Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 4

Chapter 3: I’M Not Afraid Of Trouble

Among the twelve continents of Yinwei Star, Canglanzhou ranks fifth in overall strength.

Due to the pollution of the planet, the apocalypse stage is even more seriously damaged. The air, soil, water sources, etc. have been repaired with the ability of nature in the past 800 years, but they still have not returned to the state before the apocalypse .

Since then, each continent has formulated a unified standard, and divided the regions into six levels: A, B, C, D, E, and F.

C is a large area for human habitation, B is a large area for human habitation, and A is a large area for human habitation.

D and below are uninhabitable, uninhabitable, inaccessible, and forbidden places for human beings.

In addition, there are other S-level military areas that will not be displayed on the map.

Ruan Yu was picked up from Ning A District and is now in a certain base in S District.

She doesn’t know where it is either, and doesn’t care.

Anyway, my brother is here.

Ruan Bai felt at first that Ruan Yu was acting like a spoiled child.

He wondered if he hadn’t contacted his sister for a long time, which caused her to casually pull a clip from a movie or TV show she just watched to perfunctory him?

But later, Ruan Bai thought it was not.

Ruan Yu: “Is it very fantasy? Is it difficult to imagine.”

Ruan Bai: “…”

Then you have finished speaking, what shall I say?

Ruan Yu snorted on the phone: “But it’s true.”

She didn’t hang up, but sent Ruan Bai a few pictures.

The system floats in the air like a plastic bag blown up by the wind.

Ruan Bai took the phone farther and saw those pictures.

Ruan Yu is very good at drawing, sketching very fast, and has instant memory, and has unique genes in analyzing and observing things.

The system has been pressing in Ruan Yu’s ears for the past two days, and there are miscellaneous pictures flashing on his screen like a lantern.

Ruan Yu glanced at it and became interested in something.

So she found paper and drew it in three or two strokes.

The system was still asking her, why is she interested in this? It’s just an outdated fighter jet.

The picture shows the overall shape and the cut-out section of the parts.

Ruan Yu didn’t know why, but intuition told her to draw it.

She drew it because she was the best at following her own heart.

Ruan Bai is a know-it-all. With just a simple look, he will understand how reliable this thing is.

Ruan Bai asked in a deep voice, “You’re not kidding me.”

This is a question and a statement.

Ruan Yu was digging for crab roe, the phone lay quietly on the table, and the public release made Ruan Bai’s voice louder.

“Of course,” Ruan Yu replied, “It’s just a joke or two for such a serious matter, why so much?”

That night, someone came to Xiacheng and picked up Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu sat on a cold and hard chair, the room was empty, and there was a dark wall in front of him.

System: [This is a single-sided wall, in fact, there are many people behind it]

Ruan Yu lowered his head and pulled out his hands: “Oh.”

System: [Look, I’ve been fiddling with so many things in these days, but I still can’t find me]

Ruan Yu shrugged: “As expected.”

She was taken to this base from home, and she was checked and asked over and over again, countless times of “what the system looks like now”, “how did you feel when you were bound” and so on. .

Ruan Yu could see that they did not believe in herself for the time being, and some people suspected that she was mentally ill.

It’s true, normal people don’t believe it.

She is very cooperative, obedient in whatever she does, and does whatever she wants, even the answer “your name” has been repeated dozens of times.

After taking turns talking, combined with the pictures provided by Ruan Yu, they were finally willing to believe that the system might really exist.

System: [I will not harm you]

Ruan Yu: “Force buying and selling is based on unfairness from the very beginning. Why should I do what you want? Why should I trust you?”

She said: “And, compared to your alien, the place where I grew up and grew up is more worthy of my trust, right?”

From this point of view, Ruan Yu subconsciously went to find Sanman next door when she could not find Ruan Bai, because she trusted this sister more.

The system has nothing to say.

Behind the wall, a group of people watched Ruan Yu speak to the air.

Ruan Bai frowned and wanted to say something.

The colleague patted him: “Don’t worry.”

Ruan Bai said “um”, but the melancholy between his brows still did not let go.

“All kinds of inspections have been done, and no foreign objects have been found.”

“There is no blood, and there is nothing abnormal in CT, etc.”

“She’s in a state of schizophrenia.”

“How to prove she’s telling the truth?”

“She is not mentally ill, nor is she a split personality, and she gave this picture.”

It was Ruan Yu who gave it to Ruan Bai.

I gave the photo when I was at home, and when I was picked up, I brought it over by the way.

But everyone here has seen the print version.

Ruan Bai: “My sister’s instant memory is very powerful.”

Colleague: “This is not so powerful, this is the level of the strongest brain. Does she really not engage in scientific research?”

Ruan Bai sighed: “My sister just wants to eat and die.”

Colleague: “…what a waste.”

I have done countless examinations at the base hospital. Three days later, I still have not found where the ‘system” she said is.

Unknown, not visible.

How to confirm that what Ruan Yu said is true has become the primary problem facing now.

And this answer is related to her fate.

Ruan Yu looked left and right, the room was actually quite empty, not warm, and a little cold, with only two tables and three chairs inside.

There are a bunch of machines on the surrounding walls.

The system was still buzzing, Ruan Yu stood up and walked around the room.

Then walked to the wall that was said to be a single-sided mirror, knuckles and knocked.

Ruan Yu: “Hello? Are there many people behind? It’s been a long time since I watched it. I’m a little bored without a mobile phone. If you have any questions, please come and ask, and I won’t lie.”

She didn’t see her at all: “Otherwise I’ll lie down on the table and sleep, you put a blanket in for me, I’m a little cold.”

The person behind: “…”

Ruan Bai rolled up his sleeves and went to find a blanket for his sister.

The colleague dragged him: “Hey!”

Ruan Bai: “That’s my sister!”

Colleague: “I know, this is not everyone waiting for someone, right away.”

Ruan Bai pressed down: “Then I’ll pour her a glass of water.”

When he said this, he looked forward to the right, and the person over there nodded.

Ruan Bai breathed a sigh of relief: “Okay.”

Not long after, Ruan Yu, who was sitting in a chair with his legs stretched out in boredom, saw the door opened and a familiar brother came in with a teacup.

Ruan Yu complained: “You guys are so troublesome.”

Ruan Bai touched her dog’s head: “It’s more serious.”

Ruan Yu took the cup: “Honey water? I kind of want to drink milk tea, taro milk green and ice cream with full sugar, and let it go in in the cold weather.”

Ruan Bai: “I’ll buy it for you later.”

Ruan Yu yawned: “How about eating Mala Tang at noon? After eating, I went to bed and got up too early in the morning. I’m a little sleepy now.”

After graduation, she never got up before nine o’clock in the morning, and it was no later than eight o’clock in the past three or four days.

Ruan Bai poked her cheek: “Early to bed and early to rise is good for your health.”

Ruan Yu waved him away: “I won’t.”

The two made a few jokes, Ruan Bai was called away, and Ruan Yu was the only one left here.

The system is flying around in the air.

Ruan Yu glanced at it sideways: “You are really troublesome, can’t you just stand in peace?”

System: [I am also bored, you don’t start the task, I have nothing to do]

Ruan Yu: “That’s good, everyone is bored together.”

Behind the wall, a group is recording Ruan Yu’s every bit.

“She looked at nine o’clock for a second.”

“The line of sight changes from 63° to 47° obliquely upward, and the unknown object may change accordingly.”


Ruan Yu’s every move, every question and answer with the system, her sight, tone and actions are the key to their records.

I can’t find the system, and I can’t see it, so I can only infer its state and location based on Ruan Yu’s reaction under the premise that it really exists.

Ruan Bai sighed inwardly when he saw his sister’s heartlessness.

The heart is very big, and their family’s genetics, I don’t know whether it is good or bad.

At half past ten in the morning, the person who was waiting finally came.

Ruan Yudu slept indoors with a blanket.

Admiral Chen Mianran came in a hurry, and did not forget to tidy up his collar carefully before opening the door.

Ruan Yu heard the voice and looked, and saw a middle-aged man with a mild temperament, with the atmosphere of a high-ranking position, and the momentum was amazing.

Chen Mianran took over this task because of his ability and because of the generals, his appearance and temperament were the most gentle.

After all, Ruan Yu is only a 21-year-old girl, just graduated, it is not good to be scared by these people.

In fact, Chen Mianran was more caring than they thought.

He greeted Ruan Yu with a smile and affectionately called her “Little Fish”.

And let Ruan Yu call him Uncle Chen.

Chen Mianran: “Then, before we start talking, I still want to send my little gift.”

Ruan Yu: “Huh?”

He beckoned, someone opened the door and brought in a small cart.

Ruan Yu: “!!”

She sounded cheerful, watching the cart get closer and closer: “Snacks!”

It is a snack in the three-story dining car, and there are a few cups of milk tea on top, one of which is obviously the category she told Ruan Bai just now.

Chen Mianran: “Do you like it?”

Ruan Yu’s information has been thoroughly understood by them, and his preferences have not been let go.

Now, when it comes to understanding Ruan Yu, Ruan Bai, a brother who doesn’t go home very often, is not as good as the people in the special group.

Ruan Yu pokes open the milk tea: “I like it.”

Chen Mianran: “That’s good.”

Chen Mianran looked at Ruan Yu.

The 21-year-old girl is four months away from her birthday. She is very well-behaved and cute, holding the milk tea and smiling like a cat.

“I’m relieved that you can tell us about this.” He smiled, and the corners of his eyes were wrinkled, “If this is true, maybe, we will have a dramatic change.”

System: [Your step is actually very risky, there is a probability of being dissected]

Ruan Yu ignored it.

Chen Mianran looked at Ruan Yu seriously: “It can give a lot of things, regardless of the field, right?”

Ruan Yu raised his head and looked at the system floating on top of Chen Mianran’s head: “Ask you.”

People in the room next to her quickly followed her line of sight to try to find the existence of the system, and all kinds of machines installed in the room were running fast.

The result is nothing but air.

Chen Mianran is also inexplicable: “Are you, by my side?”

Ruan Yu pointed out: “Twenty centimeters above your head.”

Chen Mianran: “…”

The system seems a bit skinny.

The system has changed to a nether sound effect: [Yes, I have everything, the task store can connect all universes and times]

Ruan Yu frowned.

Chen Mianran immediately noticed: “What?”

Ruan Yu: “It sounds so unpleasant.”

Chen Mianran: “…”

System: [Hey, hey, I did it on purpose]

Only you can block me!

Ruan Yu repeated the original words to Chen Mianran.

Chen Mianran: “!!”

Universe! Time and space! each!

The next room: “!!”

Universe! Time and space! each!

Is there really a parallel space-time! !

Chen Mianran was a little nervous and looking forward to it: “Then, can you prove it to me?”

Ruan Yu shook her head, she could answer this question directly: “To exchange items, you need to complete the task, and the task needs to be opened by me. At present, I am only bound to it, and the task has not been confirmed.”

Chen Mianran: “…”

Ruan Yu: “So, there is no reward and cannot be redeemed.”

Chen Mianran: “…top-class tasks?”

This is what Ruan Yu said early in the morning.

As for the meaning of the word “top stream”, Chen Mianran’s group of people still supplemented their knowledge temporarily, and they felt the change of the times at that time.

Ruan Yu sought approval: “Yes, yes, this system is really sick, what can I do not be a star. Am I someone who wants to be famous? I don’t even do market research, I deserve it Now we are in a dilemma, and the business will definitely fail miserably as soon as it opens.”

System: […]

I will cry for you!

Chen Mianran smiled wryly: “Yes.”

If it is someone who thinks like this, maybe the existence of this system will be concealed.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Ruan Yu with admiration.

After all, no one dislikes what they have gotten too much, and faced with the temptation that almost surpasses the whole era, very few can refuse.

Ruan Yu tilted his head: “Huh?”

See what I do?

Chen Mianran: “Young comrade did a good job.”

Whether it’s true or not, what the result is, only this courage and determination is stronger than most people.

Ruan Yu: “…Thank you?”

Although I don’t know why it is praised, it is always right to be polite.

Eating snacks and chatting, the system is also very cooperative, and everyone who can answer answers.

As the conversation with Ruan Yu deepened, Chen Mianran’s breathing became tighter and tighter, her fingers gripping the armrest of the chair tightly.

The voice of the little girl was transmitted from the closed room through the loudspeaker to the next room, and more than 20 people were silent.

What did they hear?

Ruan Yu had finished drinking a cup of milk tea, and changed to lemonade to moisten his throat.

“Do you still want to search? It’s very cooperative now.” Ruan Yu was referring to the system.

The system that didn’t want her to search things two days ago, today will show what she wants, and the permissions are very high.

It seems to know that if this group of strangers is satisfied today, then its mission may be settled.

Chen Mianran closed her eyes: “No need.”

No, that’s enough.

A large part of the technology before the end of the world has been lost. Canglanzhou was originally the top three countries, but now it has only been smashed and re-bonded. In the name of the continent, it has become one of the top ten countries. one of the two countries.

Ruan Yu just now gave a brief description of many lost national weapons, from the whole to the details.

And, there are some amazing-sounding items.

Ruan Yu is a liberal arts student, she is not interested in science and engineering, even if there is a brother like Ruan Bai, she should not know so much.

There is no nonsense, because what Ruan Yu just described is true.

Some of them are even classified and are currently sealed in the archives.

Chen Mianran stood up: “Thank you.”

He nodded and bowed, thanking Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu was frightened: “Don’t don’t don’t!”

Brother I’m scared to death!

Chen Mian Ran suppressed Ruan Yu’s obstruction, bent down and straightened up.

He said: “Because, I need to ask you to do something, or rather, many, many things.”

Ruan Yu scratched his ears: “I probably know.”

The moment she told Ruan Bai, she was already prepared.

She wants nothing from the system, but others are different.

People are chasing fame and fortune, and some people are dying.

Ruan Yu is neither the former nor the latter. But she admires the latter.

Ruan Yu said softly, “I’m here, I’m not afraid of being troubled.”

I can also promise to do tasks if you want.

Ruan Yu lowered his head and looked at his fingers holding the milk tea, his vision darkened.

Chen Mianran: “You…”

Ruan Yu smiled embarrassedly: “I have scoured so much wool in the country, and I will be very happy if I can make some contributions.”

Chen Mianran was stunned for a while, but after realizing what she was referring to, she smiled suddenly.

Yes, Ruan Yu’s experience from childhood to adulthood, as well as her family’s situation, has long been collected.

Because of Ruan Bai, the Ruan family has been followed. Now that Ruan Yu was added, it was even more investigated inside and out.

The people in the next room were a little confused, and not all of them had read Ruan Yu’s materials.

Ruan Bai knew a little bit, but he didn’t know the news of the new demolition of 2 billion.

Accurately speaking, it is not a wolf with empty gloves. On the contrary, the parents of the Ruan family were very busy because of this matter, so they had to relocate the factory and arrange for workers.

Ruan Yu smiled, his fingers moved slightly, and his right thumb gently rubbed his index finger.

She said: “I like this place, I love my country. So, there is nothing to worry about.”

Some people call the current country “Dazhou” and “Zhouguo”, but more people are still used to the name of home.

A country and a country have always been inseparable.

Canglanzhou was broken and rebuilt, but the people on this land have always been there. No matter how hard it was, they were always together.

System: [If only you were so nice to me from the beginning]

Ruan Yu didn’t give it a glance.

Chen Mianran said solemnly: “Thank you.”

Ruan Yu’s voice changed: “But it’s better to study how to peel it off by the way. I actually prefer to lie down and eat and wait to die.”

Chen Mian Ran laughed: “Okay, two parallel lines.”

Ruan Yu is satisfied.

This conversation was later sealed and preserved at the highest level, and the content involved in the two-hour conversation was enough to shock everyone present for two lifetimes.

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