Shock! Can You Become a God Even By Playing Games?

Chapter 18

Chapter 17: Copy

Nasseur Forest, southwest of Rhine City.

The main wild monsters are level 20 Naughty Monkey, level 25 Bone Goat and level 30 Dryad.

The cargo needed for the mission will not be delivered until five days later. While waiting for the mission to start, the level 10 Modo Modo, the level 10 Suifeng and the level 10 Aare River will be delivered at the 10th level. Under the leadership of Tao Rong, he walked into the Nassae Forest and started the road of fighting monsters and upgrading.

Modo, who is a warrior, is mainly responsible for fighting monsters and beatings, helping to stabilize hatred with the wind, Tao Rong as the main output to fight monsters, and the team division of labor by adding blood.

The naughty monkeys who have been beaten and beaten and chased and chased by the naughty monkeys, who have been scratching with their claws and attacking with various wild fruits for three days, regrets, regrets, regrets very much .

He’s stupid, really. Just knowing that there is meat to eat with the boss, I never thought that the way the boss walks is generally different, and it is simply not something that an ordinary person like him can bear.

Although the process was a little more painful, the experience brought by the cross-level monster farming is quite considerable. In the past three days, the three of them have been promoted to three levels, which can be said to be painful and happy.

I defeated another wave of naughty monkeys. Listening to the sound of the rising experience, Modo Modo collapsed to the ground and begged for mercy: “No way, I… I’m dying of exhaustion.”

“You’re too weak, aren’t you? Don’t you just stand there motionless to fight monsters? Sister Tao Rong, who is really fighting monsters, didn’t scream tired, why can’t you just move?”

When I heard Modo Modo’s words, while adding blood to him, Xiaohe, who collected the spoils, complained.

“You…I…I mean standing still and fighting monsters? Didn’t you see those **** monkeys grabbing me up and hanging around in the bushes? Damn, where did they come from? So much power!”

Because he was too tired, Modo Modo was powerless to refute his words, which attracted another wave of ridicule from Xiaohe.

“I’m back.”

At this moment, Tao Rong, who had just left in the middle, returned to the team, Xiaohe immediately gave up the Modo Modo on the ground, and approached Tao Rong Tiantian: “Sister Tao Rong has worked hard! Do you want to eat something? thing?”

“…you’re too face-changing…”

The blood bar returned halfway, and the nurse slipped away. When she saw Tao Rong’s return, she immediately pretended to be a gentle Xiaohe. Glancing at him.

“No, I’m not hungry.”

Tao Rong’s heart is very complicated for Xiaohe, who has returned to her previous life. The Xiaohe and her in the previous life became as close as sisters. , if there is any good thing, I will share it with Tao Rong as soon as possible.

I didn’t expect Xiaohe to be like this this time. In the past three days, she has been more attentive than the “big guy” Modo Modo.

“Hum, learn to flatter me? How easy is it to be a follower of a boss?”

After carefully observing Xiaohe’s attitude towards Tao Rong in the past three days, Modo Modo believes that he has seen through the truth!

This little girl had disliked his diligent attitude before, but she was the same? After recognizing the true face of Tao Rong’s boss, he also acted as a dog’s leg.

Tao Rong habitually ignored Modo Modo who was beaten by Xiaohe Hammer, took out the quest props he just got, and followed Feng to discuss: “I found an entrance to the copy, do you want to get one? First pass?”

In the past three days, Tao Rong has recognized the true colors of her teammates.

Although Modo Modo is good at communication, he talks to people and talks to ghosts.

Xiaohe is gentle and kind to her, but she is extremely cold to outsiders and loves to ignore her.

And once Modo Modo and Xiaohe are put together, the two will reduce their IQ by 100, and they will both become kindergarten children, teasing each other, verbal and physical attacks.

Of course, it is Modo Modo who usually attacks verbally, and Modo Modo who is physically attacked.

The only thing that is reliable is the wind that doesn’t talk much and works hard.

Since discovering this, Tao Rong silently changed the object of discussion from Modo Modo to Suifeng.

“Yes, but let’s go back to the city to replenish some medicine. If you play the dungeon, Xiaohe’s healing volume should not be enough.”

Suifeng is quite easy-going, and almost never rejects suggestions made by others. Hearing Tao Rong’s straightforward and casual words “get the first pass”, he just planned it seriously. .

“Brother! Did you speak ill of me in front of Sister Taorong? I seem to have heard my name?”


Even when it comes to her sister, Suifeng is concise and concise: “If you have a good rest, let’s go back to the city to replenish the medicine. Taorong found a copy, we will fight it later.”

“Copy? Wow!

Modomo’s eyes lit up and looked at Tao Rong with admiration. Like the tasks in “New World”, players need to explore and trigger. Since entering Rhine City, the members of those big gangs have Scattered around to find clues about the dungeon, and it is still collected by the scattered players for a fee. Even so, no dungeon has been found yet.

The big guy is worthy of being a big guy. He came out to play a strange kung fu and found a copy.

When she met Modo Modo’s shining eyes with admiration, Tao Rong’s expression did not change, and she was used to it. In her previous life, when she came to Rhine City, the people of the big gang had found a lot of copies, but this one The dungeon was still discovered by Tao Rong, who was out to farm monsters at that time, so I remembered the trigger process very clearly.


“This is the quest trigger item? Why didn’t I find a juvenile naughty monkey?”

On the way back to the city, Modo Modo wrapped Tao Rong to see the legendary dungeon trigger item, and got a touch of Ou Huang’s light. At this time, he was holding the key carefully, it was a Put the ordinary copy key? no! That represents the generous rewards of the first pass copy and the announcement of the full server.

“After the last wave of monsters was killed, it appeared behind the bushes. After seeing us, it sneaked away. It should have gone to complain to the boss.”

Tao Rong was almost killed by this naughty monkey in her previous life. She was barely able to beat ordinary monsters by herself. Who knew that the other party called a boss and chased Tao Rong to beat her.

Seeing that she couldn’t beat it, Tao Rong ran away immediately, and when she was at a higher level and better equipped, she returned to the Nassae Forest, killed the boss and beat the young naughty monkey .

The key also fell out at that time.

But in this life, Tao Rong noticed it early, after discovering the little figure hidden in the bushes, he hurriedly chased after him, also beat him and tied it up to prevent it from complaining to the boss, holding the key just run.

“You have sharp eyes…”

Modo Modo’s flattering words were interrupted by a howl, the forest was extremely penetrating and spread almost throughout the forest.

The three stopped and couldn’t help but look at where the sound came from, and found that the source of the sound seemed to be the point where they just spawned.

“This is…”

Frowning with the wind, Modo Modo looked excited, Xiaohe glanced at Tao Rong and then turned his attention to Tao Rong, Tao Rong was not surprised, and said lightly: “Probably the boss found out I’ve got the naughty young monkey **** by me, and I’m going to look for the culprit for revenge in a while. Well… other players who spawn monsters in the forest are expected to be angered.”

[Modo Modo: Kind reminder, run away, brothers who are spawning monsters in Nassaier Forest! There is a level 30 boss who is in a state of rage and is about to start the whole forest to find someone to revenge / revenge mode, be careful to be angered by the boss.

Fashion: ? ? ? 30boss? ? ? Exciting! Blessed are the brothers of the Forest of Nassae!

The wise do not fall in love 氵: Come on? Did he say there is? Have grandstanding people still seen less? I’m in the Nassae Forest, why didn’t I feel any movement? I also said that I alone brushed the boss!

The Great Injustice: Yes, yes, can the boss be provoked? How big of a deal did this have to do? Stop putting gold on your face!

The Great Injustice: I rely on it! I’m a big injustice I really! A giant monkey fell from the sky just now, and it slapped me in the face. I just know that a level 30 boss can’t be provoked, but who would have thought that it could beat me to death with a fist? Love Rui brother! How are you?

Guaguayu: Stop shouting, he died earlier than you, I just watched him get killed by the boss!

Pfft: Hahahahahaha thanks to me running fast! I have recorded all the players I met along the way. Go to the forum and click #My Big Brothers# to watch the various ways to die by being killed by the boss. Remember to like and comment!

The Great Injustice: ? ? ? I suspect you are connoting me and have actual evidence. ]

After getting the news from Tao Rong, Modo Modo immediately sent a message to the world to remind other players in Nassae Forest.

It’s a pity that it’s hard to persuade the damned ghost. Some players left the Nassae Forest after seeing the reminder. Some players were pretentious or thought it was Modo Modo grandstanding. Ghosts, add another life to the number of boss kills.

When someone began to cry in the world that they were attacked by such a big boss, the four had returned to Rhine City.

“Xiaohe went to sell the materials obtained from the monsters, Modomo and I went to replenish the goods.”

After entering the Rhine City, the wind began to divide the labor for each other, Xiaohe blinked and looked at Taorong: “Where’s Sister Taorong? Why don’t you go with Xiaohe to sell materials?”

“I have something to do to go somewhere, and we will meet at the South City Gate after you guys are done.”

“Ah well…”

Hearing that Tao Rong was not with him, Xiaohe retracted the hand holding her arm in frustration, and then went to the trading market alone after saying goodbye.

Suifeng and Modo Modo nodded towards Tao Rong and walked in the other direction.

Looking at the backs of the three leaving, Tao Rong walked straight forward and stepped into an inconspicuous small shop on the street.

“Tao Rong! You’re here!”

The man who was sitting on the sewing machine diligently stepping on the machine heard the sound of someone pushing the door, turned his head and saw Tao Rong with a surprised expression on his face.

“Well, I’ll pick up that dress.”

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