Sign In From Famous Scene At Marvel!

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

20. Unexpected famous scene, the question mark of the crouching dragon and phoenix! (2 more)

Fei Lan didn’t pay attention to Barton’s reaction.

He has been sensing the number of ghost ninjas, and found that since they entered the financial building, the number began to decrease sharply.

But there were no gunshots in the building.

Combined with the combat style of the Hand Society in the TV series, it can be basically determined that this financial building is full of elite killers of the Hand Society, and they are mainly cold weapons.

He passed this information to Phil Coulson.

Phil Coulson nodded knowingly and said hurriedly, “The casualties of your subordinates…”

“Oh, whatever, they can be summoned again when they die.” Fei Lan said casually.

Phil Coulson’s eyes flashed when he heard the words, he picked up the walkie-talkie and started to order.

“Team 5, throwing tear gas to suppress the fighting power in the building.”

“The air force can be activated, wearing a gas mask, and attacking from the top down. Once all targets have the possibility of resistance, shoot them!”

“The other teams will continue to attack the underground tunnel from the first team according to the original plan, and don’t let the channel opened by the vanguard be closed!”

One order after another,

Teams also emerged from all corners, using firearms to project tear gas to cover the lower floors, and then a team of agents wearing gas masks slayed along the Ninja’s tail, followed by seamless connection to the next team, and then again. next team.

The agents such as Barton who were on standby also got up early and lined up, kicked the window and opened several doors directly, and jumped downstairs like dumplings.

It happened to be the tail of the last team in front, and followed it into the underground tunnel.

In addition, hundreds of agents emerged, waiting in line in front of the financial building.

Three armed transport helicopters flew over and hovered on the roof of the financial building. A group of agents slid down the landing ropes. Since they attacked downstairs in an orderly manner.

Except for Phil Coulson’s order and the squad leader’s password, there were no extra voices throughout the whole process!

Fei Lan couldn’t help but sigh,

S.H.I.E.L.D seems to be just playing soy sauce in the movie, but it is still very useful in the face of non-supernatural forces.


In superhero’s view, it is still logistics – responsible for not letting the cannon fodder drain their energy.

【Ding! Congratulations on signing in the famous scene “Precision cooperation between S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA!”, get the sign-in reward “Deadly Illness Killer No. 1·AIDS Killer Formula”! 】


Fei Lan was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted.

Can this even be a famous scene?


It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D and HYDRA are two opposing organizations, but they can cooperate and fight precisely. In the eyes of those who know it, they are really hilarious?

Just like the phrase “HYDRA Hail” that Rogers said to Rumlow in “Avengers 4”, Fei Lan laughed outright when he saw Fei Lan in the movie theater!

thinking room,

The five hundred ghost ninjas he dispatched were also wiped out.

Fei Lan used up his stamina and re-summoned Wolong and Fengchu—how could it be that these two re-summonings cost a lot?

Is it because there are too many resurrections, the consumption will continue to increase?

Don’t rush to verify now.

Fei Lan asked Wolong and Fengchu to tell Phil Coulson what they saw.

But Phil Coulson was staring at the battlefield, so he turned to Simmons: “You sum it up.”

Simmons can’t fight, but communication can still be done.

She confidently said to Wolongfengchu: “Tell me.”

Crouching dragon and phoenix looked at Simmons like a fool – where did they speak?

Simmons also realized this, but quickly reacted, took out the pen and paper he carried with him, and signaled that the two could write it down.

As a result, the crouching dragon and phoenix spread their hands, they can’t write…

As for how to understand Fei Lan’s orders?

They are his summons, and direct conscious communication is good!

Simmons: “…”

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick: “…”

Fei Lan: “…”

Fei Lan also didn’t expect that the ghost ninja under him could not read a single big character?

“Uh…Simons, the arduous task of teaching them to read and write is left to you.” Fei Lan directly dumped the blame.

Crouching dragon and phoenix: “???”

Both of them have question mark faces. They fought ninja well and let them learn to read and write?

How can the hand holding the knife hold the pen!

But as summons, the two of them obviously have no right to refuse, and Simmons doesn’t even know how to refuse.

That’s how it was settled.

If Wolongfengchu knew the stalks of the previous life, they would definitely say something – they are not human, and you are a real dog, master!

Looking back on the battlefield,

Phil Coulson kept watching, and found that everything was going according to plan.

Even though the Hand Society is the world’s number one killer organization, it is almost powerless to face the menacing thunder action of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Just when everyone thought that everything was about to settle down.

The walkie-talkie suddenly sounded: “…”*

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