She Has Been Retired For Three Months

Chapter 11

Chapter 10: Horse Monkey Soju (9)

Tanaka Ling watched as someone in her partner chanted a transformation spell and immediately fell to her feet. For a time, they seemed to feel that this demon’s game seemed to be aimed at them.

“Why is this!” How can they solve the current predicament without the power of the magic spirit?

Tanaka Rei, who has always been smooth sailing with the help of Metz, was instantly enveloped in helplessness and despair.

Wind Spirit’s contractor Chiba Baiyao stepped forward to support Tanaka Rei’s shoulders, who was sitting on the ground, and there was a faint consolation of love in his eyes: “Ling, don’t worry, as long as this is a There will definitely be a way to crack the game, we… uh…” Before he finished speaking, Chiba Baiyao fell to the ground just like the violent killers before.

Prolonged contact between men and women – sudden death.

Above the clouds, Ye Jiu stopped eating when she saw this scene and squinted at Yuying: “I don’t remember this rule in the rules we set before.” You can’t be emotional A single dog with a sour hammer?

“How can you be considered a violent death for that snack? We only set ten rules!” How much resentment do you have?

“You also add rules temporarily…”

Do not harm others

No time contact with the opposite sex

Cannot light candles

Do not get wet

No snacks

Can’t say power fusion (contract spell)

Do not break windows

No alcohol

No smoking

Cannot leave campus

Cannot make calls

Don’t say rules to others

No music

Cannot write homework

Cannot read

Do not touch onion, **** and garlic

No air conditioner

No lipstick

Do not pretend to be others

No vandalism

Yu Ying silently calculated, the original plan was added with a bunch of temporary additions, and there are almost twenty…

“Can’t light candles… What kind of weird rule is this?” Yu Ying stared at Ye Jiu’s uneasy expression as she looked at the rules written on the small note. After a while, it suddenly dawned on me, “Oh, I see, could it be because of your childhood…”

“Shut up if you can’t speak!” Ye Jiu smashed an apple at Yu Ying’s face in annoyance and anger. It is not difficult to see that this is definitely not the first time she has faced each other. Yu Ying did this, “How could I know that there will be a power outage in the bureau that day!”

When she was three or four years old, Ye Jiu was like a faithful believer of the MLM chief. In order to prevent this bear child from being deceived, her father gave away all the points in the family. Therefore, the point card is hidden tightly, so that it has been like this for the next few years.

When she was older, Ye Jiu always felt that her father had stolen property and did not give her points and wanted her to go begging and wandering on the streets.

So she found her father’s score card with the reconnaissance skills she just learned, hid the card in the ring and finally sealed it in the candle table.

It was originally seamless, but who knows that there will be unforeseen circumstances, and one day the energy in the bureau will not be enough.

So the electricity was cut off all night, and her father had to light a candle to work. The incident has also become the eternal black history of the prince.

Seeing that Ye Jiu was already blown away, Yu Ying reacted witly after years of fighting: “What, A Yu, it seems that someone is talking to us below.”

“Don’t change the subject! I have to shave you bald today!”

“It’s true! Look below, it’s the little girl of the spirit of the contract.”

Ye Jiu’s hand on Yu Ying’s collar loosened, she looked down at the clouds: “Aiye?”

“Do you want her to come up?”

Ye Jiu thought for a moment and nodded: “Keep your actions secret.”

Seeing Xiaowei Aino again, she lost the faint murderous intent that she wanted to slaughter her, but her eyes were quite complicated. In fact, even if Tata said Ye Jiu didn’t know, She can still feel that the person in front of her must know that she did it, but why is this guy calm and not caring?

“I know, you’re not Mui Ne.” Because Mui Ne has never been so strong and unabashed – masculine!

“So what?”

“I just want to know your purpose! I want to know… what happened to Mui Ne…”

Ye Jiu stared at Xiaowei Aino’s eyes for a while before chuckling suddenly: “I understand.”

“Introduce myself again, my name is Ye Jiu, the wish executor of Xicheng Mui Ne, as for Xicheng Mui Ne… her soul has long since dissipated.”

Even with preparation, Mui Ne may be gone. But suddenly hearing this news, Xiaowei Aino still couldn’t bear it. If she didn’t have a hint of wit, she would have attacked the person in front of her long ago: “Why… why did it disappear? What is Mina’s wish?”

“Protect you and your family, and remove the soul of another world.” Ye Jiu said lightly, “Tanaka Ling’s body is occupied by a soul of another world who knows the direction of this world. And she is the death of Saijo Mina. The original Nishijo Mina is the leader of this world story. You were supposed to die at the hands of Tanaka Rei’s admirers. But Nishijo Mina used the dissipation of her soul in exchange for your chance to live.”

Xiaowei Aino was stunned in disbelief: “Yes…Tanaka Ling killed Mina…”


“Then…is this game also prepared to expel Rei Tanaka?”

“Well, the leader of this world needs to conform to the character that the world has set for her that is in line with the direction of the world. But this is not the original character of Soul of Another World. If she does, the world will expel her.”

Xiaoyu Aino lowered his head, his tone became gloomy: “I know what to do… If this is Mina’s wish…”

Ye Jiu looked puzzled: “You want to participate in the game? Isn’t it good to stand here and watch them struggle?”

Xiao Wei Aino sneered: “You don’t know Tanaka Ling, she always wears a fake mask, no one will add a fire, someone will always come forward to help her solve everything , in the end, she can still keep the mask and win the game.”

After a long silence, Ye Jiu made a gesture of invitation, with a relaxed tone: “I wish you good luck.” She had a hunch that the participation of Xiaowei Aino would make this game a lot easier more interesting.

After Xiaowei Aino left, Yuying said in a heavy tone: “Ayu… My patience is limited… It’s okay to eat snacks, barbecue is a bit too much!”

Xiao Wei Aino left on the front foot, and Ye Jiu took out the barbecue grill, seasoning and raw meat skewers from the system space: “You don’t eat?”

“Eat…the leg of lamb and save me some!”

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