Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 34

Chapter 33: Leave And Return

Ruan Yu stared at the amputated limb under his feet, maintaining a squatting posture without any movement.

She was so shocked that her mind went off in an instant, she didn’t know what to do.

She didn’t even look back, she just stared straight at her feet, even pulling the shoelaces she just laced with both hands.

Her little finger was only three or four centimeters away from that limb.

It’s like being bitten off by a giant beast.

The smell of blood on the tip of the nose became stronger and stronger, the chirping in the ear gradually increased, and there was movement around, it was the sound of a vulture diving down and breaking the wind.

It seemed that she was suddenly awakened by the sound, blood flowed back to Ruan Yu’s limbs, and her fingers were finally able to move.

She closed her eyes.

It’s okay, Ruan Yu, don’t be afraid, it’s okay.

She comforted herself over and over in her heart.

You calm down, it’s alright.

Do this dozens of times, breathing slowly and evenly, and heartbeat gradually slowed down.

After a while, Ruan Yu opened his eyes, staggered his gaze and didn’t look at what was under his feet, pulled his stiff body hard, and stood up slowly.

She took a step back and stepped on the flat next to her.

“I’m fine…” she said to herself.

Strongly suppressed the timidity, Ruan Yu’s spirit was extremely tense, and he carefully observed the surrounding situation.

The surrounding area is extremely desolate, the land is charred and dry, smoke is everywhere, the area is wet with blood, and the smell of blood is so strong that it is difficult to breathe.

There are no plants on the ground, only stumps and corpses, both human and animal.

It’s like a battlefield, a battlefield that has just been fought.

Ruan Yu raised his head, the system turned into an original appearance in the air, and on the light blue screen, the code was constantly scrolling like a collapse.

The speed is too fast, like a crash and restart.

Ruan Yu is waiting for the system.

After a while, it returned to normal and the page finally stabilized.

“Where is this?” Ruan Yu opened his mouth, a little dumb.

The system hurriedly replied: [I don’t know! No data found yet! 】

Ruan Yu: “You threw me over?”

System: [Not me! It’s really not me! I don’t have this permission! 】

The system panicked.

Ruan Yu kept his eyes from falling on the ground as much as possible, held his breath, and turned around.

“How long will it take to know where this is?”

System: [One hour! 】

Ruan Yu: “I’ll give you an hour.”

I don’t know where a wild beast roared, and the roar was so powerful that some were as thick as a crack in the ground, and some were so sharp that they rushed into the sky.

Flocks of birds passing by in the air fell down.

Ruan Yu was so frightened that she trembled.

A bird with jet black scales flew to her side, and roared at her with its beak, its broken gong voice extremely unpleasant.

Ruan Yu covered his ears instantly.

“Isn’t I dead before you find out where this is?” she asked.

System: [No, there is a protection mechanism]

Not long after binding, the system said that it would not cause the host to die abnormally.

But Ruan Yu never used it.

“…Why do you always think this setting is waiting for today.” She muttered.

The bird didn’t want to attack Ruan Yu, but just protested, flapping its wings and leaving.

Ruan Yu saw many scavenger birds flying from a distance and feeding on the ground.

She was silent.

I’m dying, she thought, this is hell.

She covered her mouth and nose, trying to get away from here.

Lian Shuo deducted all the actors in this theater.

The audience had no contact with the actors, and no one entered the backstage, so they were let go due to the large number of people to avoid panic.

But staff can’t.

Zhuo Yan came in a hurry, sweating all over her face.

“How is it? Haven’t found it yet?” she asked anxiously.

Lian Shuo shook his head.

Zhuo Yan: “Could it be kidnapping?”

Lian Shuo said: “Impossible!”

With a few of them here, Ruan Yu will definitely not encounter this.

There are only two exits. Today, one side is blocked by a hill of props, and there is no mechanism under the stage. It is impossible for Ruan Yu to be taken away without a trace.

Zhuo Yan: “What if it was the system? It took away the little fish?”

Lian Shuo: “…Maybe that’s the case.”

This is the most nerve-wracking.

Zhuo Yan was angry: “What is it going to do!”

Have you finally shown your true colors! ?

Ruan Yu stumbled and came to the back of a broken hill.

The ground is full of rocks, and there are large pits that have been blasted out.

“How big is this battlefield…” Ruan Yu said to himself.

After walking for nearly forty minutes, she still did not walk out of this scorched wilderness.

The boots were covered in dust, dirt, and bits of something unknown.

Ruan Yu refused to think about what it was, she felt that the answer would not make her feel good.

“Why am I here?”

“In addition to being destined to tie a system, do I also have a time-travel setting?”

She diverted her thoughts through pain and pleasure to avoid deeper associations with this place.

The sound of the system came out at this time.

【Little fish! Here is the silver tail star! Here is the silver tail star! 】

Ruan Yu: “What?!”

This is still the silver tail star.

Same planet, same galaxy, same universe, same time and space.

It’s just that the timeline has been pulled back a long, long time.

System: [I don’t know the current timeline, but here is the silver-tailed star, your silver-tailed star]

Ruan Yu stood beside the rock, his face was frosty, his brows furrowed.

She looked up at the distant skyline.

Dim skies, dark clouds, and howling winds.

The distance where it meets the ground is extremely dark.

As far as I can see, there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

“Silver Tail Star…” She spat out these words.

Silver Tail Star, once a certain time line, was like purgatory.

When these words come out, apart from that period, what other history is in line with it?

Ruan Yu: “I can…”

Where else?

She minored in Doomsday Catastrophe, collapsed with her teacher, and read the few historical materials left behind.

Videos, texts, objects, specimens… all of them can’t compare to the depth brought by the desolation and despair at this time.

There are humans, there are hot weapons, there are tragic battles, there are corpses of birds and beasts, and there are devastations all over the place.

“Where else can it be other than the apocalypse that was read and forgotten?”

Geological disasters occur frequently. In the early stage, the summary of global data available within one hour shows that the cumulative earthquake includes more than 136,872 aftershocks, and the resulting disasters The consequences were shocking.

The largest active volcano that erupted 650,000 years ago woke up again from its slumber and showed its mighty power.

Half of the silver-tailed star was covered with volcanic ash, the cold season came early, and the hard-hit humans worsened, crops and food were reduced.

“I didn’t feel the earthquake,” Ruan Yu calmly analyzed, “Then now is not the earliest time.”

At least it’s a gentle period, otherwise, during the period of time she stays here, there will inevitably be ground movements.

When exactly?

She, can she go back?

Almost digging three feet into the ground, but still no trace of Ruan Yu was found.

Zhuo Yan is about to go crazy.

“Why did something happen all of a sudden? No clue at all? Didn’t the previous performances go well?”

All of them were looking for Ruan Yu, and the theater staff and actors were temporarily invited to the lounge and could not leave.

The communication tool was also taken away and needs to be checked.

Lian Shuo suspected that it was the system, but he still couldn’t rule out someone’s ulterior motives. Corresponding inquiries and inspections were essential.

The people at the theater were panicked and didn’t know what was going on.

Zhuo Yan: “What if it’s the system? Can she come back? Where will she be taken?”

The details of the emergency have been notified to the base, and the people of Group C also entered the theater with equipment, and all the surrounding areas are blocked. No one is allowed to enter or leave here for the time being.

All monitoring was called out, theater, road, to see if there was Ruan Yu.

The nested positioning in the jewelry worn by Ruan Yu disappeared without a trace.

They found nothing.

The system does not know how to leave.

Like it doesn’t understand why Ruan Yu came here.

Ruan Yu was helpless, holding the stone wall: “Don’t cry, I don’t blame you.”

The system is crying: [I didn’t do it…]

Ruan Yu: “Well, I believe it.”

It’s normal that you don’t have enough permissions.

System: [But I don’t know how to take you back…]

Ruan Yu: “How did you get to me?”

System: [Just, swoosh, here it is]

Ruan Yu: “…”

The system can’t, at least shouldn’t, be that stupid.

She held her forehead: “Then you always go from one time and space to another, right? How is this done?”

System: [The department will dispatch the task, I accept it, and it will be sent to me according to the process, I do not have the authority to travel through time and space alone]

Ruan Yu thought: “You seem to be applying for a route.”

She was a little distressed: “In your follow-up missions, do you need me to travel through time and space to be an idol?”

System: [How is that possible! No! 】

Ruan Yu: “Then your system master **** or something, do you have any enemies? The other party happened to see me and recognized you, and with the idea of not adding any blockages, they would bring you together. Throwing me here?”

The system is stunned: [No, no enemies]

Ruan Yu: “Oh.”

Success, I see, it’s purely her back.

Strange, Ruan Yu thought, for the first time since I was twenty-two, I felt unlucky.

Oh no, the second time.

The first time is when binding the system.

I didn’t react just now, and since I couldn’t figure out what’s going on here, Ruan Yu was vigilant along the way.

I was really tired at the moment, and she didn’t see any living creatures. She asked if the system could provide a convenient means of transportation.

“If you adapt to the current situation, you can directly deduct points.” She wiped her sweat.

System: [Oh]

The next moment, a floating square aircraft that could sit cross-legged appeared in front of Ruan Yu.

There is a booster at the bottom, and the top is a flat piece that just falls at the height of Ruan Yu’s knee.

Ruan Yu: “How to use it?”

The system gave her a manual and a simple and easy to use method.

A minute later, Ruan Yu sat up and, with subtle body movements, directed the aircraft to fly in a certain direction.

“It’s quite convenient,” she said.

I dare not fly too fast for fear of falling.

Ruan Yu stayed here for three days.

She has been trying to fly out of this area for the past three days. It rained during the period, so she found a cave to hide.

It was too cold at night, and animals and plants attacked her, so her sleep was not good.

From the system, she exchanged a small black ball that was said to be able to be thrown at it. Ruan Yu watched the flames rise and devoured the thick brown rattan that was trying to entangle her just now.

Ruan Yu commented: “It’s too ugly.”

There are more than ten rattan sticks, like they are dead.

From the timidity of the first day to the boldness, Ruan Yu has adapted very quickly.

Occasionally encountering normal animals, she was surprised to find that there were long extinct species here.

It’s a pity that they ran too fast, and the camouflage was excellent, and they disappeared suddenly.

The speed of the aircraft is not very fast, Ruan Yu was worried that there would be an accident, and this thing was not suitable for fast flying, so she flew in one direction intermittently for three days, and she still did not leave this area.

Still, I haven’t met anyone to ask questions.

The system seems to be stupid, and it has been unclear at which stage of the Silvertail Star’s timeline this period of time is.

Seeing that it was really difficult, Ruan Yu advised: “Don’t be too busy, go back and screw yourself up. It doesn’t matter if you crash, I still cherish my life.”

The system hangs, and she will be finished 80% of the time.

In this dangerous place, dozens of mutant animals and plants were attacked in three days. Without systematic protection, Ruan Yu was long gone.

System: [Oh]

Having said that, it still diligently contacted the Lord God to report an error and asked for backstage support, at least open an energy pool for it, so that it could bring Ruan Yu directly home.

But I don’t know why, I haven’t heard back.

But this is normal, the Lord is so busy, the application may not be seen when it will be seen.

Ruan Yu changed his clothes, it was the jacket given by the system.

There is a system, she does not worry about food and drink, and she also has quilts, clothing and tents.

These kinds of expenses are cheap and almost free.

Ruan Yu listened to the sounds around her.

There are too many beasts here, and there are ghosts and wolves howling every day. At first, she was scared to death, but later she realized that she was far away, so she might not be able to meet.

So she wasn’t so afraid.

“It seems that I heard the sound of shells being fired.” Ruan Yu asked the system, “Can you extend to another place and take a look at the surrounding environment for me?”

System: [There is no monitoring here…]

It can’t be too far from Ruan Yu.

There are many things it can do in modern times that it cannot do here.

Ruan Yu made an “oh”.

“Then go over there and take a look…” She paused, remembering the horror she saw when she first arrived.

Slightly reluctant to go.

What if there is a real war?

She was afraid that she would do it again, and the ptsd would be committed.

However, if you don’t go, you might miss something.

Ruan Yu’s intuition was always accurate, she looked in that direction, and after thinking, she clenched her hands.

Go, it’s not too bad anyway.

Flip on the aircraft, Ruan Yu flew in the direction she heard the sound.

Slowly, she heard no more sound, only a few solitary roars, like some monster struggling before death.

Ruan Yu crossed the hill and came to another wasteland.

[Be careful! ! 】

The one that made the sound faster than the system was a flash of white light on Ruan Yu.


The sound of “bang bang bang” on the ground is the sound of the monster landing.

It’s a close call, but at half an hour at night, Ruan Yu has already been photographed into meat.

Ruan Yu: “!!”

Scared to death!

Two lines of words flashed across the system.

[Protection mechanism activated]

【Light Shield Start】

In just two or three seconds, from the attack to the solution, Ruan Yu couldn’t even react.

She clutched her heart, panting heavily, and looked at the behemoth on the ground.

“This is… an elephant?”

It is an elephant dozens of times her size, with a broken tusk, the irregular crack is covered with minced meat, and it is covered with blood.

The torso of this elephant is covered with scars, and the deep ones are covered with flesh and blood.

Ruan Yu raised his head in shock and looked into the distance.

A few hours ago, in the vast land, the killings continued, and the wild beasts attacked the weak humans like crazy, and the ground trembled.

War is raging, and hot weapons bring death to these mutant species.

However, the prediction was wrong, the supporters did not arrive in time, the vanguard was also in danger, and the ammunition was insufficient to support them to the end.

When Ruan Yu arrived, it was the end of both sides.

The dull sound she heard in the distance was the final stage just now.

The elephant on the ground closed its eyes and entered death.

Ruan Yu stood up from the aircraft, she looked out, and saw someone standing a few kilometers away, and another strange creature.

“You can protect me from death, right?” Ruan Yu asked the system, as if he had made up his mind.

System: [Yes]

Ruan Yu: “That’s fine.”

She leaned forward, the aircraft changed direction with her movements, and flew towards the place chosen by Ruan Yu.

Li Ling felt like she was going to die.

The blood loss made him weak and dizzy.

The monster isn’t dead yet, he hasn’t finished his mission yet, but he can’t stand up.

In the vague vision, a person flying in the air suddenly appeared, stepping on something under her feet, dodging and moving.

“So, do you see hallucinations before you die…” he thought.

He saw that the man had a long knife in his hand, like light, like no blade.

From the monster’s skin, it was a deep mark, accompanied by charred black, and there was a smoke of barbecue.

“Ah, it’s been a long time since I’ve had grilled meat,” he thought.

She flew up and down the monster’s body, sometimes swaying, and she was almost caught by big claws if she didn’t dodge in time.

Li Ling wanted to remind her aloud, but there was not much sound in her throat.

He couldn’t stand, and fell to the ground suddenly.

Probably because of the accumulation of too many injuries, the monster finally fell.

The man in the air was messy, and half of his body was splashed with blood from the monster.

Li Ling watched her fly towards him. After the thing under her feet was close to the ground, she jumped down and hurried to his side.

A hand held him up.

She raised her head and shouted something into the empty air.

Li Ling couldn’t hear it, and he couldn’t hear it either.

His hands fell to the ground and he closed his eyes.

Ruan Yu exchanged a weapon from the system, a long knife with a laser as a blade.

She can’t use a gun, and the system says that she may be injured and half-death due to improper operation.

Fortunately, this knife is very useful, and with the aircraft under her feet, Ruan Yu can give this monster a fatal blow.

The system determined that the monster was dead, Ruan Yu hurriedly flew towards the man on the ground, staggered a bit when he landed, and almost threw himself beside him.

His condition is very bad, his body is covered with bruises, the clothes on his arms are gone, and a wound has exposed bones.

The front of the worn clothes has a small logo.

Ruan Yu’s eyes widened and he suddenly realized who he was.

Or, where does he belong.

“This is…”

Transformed plum blossom and three chevrons.

She studied in the minor and passed the exam.

On the land where Canglanzhou is located at the end of the day, this is the pattern of Ning’an, one of the official bases.

The most famous mission of the troops from this base is to eradicate all mutant animals and plants.

Ruan Yu remembered.

If this is one of the mission locations… Ning’an’s most tragic battle is the annihilation of Xipingye.

The information of the vanguard was wrong. When the main force penetrated into the hinterland, it burned with the mutant animal group. Before the support troops could reach the edge, they were caught by surprise by the remaining zombies and mutant animals and plants in ambush.

I thought it was a tertiary mutation, but only here did I know that the animals and plants that are active here are all the most core batches in the DTR laboratory!

Reality did not allow her to think too much, and Ruan Yu realized that his life was in danger: “Medical cabin! That repair cabin!”

She shouted at the system in the air: “Anything is fine! As long as it can save him! Anything is fine!”

[Cannot save]

[He is doomed]

[He is dead]

Ruan Yu’s words were not even finished, and the people in his arms were silent.

She felt the man’s dangling arm, and she didn’t care to ask what the system’s reply meant, she looked down and saw that he had closed his eyes and tilted his head to one side.


Ruan Yu’s fingertips are shaking: “Why…”

Why is she so late?

Why is she arriving so slowly?

Just then, she heard a sound.

Ruan Yu raised his head sharply: “Where? System, where?”

The system pointed her in the direction.

Ruan Yu put the person down carefully, stood up quickly, and when she was anxious, she forgot the existence of the aircraft, and she ran wildly, faster than the wind.

She saw someone in the corpse holding their fingers up, trembling slightly.

Ruan Yu knelt on the ground, opened the corpses, and dug out a person buried below.

She was bloodied, one arm was broken, her right leg disappeared from the base of her thigh, and there was a large hole in her abdomen.

She opened her eyes and looked at Ruan Yu.

“Go back, go back, quest 2517, there are exceptions… alert, alert…”

She said eagerly, using all her strength.

Ruan Yu was in tears, and he was at a loss, not knowing how to touch the person on the ground.

“I know, I know, I remember, don’t talk yet.”


She wanted to cover the wound to slow down the bleeding, but Ruan Yu didn’t know where to cover with such an injury.

“Save her! Everything is good, all the points are good, save her! Save her!” She cried to the system.

[Ruan Yu, if she can’t be saved, she will die]

[She is destined to die, everything here, destined to die will die]

Ruan Yu: “I don’t care what bet is not doomed! I am here, you are here, she is still alive, and she still has a breath!”

This is the second person she sees.

This may be the second person to die.

“The medical cabin can rescue the seriously injured base person, and she can be rescued! Is there one in the store? Or is the galaxy there? I beg you.”

“I beg you, save her.”

A person who grew up on the same land with the same roots, she is not only a compatriot, she is also a hero who gave her life for the Canglanzhou established later!

“You save her… everything is fine, I owe you, everything is fine, you save her…”

The system was silent for a moment.

It will not persuade, nor understand why human beings are rich in emotion, although it aspires to have an emotional module and become an intelligent system that can think and upgrade itself.

It will only use facts to tell Ruan Yu that it cannot be saved.

The system retrieves all of Ruan Yu’s current prop cards, dissolves, purifies, adds half of the points, and gets a new card.

The card flew out from it, appeared above the two, and then turned into a warm golden light, shining on them like the sun.

The hand was gently touched, Ruan Yu lowered his head, and tears fell on the face of the person in his arms.

The face has been blurred, there are abrasions on the cheek, and there is a bite mark.

That piece of meat is gone.

Ruan Yu couldn’t even imagine what kind of pain she was suffering now.

The light fell on her body, like a miracle, the injured part healed quickly, the missing limbs slowly appeared, and the wound on her face returned to its original state.

She asked softly, “You are…”

The voice is as soft as the wind.

Ruan Yu leaned into her ear: “Ruan Yu, my name is Ruan Yu, I will come eight hundred years later.”

She grabbed Ruan Yu tightly, her eyes lit up: “Eight hundred… Doomsday…”

Ruan Yu: “The end of the apocalypse, seven years after 2517, the end of the apocalypse, the Silver Tail Star has returned to peace, and there are no more zombie mutants.”

“Ho…ho…” She panted, the light in her eyes brighter and brighter, “It’s over… it’s over…”

Ruan Yu: “You want to…”

You have to wait, you have to live, and you have to see the end of the day with your own eyes.

She didn’t say what she said, blood overflowed from the corner of the mouth of the person in her arms, more and more, more and more, until she stopped breathing.

Her eyes were still open, and there was light inside, brighter than the sun.

Ruan Yu’s words disappeared suddenly, she couldn’t believe it: “How, how…”

She wanted to shake the shoulders of the person in her arms, but she was afraid of hurting the other party, so she could only gently: “Wake up, wake up!”

She looked up at a loss and asked, “What’s wrong? Isn’t it cured? Isn’t it cured?”

How could this be…

[Ruan Yu, here is the silver-tailed star, the same silver-tailed star as you]

[Not another time and space]

[Not a parallel space-time]

[This is your planet]

Ruan Yu collapsed: “What’s the matter?! Is there any difference?”

[Parallel space-time may have the opportunity to change history, but the space-time on the same timeline is always moving forward]

[You can’t change]

Ruan Yu: “But she was clearly healed just now… She also heard my words, I hugged her, her body was cold and her heart was hot, she touched me!”

She was talking indiscriminately without logic.

“And that elephant, that monster, they are all dead, killed by you and me?”

Ruan Yu hugged the person in his arms: “Why can’t she survive? Why?”

【Death is doomed】

Ruan Yu: “I don’t believe it!”

The system is silent.

Ruan Yu hugged her tightly without letting go.

Until the vultures swooped down from the sky, searching the ground for their endless food.

“What the **** am I here for?”

Ruan Yu’s voice was dry and hoarse.

“To see them die?”

The corpses everywhere, the death in front of you, and the fate that cannot be saved.

The end of the doomsday catastrophe is piled up with piles of bones.

It was killed by countless people with lofty ideals.

2517 Mission, also known as the Battle of the Plains, is an iconic event written in the history books.

She guessed right, this is the boundless Xipingye.

“I don’t know what they’re called…”

Their identities were drowned in the havoc, and only a few survived.

“I only know 2517, the teacher said this task code is their name…”

But he is human, she is human, and the corpses on the ground are all human.

“They should be remembered.”

Why am I so trashy?

What can I do?

Ruan Yu hugged this unknown person and cried silently.

There was a chirping sound, just like when she first came, a flock of birds passed by in the sky.

They fell on the ground, looking for new food, the huge monster corpse became the target of dozens of big birds.

The system will not persuade people, and it does not know whether Ruan Yu needs to be persuaded.

Long time.

Ruan Yu put the man down.

She stood up and looked back, this place has become a paradise for carrion birds.

“They are the outpost.” Ruan Yu said softly, and the cold wind sent her words to silence.

“I don’t believe it, I can’t change it.”

You are lying to me.

I don’t believe it.

Modern, Theater.

“Monitor! Appeared!”

“Ruan Yu has appeared!”

The short and urgent communication sounded in the communicator, and Lian Shuozhuoyan and others who were at a loss stood instantly.

The location of Ruan Yu is said in the earphone.

“Backstage! Still backstage!”

“That’s where she disappeared!”

As soon as she heard the location, Zhuo Yan instantly dropped what was in her hand, turned around and ran, heading towards the theater where Ruan Yu was performing just now.

“Hey—” Someone reached out, but only saw her back disappearing into the corner.

The man was helpless, squatted down and picked up the scattered things.

Lian Shuo is already here.

Behind the curtain opened in front, on the second half of the stage, Ruan Yu fell and sat there with his head lowered.

She was messed up, changed clothes, covered in blood, mud, mixture.

The smell of blood filled the room.

Several people stood around her, dividing the space.

Zhuo Yan rushed towards Ruan Yu, but was stopped by Nie An.

He shook his head slightly: “Don’t go over yet.”

Ruan Yu raised his head slowly, his messy hair stuck to his face, blocking his sight.

She can’t see clearly.

Ruan Yu squinted slightly and moved the tip of his nose.

She smelled irises mixed with tuberose.

Ruan Yu had a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

She looked at the blurred figure, spread her hands weakly, and shouted “Zhuo Yan” hoarsely.

Exhausted, one hand fell on the ground, and was lifted stubbornly, only one centimeter above the ground, but it had consumed all her strength.

Zhuo Yan made a sudden move, and Nie An immediately increased her strength to stop her.

Zhuo Yan anxiously said: “I…”

Nie An: “The situation is unknown, wait.”

Ruan Yu’s hand was drooping in the air, not falling, she called out weakly: “Zhuo Yan…”

Hearing this, Zhuo Yan couldn’t bear it any longer.

She pushed Nie An away and hugged Ruan Yu on the ground regardless.

Ruan Yu’s chin was on Zhuo Yan’s shoulder, and she was hugged tightly.

These three and a half days of loneliness and loneliness, haunting her breath of death, at this moment, she was driven away by this embrace.

Zhuo Yan patted Ruan Yu’s back lightly and comforted: “It’s alright, it’s alright, I’m back.”

She said, “I’m here.”

Hearing this, Ruan Yu burst into tears.

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