through the nineteenth rigorous monitoring and entered the world of the ‘Pavilion of Annihilation’. This world is said to be created jointly by the Seven Gods and the Fairy Queens of Fairy Village, and has been engraved with more than 1,700 legendary mysteries and time barriers by legendary mages, and Marshal Radcliffe is in the whole world. The periphery is covered with a part of his body. If something cannot be done, and there is a real existence that is about to escape from prison, he will directly blast the entire world in the air, and then shove it into the black hole engine.

“So, we are actually in Lord Lord’s body now?”

When Priest and Constantine submitted their application for visits at the silver goblin at the front desk of the prison, the knight Clark on the side was digging his ears rather indecently. He watched the elements flying back and forth in the corridor with various colors and brilliance. Fairy, I feel my eyes are a little bit flowery: “Also, why are the staff in the prison all fairies?”

“To be precise, it is in the palm of Lord Lord.” Mage Wayne replied faintly, his posture was extremely correct at this time: “I suggest you not to be so casual. This is where the gods and all the strong are paying attention.”

“As for why the staff are all fairies, the answer is simple.” On the other side, the priest Said, who was meditating with his eyes open, closed his eyes and said softly: “Because of various tests, the gods believe that no existence is absolutely impossible. It may be unknowingly bewitching and eroding the goblin. Just like the one who volunteered to participate in the experiment last time, the goblin eroded by the exotic legend, the other side told him not to disclose it, but she forgot in two seconds and ran to show off with her companions. I made a big friend by myself.”

“…It’s quite reasonable.”

The elemental creatures do not have a lot of flowers, but they have amazing patience. The knight thought about it carefully. If there is a powerful existence ready to confuse a fairy to open the blockade for him, then he might endure a fairy for hundreds of years. The chattering——Seven gods are on the top, he still remembers that there was a fairy talking to a tree, and he said abruptly that the tree became a tree person.

Perhaps, the silver goblin is better.

“All right.”

Suddenly, there was a slightly tired voice from the alchemist at the front desk, as well as the buzzing of the silver fairy at the front desk starting the teleportation circle. This originally cheerful and optimistic elf is now obviously a bit decadent, his pointed ears are drooping, and the whole person All were weak: “Just wait for the transmission…Thank you for coming and staying with me.”

“Don’t think too much, we are teammates.” On the side, Priest patted the opponent’s shoulder-he felt some hard bump there, which seemed to be a folded biochemical wings-but the captain who was accustomed to it was right. I didn’t care about it: “After all, there is such a big thing at home, everyone is a good brother, so naturally I want to accompany you.

Constantine didn’t speak, he just glanced gratefully and silently encouraged his teammates.

Then, the teleportation circle lit up, and they disappeared into the blue light.

[But in fact, there will always be people who abandon themselves for happiness and life for meaning…Why would anyone do this? No matter what, I can’t figure it out, no matter what. 】

The elite team was transported to a dark and empty hall and saw that in the center of the hall, a space was gradually becoming transparent. The endless energy brilliance spilled from the edge of the transparent area, illuminating the entire hall, and Let everyone be able to clearly see the existence behind that transparent space.

It is a spirit that can be called ‘handsome’ and ‘beautiful’, and possesses both the heroic spirit of men and the feminine femininity.

His body can simply be called “perfect”. Even if the body is broken in half, the broken flesh and organs show a kind of vitality. Not only does it not look ugly and bloody, but there is something for life. The tenacious and admirable beauty.

“Extreme Elf Neuppel”. In the Mykrov civilization, the first extreme life case resulted in the death of hundreds of thousands of Jetrum Void Base, the Void Base was half destroyed, a fleet was mostly sunk, and dozens of foreign civilization ambassadors died.

When invading Mycroft’s homeland in the world, he was defeated by the Paladin Lolanda in Moldavia in the north. However, it is strange that it did not destroy or flee at that time, but after being defeated. He was captured by Nostradamus and Brandon, who came immediately after him, and was sent to the Chamber of Annihilation to be sealed.

Perceiving that the seal seemed to be untied for a while, the Xtreme Elf’s eyes opened slightly, revealing a clear blue gemstone, echoing like water waves. It looked at the elite team in front of it with a strange look.

“Constantine?” It said puzzledly: “Why are you here?”


Taking a step forward, the sad alchemist sighed. He shook his head in annoyance: “Seriously, I don’t know whether you are my cousin or not, but it depends on the aunt and the uncle. For the sake of pleading, I’ll call it that first.”

“They just want to know how my poor cousin turned into a monster. The son he has raised for many years is not painful when he is eroded, and what he thinks when he died.”

The extreme crisis has caused everyone in the Mycroft world to migrate to the world of refuge. Such a big move will naturally cause the people to doubt. The new generation of coalition government is not worried about the people’s panic, so it announced a part of the extreme virus. Relevant information-including virus erosion, leading to extreme biologicalization.

When Constantine knew that his familiar cousin had suddenly become a vicious monster that killed hundreds of thousands of people, the shock in his heart was no less than that of the other’s poor parents. He understood very well that his cousin Smart, cautious, self-aware, and always refuse to face temptation…Even if it is eroded by the limit virus, it will never be so silent, he should be able to resist.

why? Why can he hide for so long after becoming an extreme creature? Why, why not run away after losing the battle, but just get caught, so simply be sealed?

Obviously has the power to escape, right? Even if you become a monster, you should choose the future that is most likely to survive, instead of being sealed and chronically dying like this.

Constantine had doubts in his heart, and he wanted to know the answer, so he took the initiative to accept the entrustment of Neuper’s parents, took the initiative to seek Marshal Radcliffe’s request, and took the initiative to go to the Chamber of Annihilation to see his own. On the’cousin’ side.

Then, wait for its answer.

“…Of course I am Neuper. You always like to say that extreme creatures are monsters that replace the original humans, but in fact, there is no distinction between’extreme life’ and’corroded’, extreme viruses. It’s just a set of procedures, a set of information and information.”

Facing Constantine’s answer, the Xtreme Elf smiled, and its voice came through the transparent seal: “How can I say, it’s like learning new knowledge, a young man who didn’t know anything about society, After learning relevant sociological knowledge, he has a brand new view of the whole world. Facing things he originally thought of “like” or “disgusted”, he has a brand new perspective and attitude. This kind of change is almost possible. Said it was a different person.”

“For another example, there are always many differences between when a person was a child and when he was a big one… Could it be said that after learning new knowledge, you who changed your mind are not the original you? When you were a child, and when you grew up Are you not the same you? Ah, maybe it is true for some people, they always like to say, “The original me is dead, and now you see the brand new me!” Yes, but no one thinks they are monsters.”

——People are always changing, so why is extremeization regarded as alienation?

He did not intend to persuade the other party that’Neuper’ was almost immobile in the seal. Although his life was maintained, his bodily functions were completely blocked. Now that he can make a sound, he has obtained the upper-level permission to obtain relevant information. The elf smiled cheerfully, just as before: “Although I did not know anything about my infection at the beginning, there is no doubt that the choice of’limitation’ is my own choice. In the cocoon, when I Knowing what extremeization can bring to me, I chose this path without hesitation.”

It didn’t lie, and it couldn’t lie. This is indeed the truth, and the flashing power word magical array proves this.

“Actually, because I have a deep knowledge of the power of our civilization, I know that I am at best for a while, not for a long time, so after being defeated, I can simply surrender, and there is no point in resisting.”

“——It actually said we are civilized?” The knight whispered behind him, but was asked to be quiet by the wizard and priest. After all, they are just spectators with friends, which is essentially a private matter in Constantine’s house.

At this time, Constantine seemed to be more confused. He couldn’t help but ask: “No, it doesn’t make sense at all? You know that the human ego is very fragile and is instilled by a lot of information. That is called Brainwashing, not learning! You know this, why would you choose to limit yourself?!”

“Because I know that this is the only possibility for me to be happy.”

‘Neuper’ said bluntly, without any concealment. It has an almost monster face, but its expression is indifferent. The limit elf calmly said: “Cousin, you have not been infected by the limit virus. Don’t take it for granted. Faced with such temptation, the whole Mike Luo Few people in the husband’s civilization can resist it. After all, those who can hold on to themselves under the extreme virus infection are already strong enough to not be corroded by the extreme virus—at least it is also extremely intended, and the legend is not surprising. ”

“Wait, weren’t you happy before?” Constantine was astonished again: “Family, friends, people who love you and people you love-there is also a good leisure job and a boss who treats you well, Neupe Er, are you crazy to feel unhappy like this?!”

“Isn’t the bloodline of the elves bad? The potential to advance the legend, the excellent adaptability, the long lifespan and the beautiful appearance-you are even the most talented existence in our family. If you become a druid, I’m afraid You’ve long been very satisfied, right? So, why do you keep changing your own organs gifted by your parents, replacing your god-given body, and wasting your perfect talent?”

This time, it was’Neuper’s turn to ask, and it shook its head slightly: “Your parents complained more than once, saying that you don’t love them, the act of replacing the flesh and blood indiscriminately, even the performance of not loving the elves. They feel that You are ruthless and cold in nature, a crazy rebel. But I know that you are not that kind of person, just because the happiness you want is different from what most people want.”

When the alchemist heard the first words of the other party, he couldn’t help but squeeze his hands. Behind Constantine, Priest and others could hear the other party’s heartbeat increasing rapidly. Like a roar, the heart is shaking rapidly, representing the excitement of his master.

“My happiness is actually very simple-I want to be strong.”

And’Neuper’ turned a blind eye to this, and calmly said: “I want to be a strong man who can fly into the sky and escape the ground, can go into and out of the void at will, go to other worlds, and be free. This is not the ultimate virus infection. Distorted my thoughts, but my deepest desire-but I am very smart, I have self-knowledge, my talent is not enough, I can’t be like your cousin, abandoning my excellent talents, I can still use it in other fields. Brilliant, and even become a member of the well-known exploration team. You never know how much I envy you, just as you think I am incomparably happy.”

——Happiness is the dual satisfaction of ‘mentally’ and ‘material’.

——Meaning is the process of ‘realizing’ and ‘following’ one’s will.

“Distorted myself and infected by extreme viruses? Compared to happiness, this business is too cost-effective. I have experienced that kind of powerful feeling. I can move freely in the void, following my own mind in the vast and boundless multiverse. …God, when I saw the light of the magic wave lingering around me, when I saw the stars twinkling, as if all the stars were watching me at the moment, I felt that I was really alive, that kind of wanting The feeling of crying, wanting to shout, you will never understand.”

In the seal, the Xtreme Elf showed a satisfied expression. It seemed that at that time it was really happy. Even if it was recalled in the Garden of Annihilation, it could be so happy: “For others, I am dead? It doesn’t matter. .

For others, I am no longer me? It doesn’t matter.

This world is full of guys whose lives are unhappy, meaningless, and dead. I’m not that kind of person. ”

“This is so happy, so I really want to share this happiness with mom and dad. I know that dad likes to explore the deep sea, and I know that mom likes to climb mountains and look far away, but they are trapped in the forest for the rest of their lives. In the world of Mycroft, facing the endless and vast multiverse, one can only look enviously and cannot go in person… Konstantin, what you are talking about is false happiness, and what I pursue is my true desire.”

The shocked Constantine looked at his hand subconsciously-it was a siphonic mimicry arm that had been transformed into a psionic link… If alienation, who could be more serious than his physical alienation? Even the tree of life doesn’t think he is an elf, even his parents think he has abandoned his race… Compared with Neuper, who has abandoned himself? Are both of them willing to abandon the monster of “self” for their own happiness?

“But… why didn’t you run away?” This is a doubt that the alchemist still can’t understand: “You can run, but why don’t you try?”

“Because I know that I made a mistake, so I have to be punished. Since the resistance cannot be achieved, then I shall wait for death. Anyway, I have realized my wish, and my life will have no regrets. If I can contribute to the civilization of Mycroft A little value to make up for a little mistake, then use it. This is also the self-choice of the “Neuperchit”.”

Until the end, the beast was very firm. It paused and said: “Finally, cousin Constantine, if Mom and Dad let you take your question, ask the’Neuperkiren’ whether they are suffering in the end— Then tell them that the’Neuperchiren’ finally obtained the happiness he pursued. When the vast majority of people didn’t know what he was looking for and the meaning of his life, he turned into a beast and found To my original wish.”

“Even in just a few days, he finally reached the future that he could not achieve in his entire life, and realized the wish that he could not achieve in his entire life. He witnessed the vastness of the void and the vastness of the stars. He was moved by this. , Even laughing and crying.”

“Compared to these, both’self’ and’life’ are trivial things.”

As for the hundreds of thousands of unrelated people who died in the process of its sublimation, it is even more trivial. Even if it knows that this is wrong, or even feels guilty about it, it will do it without hesitation.

“Because I am just a selfish life, a selfish beast, I am willing to abandon myself and life for happiness.”

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