Shepherding Humanity

Chapter 54: That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime

The moment he pressed the button, a dialog box popped up in front of his eyes.

【Please arrive at the location designated below to break through the world’s barrier and travel between worlds】

What is this?

When he saw these words, Future Skywhale was dumbfounded.

The internet turned lively with discussion. Everyone had been curious about the third option and were very surprised by these words.

"Break through the world’s barrier and travel between worlds?"

"What's going on here! Does this mean that there's another world?"

The oddly shaped players raised a ruckus in the sandbox. They were super excited.

Meanwhile, Future Skywhale had led his Slime species to the designated location with the assistance of other players.

After they arrived, a deep blue vortex filled with starlight appeared before them. It looked like a portal.

"Wow! Is this a portal?"

"Is this a hidden questline? A new map?"

This was the underground water pipe that Xu Zhi had used to enter the large sandbox as the God of Wisdom during the era of the Three Witches.

Previously, the Tyranis Hive Mind had concealed it from the players, and they could not see it.

At this moment, it was a"Passage between Worlds" and naturally had various glamorous special effects added to it.

"New map!"

"It turns out that after creating a species with potential, you can lead your species to a new world!"

"Unbelievable, there are other maps in this game world!"

Under everyone’s envious gaze, Future Skywhale led his species into the world connecting vortex and headed to the new world.

It was pitch black.

Future Skywhale led his species through the long tunnel between worlds.

The small white pipe buried by Xu Zhi was dozens of meters long; for ant-sized creatures, this was a considerable distance to travel.

"It's so dark."

It was quite difficult for Slimes to move around. They could only launch their chubby bodies forward one hop at a time by using the “ahoge” tentacles on top of their head to hit the ground. It made for quite an adorable scene.

After traveling for an indeterminable amount of time, light gradually appeared in front of him.

— Wow.

Continuing forward, he saw a verdant great forest. Giant ancient trees grew densely packed together, towering towards the sky like pillars of heaven. Beneath their boughs, the world was concealed in shadows. Flocks of birds flew through the deep blue sky.

[Warning: Please fully accustom yourself to this world. Henceforth, your identity is that of a native’s, and anything that reveals that you’re not of this world will be erased.]

"What a beautiful view."

Future Skywhale led his Slime species and hopped through the forest. He was very shocked: "This place is different from our primitive world with its primitive species. It has a well-developed and complete ecosystem."

"Could it be that I’ve really traveled to a different world, along with my species and my livestream system?"

He couldn't help but think of the webnovels he has read in the past.


At this moment, Xu Zhi was sitting on a chair by the yard’s entrance with his legs crossed, leisurely eating an apple. "That small water pipe I buried underground to link the two sandboxes has finally come in handy."

Future Skywhale was so excited to set foot in a new world. Little did he know that this was all a plot by an unscrupulous Creator.

Xu Zhi naturally expected players to one day enter the sandbox with their species when he left the cryptic third option of “Starting a second life”, but he didn’t think that it would happen so soon.

"This is a very real issue, I can’t personally bring every species with potential into the sandbox like I did with the Evil Eye, right?”

After all, a giant like him appearing in the sandbox was too noticeable!

When he had entered with the Evil Eye, the world was still recovering from a mass extinction; the population was sparse, and no one noticed him. The Phoenix and the Pallbearer Chickens could fly, and he only had to throw them into the sandbox.

But now?

He couldn’t just throw the Slimes in, and it wasn’t practical for a giant like him to bring them into the sandbox with his own hands.

This led to Xu Zhi’s idea of making the players lead their species into the large sandbox themselves.

It could also be considered a nice extra perk.

The lifespan of their evolved creatures was only twenty or thirty years, which was equivalent to a few hours in reality.

There was nothing wrong with letting them enjoy themselves for a few hours. Because of their short lifespan, they wouldn't be able to make any big waves in the large sandbox, and if they do happen to lead their species to the top and advance civilization, then Xu Zhi would welcome it.

Furthermore, after they died, the species they left behind would still be able to reproduce.

"In the large sandbox, a day is equivalent to a hundred years, but the Hive Mind has assured me that accelerating the player avatars’ bodies and brain cells wouldn’t damage their souls."

In other words, they would be able to experience twenty to thirty years in the sandbox while only a few hours passed in reality.

Xu Zhi frowned slightly. "But how do I get Future Skywhale to side with the righteous orthordox witches instead of the evil witches?"

This was a difficult problem.

As Xu Zhi pondered, he saw a scene play out in the large sandbox and was utterly shocked.

Words failed him when he saw the current situation of the Slime species, and he had a truly odd expression on his face. "It looks like I no longer need to guide him. Future Skywhale now has a deadly grudge against the evil witches!"


In the middle of the lush forest .

Towering trees and exotic plants were everywhere. The plant life was dazzlingly colorful, and butterfly-like creatures flew about. It was a dreamy and beautiful wonderland, a brand new alien world.

Future Skywhale slowly walked around for a while to make sure that it was safe, then decided to start livestreaming so that everyone could see this beautiful scenery.

[Due to the difference in the flow of time between the two worlds, you cannot livestream. A single day in heaven is a hundred years on earth]

The passage of time is different?

A single day in heaven is a hundred years on earth.

Does this mean that a hundred years in this game is only a single day outside?

Future Skywhale got excited. Could this miraculous virtual reality effectively extend your life?

"That's impossible!!!"

Future Skywhale trembled, his mind blank.

He even exited the game and took off his VR glasses, and was stunned to discover that while several hours had passed in the game, in reality, he had just entered the tunnel between worlds less than ten seconds ago, and everyone was still excitedly discussing it.

Scary! It’s like I’ve only just entered!

Future Skywhale shuddered, and hastily re-entered the game.

A few minutes outside was several days inside the game. What if his species and his in-game body died during that time? How could he tarry outside for even a minute?

"This is truly a second life! My Slime species has a lifespan of just over a decade, about the same lifespan as an engine. But even if I live out my entire life in the game, only a few hours would have passed outside, and everyone would still be discussing me.”

He kind of regretted evolving his species to have such a short life span!

Still, gaining an extra decade or so of life is reason enough to celebrate. I’ll enjoy life as a Slime in another world!

"This game is too amazing! I can't praise it enough!"

Future Skywhale led his species and slowly explored the forest, while silently making plans in his mind. "There should be civilized races in this world. My Slime species is the weakest species in classic fantasy, but under my leadership, we’ll inevitably become strong enough to stand at the top of this world. Perhaps, I’ll even find a way to extend my life in this world. "

He was confident and felt that his species had enough potential.

His Slimes may be unintelligent and low-leveled creatures, but everything would be fine as long as he could control them.

What were these Slimes?

They were bio-engines.

With his knowledge, there were many machines that could be made as long as he had an engine.

After half a day, under the leadership of Future Skywhale, they were gradually beginning to leave the giant forest when they suddenly heard the sound of people talking before them. It seemed to be a group of women.

"Someone’s coming!"

Future Skywhale was wary.

He didn't know what the otherworld was like, whether they were friend or foe, and tried to avoid them. After all, he only had one life. But, it was obviously too late; those people were frighteningly sharp, and instantly noticed him.

A group of beautiful women wearing rose red mage robes and holding wooden staffs slowly came out of the woods. They saw the group of strange creatures before them and instantly became excited. Unfortunately, Future Skywhale could not understand their foreign language at all.

"Our languages are different, I can only pretend to be an unintelligent wild creature and wait and see what happens." He made his "Slime King" blend into the group of innocently bouncing Slimes.

"What kind of creature is this? We’ve never seen it before?" The group of Rose Sect witches were shocked and pleasantly surprised. "What an adorable, cute little creature."

"How about we make this creature our familiar?"

"Indeed, look at this tentacle, it's very similar to our traditional familiar, the Evil Eye…"

Unlike orthordox witches, in the Rose Sect, the evil witches’ faction, every single witch would adopt a familiar.

This familiar was naturally the Evil Eye, and would help them with their training. This was their shortcut to becoming stronger.

After all, ordinary men couldn't handle them, and only Evil Eyes which had the same mental strength as them could withstand their ecstatic outbursts, and help them grow stronger through sexual release.

"I wish we had a male wizard who wouldn't die; we’ll grow stronger that much faster. But there are so few of them, they’re reserved for witches who are at least Level Four or Five."

"We low-leveled witches can only train with our familiars, the Evil Eyes… The men offered by the Babylonian Kingdom are not something we can hope to acquire. And now, these creatures may be able to replace those slimy and disgusting Evil Eyes. After all, they’re so much cuter and look absolutely adorable…"

With their wooden canes in hand, the witches looked innocent and cute as they animatedly discussed right in front of Future Skywhale.

Hiding among the Slimes, he felt happy and surprised, "Hmmm, they look friendly and seem to like my adorable Slimes. I should be alright, right?"

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