Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 28

Chapter 27: Good News In Succession

“Business Bridge” is a commercial war drama.

My father is ill and my mother is not good at business.

At this moment, the heroine Cang Jun returned from abroad, held her father’s shares on her behalf, and sat in the position of chairman.

Competitors are fierce, family members are pressing step by step, the heroine seems to be ignorant, but she is actually scheming and planning every step.

In the end, the traitor was found out, and the opponent was forced to choose cooperation instead of life and death, standing at the highest point.

If you don’t kill the other party, first, it will take more effort, and second, the opponent company is very large, which will cause fluctuations in the work of thousands of people and affect social peace.

The relatives of the heroine, the grandmother, is set to be an old teacher, kind, gentle and persevering.

Even if her son made a fortune, she still continued her past life.

Like Ruan Yu’s grandmother.

There are not many scenes, and she is also the heroine’s support and inspiration in the plot.

So Ruan Yu asked tentatively, and wanted to invite Ruan Chenjun to make a cameo.

Playing with my grandmother, the love and admiration is naturally revealed.

But Ruan Chenjun and her husband Ju Changyue were not in Canglanzhou, and it would take a few days if they wanted to fly back, so they didn’t meet Ruan Yu in advance, but decided to meet at the shooting location.

When the crew arrived, Ruan Yu didn’t see her grandma, but saw another old acquaintance first.

“Why are you here?” She was surprised.

The director of “Hide and Seek”, this face has not been seen for many days, and still has the taste of cheap swish.

Ni Zhi, who finally had his own name, took a bite of the cucumber and hummed, “How fresh, the executive director of your show is me.”

A crew not only has one director, but also assistant directors, such as casting director and assistant director.

The film crew will also have multiple directors.

Some crews are relatively large, such as this one, there are more executive directors to be responsible for the coordination of on-site shooting.

Anyway, there are a lot of people, several times more than actors.

Ruan Yu: “Aren’t you shooting variety shows?”

Ni Zhi: “The variety show is so worry-free, it will be gone after the filming. I can’t find a job, I will do it soon.”

Ruan Yu: “???”

What you said, the director behind you has raised his hand to beat you.

The next moment Ni Zhi came out “Ouch”: “What are you doing, what are you doing, the chief director is hitting someone!”

Director Xun Jia rolled his eyes: “Get out!”

Ni Zhi: “Tsk tsk tsk still this stinky temper.”

They used to be brothers and sisters. Ni Zhi first made movies. Later, he didn’t know what happened, so he turned to make variety shows.

However, he sometimes helps others. He is not the chief director, but his role is not small.

On the second day, Han Xiaoxia arrived.

In the four-member team of the heroine of “Shangqiao”, one of them is a little cutie who is a little confused, with excellent basic skills.

Ruan Yu thought of Han Xiaoxia when she saw this character, and asked Zhuo Yan to ask. Seeing that she had a schedule, she came in.

Han Xiaoxia was there at the script reading meeting not long ago.

So the two of them haven’t seen each other for a long time.

“Yuyu!” She started to run from eight meters away, and a flying jump hung on Ruan Yu.

Ruan Yu caught her with one hand and held her firmly, only leaning back at a small angle.

Han Xiaoxia came down, raised her face and said with a smile: “I brought you something to eat, my mother’s sour radish!”

Ruan Yu: “You mean the one that tastes the best in the world?”

Han Xiaoxia nodded vigorously: “Mmmmmmm!”

It was mentioned by Han Xiaoxia when we met last time, and he also said that he would bring it to Ruan Yu to taste.

The two chatted for a while and then met the rest of the crew.

After a day’s rest, the filming officially started.

The crew is not a moth, everyone is doing their part, the script has small changes every day, and occasional pages are added.

The screenwriter team is here with the group, and I sigh that it is finally taken seriously. Without actors, they will add or subtract scenes casually, and they will not encounter assistants who casually say that the screenwriter will stay up all night to change the book.

The list goes on and on.

Ruan Yu was crying and laughing next to him when he was resting.

Original script, this has been honed for a long time, but it has not been approved yet.

It is not easy for Zhuo Yan to find this. If Ruan Yu didn’t want to play the simple heroine, 80% of the drama would have to hide before the sun.

Not long after Ruan Yu started shooting, he received a call from Zhao Changping.

He said that now he can walk like a normal person.

The nervous system is also recovering well, even better than before, according to the medical team.

Cells continue to proliferate and differentiate into new neurons and glial cells, and the integrity of spinal nerve function is gradually restored. [1]

Knee tendon reflexes appear, and sensation returns to the saddle area and below the calf…

—”Can you go down?”

—“Are you walking fast?”

—”Can you run?”

As the system said, within a month, the function will be restored as before.

I will probably have to get used to it later, after all, I haven’t stood up for more than ten years.

This is very exciting. The leader of the team can’t wait to stay by Zhao Changping’s side 24 hours a day and observe him from all aspects.

Zhao Changping cooperated in a good-natured manner, doing what he told him to do, and carrying out activities strictly according to the doctor’s instructions.

The smiles on the faces of Qiao Hui and her daughter Miao Miao were more and more, Miao Miao never thought that her father would really stand up one day.

It’s just a pity that the pharmaceutical research on the repair solution has not broken the barrier, and everyone has been studying day and night, but there is still not much progress.

This is normal. Any scientific research will consume countless time and energy. Perseverance is the victory.

Just seeing the speed of Zhao Changping’s recovery, the members of the other groups are inevitably a little anxious.

Miao Miao held a mobile phone and made a video with Ruan Yu. In the picture, Zhao Changping was walking like an ordinary person.

He went further and further, not fast, but very stable.

Ruan Yu cried when he saw it.

“Got it,” she wiped away her tears, her eyes filled with tears, “Listen to the doctor, don’t worry.”

Zhao Changping turned around and came back to the phone, his face directly on the camera.

“Don’t cry, you see, I’m very good now.” He smiled and coaxed Ruan Yu, “Actually, it was better half a month ago, but it won’t go far, I’m afraid you will worry, so I don’t I dare you to see it.”

At that time, he was about to fall after two steps and had to hold on to something.

But Ruan Yu knew about his recovery, and Zhuo Yan would tell her.

Thousands of words can’t match what I see now.

Ruan Yu moved the tip of his nose and squeezed out a “hmm”.

Zhao Changping changed the topic: “Is Yuyu going to act and sing? Uncle Zhao will look back at you, okay? But I don’t want to buy a ticket…”

He doesn’t know much about it.

Ruan Yu shook his head: “No, I’m filming, I haven’t sang yet. If it’s broadcast, you can just watch the computer TV at home.”

Zhao Changping: “Oh, that’s it.”

Ruan Yu: “Well. You stay in the hospital and don’t rush out. The expert team is here to try new medicines for you, neither your money nor mine.”

Zhuo Yan: “…”


Zhao Changping: “I know, but worry about it.”

After a few jokes, the atmosphere was much more relaxed.

This is something to be happy about.

Good things seem to come together.

After filming smoothly for more than half a month, Ruan Chenjun returned to Canglanzhou to join her in a small scene.

Ruan Yu was in a very good mood, and was humming a song while eating the lunch.

The second girl was curious and sat on the ponytail with her neck raised and asked, “Why are you so happy, Yuyu?”

Ruan Yu’s men packed up the tableware and answered crisply, “My grandma is coming today! I’ll pick her up at the airport later.”

When Jiu Anan heard this, he envied: “I haven’t seen my grandma for a long time.”

Ruan Yu: “Take time to go home, or make a video call?”

Jiao Anan: “Well, let’s make a phone call at night.”

After chatting with Jiu Anan for a while, Ruan Yu waved his hand when he saw that it was time to go to the airport to pick up his grandma.

As soon as Ruan Chenjun came out of the gate, he saw Ruan Yu who was on tiptoe and jumping to the gate.

She opened her arms, and Ruan Yu ran over in three or two steps and threw herself into her arms.

“The little fish seems to be a little thin.” Ruan Chenjun said, “The waist is thin.”

Ruan Yu let go of her and made a mistake with her upper body back: “It’s too hot, I’ve lost weight quickly recently.”

Ruan Chenjun: “The boxed lunch of the crew is not delicious? Let’s change it for something delicious, add more appetizers, but be careful not to overdo it.”

An assistant was in charge of her suitcase, and the grandfather and grandson walked out arm in arm.

“My mother changed the meal for the crew, but the consumption was so high that she couldn’t keep up with what was lost.”

“The poor little fish.”

“Grandma, I want to eat your fried rice.”

“Okay, I’ll make it for you tonight.”


At night, Ruan Yu and Ruan Chenjun lived in the same suite, and she pestered her grandmother to sleep together.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, by the way, what about Grandpa?” she asked, “Why didn’t I come with you?”

Ruan Chenjun sighed: “I heard that there is a tomb in Fengcheng, and I went to join in the fun.”

Ruan Yu: “…Oh.”

The two of them put on the mask together and chatted while lying on the massage chair.

Ruan Yu told her grandma about the script by the way.

“This role is very similar to you. They are teachers and teach children very well. In the follow-up, when I was uncomfortable and vulnerable, it gave me a lot of strength.”

Ruan Chenjun: “Why do you want to make this script?”

Ruan Yu: “I watch too many idiot dramas at home, and I rarely have a chance, so I change it.”

She also wondered: “I felt that I couldn’t find a normal drama before, either the plot insulted my IQ, or the heroine was so stupid that I was desperate. I know that from the beginning, there were not so many good books.”

Ruan Chenjun: “Oh? What insults to you?”

Ruan Yu: “That’s a lot.”

A new topic has emerged, how can it be silent?

After speaking dryly, Ruan Yu concluded: “Really, it took Boss Zhuoyan’s efforts to find such a normal person.”

Ruan Chenjun handed her a glass of water: “Because more people like this kind of plot?”

Ruan Yu drank the water and shook his head: “No, it’s because I didn’t have the right to choose.”

When she was a viewer, she had no choice from the beginning.

Ruan Yu had a blank expression: “They just want to feed shit.”

Ruan Chenjun: “…”

Ruan Yu: “Capitalists can make money easily, so why do they work hard to grow vegetables, raise pigs, cook and dedicate themselves to presenting delicious meals? Shameless.”

Ruan Chenjun touched her dog’s head: “You scolded yourself too.”

The Ruan family is now considered a capitalist.

Ruan Yu: “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

Little sweet drama is so easy to decompress, she also likes it.

But you can’t just give me this, it won’t work.

Ruan Chenjun was relieved to see her so lively.

“You like it,” she said.

Seeing Ruan Yu’s cheerful expression, Ruan Chenjun smiled gratified.

That’s all, the granddaughter has her own secret, so don’t say it if you don’t want to.

Grandma doesn’t have many scenes, so the coordinators have deliberately gathered them together to make it easier to make up her time, so as not to stay here for too long and wait for a gap.

Ruan Yu’s birthday happened to be during the filming of the crew. Ruan Chenjun stayed for a few more days, and Fang Miao and Ruan Xu also rushed over.

The last three left together, leaving Ruan Yu alone in the crew.

Ruan Yu: “…”

Ah, I suddenly realized the pain that my brother didn’t have when he came home.

At that time, their family went out to play.

The filming time is expected to be about three months. During the period, Ruan Yu did not stay on the crew completely, and occasionally had to go outside to walk the red carpet, record interviews, shoot magazines, etc.

There will be no less time for rest, anyway, when there is no drama.

It was also written in the contract terms when signing the contract.

In the past, the reward was tripled, and then it was gone.

This is a pity for Ruan Yu. The price difference is so big that it suddenly disappeared. It must be a pity.

Three times, thousands of points can also be tens of thousands.

Ruan Yu was not interested in these beauty-enhancing props, but what she did not expect was that, compared to the restoration liquid, bamboo, mountains and rivers, etc., these drugs produced results at a very fast rate during research. quick.

Muscle Jade Snow has component analysis, although it is not possible to completely find out which drugs are in it, but derivative drugs have been produced in the laboratory.

It’s not as powerful as the original, it can’t make people directly white, and the skin is so smooth that it can be broken by blowing.

However, the No. 1 derivative can make people’s skin younger by two years, the No. 2 derivative can lighten minor scars, and the No. 3 derivative is from the perspective of medical beauty.

There is a series of derivatives of No. 3, which are similar to the photo rejuvenation, water light needle, etc. currently popular in Yinwei Star Medical Beauty.

Ruan Yu: “It’s amazing, so you don’t need to be so troublesome?”

She was curious: “Is it made into a new medical beauty drug, or is it like a skin care product?”

Zhuo Yan laughed: “It’s not so convenient, it’s the latest research report from the laboratory. But it seems that it is the fastest progress among all research groups.”

Ruan Yu: “What about the other pills and potions?”

Zhuo Yan: “It is also being studied, and the progress is quite fast.”

Such things are said to be well studied.

Ruan Yu: “It’s amazing.”

It’s really fast, it’s only two or three months?

Less than four months anyway.

Ruan Yu does not pursue youth forever, and has no need for more beauty, but others still have it.

Not only women, but also men.

Zhuo Yan smiled a little thiefly: “It will take a while to launch the laboratory for mass production. But you can go elsewhere to earn foreign exchange.”

A small amount of money is earned and used as preparatory funds for their research group.

Ruan Yu: “Security?”

Zhuo Yan: “Don’t worry, our business is very reliable.”

Ruan Yu suggested: “New technology, products from aliens, must be called high prices.”

Zhuo Yan: “That’s a must!”

Ruan Yu did the math: “There are seven or eight kinds of medicines with different effects that I have recently received. If you have two or three in one life… Wow, it’s exciting.”

Sooner or later, they will be able to monopolize the entire market.

Zhuo Yan said: “These are the surfaces. In fact, the most important thing is that human stem cell research has once again made new breakthroughs.”

During the test, the original solution of muscle jade snow was found to be dripped on the residual tissue of the burn, and the residual epidermal regeneration stem cells were regulated and cultured, and promoted their proliferation. Finally, the in situ physiological repair of the damaged skin was completed. [2]

This not only shows that human skin tissues and organs can be replicated in situ, but also shows that it is completely feasible to use stem cells to culture tissues and organs in situ. [2]

Compared to this discovery, repairing epidermal scars and medical aesthetics is simply a child’s play.

That is, the one with number 1 is two years younger, which is quite interesting.

Ruan Yu applauded: “It’s amazing, I didn’t understand a word.”

Zhuo Yan: “…Actually, I am also reading the document.”

Ruan Yu: “Actually, I used an exaggerated rhetoric in this sentence, and I understand the general meaning.”

Zhuo Yan: “I’m not that stupid, I don’t really think you can’t even understand the conclusion.”

Ruan Yu: “Anyway, it means good things! It’s medical progress!”

Zhuo Yan: “…Yes!”

Ruan Yu made a comparison: “My ability to focus on key points has always been very strong.”

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