Salted Fish Handed Over the Binding System

Chapter 12

Chapter 11: Take Advantage Of The Momentum

When Ruan Yu got home, he realized that he had been on the hot search for an afternoon.

“Huh? Hot search?” Ruan Yu blinked and put down the water glass, “I didn’t look, what’s wrong?”

Zhuo Yan: “You drew lottery tickets and cards for passers-by in the morning, and were forwarded by several big Vs, so I took advantage of the situation and pushed it.”

She simply told Ruan Yu what happened.

Finally said: “I have set you the first variety show, which will be broadcast live online.”

Focus on luck value, no need to operate behind the scenes, Ruan Yu’s own real luck can directly stun everyone.

Ruan Yu poured a second glass of water, she was really thirsty.

The hot pot I just had was too salty.

“Live streaming?” She thought for a while, “There are very few live streaming now, right?”

Variety shows have not tried live broadcasts, but in the end, the results were not good, and accidents were prone to occur, so no one wanted to do them.

Only for the finals of some programs, a live broadcast will be arranged.

Zhuo Yan: “Yes, that’s why we have to do this.”

Ruan Yu: “I would like to hear about it.”

Zhuo Yan: “One, the effect is fast, and the audience feedback quickly; two, it is special, easy to promote and attract the public; three, it saves time, and it can be finished on the day.”

The three points are all about efficiency.

Ruan Yu understood what she meant: “You mean the system’s task settlement?”

Zhuo Yan: “Yes.”

The small task of registering an account was only recognized when she handed the summary version to Ruan Yu.

This is actually a signal, marking the official completion of this small task.

If this is the case, then, all the activities that Ruan Yu participated in may need to wait until the real end before they can be regarded as “completed” recognized by the system.

Zhuo Yan: “For normal recording and editing, you have to follow the rhythm of the program group. At least a week, as many as half a month, after the broadcast, the daylily will be cold.”

Participate in the recording, broadcasting, feedback, it is a whole process.

The system 80% needs to complete the process before it determines that the task is completed.

Zhuo Yan: “So, we have to shorten this time.”

Live broadcast is very good, from the start to the end, set a few hours, the process will only take a few hours.

It’s easy for them to control.

Ruan Yu made an OK gesture.

Zhuo Yan handed her the plan: “The director and others have already prepared it before, and the theme has been set, and they have been busy in the past two days. I will invite a few traffic stars, and give it to you when the time comes. drainage.”

Ruan Yu came interested: “Traffic? Who?”

Zhuo Yan: “The initial decision is that the more active Jia Xinglan, Yu Feifan, Zhu Aosong, and Bai Xuan … are more sudden, not necessarily all of them, the number of people on the list is larger than the actual number number of people is needed.”

The program group is under construction, and the guests are in contact.

There are starring actors in popular dramas, as well as singers with good traffic, and **** idols are also on the list.

Anyway, it’s just how Shura came.

Ruan Yu admired her appearance of making trouble.

I just wrote “I want traffic” on my face.

Ruan Yu: “Are they willing to come to such a sudden show? Is there a lot of notice fee?”

Zhuo Yan understated: “The relationship between the media and the media did not expose us, but they all understand the meaning behind it.”

It just so happens that I can take advantage of Ruan Yu’s popularity today.

System: [You are the most worry-free session I have ever brought]

Look, if you want Qian Ruanyu to come directly, if you want a weight, Zhuoyan will arrange it immediately.

Ruan Yu: “You said yesterday that I was the worst class you ever brought.”

The system does not recognize: [I didn’t say it, you misunderstood]

Ruan Yu: “Huh”

On the Internet, many people are asking who is the young lady in the live video. Zhuo Yan controls it and does not let Ruan Yu’s account enter the public eye.

They are all new accounts, even if they authenticate their identity and have not posted any new content, they are still blank.

Zhuo Yan is waiting for the live variety show to start.

The public who have not been satisfied in time will deepen their impression of Ruan Yu again at the moment when Ruan Yu’s identity is revealed.

This is actually a marketing tool.

The entertainment industry has been struggling for six years. In the last four months, Jia Xinglan, who has gained some popularity with online dramas, found that his agent temporarily pushed two very important announcements, and turned to Give him a variety show that looks shoddy.

Jia Xinglan: “???”

He was shocked: “Brother Song, are you all right?”

Song Bo was very calm, and patted the dog’s paw that Jia Xinglan stretched out to his forehead.

“This, must go.” He said.

Jia Xinglan: “‘Hide and Seek’? The name of this variety show is too unreasonable! And it’s a team that was formed a week ago, so there are not enough guests?”

He smiled bitterly: “Brother, don’t mess with me.”

The news flow in the entertainment industry is very fast, Jia Xinglan is now a very popular person, and is taking the opportunity to find more resources to pave the way for himself in the future.

This program – the new team, the program director is undecided, the guests are undecided, and the genre introduction is only two sentences.

Notable scribbles everywhere.

Jia Xinglan: “You pushed the platform activities, our two months of hard work will be gone!”

In the evening of the platform event, there will be a brand party dinner, and there will be VIP customers and bosses.

This is not only a good opportunity to meet people, but also an opportunity for Jia Xinglan to catch up with the brand boss.

Jia Xinglan and Song Bo had plans for a long time and wanted to try if they could get an endorsement.

Song Bo gave a “hmm” and said, “Of course I know the relationship between my running.”

He looked down at the rough program information printed out.

“The show also invited Yu Feifan and Zhu Aosong. I asked and they both refused.”

Jia Xinglan: “How dare you invite them both on this bad show?”

Song Bo: “Look at this person, producer.”

He nodded: “I know him, not in the circle.”

Jia Xinglan’s eyes fell on the paper: “Then this is?”

Song Bo smiled: “The big money master.”

It was when he saw this name that he was more attentive to inquire, and finally got only specious news.

But it is very likely that this show is an emergency to promote a certain talent.

Song Bo emphasized: “You don’t have to worry about anything else, you must go to this show. If it goes well, you can catch better resources.”

Yu Feifan and Zhu Aosong refused, they regret it!

Jia Xinglan puzzled: “Is it so powerful…”

Song Bo: “Be obedient, perform well on the show, don’t be in a hurry for quick success, don’t do too much, just show your usual attitude and be serious.”

Jia Xinglan has a good nature, which is why he will always take this person with him.

Jia Xinglang obediently: “Oh.”

Ruan Yu also thinks the name of this variety show is very dirty.

Zhuo Yan: “Very appropriate, it’s a hide-and-seek setting.”

A variety show derived from the most naive game, five stars and five amateurs, will carry out hide-and-seek in the entire event area.

No way, there are too many restrictions on live streaming.

The fun of the show must be taken into account, and the location cannot be changed for a long time, otherwise the road will be very boring, and no audience is willing to squat for a long time to watch.

Therefore, it is best to delineate a large and small range, which is convenient for shooting and easy to produce effects.

Combining the above reasons, “Hide and Seek” was decided.

The address is still Ruan’s new amusement park.

Zhuo Yan: “Lanjing happens to be preparing for the opening. I think that the fertilizer and water will not flow to outsiders’ fields, so I borrow it for use.”

Lanjing is an amusement park recently built by Ruan’s family and belongs to Ruan Yu’s name.

“Ah,” Ruan Yu also remembered, “It was originally scheduled to open in a month, right?”

Zhuo Yan: “Yeah.”

Ruan Yu: “That’s good, it’s advertised.”

Play hide and seek in the amusement park, it sounds suitable.

The system was also very excited and turned into a pigeon flying around Ruan Yu.

Since this product has been upgraded, it likes to be transformed into various things to show its new functions.

It’s very childish like a child must show an adult a new toy.

Ruan Yu slapped the system that happened to pass by with a slap, and the system cooperated very well. It was photographed dead without a corpse, and dissipated directly into the air, turning into bits and pieces.

It’s a little nicer.

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