Scion of Time Gaming System!

Chapter 43: Daily life of a gamer: Running, killing, levelling

Most of the blood dyed his clothes and face scarlet, and he looked like he had just come off the movie off a thriller set – a serial killer as to say. At the same time, Noah notified him of the perks of being a gamer and playing real life as a game.

‹The gamer has slain rank-4 beast Flame Salamander.

‹ 40 exp points gained ›

‹ Chance to gain the magical beast slayer title. Kill 0/100 magical beast ›

‹ 40/400 Exp ›

Multiple notifications had been received at once but Marvin didn't have the time to take a look at them, as from the corner of his eyes, he saw the other salamander raging at the death of its companion.

Gahh! A garish voice resounded from its mouth, and a huge fluctuation of fire magic power could be sensed by Marvin whose eyes opened in surprise as a flame ball condensed in front of its mouth.

The beast's beady eyes were glaring at him with resentment and the powerful flame ball flashed out from its mouth.

Marvin poured magic force in his feet and dodged it by rolling out of the pond hurriedly but the flame ball crashed on the corpse of the salamander and blasted it away.

Defeated, it turned around to leave. It was a magical beast, and they are said to possess some form of intelligence or better instinct than animals.

However, it was stopped in its tracks for the predator's eyes glowed in a silvery light.

There's no way Marvin was gonna let it run away.

He rushed forward, reaching it in a mere second, and a deep red line was drawn on its neck. The moment time halt ended, its neck separated from its body. It was dead.

‹The gamer has slain rank-3 beast Flame Salamander.

‹ 30 exp points gained ›

‹ 70/400 XP ›

Marvin crouched to his knees, tilting the corpse of the salamander, and placing it on his laps. Using the tip of his inquisitor dagger he easily tore open the beast's sections of the beast. He then coated his hands in Magic power and widened the tear by pulling on each side. He then searched around inside the chest looking for something solid, round, or crystal shape.

To his dismay, this beast didn't have a beast core, and he could only regretfully clutch its heart and try to haul it up, out of its body.

Usually, someone doing this deed for the first time will have their heart affected and mind assaulted by nausea. The weak-hearted would throw up a few times, some might even faint when searching around for cores inside the organs of the beast or ripping out their hearts but Marvin has been doing this for the past three years.

He has been doing it ever since he became a ranker. To be more precise, he became a bait that attracts a magical beast. Once they are killed, he's tasked to butcher them up into pieces, skin them if their hides are hood, take out beast core, and ripped out their heart as well.

He was unaffected by the act of ripping out the beast's heart. In fact, it provided him with some relief.

'I am not the one dead and sprawled on the floor,' Marvin's felt happy for the power he now has can help him face off against and even kill magical beasts.

After ripping out the heart, he opened Noah's inventory and touching the semitransparent screen with the bloody heart that was super hot but Marvin didn't feel much heat as he was physically strong and had coated his hands with Magic Power the crystal in his hand slowly started to vanish into the inventory and finally, it had completely disappeared.

He could see the heart of the beast in one of the many blocks of the first page of the inventory

"I will be put everything else in there too, will there be any problem if I do that?" Marvin asked curiously.

The loots a person earns have to be shared with the adventure halls. Teleportation didn't come with a price but that doesn't mean the peoples and founders of the adventure association were good Samaritan. They didn't like helping for feeling and a price must be paid for each of their services. The price he and many other ability users have to pay is 30% of their total loot be it in federation cash or solid form, both works and you gotta hand it over to them otherwise being banned for life from accessing their services such as teleportation portals are just a casual punishment.

But by using the inventory, he could bypass their strict loot checking, and that means he could even start a smuggle buiseness.

‹ Nope, the gamer can use the inventory as he wish. The inventory can store anything and everything, even if it's the corpse of a colossal-sized magical beast ›

Noah notified causing a burst of happiness to rise in his heart but it was too early to be thinking about this subject. It was too early to be happy as well.

The blood leaking from the corpses of the salamanders has permeated into the surrounding and spread out, reaching far and wide and attracting their entire horde.

Suddenly he heard the sounds of dozens of footsteps and the rustling of leaves from behind the trees at a distance, and he used magic martial arts to enhance his senses. At the very moment, he looked surprised. The sight of twelve salamander rushing in his direction reflected in his eyes.

Although by using inspect he found out that they were mere rank-4 and rank-3 beast, he still made a run for it. The beast might be the same rank as him, and he can even kill them but they came at the same time in massive numbers.

1 against 12

The 12 beasts can also shot out fire from their mouth while he only have Time halt, a single target ability with an AOE effect that devours magic power faster than he pounds a pussy.

He knew he will have no chance against them if his Magic Power is depleted. The side effect of magic power depletion itself will be disastrous enough.

This was the type of unfavorable position Marvin will never put himself in.

He didn't do his best to run away, just sped up enough for the fastest among the salamanders to catch up to him.

He wasn't planning to run but kill them off one at a time.

The fastest of the salamander caught up to Marvin just when he quickly ran behind a massive tree that hid him from the visions of the other.

It leaped and just like its previous mate got halted in mid-air. Poor beast didn't even know what happened but Marvin gave it a swift death. A clean-cut has separated its head from its neck.

‹ MP 18/24.5 ›

‹ Slain rank-4 Flame Salamander, 40 XP gained ›

‹ 110/400 XP ›

Three beasts had reached up to him but they entered the Time Halt boundary, two got their speed slowed and now moved just like a snail while the other was halted in time.

Oh' how they wanted to howl and warn the others from not entering this death trap but Marvin didn't give them a chance. His dagger thrust out and reaped their life in a single moment.

‹MP 13/24.5 ›

‹ Slain 3 rank-4 Flame Salamander, 120 XP gained ›

‹ 230/400 XP ›

Three more appeared behind the tree and the same situation followed.



‹ 420/400 XP ›

‹You have leveled up›

‹ Attribute points obtained: 5 ›

‹ Skill Development points obtained: 2 ›

‹ You have unlocked the skill Spatial step for reaching level 5 ›

The battle continued only for a while until he leveled up. The twelves corpses of the salamanders were sprawled on the ground, all with lifeless eyes, and Marvin had reached level 5. He now has a total of 15 attribute points, 4 SD points, and 20 XP points.

He had been granted a skill, and his Magic Power and other stats recovered to the peak, a perks of leveling up. Even after killing dozens of salamanders, he didn't feel tired, once again, it's the perks of being a gamer and leveling up.

He checked out what the new skill, spatial step does.

[Spatial step (Lv:1)

Effect: Once the magic ability is used, the Gamer will be teleported forward by 30 yards. The Gamer can teleport the same distance through obstacles. A good ability to use when encircled or to surprise attack your enemy. Cost: 5 MP each use. CD: 5 seconds.]

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