Sect Leader Is Under Great Pressure

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 Is this the past?

More and more dark clouds distorted the entire sky like an evil ghost’s face. As the golden snake moved, huge thunderbolts fell from time to time, and the scene was like hell.

However, almost at the same time, a crystal-like shield emerged in the sky, and a huge thunderbolt blasted on the shield, only to make a few ripples, and then quickly dissipated.

But Tiandao is not stingy, pouring out his anger endlessly.

The crystal shield remained motionless under the sky, only a few ripples in the lightning strike could prove its existence.

Ji Yunlai only looked up at the window for a few seconds, then lowered his head to continue to let Feng Qingxiu practice.

Feng Qingxiu was immediately stunned, who could still paint, such a terrifying catastrophe!

“It’s okay. The shield is made according to the design of the lightning rod. The electricity is led to the ground, and the remaining part is also absorbed by the battery and can’t be knocked down.” Ji Yun came to comfort him.

I really didn’t expect that there are natural batteries in this world. I have to give myself a compliment. This is a design that can only be made after how many times it has been powered up.

“What is a battery…” Lightning rods can still make sense, but I don’t understand this. Feng Qingxiu asked directly, “Also, how do you know my Kun-Lai large array so clearly?”

“The storage battery is also called thunderstone. It is a treasure of Lei Linggen to accelerate the speed of cultivation. It can absorb thunder and lightning, but it has a limit. However, there are several thunderstone mines buried under Kun-Lai Mountain, which can be used for a long time.” Ji Yun explained with a smile. He likes such unscientific things, “As for why I know so clearly, because I did it.”

He didn’t know the avenues of yin and yang before, but it was clear from his notes a few days ago that yin and yang can be understood as “0” and “1” in the computer. All programs in the computer are composed of 0 and 1, those runes Just like a programming language, Dazhen is a program written by itself, but it is far more complicated than those programming languages ​​by countless times.

But no matter how complex it is, it is also language, which can understand and communicate.

Programming language is the communication channel between computers and people, and rune is the communication language between the world and all things and people.

This is not difficult for him. He used to learn C language programming for more than ten years. Later, he needed Java. He also learned very quickly. As long as the mathematics and logic are good, this kind of thing is the same as playing. No pressure.

So after quickly learning a new language (rune programming language?), he added his own magical powers, enough for him to understand the principles of the magic circle-he did it, even if the grammar and instructions are different, the core is still the same His logic is the same as the habit of reviewing materials. Looking at it this way, the reason why he learned so slowly before is just because he didn’t learn the language.

As long as he finishes learning runes-even as long as he finishes most of it, his golden finger is equivalent to coming back. This is what knowledge changes destiny.

Of course, Feng Qingxiu would not believe his words, and shook her head and pushed him away: “It’s almost dawn, I’m going to work, and you should leave, don’t think that no one in Kun-Lai can cure you, and you will be miserable if you are arrested.”

Ji Yunlai felt that he was disgusted, and sighed a little, so he had to disappear in front of Feng Qingxiu.

Feng Qingxiu put away the talisman paper on the table, and suddenly saw the shadow in the corner, his shadow.

The shadow seemed to have its own consciousness, looking in the direction where Ji Yun had come to disappear.

“What the **** do you want to tell me?” Feng Qingxiu looked at her shadow and asked helplessly. His shadow would occasionally be abnormal, and he would come out to have a vaccination from time to time for several months, but he couldn’t find the reason, and there was no one. It can be seen that from the horror at the beginning to the calmness later, it will not be surprising to watch outrageous things for more than ten years.

The shadow moved, but couldn’t say anything. Finally, he pointed to the last rune drawn on the table.

“Do you know this rune?” Feng Qingxiu was a little curious.

The shadow seemed to want to express something, but at last he had an idea and touched his body.

“Touch what?” Feng Qingxiu couldn’t understand.

But the shadow seemed to have exhausted its power and turned into a normal shadow.

“Touch?” Feng Qingxiu’s eyebrows moved, could it be, “Magic?”


When Ji Yun came back to his residence, the thunder in the sky continued like raindrops, and he felt a lot of people standing outside his cave.

Counted, about eight, both men and women, all of them looked very uncomfortable, and there was a girl who looked very similar to herself—they were very similar in appearance and temperament.

It looks like this, it’s the biological daughter who shouldn’t run away. Sure enough, the child can’t be born!

Head Ji, who thought that her daughter might not be her own, felt too much pressure, shamelessly instigated, and went in quietly without attracting their attention.

He is not yet mentally prepared to see his daughter.

These days he has also listened to many gossips that others whispered about. It is said that his daughter was brought back from outside decades ago and claimed to be his own daughter, but he said nothing to his mother because he was in Kun-Lai. Since prestige is not said, no one dares to ask.

Then he went into retreat. I heard that there was very little time to leave the customs in these years.

I have only seen my daughter three or four times in decades, and the last time was 20 years ago.

Then I retreat until now.

Ji Yun couldn’t understand who he used to be.

Since she is her biological daughter, why can’t we see and care more? Even if there is any discord with her mother, it shouldn’t harm the children!

He is so guilty now that he dare not go to see him.

But this is not the way to go. It will be a thousand-year-old birthday in a few days, and it’s hard to justify not showing up.

At this time, he heard them chatting, as if still chatting about himself…

This is a great opportunity to get to know yourself!

He pricked his ears.

“Uncle Master, does my father hate me very much?” The voice was crisp and tactful, and it should be that the daughter was right.

“How come, the senior brother likes children the most, and you are still his daughter, he must love you.” This seems to be the elder named Yan Zhao.

“You all lie to me, my father has only looked at me for so many years and never laughed at me.” Hearing her daughter’s voice, it seemed that she was about to cry.

“Xiaoyu, I really didn’t lie to you. If you don’t believe me, ask you Uncle Bai.” Yan Zhao glanced around, decided to cause trouble, and kicked the ball to a white-clothed fairy next to him.

“Yes, he used to take children every day, and he was not impatient at all.” The fairy in white quietly gave a stern look and comforted.

“Nonsense, you said that father likes children, so why hasn’t he seen me after so many children I have been looking for?”

“We really didn’t lie to you.” The fairy in white was a little helpless and comforted, “He was kind to us then.”

“Liar, since the Kun-Lai construction faction started, there is no record that he laughed at others.” Ji Mingyu bit his lip and said sadly. “Outsiders say he is ruthless and unintentional. I still don’t believe it… I feel bad, as long as I can do better. Great, he always likes me, he just thinks too much!”

“That’s all before I came to Xizhou.” The white fairy sighed.

Yan Zhao glanced at her indifferently, and said: “At that time, there was a severe drought in Central Continent, and there were countless refugees. Our master was unconscious at the time, and was frantically picking up people everywhere. Picking one would say that it was of good quality and good quality. Brother Shi must return the children that Master finds every day. We are the ones that parents don’t want and are picked up and left. Fortunately, Brother is a monk. Although the cultivation level is not high, it is still possible to raise a few of our children.”

“Ah? Grandpa Master picks up people randomly and no one troubles him?” Ji Mingyu was taken aback.

“This starts with the Kun-Lai Sect. The brother later speculated that the Kun-Lai Sect should be a large group of ancient times. It was just that the Zhongshan Gate was destroyed in several great catastrophes, the school declined, and the inheritance was seriously lacking. At that time, the master was After practicing the incomplete inheritance, you will be unconscious. Everyone is of good quality. Although unconscious at the time, there is a period of cultivation, and there is no difficulty in dealing with ordinary people. Of course, some people are really affected by him. To be fooled into believing that she is a peerless son of destiny,” said the fairy in white, she glanced at Yan Zhao and asked with a smile, “Is it right, good talent and good quality?”

Yan Zhaocha turned black and handsome. Although everyone had their youth in Secondary Two, some stupid things were too sad in retrospect.

“Yes, at that time, I still felt that the senior brother was very unlucky. He was injured and rested by the river. The master dragged him back to the ruined temple and said that he saved him and insisted that the senior brother join the teacher to repay his favor.” The young monk who was very cold said lightly.

“I remember that at the time the senior brother said to the master,’You are forcibly touching the porcelain, believe it or not, I’m not polite to you!'” The fairy in white sighed. .”

“Senior Brother Zhang is still the most clever, seeing that the senior brother is softhearted, he went straight up and sold him miserably.” Another monk shook his head and laughed. “If you say,’Big brother, you are hurt and eat something,’ he is also willing to say something.”

“By the way, Senior Brother Yan went to grab the half of the biscuits, and was educated by Senior Brother for an afternoon.” The fairy in white covered her lips and smiled.

Yan Zhao remembered that he was angry at the beginning, and gave them a cold look.

“Staring at me, who made you not admit your mistakes at the time?” The fairy in white smiled, “But thanks to the two of you, I just let the brother decide to settle down before we go.”

“Later, when Senior Brother was about to leave, he still…” The cold-looking young monk was adding, but seeing Senior Brother Yan had touched his sword, he did not continue.

“Which uncle is that Junior Brother Zhang?” I haven’t heard of any uncle who has Zhang in his name, and I rarely hear them ask the former Ji Mingyu curiously.

The surrounding air instantly condensed.

Ji Mingyu didn’t know where he was wrong for a while, and felt a little uneasy.

“He’s already dead.” A voice continued.

Everyone looked up at the same time.

At the end of the line of sight, a young man in Xuanyi appeared quietly among the bamboo forests. Lightning in the clouds flashed and darkened, dappled light and shadow on his face, but he was still as bright as the moon, far away from the clouds.

It is far away, as if not in the distance between humans.

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